POTUS Trump must stop stating that OWS was a success & saved lives or that the mRNA vaccines saved lives, STOP! It is a lie & the public remains at risk due to it! James Roguski is 100% correct
It’s why so many attacks in USA & drones & Diddy & everything else is happening now to make it easier for the government owned & run fake MSM can ignore the deaths & injuries of millions of people in every country by the bioweapon vax?!
Government/CIA/FBI/MSM/etc… all overwhelm people with other fears & divert their attention from every one of our governments horrific abuse & deaths it purposefully caused worldwide.
They commit so many crimes against us & keep us divided so we will not unite against them & actually stop them… but the million dollar question is how do we stop them???
Was the 4 day fog after the mass drone sightings our governments spraying us with another bioweapon?
Who knows?
President Trump needs to stop promoting the bioweapon vax because he’s causing many in his base to distrust him.
A little late for that. He screwed up when he allowed himself to be duped by those scumbags in 2020. He proved he was either incompetent, or else he sold out. Either way he then became disqualified for me, and his behavior since then, such as continuing to praise the shots and OWS, and pushing other leftist agendas, just confirmed what I already decided on. He simply cannot be trusted.
I dont think incompetent, I know not so, or sold out, he truly thought they were honest scientists guiding him properly...so now we know it was all a fake fraud lie...all of COVID was made up...fraud...all...and Malone mRNA vaccines are deadly...he knows and knew it years ago now and thus it is there I too have a major problem. I support him but he has to stop now, reverse course, come clean, go after the wrong doers, and ensure this never happens again and all mRNA shots pulled from market.
Do you not see the cognitive dissonance in what you said here? You agree that he knows now, and knew it years ago, that he was duped, and that you too have a major problem. So just HOW can you “support” him after saying that? That’s cognitive dissonance, Dr. Paul.
I think that in general you are a good person, Dr. Paul, but when it comes to Trump, you have a mental block. You just can’t seem to bring yourself to even see what’s staring you in the face; that Trump simply can NOT be trusted. He’s literally still praising all that COVID nonsense. He’s praising H1B and other immigration programs that are riddled with FRAUD. He’s pushing for AI for EVERYTHING, and he has brought major technocrats on his team (JD Vance, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, etc.). Trump has been pushing 15 minute cities, but calling them “smart” cities, instead. That’s just an effort to try to hide his true agenda.
You need to be true to yourself, and keep calling out Trump EVERY SINGLE DAY. Stop saying you “support” him. That’s just stupid. He truly is a FRAUD.
Also, Melania is now getting in on the scam they are trying to pull on us. She’s partnered with Amazon (Jeff Bezos - another Technocrat) to make a documentary. She is following the example of the Obamas. They are ALL actors. This is ALL fraud.
You really need to wake up, Dr. Paul.
I suggest you check out today’s Shannon Joy Show. She is totally exposing what Trump is up to.
Hello Mr President please cease and desist on your comments regarding operation wrap speed was nothing but a failure and murdered millions around the globe stop your nonsense it is tarnishing your image and starting to become unbecoming character and behavior of said office. Stop the lies immediately your are risking babies children and many other people who voted for you. If your party wishes to continue please pay attention immediately the side effects will not be pleasant. Your sleep cycles will become more hectic the dreams will become more vivid of the murders of innocent civilians around the globe with the stress becoming too much by the military. Is it legal to kill innocent civilians on your own soil for no good reason. Why force an experimental item causing millions to die. Stop the mRNA program immediately full stop. Failure to cease it's function your party more than likely will not again be voted for plunging this country into further crisis. Enough is enough. Get your act together quickly or suffer the consequences of the people. If you are genuinely concerned about the people of this country and remove the harms that have been inflicted upon the soil, water, air, food, wild animals, livestock, and pets and unsafe vaccines'. I will stand with you yet if you fail in getting the things corrected I cannot vote for anyone who harms us and will recommend others do the same to get change to occur. Stop wasting tax payer money with animal research here domestically and especially in China and other countries it goes against any humane treatment of any animal. The PCR standard does not work and never will cease that program of fraudulent testing to bend the data with enough amplification will be positive for anything.
And DJT gave us the OWS. He’s not going to denounce it. He’s going to keep telling everyone how wonderful it, (and he) is. In fact, I predict we’ll get more mRNA in the next 4 years. The question is, what emergency will they use? Bird flu? Marburg?
Thank you for sharing this timeline. It needs to be shared everywhere. Will it wake up POTUS Trump ? I don’t know. I am hoping he has been holding back from speaking truth and announcing policies to revers all you have posted, for the sake of humanity. People need to understand that Covid was biowarfare for the purpose of agenda 2030 depopulation efforts.
Until Trump admits OWS was a bad idea & bans the mRNA technology I will have a hard time getting fully on board. JD Vance and Vivek are in bed with big pharma. Now seems RFK Jr has backed off of his push to stop vaccines in children and touting make food healthy again. I will continue to push do not comply. Thanks for all you do in this front.
My understanding is that for sure there is going to be another one. It will be worst than covid. People will just be dead on streets. Also my understanding that the lockdowns are coming but be prepared with food water medicine. They are trying to forcefully depopulate the world however they can get it. They are pretty much telling us what they will do. Many of Trump cabinet are vaccine defenders. Not sure why he would pick them. But my concern is that Trump with his defending these warp speed bioweopens. Won't be much help in this orchestrated plandemic. Pray and be prepared!
leastways, not down in the ol south where Tennessee Law Dawgs still wear a 'badge' stead of a 'dress'... and we can 'wet a line good as we can solve another 'hen house' crime!
See, the Debbie Lerman thing is jus one of any number of problems with this can o germs. Whole lotta gals what be 'gals'... in some sort o bio-logical sense anyhows... have these substack spaces and other places wherest they be pretending to KNOW stuff better than the next knowitall.
Don't wash. Take this here "Debbie" grrl, f'instance. Now a body what says they be a "Jewish socialist-feminist" writes a thing called "Feminism in Israel: a common struggle?" ain't no big deal in my book - heck she even says it's best if folks jus 'get along' instead of feudin n fightin all time - right outta my book indeed!' This ain't the problem. Problem is all these gals pretending to finger "Unca Sam" as the perp. Now, I'll up n fess, this dawg done did spend time in onna dem 'military academies' where young'uns learns them some useful stuff... but
doggone it bouy, there's a rat in this sack somewhere's and my sniffer don't need no degree to smell it! Chuck your 'chinese done it' with your 'DOD done din it,' right out with yer 'biden/trimpf bumpf, and yer 'east vs. west' hollerin... tis all jus more o that 'beagleian' diolectrical' stuff folks done 'short-circuited' their brains by!
Gonna call Muskie now, cut some bait, and catch a catfish or too fores its time for a well earned snooze, creekside. But before I's does, this here's for youze...
hoooze zoomin whoose here - this guy Bourla and the rest o the rat pack what hijacked a whole country has a rap sheet bigger than them varmints I've catched me 20 times in the tater patch! I got the printout on him and his posse from county. He's a "Greek" from that there Thess-salonika he claims.
That's what thay ALL claim. I nose better - and so should youze!
The biggest loss and transfer of wealth throughout the entire “Covid-Attack” has been the “Human-Mind!”
When humanity succumbs to “fear-and-fear-alone” no greater loss of wealth transfer can ever equate to the transfer and destruction of the “Human-Mind!”
There’s one huge piece the
“DoD-OWS-Covid-Attacks” effectiveness were ignoring. The importance of making up a good “Story of Fear” can overtake an entire world’s
“Human-Mind.” WOW!
Ultimately, the “Human-Mind” was the target and our enemy hit the mark “Dead-Center!”
There is no greater loss than our “Freedom to Think.”
Think about what was truly at stake. What was their endgame? Have we surrendered en masse, our ability to “Critically-Think?”
The biggest question I have, can humanity regain its place in the “pecking order of life?”Or, are we on the same trajectory, the same perilous path the dinosaurs faced?
Or are we now becoming some lower level species?
Is man the highest level of intelligence? Have we not proven how manipulative we truly are and can be?
I believe the answer is yes.
Our new question must be, where do we go from here?
Trump is not the "savior", he is just another psyop, just look at his cabinet and half-assed "measures". Nothing important will change. RFK jr on the other hand really knows what is going on "vaccine" wise, but they will tie his hands as much as possible.
I agree. I also don't think RFK will be doing anything. It looks like he sold his soul, and his freedom of speech when he joined Trump's team. Total sellout.
Beautiful summary. It don’t mean shit until Trump comes clean. After all the evidence and his past statements condemning childhood vaccines and vaccine safety, Trump knows and still lets people, including children, die. Heartless. Mass murderer.
So questions for all here. It’s like 2019 was a giant nuclear bomb on the planet, a coordinated fast war kill off. ( I know the lead up has been going on for decades.] What would it look like for any world leaders to do the same in reverse quickly? Is there anyway to turn this planet around with Operation Save the World Speed? Will we never see this in our lifetimes?
This I agree with, Dr. Paul, and you should be calling out Trump like this EVERY SINGLE DAY. You should NEVER say you "trust" him. That's just sucking up to him.
Trump's continued silence on the OWS and the shots, and his refusal to apologize, and admit he was wrong, speaks VOLUMES to me.
And Bobby Jr.'s silence ever since he joined the Trump team also speaks volumes to me. He had no problem speaking openly before he joined that team. Now the sudden silence. I would NEVER allow someone to control me like that. That's what I call SELLING OUT.
So, at this point, I just don't trust ANY OF THEM!!
It’s why so many attacks in USA & drones & Diddy & everything else is happening now to make it easier for the government owned & run fake MSM can ignore the deaths & injuries of millions of people in every country by the bioweapon vax?!
Government/CIA/FBI/MSM/etc… all overwhelm people with other fears & divert their attention from every one of our governments horrific abuse & deaths it purposefully caused worldwide.
They commit so many crimes against us & keep us divided so we will not unite against them & actually stop them… but the million dollar question is how do we stop them???
Was the 4 day fog after the mass drone sightings our governments spraying us with another bioweapon?
Who knows?
President Trump needs to stop promoting the bioweapon vax because he’s causing many in his base to distrust him.
agreed, its a matter of trust...and it is waning
A little late for that. He screwed up when he allowed himself to be duped by those scumbags in 2020. He proved he was either incompetent, or else he sold out. Either way he then became disqualified for me, and his behavior since then, such as continuing to praise the shots and OWS, and pushing other leftist agendas, just confirmed what I already decided on. He simply cannot be trusted.
I dont think incompetent, I know not so, or sold out, he truly thought they were honest scientists guiding him properly...so now we know it was all a fake fraud lie...all of COVID was made up...fraud...all...and Malone mRNA vaccines are deadly...he knows and knew it years ago now and thus it is there I too have a major problem. I support him but he has to stop now, reverse course, come clean, go after the wrong doers, and ensure this never happens again and all mRNA shots pulled from market.
Agreed. Innocent trust.
Do you not see the cognitive dissonance in what you said here? You agree that he knows now, and knew it years ago, that he was duped, and that you too have a major problem. So just HOW can you “support” him after saying that? That’s cognitive dissonance, Dr. Paul.
I think that in general you are a good person, Dr. Paul, but when it comes to Trump, you have a mental block. You just can’t seem to bring yourself to even see what’s staring you in the face; that Trump simply can NOT be trusted. He’s literally still praising all that COVID nonsense. He’s praising H1B and other immigration programs that are riddled with FRAUD. He’s pushing for AI for EVERYTHING, and he has brought major technocrats on his team (JD Vance, Elon Musk, Vivek Ramaswamy, etc.). Trump has been pushing 15 minute cities, but calling them “smart” cities, instead. That’s just an effort to try to hide his true agenda.
You need to be true to yourself, and keep calling out Trump EVERY SINGLE DAY. Stop saying you “support” him. That’s just stupid. He truly is a FRAUD.
Also, Melania is now getting in on the scam they are trying to pull on us. She’s partnered with Amazon (Jeff Bezos - another Technocrat) to make a documentary. She is following the example of the Obamas. They are ALL actors. This is ALL fraud.
You really need to wake up, Dr. Paul.
I suggest you check out today’s Shannon Joy Show. She is totally exposing what Trump is up to.
Hello Mr President please cease and desist on your comments regarding operation wrap speed was nothing but a failure and murdered millions around the globe stop your nonsense it is tarnishing your image and starting to become unbecoming character and behavior of said office. Stop the lies immediately your are risking babies children and many other people who voted for you. If your party wishes to continue please pay attention immediately the side effects will not be pleasant. Your sleep cycles will become more hectic the dreams will become more vivid of the murders of innocent civilians around the globe with the stress becoming too much by the military. Is it legal to kill innocent civilians on your own soil for no good reason. Why force an experimental item causing millions to die. Stop the mRNA program immediately full stop. Failure to cease it's function your party more than likely will not again be voted for plunging this country into further crisis. Enough is enough. Get your act together quickly or suffer the consequences of the people. If you are genuinely concerned about the people of this country and remove the harms that have been inflicted upon the soil, water, air, food, wild animals, livestock, and pets and unsafe vaccines'. I will stand with you yet if you fail in getting the things corrected I cannot vote for anyone who harms us and will recommend others do the same to get change to occur. Stop wasting tax payer money with animal research here domestically and especially in China and other countries it goes against any humane treatment of any animal. The PCR standard does not work and never will cease that program of fraudulent testing to bend the data with enough amplification will be positive for anything.
excellent sharing
99.8%vrecovery what a scam
sure was and is
And DJT gave us the OWS. He’s not going to denounce it. He’s going to keep telling everyone how wonderful it, (and he) is. In fact, I predict we’ll get more mRNA in the next 4 years. The question is, what emergency will they use? Bird flu? Marburg?
you are on the money and it is here we must hold him and stop him making sure he reverses course and does the right thing...I am trusting.
Thank you for sharing this timeline. It needs to be shared everywhere. Will it wake up POTUS Trump ? I don’t know. I am hoping he has been holding back from speaking truth and announcing policies to revers all you have posted, for the sake of humanity. People need to understand that Covid was biowarfare for the purpose of agenda 2030 depopulation efforts.
we all are hoping, thank you for remaining in the breach
Until Trump admits OWS was a bad idea & bans the mRNA technology I will have a hard time getting fully on board. JD Vance and Vivek are in bed with big pharma. Now seems RFK Jr has backed off of his push to stop vaccines in children and touting make food healthy again. I will continue to push do not comply. Thanks for all you do in this front.
My understanding is that for sure there is going to be another one. It will be worst than covid. People will just be dead on streets. Also my understanding that the lockdowns are coming but be prepared with food water medicine. They are trying to forcefully depopulate the world however they can get it. They are pretty much telling us what they will do. Many of Trump cabinet are vaccine defenders. Not sure why he would pick them. But my concern is that Trump with his defending these warp speed bioweopens. Won't be much help in this orchestrated plandemic. Pray and be prepared!
lots of what you wrote is true...that is the frightening issue
Yes sir
Sorry, Big Duke... but that dog don't hunt...
leastways, not down in the ol south where Tennessee Law Dawgs still wear a 'badge' stead of a 'dress'... and we can 'wet a line good as we can solve another 'hen house' crime!
See, the Debbie Lerman thing is jus one of any number of problems with this can o germs. Whole lotta gals what be 'gals'... in some sort o bio-logical sense anyhows... have these substack spaces and other places wherest they be pretending to KNOW stuff better than the next knowitall.
Don't wash. Take this here "Debbie" grrl, f'instance. Now a body what says they be a "Jewish socialist-feminist" writes a thing called "Feminism in Israel: a common struggle?" ain't no big deal in my book - heck she even says it's best if folks jus 'get along' instead of feudin n fightin all time - right outta my book indeed!' This ain't the problem. Problem is all these gals pretending to finger "Unca Sam" as the perp. Now, I'll up n fess, this dawg done did spend time in onna dem 'military academies' where young'uns learns them some useful stuff... but
doggone it bouy, there's a rat in this sack somewhere's and my sniffer don't need no degree to smell it! Chuck your 'chinese done it' with your 'DOD done din it,' right out with yer 'biden/trimpf bumpf, and yer 'east vs. west' hollerin... tis all jus more o that 'beagleian' diolectrical' stuff folks done 'short-circuited' their brains by!
Gonna call Muskie now, cut some bait, and catch a catfish or too fores its time for a well earned snooze, creekside. But before I's does, this here's for youze...
hoooze zoomin whoose here - this guy Bourla and the rest o the rat pack what hijacked a whole country has a rap sheet bigger than them varmints I've catched me 20 times in the tater patch! I got the printout on him and his posse from county. He's a "Greek" from that there Thess-salonika he claims.
That's what thay ALL claim. I nose better - and so should youze!
I enjoy your Ebonics
not saying all wrong...its interesting to say the least. fascinating too. entertaining too.
lots of sage in it
Thanks for the laugh, and you nailed it. I wish more people would just wake up and smell the coffee already.
yes, it was funny but sobering in a way
pharma led and kickbacks for all
The biggest loss and transfer of wealth throughout the entire “Covid-Attack” has been the “Human-Mind!”
When humanity succumbs to “fear-and-fear-alone” no greater loss of wealth transfer can ever equate to the transfer and destruction of the “Human-Mind!”
There’s one huge piece the
“DoD-OWS-Covid-Attacks” effectiveness were ignoring. The importance of making up a good “Story of Fear” can overtake an entire world’s
“Human-Mind.” WOW!
Ultimately, the “Human-Mind” was the target and our enemy hit the mark “Dead-Center!”
There is no greater loss than our “Freedom to Think.”
Think about what was truly at stake. What was their endgame? Have we surrendered en masse, our ability to “Critically-Think?”
The biggest question I have, can humanity regain its place in the “pecking order of life?”Or, are we on the same trajectory, the same perilous path the dinosaurs faced?
Or are we now becoming some lower level species?
Is man the highest level of intelligence? Have we not proven how manipulative we truly are and can be?
I believe the answer is yes.
Our new question must be, where do we go from here?
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
posened wolld
I am not familiar with “posened wolld.”
Trump is not the "savior", he is just another psyop, just look at his cabinet and half-assed "measures". Nothing important will change. RFK jr on the other hand really knows what is going on "vaccine" wise, but they will tie his hands as much as possible.
I agree. I also don't think RFK will be doing anything. It looks like he sold his soul, and his freedom of speech when he joined Trump's team. Total sellout.
Beautiful summary. It don’t mean shit until Trump comes clean. After all the evidence and his past statements condemning childhood vaccines and vaccine safety, Trump knows and still lets people, including children, die. Heartless. Mass murderer.
My sentiments exactly. Trump needs to fess up. The fact that he won't, and keeps praising all that evil, tells you all you need to know. He's a fraud.
He is in place for the next one, already started in China, testing, restrictions and the bullshit has started, HMPV is here!
Yep. I see it too. But trying to tell the Trump cultists that is like trying to pull your own teeth. They are just too brainwashed.
Picture the book “1984” and you are Winston. Yeah, it came true. What a bitch.
Seeing will be believing. With RFK Jr. leading the way in this admin. we’ll be all waiting and watching. Let’s see how the covid debacle is handled.
As of right now, it seems Trump is another tyrant. When are you going to put Trump on your poo list?
So questions for all here. It’s like 2019 was a giant nuclear bomb on the planet, a coordinated fast war kill off. ( I know the lead up has been going on for decades.] What would it look like for any world leaders to do the same in reverse quickly? Is there anyway to turn this planet around with Operation Save the World Speed? Will we never see this in our lifetimes?
This I agree with, Dr. Paul, and you should be calling out Trump like this EVERY SINGLE DAY. You should NEVER say you "trust" him. That's just sucking up to him.
Trump's continued silence on the OWS and the shots, and his refusal to apologize, and admit he was wrong, speaks VOLUMES to me.
And Bobby Jr.'s silence ever since he joined the Trump team also speaks volumes to me. He had no problem speaking openly before he joined that team. Now the sudden silence. I would NEVER allow someone to control me like that. That's what I call SELLING OUT.
So, at this point, I just don't trust ANY OF THEM!!