I wonder what Trump will say when he's blamed for millions of deaths from the death jabs, because thats what the left is planning, Id bet my life on it.

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they are and we are working with him on this...but that is coming.

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I think the Left needs to be careful here. Despite's Trump's support for the "vaccine" (aka death jabs aka clot shots) and the money allegedly given by Pfizer for his inauguration, Trump was long out of the Oval Office while scum and vermin such as Walensky, Cohen, Fauci, and countless other government officials pushed and pushed the "vaccines". In fact, the CDC, et al, are STILL pushing "covid" boosters.

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Fake pandemics can be politically useful. In 2009 I was living in Cairo. The muslims despise pigs, and anyone that consumes them, so of course they used the swine flu excuse to ramp up the institutional discrimination against Coptic Christians. The garbage collectors were mostly Christian, they used the household organics to feed their pigs which they sold to other Christians. The government used the “pandemic” as an excuse to slaughter all of their pigs and burn them. Years of raising pigs and their investment of labour destroyed over a fake pandemic. Heart breaking for people living in such a tenuous situation.

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I bought it hook line and sinker unfortunately. My middle school aged kid at the time got very sick for 3 weeks - 103 degree fever etc. Probably the REAL flu. Two months later at a follow up, two nurses pressured and scared me into giving my kid the H1N1 shot. I told them "My kid doesn't need the shot because they've already had the disease" One nurse told me it would cover other variants and "look how sick my kid got". So........I agreed to let them vaccinate my kid and they've dealt with fatigue ever since. I am very angry I got hoodwinked and that happened to my child.

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The new one will be fake as well. Viruses do not exist, and have never been proven to exist. This is an avenue for seizing control.

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Ya i think its just your body cleaning itself out

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Detox cycle relabeled as something else.

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I was getting a divorce at the time they were pushing the shots for H1N1 *and* the regular flu together at the same time, and I warned my lawyer NOT to take them as they had mercury in them and I didn't need him to be drooling in the corner unable to focus due to brain fog and short term memory loss. He ended up taking 2 weeks off at home, roaming from room to room, not remembering what he was after.

Most of the push for that "pandemic" came as ads over the radio, which were easy for me to blow off. We had internet, but not all those influencer apps. Its a different scene when you can watch Chinese guys fall down face first and you've just watched that Contagion movie for the nth time.

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Trial Balloon man, trial balloon..as were many before. Tests for reaction.

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.... and what is more, the virus was identified as being lab created (they shut that info down really well). What was a lab created virus doing in a slum in Mexico City (oh yeah, Baxter Pharma was only 10 miles from the outbreak). If we had fleshed out that as being a lab created virus would we be where we are today... everyone it seems was asleep in the back seat of the car being driven by the usual suspects.

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SWINE-FLU was a test as well. A test to measure how compliant people would be. Of course they couldn’t allow this to interfere with Obamas presidency. That would be like “cutting the head” of the “Snake Obama” off!

So, as a back up plan if Trump won, they knew, there plan was a full blown “fake Covid Scam”. And here we are. Most people know much more today than four years ago. So now they’re overwhelming our financial resources, IE: “illegal border invasion”!

Of course they can’t stop there. They have to continue to spilt Americans vs Illegals! Remember “a divided nation” cannot stand!

Which is exactly what they’re doing. “Divide and conquer”!

Sadly, we’re letting this happen! Americans haven’t to balls to stand up to these criminals! Forget congress, they’re as useless as “T-on-A-Bull”! As we all know, America is being overthrown!


Can it get any better for the “Psychopaths”? Hell NO! Imagine someone else paying all your bills while taking title to your home? And YOU ALLOW IT!

America wake up! This is exactly what they’re doing to US!

There isn’t much more to say about this. Other than “WE THE PEOPLE” must have a “Military Intervention”! Can anyone tell me different?

The deck has been stacked against US. The sharks have been circling the world! They’ve taken large chunks out of society. They’re letting us “Bleed Out” and they will NOT STOP! We know this! NOW WHAT?

Prayers help, prayers work! We need more than prayers this time. We need a military intervention! I see know other way!

As much as I’m against violence, somebody, anybody, please tell me how “WE TAKE AMERICA BACK”?

Thank you Dr Alexander. I believe I know your answer. Kind of.


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I thought you might refer to the investigation that Sharyl Atkisson did, as a "Star Investigative Reporter" at CBS, when she arrived at the same conclusion, that the H1N1 "flu" pandemic was a complete fraud. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/swine-flu-cases-overestimated/

CBS posted her story in their website, but REFUSED later to air this shocking investigation on TV. After, this Sharly left CBS to go independent as a reporter.

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flu is NOT a contagious illness.

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I cut and pasted the below statement made by Dr Redfield, former CDC Director and he states:

”I think this is going to be the cause of the Great Pandemic.”

Former CDC Director, Dr. Robert Redfield states that the primary threat of H5N1 Bird Flu stems from gain of function research conducted in US labs.

Just think; they can kill off our food supply (beef, chickens, dairy) and much of the population at the same time. Of course the NWO globalists would be using gain of function research on such a bioweapon.

So now I ask once again, how can anyone determine what’s true and what’s not, seems pointless and completely useless today. One minute we’re told one thing and the next minute something else.

So I ask you Dr Alexander, I believe you’ve spoken with Dr Redfield and if what Dr Redfield is saying pans out to be true, then I guess we can all kiss our butts goodbye, NO?

Obviously the technology is available to create a “world decimating” pathogen. One which may have already been “Injected” into millions of people. IE: “COVID Bioweapon Injections”! And it’s only a matter of time people start “dropping like flies”, who knows?

With all the evidence we have available from this “barrage of forced injections”, we’ve learned some people die right away, others die a year or two later and still others are dying today. The reality is, nobody knows how the mechanism of death and maiming works.

At least not to be able and pinpoint the exact causes. No one except for those having a specialty in certain virology / pathogen studies background who may have better foresight than the everyday person.

So “We The People” have to figure this out for ourselves. At minimum we need to make an educated guess and that sucks if you ask me.

I researched mRNA prior to getting in line and rolling up my sleeve. But that’s as far as I can go. I’m not a scientist or doctor. Simple deduction was my only choice to determine, no I’m not getting injected. Not now and never again will I allow anyone to inject me with anything, ever again!

But what if there’s an injection that could save my life say, from an H5N1 “jump to human” with death resulting? What if? I will never take another shot, EVER! So this leaves many millions of people and myself now habitually to “GUESS”, or roll the dice to take a JAB or NOT. Correct?

Maybe, even possibly speaking, this is exactly what these “Globalist Elites” wanted to have happen. They certainly didn’t want the world to all keel over and die at once. So they’ve staggered the death causation or “death effect” in order to minimize this outcome and have the ability to control it as well!

Sort of like having a rigged and

“Controlled Demolition”!

Except this “DEMOLITION” is not about “Dilapidated Buildings” but rather human beings!

We’re / I’m talking about people’s lives being eradicated and or DEMOLISHED!

And in fact I also believe, it’s possible they didn’t expect so many people to line up for the Covid JAB, which is an absolute bonus for them. Far too many people didn’t have an “Wait and See Attitude” and lined up blindly!

In fact if this was their thought process, they win! Because

1. They had millions line up for a “NON-PANDEMIC” JAB. and

2. When they unleash a real threat, those who didn’t line up will take the plunge!

It’s a “Win-Win” for the “Globalist Elites”, now isn’t it? Either way, they get their wish.




What an absolute shame and what a bunch of “conniving leeches” these people are! Nothing stands in their way. Either way, when it comes to “depopulation” and or “Forced Injections”! They win both ways, again!

It’s called IMO,

“Virus vs NonVirus” and each of us are on our own when it comes to this issue.

“Do I JAB or DO I NOT” In other words,

“Should I stay or Should I Go”?

Only time will tell, I’m sure.

Nothing is over, forever more, “Nothing Will Ever Be Over” for this “VIRAL GENIE” is forever out of the bottle.


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We know the jabs are deadly; we don't know if the perps will release something that might potentially affect themselves - although I personally rather doubt it.

There might be something sprayed/injected that cannot replicate to be shed onto others, but I'd suspect it to be more likely that this will cover for such as jab effects - which may very likely be triggered by remote signals - and for deficiencies from the global famine that's being put into process over the entire world, right now. Not that the toxins likely don't ruin any nutrition in much of the currently-still-available food supply.

Cold and flu symptoms are typically those of a cleanse of the body and we are being heavily poisoned from all angles. Cleansing can be miserable, but adding more toxic materials does not seem likely to contribute to good health.

Personally, I fail to see why anyone would choose genetic engineering claimed to take over your cells from body maintenance to produce a foreign, toxic protein together with a lot of toxic, insoluble nanoparticles, none of which protect you from anything, but which may trigger auto-immune attacks and worse, suppress your defences and ability to maintain your body, from a mafia intent upon - according to 'WEF Prophet' Harari's 'predictive programming' - eliminate all natural reproduction/evolution/Life. This goal seemingly being advanced to 2025.

All I can say is that I would, personally, avoid anything produced by the Pharmafia, (although I have been anyway, for I dunno how many years now) and I'd avoid it like the plagues they're attempting to cause.

(I'd have to anyway, though, having had workplace chemical poisoning, leaving me annoyingly sensitive to both even traces of commonly used household/personal use chemical toxins and to toxic frequencies now constant and at increasing levels.)

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All these "deadly" viruses over the last 60 years would have killed off billions by now. There are no vaccines or mRNA poisons that are going to save anyone. It's all a lie as every pandemic becomes sillier and sillier.

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Yeah, they keep doing this crap.

How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely ​one of its ​many stalking horse​s.

After all, if we were to leave the WHO tomorrow, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Digital Gulag and all of the other horrifying assaults on humanity would still be solidly in place.

The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is​: the​ UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. . All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.

Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.

Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.

If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach.

The UN Death Machine is set to consolidate its global power with the utterly cataclysmic Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024, after which there will, quite literally, be no chance of withdrawing from anything ever again.

If you would like to reach out to me for further information, please feel free to do so. My email is Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com. If you would like to ask me to appear on your show, podcast, forum, symposium or other venue where this message can be shared, the answer is, "Absolutely yes".

We are facing an enemy more well-organized and pernicious, and more comprehensively brilliant, than any in humanity's history. They have laid these pits of destruction for us for more than 140 years and they are just about to spring the final traps.

Are we really going to let them while we focus on secondary issues, each of which is urgently important, but none of which is the root of the problem.

The root of the problem, the cancer, the source of the rot, is the UN Death Machine.

By the way, at the same link, PreventGenocide2030.org, you will find a legal memo making it clear that the UN, like every other country in the world, is NOT in a treaty obligation with the UN, WHO or any other part of the UN system since treaties only exist between sovereign nations, which the UN is not and never can be.

Thus, all obligations to them are based in fraud and thus null and void.

And we MUST get out of the UN Death Machine before it destroys everything in its path, including humanity.

​Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.

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I love to see Trump the president, the only thing that bothers me about him is the "vaccine" he still believe in. But it could be politic, if Trump say "I screwed up" the democrats would be all over him, it would hurt hip politically.

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