Yes, it was definitely divine intervention! The word none of the talking heads could think of to describe the change in Trump’s demeanor is that he was humbled ; perfectly clear to me from the first night of the RNC. They said he was “emotional“ or “somber”. No, he was humbled by the knowledge that his life was saved by the grace of God. And that is a humbling experience for anyone who has had a close call with death . When you realize that the God of the universe saved your life, you become a changed individual. And this is what you are seeing in 45. ✝️

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What a beautiful representation of Trump being shored up by Jesus in a time of trouble. Well done. Donald Trump's work on earth is OBVIOUSLY not yet done, as evidenced by the miraculous ear shot 13 Jul 2024, which failed in the intended purpose, to kill the next president of the U.S.A.

Isaiah {54:17}.... "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue [that] shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This [is] the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness [is] of me, saith the LORD." (KJV).

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Yes David our “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”, never ever sleeps!

Nor will he ever subscribe to the wickedness of “EVIL”!

Those in control of America’s destruction!

Which is exactly why President Trump turned his head, to the right, at the moment of impact, grazed by a bullet, meant to end his life!

What’s so important about this?Something so minuscule as turning your head, was solely Jesus’s decision, at that moment, to protect our beloved President from being assassinated! While he was talking about the

“illegal border invasion”!

Hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting migrants have lost their lives trying to come to America.

“It’s all Trumps fault”! Right? No wrong and this is why

“Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” is solely responsible for saving our beloved President!

There’s absolutely no doubt!

Jesus also sent a message to these “evil-monsters” to close the borders and save millions of lives from their untimely demise!

Things happen for a reason.

Sometimes we’re not sure the reason. This is not one of those times.

Jesus has bigger plans for President Trump, this past Saturday proved that, now didn’t it?

Thank you David for your inspiring message.

May God Bless America and The Entire World’


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Thanks AJR. Well said..."good and faithful servant" is what we hope to hear, on that day. Thank you for your testimony AJR.

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You’re welcome David. “Good and faithful”? God as my witness David, this is the exact reason for all the violence,deceit, corruption on and on.

One thing I’m sure of, America, not all Americans, have turned her back on Jesus.

Jesus has not turned His back on America, nor will He! This was evident this past Saturday when Donald Trump was protected against the evil forces trying to kill him!

I pray Joe people within our great Nation realizes this. Understands that even when you turn your back on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Jesus never turns his back on you!

It’s up to all Americans, to get down on their hands and knees and thank God for protecting our next President!

And while they’re at it, ask for peace throughout the world. Evilness has been forced into the light, we know who the evil ones are and it’s far time, for a day of reckoning bestowed upon this ugliest and wickedness! All “Good and Decent” people are facing annihilation if

“We the People“ continues to comply to such extreme evildoers disgusting and dangerous demands!

Thank you again David.


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I totally recommend these fine products. I have used some of them and they work beautifully. The Spike Support is something I doubt anyone else has. God bless the doctors and manufacturer who worked on it.

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Stop shilling for the Wellness Company! They are a self-promoting, profit-making scam! "Spike Support"!?

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Amen! Beautiful sentiment and empowering for all of us to ask for the hand of God for humanity and for America.

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Trump seems to have a very interesting Karma and Dharma.

Now, I can tell you how this all ends... It end with the destruction of the deep state... How much of our economy and government gets left intact after they are gone is yet to be determined, but nothing will remain hidden that is for sure. https://biblehub.com/luke/8-17.htm

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You have got to stop saying this. It is so disrespectful to the other people who lost their lives and were injured. The fireman's widow for example.

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The way it is Jackie is that we all die, and some sooner or later than others. God decides. Obviously it was not President Trump's time. I have struggled with this scenario and can easily question why a little child dies at the hand of a criminal but the most horrendous people live.

That is His determination, not mine or anyone else's. I learned this in my early years when for some reason I was spared death on a few occasions and knew for sure at that moment I was gone but it did not happen. Why? I do not know.

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Agreed. That is the point of my statement.

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Dear Karen, sometimes you should keep your thoughts and demands to yourself.

I do not see any disrespect on display here.

This is how it works. Do not tell others what to do, and others will leave you alone.

Try it.

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Dear Rosemary B, my name is not Karen. This is social media. We are all entitled to an opinion. Maybe you should not be so rude and disrespectful of other people and telling other people what to do. Irony much.

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