Yes Dr as I wrote a few days back, the “Republican Party” is gone!

What America is left with is “We The People” against the “Communist”! Period

Nobody is doing a damn thing in Washington to STOP the border invasion, to stop the endless pillaging of taxpayers money and of course nobody is out trying to help President Trump!

As it’s called a “Uni-Party”!

“All for one and each one for themself!”


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You said it all. That whole Border invasion is ludicrous, but still goes on. Did you read

where JOE is setting up offices in other Countries to bring Muslims and other dangerous

criminals to the US? I always said Obama and his Marxists are making the

US Merkel's Germany. Germany is being taken over by Muslims who said they want

to take over Europe!

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Yes you’re absolutely right Lynn. This is Obama’s third plus term, depending on how the word “term” is defined. And depending on how much damage he did before he was placed in power!

This man absolutely hates America! He’s been working overtime undermining and gaining power over all the government agencies. Those pesky non-elected bureaucrats! Appointed Marxist, I call them. Then add to the mix all the NGO’s involved flying illegals, jihadist and terrorist into America unchecked. On OUR DIME! Taxpayers money! What a kick in the teeth! BS I say!

In conjunction with DOD / CIA operatives, who are overwhelming Congressmen, (if there’s any good and decent ones left?) with payoffs, buying them out,threatening them, which ever way you want to call it, they’re doing it and I would say, they’re doing it,

“To Us Not For Us”!

Then add to the mix, Higher Education, otherwise known as the “Expensive Indoctrination” institutions. They’ve been overrun by, yes German Marxist! Which started at the end of the 19th century.

Higher Education became the melting pot for extremism, elitism and any other “ISM’s”, except Patriotism! If you don’t agree then you’re called an “White Supremest” or a Nazi or any other name the MSM is directed to call “We The People”!

The truth is Lynn, America has been overthrown, silently and eventually replaced with their “Reimagined” and of course

“Fundamentally Transformed America”!

Gee I wonder who said / who wants this? Duh, gee Wally BHO? Yes life use to be “Leave It To Beaver” at one point in America, for some, not all.

What’s happening to America is a recipe for disaster, I would say. And we’re watching it play out day after day! Actually, it is a recipe for disaster and deliberate collapse!

Has anyone noticed how many food processing companies / plants have all of a sudden caught fire? “OMG Caught Fire”? Nearly 200 since this,“Illegitimate Administration” was placed into / or stole power? However you choose to see it.

None of this is by accident. It’s been in the works for nearly 100 years. Also known as the 100 year plan. Right on schedule. America hasn’t any congress left.

America has become a one party state! And boy oh boy what a party they’re having on our taxpayer stolen money! Then we’ll be called Ukraine haters or some name implying “oh you want Russia to win”?

No Einstein, Mr BHO, we want America secure, prosperous and to live in FREEDOM! Not to be run over with illegal everyone! Corrupt DOJ / FBI and all the other corrupted agencies! Law-Fare is being used like welfare!

Cheap and easy to abuse! Exactly what’s happening! everywhere! On and on and on the destructive scale continues to weigh heavily on all American citizens!

All I can say is,

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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That's why we have been calling it the UniParty for a long time now. Trump ran as a Republican so he could be elected. He knows that our enemy is the deep state, here in the US, and worldwide.

He has taken control of the Republican Party now, got rid of Rona Romney McDaniel. The corrupt elites who took advantage of the Republican Party and acted in cahoots with the Dems are pissed.

The new Party under Trump will represent the American people.

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Thank you Dr. PAUL!! We LOVE how you speak! You have the GUTS TO TELL THE TRUTH !!

You are Loved and Appreciated!

God be with you,

JM Wright

Nampa, Idaho

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Why is it that the popular belief is that we live in a democracy? Our founding father’s created a “Constitutional Republic.” We live in America, not a socialist nation! The sooner people wake up and realize this and practice it the better off our country and once great nation will be!!

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A big problem is that RINO-loving "moderate" voters knowingly vote in support of RINOs in the primaries, "We" are the problem.

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most of these people are corrupt, whatever they call themselves. Unfortunately, and due mostly to the MSM, third parties never have a chance. Trump had no choice but to run as a Republican rather than an Independent or something else.

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Bingo. Time to sharpen your fighting skills, and I don’t mean verbal.

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Agreed, but "MAGA" Mike Johnson only did it with Trump's blessing. Who's left? MTG maybe, but for how long? Rand and Ron Paul? Burn it all down.

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To the ground. Start over. #1776

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When it's OK to hate your government.

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