Correct! Almost from the start I began voicing often and loudly that:

"We are experiencing the largest, most evil crime ever perpetrated on humanity in all history!"

And who was behind this crime? The global Central Bank Cartel, that's who.

The proof of that is a VERY long story so I'll leave it at that.

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this is why we enjoy you here

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you have strong points, smart, not insultive, and we learn...so thank you

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The statistic of concern is that COVID-19 is “no more harmful to children than seasonal influenza.” Dr. Faust goes on to dispute this and takes issue with “two staffers at NCIRD”

On May 20, 2021, Dr. Céline Gounder also tells Dr. Walensky and Dr. Brooks, “We’re hearing more and more reports of post-vaccination myocarditis in MA and NY where Jeremy and I are based, as well as elsewhere across the country.” [Emphasis added.]

pp. 95-97 – Dr. Gounder’s email includes a three-page letter from Jeremy Faust, MD, to a Dr. Brooks. “Twice now, the New York Times’ David Leonhardt has propagated a CDC statistic that is dubious and potentially harmful.” The statistic of concern is that COVID-19 is “no more harmful to children than seasonal influenza.” Dr. Faust goes on to dispute this and takes issue with “two staffers at NCIRD” [National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases ]. He concludes, “The CDC should resolve this issue by instructing the NCIRD to remove estimated influenza deaths from its reporting.” [Emphasis added.] There is no evidence of a response to the letter.

pp. 95-97 – Dr. Gounder’s email includes a three-page letter from Jeremy Faust, MD, to a Dr. Brooks. “Twice now, the New York Times’ David Leonhardt has propagated a CDC statistic that is dubious and potentially harmful.” The statistic of concern is that COVID-19 is “no more harmful to children than seasonal influenza.” Dr. Faust goes on to dispute this and takes issue with “two staffers at NCIRD”.

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Correct, and much, much more.

Look, it's very simple: they KNEW, they definitely KNEW, and that makes what they did a premeditated, deliberate, calculated, engineered **CRIME**. That puts their crime in the category of a CAPITAL crime - the kind of crime meriting a death penalty.

They know this also, which is why they want it "forgotten and forgiven".

That MUST NOT happen!!! They *MUST* pay dearly for this crime-of-all-time. If they don't pay as deserved they they will do it again - that is 100% guaranteed.

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they must pay and you can count on me to be relentless.

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Jorge, so right, if we dont get them they will do it again

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Absolutely Jorge! Murdered millions of people worldwide!

Thank you Jorge.


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Yup! Always happy to come across someone that's aware of the truth, AJR.

Since 2020 I've been screaming: "We are witnessing the largest, most evil crime to ever have been perpetrated on all of humanity."

They **ABSOLUTELY MUST** pay for this crime - this HAS TO HAPPEN!!!

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will happen: They **ABSOLUTELY MUST** pay for this crime - this HAS TO HAPPEN!!!

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I will be part of that.

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They MUST Jorge! I believe they are banking on billions of people dying and they won’t have to worry about this. Who knows what’s next? With Japan now releasing the “Replicon-Injection” who knows?

Thank you Jorge.


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great post...self amplification mRNA is a major coming problem...

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its difficult to comprehend the scope of the fraud placed on us and we miss our loved ones so much...so very much...its kind of hard with them not around and all for a lie.

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there are people who attack when you call out the problem with praising OWS that harmed so many...so then the question is, do we lie? do we continue the lie? which is it?

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People need to keep in mind that there are the puppet master behind all the atrocities. and they have many interchangeable names: the Elite, The Cabal.the New World Order. etc.

OWS has been imposed on Trump via a committee of his "advisors" run by Deborah Bricks.

His sin is he allowed the devil to deceive him.

On the other side, today Trump, with coalition with Robert Kennedy, is the only one option.

Soros and the oligarchs are funding the communists, also in the US...

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yes, Trump is the only option...thank you Grazyna, huge praise

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To confirm and support what Dr. Alexander is saying about Covid being a hoax did anyone else notice that the statistics for the common flu DISAPPEARED for 2 years. I remember that clearly because as it all unfolded I was watching the daily statistics for Covid and flu infections and the flu numbers gradually dropped until they disappeared. The fake PCR tests up your nose promoted and dominated the Covid numbers. It was a massive, deliberate con job and I backed off from an experimental Covid jab because no one could tell me if there were any conflicts with my 5 heart meds. So common sense made me walk away from any Covid jab and that saved my life.

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excellent post...excellent.

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Absolutely was Brian. Also, I haven’t seen anything posted about a F.O.I.A request was issued several times in Germany regarding “Covid Data.

Finally, when the request was fulfilled, Germany’s CDC said the “Seasonal Flu” was more severe than “Covid”!

The “CON-JOB” will continue, whether it’s called something else or not. Those who seek to destroy all Western World Nations won’t STOP!

What’s happening is known as / been called is the 100 year war. Starting early 1900’s, the “EVILS” are in their final stages. From draining all / printing all money’s to overwhelming resources with “illegals” or better known as “The Cloward-Pivens Strategy”, what’s been happening is right out of their playbook!

Cival War, IMO, is the only way to STOP THESE PEOPLE! I do believe this is what they want. Many people have followed the money, there’s entire hotels filled with “Military Age Men” waiting for their orders! In addition, every state in America has built “dissident-encampments”! All is verifiable.

This is their or “the Globalist” mission and last phrase of complete destruction of “America’s” way of life!


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AJR, boom....the con will continue

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and you must not stop, stay with us.

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Agree Dr Paul. Thank you for beeing a man of integrity and for all that you do!

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thank you for being here and fighting with us, you are a hero...you really are.

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kaboom and the issue too is within our governments, I argue most are valid pedophiles...

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Don't worry Edward. When Jagmeet Singh is Prime Minister he will deal with him.

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Canada has no serious beneficial person in government today.

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Certainly CPC has the majority in polls. I am sure they will take a landslide and the LPC might end up with a handful left.

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Jagmeat up here is hated as well and seen as a selfish opportunist taking advantage by shoring up turdo so he can get time in to qualify for the golden pension. The CPC will get into power with a majority.

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kaboom, he sure is

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he helped hurt the Canadian trucker movement

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sold out the Canadian trucker

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Jagmeat is a big fan of Kamala.

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He is a socialist sop like all NDP

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very socialist...

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There are ONLY two parties here any good. One is the CHP and the other is the CPC. The rest are leftist loon duds.

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Trump lacks discernment.

But he definitely is not as murder-us as the crap political demons have given us through open borders and the “we only wanna send money to foreign wars and unvetted freeloaders.” … instead of innocent citizens caught under America’s weather calamities AND the corrupted, heartless, self-$erving Gov’t-MARXI$T pretender$ in Washington, DC.

The best, WORST example to date has been the Pressed Secretary recently telling reporters that the dying, remote survivors in NC after Hurricane Helene “… are not asking for help.” WTH ? ! That’s a summary of the last 4 Biden/Harris years of THEIR version of mAGa : “make America GAG again.” It’s ‘pure’ GASLIGHTING with their 100% F.U. Octane !

Now, realize THAT when you vote your conscience on Nov. 5th, 2024.

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kaboom Ralph, Trump is our answer TODAY, our only option...the last 4 years if we had it again will destroy USA

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KJP is an embarrassment.

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sent out there to mess with your mind

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But she is rather pretty.

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Get new glasses - immediately - LOL!

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Had we done nothing most would still be alive!


And if doctors had been led to TREAT their patients with effective early treatment there would have been an even better outcome. Doctors were brainwashed, disallowed, and punished for doing the right thing for their patients. Millions died for the sake of injecting all of the human race.

When will there be accountability for these horrendous crimes against humanity?

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we are going to accountability, and we are thinning out the pack...separating the good from the bad...in the very movement...now...

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I argue doctors knew...they were part of the problem...the big fraud

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A bit off topic…read this tonight in an X post by Dr. Bowden: RFK Jr. Is opening a policy portal directly to Team Trump. As part of the MAHA initiative, all policy proposals submitted through “Policies for People” will be reviewed directly by RFK Jr. and the Trump Team. If you’ve ever had ideas for how to root out corruption, eliminate bad incentives, or clean up our environment, now is your chance.

RFK Jr. has promised to read all proposals submitted through this new portal, giving you direct access to him and Team Trump as they prepare to transition a new administration into our government come Jan. 6. I suspect this Initiative will play a large role within the transition team. Definitely worth checking out.


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This is very encouraging.

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Yes, nothing was real including the virus.

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there is sage in lots of your words

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That's good to know, it means Spike protein is not real and therefore cannot be manipulating at least four of the six signalling pathways of oncogeniv viruses.

SARS-CoV-2 Manipulates All Six Signaling Pathways of Oncogenic Viruses

The Spike Protein alone manipulates four of them and may manipulate all, as well.


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Covid is just the tip of the iceberg! We have been lied to for decades, even centuries! History has been distorted to comport to the agenda of the elites. People don’t know any better and just ‘believe’ what they are told and what they have been taught. We live in a real live Truman Show—everything is fake, EVERYTHING!


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I love: We live in a real live Truman Show—everything is fake, EVERYTHING!

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You are a hero. Thank you for your courage.

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Thank you, Cy

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yes, thank you

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I agree with all that you are stating in this article. I am very stressed, like you about Trump not mentioning the mistake over OWS. I do think he is best choice for president, but would like it if I knew the reason he is still praising it as a good thing. I cannot believe he does not know better by now. It is very troubling to me. I will be watching your articles and hoping we will find out. Also he should be loudly and strongly speaking out against it. I hope Kennedy will too.

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thank you for this important post...fingers crossed

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FAUCI LIED: Scientists Discover First Victims in COVID19 Pandemic Were Researchers from Fauci-Funded Wuhan Lab

By Jim Hoft Jun. 15, 2023 7:45 am!

We know who needs to be held accountable, my question is, “WHEN”?

If my rudimentary statistically calculations are remotely accurate, 4.07 BILLION PEOPLE WILL DIE WITHIN THE NEXT 10 YEARS OR LESS!

Half the world’s population! SNUFFED OUT! Without ever firing a single shot!

Wait, scratch that reverse it, “WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION”! Isn’t this a “SHOT ACROSS THE HEARTS” of billions of people? I think, YES!

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this is stunning

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where is this link?

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After 3 years of FOIA requests were made to the Lancet, finally they were court ordered to release the “peer reviewed” study linking a 2-3 week causation related to the Covid shots, death resulting. Within the study period, 73.4% of deaths were directly linked to the Covid Shots! From this study and based on 5.5 billion people with one shot administered, (some people took more than one) doing the math translates into 4.07 billion people X 73.4% = 4.07 Billion people. Even if I’m half right, this is still staggering numbers!

Numbers such as this fall in line with the "Globalist’s” agenda!

And now Japan = Replicon Injection!

My God Dr Alexander!


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Pfizer’s “Secret” Report on the Covid “Vaccine”. Beyond Manslaughter. The Evidence is Overwhelming. The Vaccine Should Be Immediately Withdrawn Worldwide

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

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it is...thank you AJR

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they are not stopping, the new move is for dissidents to now try to sell you the mRNA was good...they are going to try to get into Trump administration...for money, for jobs, but to mainstream mRNA...

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my argument and I am 100%, is that they were never anti the mRNA vaccine, they were Trojans...

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You’re welcome Dr Alexander. Thank you for your incredible work! Amazingly and Brilliantly talented Sir! Nobody’s better!


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I have more than enough evidence backing your claims Dr Alexander.

The problem I have is how many people “deny” including President Trump. Recently Trump again admitting he saved hundreds of millions of lives and in record time, OWS was due to his actions! Bullshit! I seldom swear Dr Alexander, you know this but I cannot stand by listening to Trump claim credit for a pack of bullshit lies! OWS was a DoD operation, Period! These “Bioweapon Injections” were “READY TO GO”! Or should I say, “Murder Millions”? The later is accurate! Trump was interviewed by Sheryl Atkinson and honestly Dr, I don’t know why Sheryl didn’t call Trump out on his claims? This is why I believe Trump is compromised! Big Time! The 100 year war / plan is nearing completion and I do believe the reason Trump, Kerry, Clinton, Obama, etc. are speaking out, expressing concern over our first amendment is because,

“America is finished!” We’re cooked! As I’ve said for three plus years now, we’ve been “slow-boiling” year after year for decades! Now, the chickens are home to roost! I pray I’m wrong, my gut instincts say I’m right! Now what? Civil War? This is exactly what the “Lunatic-Leftist” wants! They keep poking and poking in “Patriotic Americans!

Hurricane Helene is another example of “weather modification” not to mention DoD signed an agreement with the Asheville lithium mining company in 2023 for $90 million dollars! Yes the lithium mine is part of the devastation caused by Helene! Furthermore, this DoD agreement is part of the “Inflation Reduction Act”! Yea ok! Tell me this hurricane wasn’t “Engineered”? I’m tired of the “GNATS” constantly trying to debunk what’s true! In any event, between Trump out and out lying about the SHOTS and now Helene plus $157 million to Lebanon, “America is COOKED”!

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I recently listened to Karen Kingston's opinion of why Trump did what he did. I am trying to make sense of it because I do not want to believe Trump is part of the evil. I am trying to wrap my head around it and it did seem to make sense when I listened to it. It was an interview and I cannot remember who or what platform it was. I think it can be found if you search her substack

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Laura, FYI..I recently watched Trump interviewed by Sheryl Atkinson. Russel Brand was the platform.

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Dr Paul Alexander written well regarding the hoax. Thank you for sharing. I wish no one died or was harmed. Disability has increased in many people lives forever changed. The early treatment that was given by the FLCCC Aliance did save many lives, the long cov haulers still experiencing problems. Zeb Zelenko with zinc and the Z stack. Rashid Butar and direct approach of healing people. Peter Mc Cullough with the heart issues. Sherry Tenpenny, Jack Wolfson, and many others good doctors. The money is more important than a life. It is unfortunate the deceptions of it all. Wishing they would take care of the home first before helping other countries.

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great post

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