Why don't doctors and pill pushers ever give you all the dark sides of taking drugs? Informed consent as they want to call it. Why doesn't the medical mafia tell you about the trials and all the terrible things that happened to the patients in them? Why doesn't your doctor tell you about the procedures and tests and how dangerous they could be?

Medicine is nothing more than the blind leading the blind off a cliff.

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The various GPs I met in the last 50+ years were always quick to push these products on me. I stopped using in the last ten years. I've been naive in trusting these inauthentic white coat people. These insane products damaged me. Being poor made me anxious, that's all there was. At worse, Johan Galtung's 'Structural Violence' theory that I was submitted to was a case in point in the course of my life. Medical drugs was not solutions, a better society would've been of much help, then.

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Excellent summation, in my 38 years as a community pharmacist, I helped many patients 'get off' these medications, some multiple times.

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Why are they not looking at the whole body system and what is going on to support the body? Neurotransmitters, along with the other chemicals the body needs and even sex hormones, are required. What is the root cause of the issue? Why do they not look at these issues? Are there other medicines they are taking that could be causing problems, as well as the interactions of medications or supplements? It is a food-blocking something. Sometimes, grapefruit interacts in strange ways with other things. Are they taking proton pump inhibitors? Find the cause and heal naturally. The medications that pharmakia produce cause so many severe reactions to suicide to other illnesses that may be life-changing.

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Allopathy kills you slowly get off the train folks look at your friends and neighbors sick fat zombies

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Simply put.

An altered mind is an altered state.

I think a holistic approach to the those in physical, mental and emotional disturbance can be addressed without spending money pumping up sick humans with drugs who eventually walk, talk, eat, work and play like zombies.

We can Overcome

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Medications? You need to prescribe some to these asswipe FITH clowns. Perhaps these pissmires need a kick in the ass or even a whack on the head to reset their f*cked up brains!


DIEverSHITty os just that and if these school districts want to fight to keep DIEverSHITty then let them fund their own BS existences as they watch their children get off the main highway and take the yellow brick (prick) road that will teach them what their stunned ball cupping parents seem to have not learned yet. I quote myself!

Ignorance comes at a steep cost. And in context, the ignorance I refer to here is DIEVERshitTY. f*cking fools! We have a nation Canuckistan where ignorance seems to be approved of.

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This article is BS. Psychiatry is BS. How many psychs ever do a full battery of tests to find out imbalances in a persons system before they prescribe damaging drugs, almost never.

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AMD has a tremendously informative substack. Its one you need to follow.

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Thank you.

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