Paul, couple factors, but NWO Bilderberg Cartel member fight among themselves, meaning plans change making us the last to know, if you get what I mean. Third world was targeted for culls by Tri in NSSM 200, Kissinger. I'll link below. Also, Gates and all vaccines have targeted third world since following all the fake bugs, Ebola, Aids, Sars, Malburg, mRNAs so on.

It is possible, ofc, that our Trump scares the crap out of their efforts to win over American psyche, as in beyond critical mass thinking aiming for stupidity of whatever in order to rig '24 digitally as in 2020. Meaning the cowardly banker wealthy know that if '24 is obviously rigged, they may have a problem.

NSSM 200 about 1974 Scan Table of Contents first to get a pic of report, as some runs dry.


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I believe that different groups are in this death shot movement for different reasons. And I have believed for a long time now that US, Australia, Europe, New Zealand were pushed very hard to comply because one of these actors wants to kill off all the Whites. Yes, they want depopulation in general but they want a disproportionate number of White people dead. That is why everyone in favor of these shots is also in favor of mass movement of dark skin people into these countries. Genocide can be accomplished by 1) killing off the target and 2) sterilizing the target and 3) procreating with the target. And in this case White genes are recessive and will be gone in 2 generations.

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Eventually all will be targeted. Going after the strongest sometimes and the weakest at other times. Look at Gates and his vaccine killing and maiming machine in Africa

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Well said! If they do not love and respect their own kind enough to prevent them from carrying out such murderous schemes, why on Earth would they have respect or care for those who are from cultures who never achieved what the West has achieved? Why would they care more for those who do not look like them? I'm referring to the powers that be of course. The answer is that they do not care for the non-caucasians at all. They hold them in the very lowest regard. They are merely being used as a tool to beat to death and replace temporarily as much as possible the Caucasian groups. Those entering the United States illegally are actually walking into a trap. And of course it has been baited with many goodies. The children that come across are in very great peril. The young women and young men are also in great Danger. They will be used for a Time and then will be subjected to some form of elimination. It was easier to allow them all in here to maintain the skeletal structures left by the evacuation or elimination I should say of caucasians than it was to hunt them down all across the world. I actually pity them a great deal. Their victimization in their Homeland or their greed depending on which is their motivation, has pushed them into the cattle car that is on its way to the feedlots and the slaughterhouse. I predict their happiness will soon turn to horror.

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I have to say I have noticed this in my transcripts of vaccine injury testimonies, even though I have made an effort to look as far and as wide as possible. The testimonies I am finding are are not exclusively, but indeed predominantly of people of, shall we say, apparent caucasian ancestry. My focus is English language testimonies, basically, from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the US, the UK, and a very few from Israel and South Africa as well. If anyone is interested, I have grouped the ones I have transcribed to date on this page:


It could well be that another picture would emerge with more testimonies from the Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Tagalog, and other languages. In any event, any such videos are not easy to find because of the censorship and shadow-banning.

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India has it's own mRNA cauldron, started production last June and on sale at 2,200Rs....guess it's being used in hospitals right now.....c1.1 B injected with UK generic AZ copy.....Viet Nam c95%+ coverage of c50/50 Pfizer + AZ (purportedly) kindly 'donated' flotsam and jetsam unmonitored batches from many other countries....I monitored the incoming shipments up to c30million.....late starters @incoming May 2021.....hatred from Communist VN Gov mandated for children 12-17 years old (for a while) and apparently 5m children lethally injected with Pfizer.....attacked by a vaccinated Zombie (violent) for entering my apartment block without a mask (never worn) whilst with my 18 month baby in a stroller.....could have ended up badly.....

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Hi Subo2,

Even if it were 5M, what's that as a % of India's population of 1.4BN?

It's less than 1/3rd of 1%.

Are you living in India?

Apparently almost 5M people in India die from heart illness per year - obviously the wealthier classes who never get off their lard arses, have huge work stress, and overeat.

While I do not doubt your figures, I say there has to be a quicker way to kill people if the thesis is - the aim/ambition from the alleged cabal is depopulation - when the world population is now sitting at 8BN souls and climbing.

Logic dictates the cabal have therefore failed dismally.

In Russia, lockdown apparently caused 1M souls to perish on account of starvation, freezing to death, lack of access to usual medical care, alcoholism, drug abuse, criminal activity, domestic violence, suicide, poor mental health, real infectious diseases, etc, etc.

So, my thesis is the ambition is not depopulation.

It's all about money-making and control of the hearts and minds of world citizens - another scam and the intentionally focused limited storyline all coming out of Western media - such as BLM; MeToo; covid; ukraine; climate agenda; trans rights and now Israel. The USA runs the show - they need a permanent boogeyman.

Drug companies turned over around USD 100BN in value for their executives and shareholders just out of the covid injections.

That's a chunk of cash.

Why would the alleged cabal want to kill this cash cow?

You need a market of consumers if you want to make money from drugs - whether licit or illicit.

What I believe is the case, is the injections cause further ailments down the line - like cancer. This perhaps is the intention - the creation of a new market.

Pfizer quietly purchased a cancer drug producing operation before the covid cash cow.

This thesis works for me because it's logical and plausible.

You'll soon see fertlity drugs coming up, and other pharma creations to take care of the other novel ailments.

The West is also very unwell, both physically and mentally. This is needed for remedies to be offered and sold.

One in six people in the UK is on SSRI anti-depressant meds. These drugs cause sexual dysfunction where the libido is killed. You'll soon see meds coming through for this.

All big biz, big tech, big pharma, big media, big banks, big oil, etc do is create a superclass of individuals - who have a collective net worth of USD 13 TRILLION - while the urban poor are finished, the working class are totally broke and the middle class will demolished in say the next 30 years.

The system is for the rich and powerful - always has been, always will be. Legal "rights" and "democracy" are a fiction of the West to tame the populace into believing they are participating meaningfully, while govt big fish and their captains of industry are in the private fuck party orgy and none of us can even dream of getting into the building, never mind the room.

The alternative media also wants your subscription income on substack - to keep their annuity going for eternity based on horseshit theories. So they have skin in the game too. A symbiotic parasitic relationship.

Shame on them too.



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Hi Barry,

The 5m was NOT India.....it was 5m of Viet Nam's children.....so 5m is c5% of the populace of c100m.....this is what I read there.....that was the agenda/policy - to what degree/extent it was carried out I can not tell you....my close friend a Dutch National father of 2 was going to leave VN over it however his elder daughter of 10/11 escaped it by 1 year until they dropped the mandate.....and yes I'm currently temporarily in India

Your point about depop agenda I most certainly agree upon....if there are actually c8BN huemans (has anyone done a thorough head-count - could it really/possibly be c2BN?) then if I was to go with some reliable/unreliable stats say from Mike Yeadon of 17m deaths due to vaxxes (I personally think it could be higher) then that is only 0.2% of the populace of this realm so the figures for a cull do not in any way shape or form add up - as you say it's all about the money +++ good dose of evil sadism just for kicks.....however bodies were coming in at a large cemetery in Australia, I have proof from family.....the realm excesses are most likely TRUE....but so yeah Turbo-cancers et al....make them sick and make cash out of their illnesses and so on and so forth in perpetuity.....UK SSRI Anti-D's is most likely mirrored in a few other places too I'd imagine.....

As for ALT-MED.....yeah they're all making a sick mint off of this darkness to Apocalypse.....but not all.....another reset.....the biggest hit on huemanity ever WW3 from all directions now and upcoming.....but let them continue to awaken the masses because now finally the Cabal is exposed in all it's evil for all to see....the more the merrier.....if we all push back hard enough in whatever way we can we have a good chance of defeating these Luciferians and changing the stage finally and deposing these tyrants and psychopaths for good.....from a death cult of debt slavery.....to a better future for the children with SUNSHINE.....do not comply.....no surrender



Edit - There is also the case of time release - Prof. Bhakti states if you've had just one shot expect a reduced life expectancy.....so we only have real time stats(?) to analyse which is currently what it is. We have to capitalize on their attack and our losses and not let go of it for it still continues low-key everyday.....for sure they've overstepped the line now and it is they who now must live in fear

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“… the world population is now sitting at 8BN souls and climbing.“

Hi Barry. Is it your conclusion that this trend will continue for the next fifty or so years?

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Hi Gary'S,

Yes indeed, bar some USA engineered wholesale holocaust, think Blade Runner 2049.

One huge worldwide slum on the ground, and the moneyed classes living in glass towers.

Its already this way in LA, Sao Paulo, Mumbai.

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I wonder how rural life will fare. I would never want to live in a metropolitan area again, having spent my career in the suburbs of Salt Lake City.

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At university, I had an ex GF from Salt Lake City. Didn't work out because, among other things, she wouldn't sleep with me unless we got married - sorry 23 was way too young.

That aside, you ask a good Q Gary'S.

It'd probably become very expensive - living in a rural setting - in terms of physical security and access to supplies and food sources.

Already here where I live in South Africa, wealthy people who wish to live out of the urban sprawl in rural/farmland area, find themselves spending cash on private security, fences, CCTV, armed guards. You see the same thing happening in Mexico or the Chaco in Paraguay.

Bottom line, is you're gonna need financial resources, else go live in the anthill slum.

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I’m a former Mormon, so I understand your ex GF’s moral convictions regarding premarital sex.

I was a missionary — actually more like a salesman for Mormonism — in South Africa from August 1984 through February ‘86. I lived in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Germiston during that time.

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They'll birn out rurql areas to force into 100sq ft concrete buildings ib smart cities. Maui, texas, etc.

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Maybe, if they try to do something like that, they’ll face a popular uprising from the millions of people who absolutely hate/despise life in the cities or suburbs or exurbs.

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Of course James Hill M.D. is correct in the assertion (question of whether) Europeans and Americans are being targeted by the poison poke. It is my analysis also...the "western world" is the remnant of the Commonwealth of Israel...(I'm not referring to religious "Jews" or the real estate in the middle East.) We, the target of THE GENOCIDE, are genetically the children of Israel, and are the remaining "lost tribes", who will experience the salvation offered by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We are the western world, who came from Europe, who came from where? (the middle east). Our enemy knows we are the chosen people of God, (who dispersed us, according to the Holy Scriptures), and has done every thing possible to confuse and divide us, and prevent us from understanding how very valuable we are...the children of the promise, made by God to Abraham, to be in effect through Isaac and Jacob. All people, from every nation who fear God are acceptable to God, and those who accept the offer of redemption made by Jesus Christ are graffed into the Commonwealth of Israel...regardless of race, gender, previous sin and idol worship. Trust the gospel of Jesus Christ and live eternally as promised by our Creator...in spite of what the transgenic destroyers are telling us...safe and effective...yea, right. Satan has really confused many 'pastors' with contemporary doctrinal falsehoods, and it seems most do not understand the difference between a "religious Jew" and an "ethnic Jew". All ethnic Israelis are counted among the chosen people of God, and are offered salvation through Jesus Christ, and include the brothers from Judah, who are indeed Israelis. We are, substantially, the western world. However, the confusion is that many of the pastors fail to differentiate the religious Jew, who could easily have been proselytized from any ethnic origin, and are not ethnic Jews, they simply practice "Judaism", which is today a variant of Israeli Law, given by God through Moses to the children of Israel. All of the structure of the western civilizations is based upon Israeli law...otherwise known today as the "Judeo/Christian" ethic. Time to awaken, oh sleepers, and realize you have been deceived, you do not even know who you are. Would you not like to know that you are a person chosen for eternal life by God, and that the enemy of God is trying to deceive you and kill you? Get busy and study the Bible...it is all about your ancestors, and how they mistreated their Creator, and went a whoring after vanity. It is not too late...yet. Pray to God for forgiveness, and ask Jesus to save you from what is surely coming. Waste no time, get on it. (I am a student of the Bible for about half a century and I approve this message.)

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It's called the Kallergi Plan being carried out by the Zionist Ashkenazi Jews. The same ones that control our countries US government, the same ones behind every facet of the Covid Kill Shots, the same ones that control the mass media, the same ones that control Wall St. the same ones voting all these multi billion dollar aid packages to Israel...you get the picture.



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