The Great American HOAX! a con they called COVID! All of COVID, 100% was a con job, NOTHING was real! Had we done NOTHING, most would be alive today; people died because of the RESPONSE to 'nothing'
I need you to read it again, the deaths were due to a deadly response to NOTHING! Most of what government e.g. CDC, NIH, FDA, HHS, US Task Force told you was a lie! Trump repeated LIES they told him!
The Great American con HOAX, they called it COVID!
Imposed on someone who was destined to be the best POTUS America ever had based on up to January 2020. From there it was downhill. Someone who trusted his key technical advisors, his Task Force of people like Robert Redfield who stood silent for 5 years and for certain in the Trump administration as he Trump, was being subverted and hollowed out from within, being toppled and destroyed.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”
– Marcus Tullius Cicero
COVID, foisted upon POTUS Trump, arguably the greatest POTUS save Abe and George, that in fact hobbled and subverted his re-election and is the reason he was not re-elected, was NEVER a pandemic and in fact, historically, we have never ever had a pandemic. POTUS Trump believed his Task Force e.g. Redfield, Hahn, Fauci, Birx, Azar etc., CDC, NIH, Pfizer, Moderna et al. when they were all deceiving him and misleading him. He agreed to shut down America on March 15th/16th 2020 for a lie. He was the only one in his orbit at that time who DID NOT know that it was all fake. Devised in part to topple him.
It did.
After reading this, walk away, and think then come back and put a comment, tell me what was REAL. The floor will be yours. Tell us what was real about all of this.
My biggest concern at this time are those who were in the anti-mRNA technology vaccine side because of the harms and deaths seemingly now smelling money and wanting to join with the mRNA vaccine side; word is they are working on finding a way to sell to you that the mRNA is great…so they could get jobs and make money in mRNA…word is they were always for the Malone et al. deadly mRNA shot but played a game against you as anti- to beg you for donor money (that they were ‘with’ you fighting against it) on one side and now as the donor money is drying up, jumping on the vaccine side to make money there. This is my concern. How could they be so duplicitous and crooked? Their actions would harm people. Do they care? Put a pin in that for a moment as I focus on the fraud of COVID itself and the lockdowns.
The fraud of COVID, extended lockdowns, hardened lockdowns, mandating of a not needed, ineffective and deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccine was furthered in the Biden-Harris administration. Both parties are to blame for the harms and deaths. Both. The actual vaccine deaths accrued under Biden-Harris. OWS and the mRNA vaccine was brought by the Trump administration. It is a fact.
Done for power, money, control, to write books (we got lots of those now and most are a load of drivel nonsense flatulence) …some say culling of populations? I do not know for sure. I do know we were booked to have population declines due to advanced aged population globally from about 2018 or so and more pronounced in about 2024 etc. All I know is that something fake was brought, and sold to us, under the threat of law if we did not comply, mandates were imposed, and this fake non-pandemic (we have never ever had a pandemic) was sold as real and the result was a transfer of 5 to 6 trillion $ in wealth from the poorer to the already richer and massive century long harms and deaths. We shifted the burden of morbidity and mortality from all that we did (nonsensical, specious yet deadly to vulnerable peoples) from the rich to the poor, among persons who could in the first place least afford to shield.
The shocking reality was and is that COVID was a complete 100% manufactured fraud non-pandemic created out of NOTHING. There was NO spread, no transmission as we were told. There was NOTHING. Could they seed commercially manufactured/grown synthetic DNA & RNA in multiple places to claim there is spread? Yes, and likely they did. And ‘detect’ it using the sensitive PCR calibrated (cycled beyond 40 cycle counts) to detect everything as positive? Yes, in all likelihood this is what happened.
We created a fake COVID crisis with stories of horseshoe bats etc. like how we are using the same over-amplified false-positive PCR to create a monkeypox pandemic, a Disease X pandemic, a H5N1, N2, N8, H7N9 et al. avian bird flu pandemic where all are fake and will be fake…made up as was COVID…Using fear, hysteria, lies by those you thought were trying to help and were being honest.
They never ever were! Both parties. Republican and Democrat.
Using a false-positive PCR ‘process’. Made-up, all of COVID. Out of thin air! Magic! Poof!
They created fear and a fake pandemic that never was. There was no asymptomatic transmission. Using a fraud PCR process cycled to 40 and above that was never ever detecting anything infectious or lethal.
See this:
I examined the full PCR record and wrote:
‘The overall examination of the evidence suggests that RT-PCR results in the context of using Ct values, do in fact yield a valuable surrogate or proxy for infectious virus detection which is key to decision-making on infection control and quarantine steps. The predominant finding is that a Ct value of up to 40 to 45 is currently used globally to guide a designation of ‘positive’ status. The CDC uses this cut point of 40 to 45 cycles to aid in denoting positivity.5 We however think that this is too sensitive and remains at risk of detecting non-viable non-infectious non-lethal SARS-CoV-2 based on the examined evidence. When less than the reported thresholds in Table 1 column A, infectivity (contagiousness) is high and outcomes are worse and above the Ct thresholds in column B, infectivity is very low (if at all existent once above a Ct value of ~30) and viral load is very low. As observed in Table 1 and the provided evidence, it appears that a Ct value threshold of between ~25 to 30 is more reflective of high SARS-CoV-2 viral load and as discussed in the literature, a likely indication of greater infectivity. On balance, a Ct value of 25 (as a surrogate for viral load) appears optimal when all of the reported evidence is considered, and beyond a Ct value of 30, we propose that infectivity and virulence drops off dramatically, as per the reported evidence.’
Many read my work, I challenge them to debate me on anything I write here, publicly.
You locked down for NOTHING! It is hard to grasp but you did! They forced you to.
You hid from NOTHING! You masked against NOTHING! There was NOTHING you were locking down from! You ran in fear from NOTHING! They stole 3 years of your life over NOTHING, yet they knew! All who orchestrated and implemented COVID, and the lockdown lunatic polices knew it was all a lie, all the lockdowns, school closures, business closures, mask mandates, Malone et al. mRNA vaccine mandates, all of it, was a lie! All devised to get the mRNA into your arms for a reason. Getting you there though was just based on fear; your fear; you were fearful for they were lying convincingly and authoritatively ex cathedra in white coats and lofty government official positions etc. to you, and many of you fell for it!
‘Pandemic’ is a created term! COVID was a complete hoax, fraud, visited upon the American people and world by sick twisted evil people and entities. COVID was created out of nothing, a fake fraud pandemic which was NOT a pandemic, was created using a false-positive over-cycled PCR process where we could detect anything as positive if we wanted to. They created a crisis and pandemic out of nothing, it was not real and underpinned by the lies of ASYMPTOMATIC spread and equal risk of severe outcomes despite differentials in baseline risk and age and knowing that COVID management was amenable to risk stratification. From near day one!
We knew near day one that the median age of death from this ‘virus’ or toxin or poison was 83 years old with 3 underlying medical conditions. We knew there was a 1000-fold risk differential between 85 year-old granny and 10 year-old Johnny based on exposure. We knew that the life expectancy is and was 77, 78, 79 years old or so yet the typical age of death was 83 which meant that COVID or whatever this is/was, did not shorten life expectancy. That there was NO asymptomatic transmission. That there was NO recurrent infection.
The Great American con HOAX, they called it COVID!
I challenge anyone to show me, prove to me, that any aspect of COVID, any aspect, was REAL and better yet, was beneficial and successful. From wet market to lab leak to gain-of-function, to origin time line, to furin cleavage site, to Operation Warp Speed (OWS), to lockdowns, to the Malone Sahin et al. mRNA vaccine…any aspect. Most were harmed and died due to the lunatic response and especially the medical management which traumatized and killed many elderly (isolation, DNR orders, denial of needed antibiotics for often bacterial pulmonary pneumonia, powerful dangerous sedatives such as lorazepam, midazolam, propofol, ketamines, dia-morphine, fentanyl), kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir (failed Ebola drug), and ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) due to the intubation and ventilator and massive trauma to the already frailed lungs.
The Great American con HOAX, they called it COVID!
Today, we are faced with several important issues that again, I wanted to remind you of:
1)it is clear a move is afoot to whitewash COVID and all the harms and deaths from all the needless harmful policies. They want amnesty but we must not grant them that; many made money and abused and harmed us, especially our vulnerable; we must always pursue justice till their last breath, we find them and put them in proper courts to be interrogated under oath and we get justice if justice is to be had.
2)was this a virus? or was it a toxin or poison provoking some severe respiratory ILI type symptoms in high-risk people? I remain open. Can you be definitive that this was a wet market matter or lab leak? I can find no, zero conclusive evidence. I say no. In fact, I think both are part of the con. I think this elaborate story was made up, manufactured as much as they can manufacture a pandemic out of NOTHING. In fact, I think Gain-of-Function is also part of the con. As to how we are explained this type of technique applies here.
3)I see anti-lockdown, anti-Malone et al. mRNA vaccine proponents whispering and turning to mRNA now, trying to sanitize it, trying to bring it to you as ‘worthwhile’ and effective, after spending 3 years railing against it; as some whispered to me ‘we cannot seem to defeat this, it is too big, so we may as well join in to make money too on mRNA, as so many made money, we want in on that’…
4)It is clear, Robert Kennedy Jr. who I admire and has been a giant in calling out Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the lockdowns, the Malone et al. deadly mRNA vaccine, is now silent, AWOL…speaking about everything including Jesus, but no OWS or vaccine and in the manner he did prior while nothing has changed in the data and evidence landscape as to what this was and what happened; something is not right and I do not care if it is an election year; why? He is a vanguard but has gone AWOL. Why?
The Great American con HOAX, they called it COVID!
5)POTUS Trump uttered not one word about COVID, OWS, or the deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccines in his RNC speech nor did anyone at RNC who were speakers, nor did anyone at DNC. Nor Kamala Harris VPOTUS. Why?
Has silence been bought from many of the anti-COVID lockdown and deadly Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA dissidents? For future jobs in a Trump administration? Are they going as far to ‘TURN’ and flip, to get that job and make money?
6)POTUS Trump continues to praise deadly failed OWS and the Malone et al. deadly mRNA vaccines as a success and having saved lives; NOTHING is further from the truth! OWS nor the Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccines saved any lives; it was a pure failure! it killed! POTUS Trump is wrong, flat wrong in October 2024 to continue to make this claim! People listen and there are implications, and he must stop! The campaign et al. who tells him to run with it are misleading him and he must know today OWS, and the vaccine failed!
POTUS Trump, I support you fully and want you re-elected as I think you are the ONLY option we have, and I have faith and trust in you to do all the good, needed things to help USA with 2nd time at bat. I thought you did very good in the first time despite being hobbled by Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell and the fraud non-pandemic. You still did way better than Obama did in 8 years, especially for black Americans and minorities. But I cannot sit silent as you praise OWS and the deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccine as a success and that they saved lies! They did not! They killed! I worked for you at HHS in Washington, I know very much about what took place and I can say clearly, OWS was a pure failure, all aspects of it and the COVID Task Force worked daily against you to hobble and harm you, to harm your re-election, with the alphabet agencies e.g. CDC, FDA, NIH etc. and all such officials, deepstate, RINOs, legacy DC media, all media, etc.
7)I am seeing that many in the COVID Freedom Fighter movement want in on the mRNA money making aspect and turning. We are seeing Pfizer and Moderna et al. operating as if they gave us something that helped and was beneficial, needed, and safe. It was none of the above. They are moving to make mRNA technology and mRNA vaccine-lipid nanoparticle (exosome) vaccine (mRNA-LNP transfection) and delivery platforms (even DNA viral vector transformation platforms) part of everyday life. Dangerously so! There is nothing safe and effective about mRNA-LNP vaccine, delivery platforms.
POTUS Trump, I speak directly to you, and I know many in your circle read my stack. OWS killed, all aspects, all shielding lockdown lunatic aspects and the Malone Sahin Weissman et al. mRNA vaccine killed! Nothing worked and nothing about any of this, saved lives! It is what we did in response that killed most and no vaccine could have stopped that. We killed people, our medical doctors, hospitals, hospital CEOs, pharma etc. by the medical response. You must put a stop, hard stop to all mRNA products, all. No more of the mRNA vaccines in adults or children. You must ensure this.
It is time you stood up POTUS Trump, and declared the truth and such, for healing of America (both sides of the political isle) but also so that we can begin real accountability and justice!
Huge praise to you POTUS Trump and I wish you and family and team safety (as well as to the Harris camp, Vance and Walz etc., and Kennedy Jr. and Shanahan…all involved as we have dangerous people about us); importantly, I wish our law enforcement, our police, FBI, Secret Service (SS) too even as they messed up and I argue for political reasons, our enforcement agents at the border, our military etc. safety and that they be given the tools to safeguard Americ and themselves. We protect them.
I leave you with that today,
The Great American con HOAX, they called it COVID!
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
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Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Correct! Almost from the start I began voicing often and loudly that:
"We are experiencing the largest, most evil crime ever perpetrated on humanity in all history!"
And who was behind this crime? The global Central Bank Cartel, that's who.
The proof of that is a VERY long story so I'll leave it at that.
its difficult to comprehend the scope of the fraud placed on us and we miss our loved ones so very much...its kind of hard with them not around and all for a lie.