Dr, Paul, you are wrong in this one. Please do not speak on this until you have studied up on this. ISRAEL is the aggressor, backed up by Butcher Biden and we will be sacrificing our own children if we get involved. Israel is trying to stoke WW3 and knows it's losing. The world knows how evil Netanyahu and Israel is....it's a Rothschild creation straight from HELL and our Creator knows the truth. US and Israel are the bad agents in this made for telLIEvision drama. I am against ALL war. Dr Paul, you have chosen the wrong side in this conflict if you support Israel.

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Yes. The Bible identifies the Zionists as the Synagogue of Satan. They are not the true Jewish people. The real Jews are on the streets protesting and chanting Not In Our Name.

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Wrong. The Synagogue of Satan is in reference to a Priestly hierarchy that had an outwardly egocentric righteousness while being totally corrupt in their deeds and actions. They placed burdens of righteousness on others that was more than the average person could bear thus passing judgement on them for not being acceptable to God. They were so concerned with sustaining their place of privilege and power that they saw Jesus as a threat instead of their Messiah who came to save them.

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Sorry, but synagogue of Satan started in a church in Asia 1500 years before any Jewish bankers. Synagogue of Satan is Replacement Theology Churches that say they are now the Jews or Israel . Vatican and many of her daughters are that evil thing. It's fairly common that accusers accuse others of what they themselves really are. There are bad Jews indeed but synagogue of Satan is fallen replacement theology Christian types.

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So right and Obozo gave Iran 6 billion $$ so they could make nuclear weapons, USA and Israel are the culprits

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How do anyone “like” this?

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You have your opinion right but you are a nutcase. Iran encircling Israel to destroy her so no push back allowed ?

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WRONG Dr. Paul! Please stick to Covid - and not to Israeli pandering! Israeli Nuclear capabilities should be taking out and Israel should be given back to the Palestinians. I have had enough of the Israeli quadruple double standard. The IsraHell takeover, occupation, apartheid and genocide must be stopped and the perpetrators removed.

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The zio’entity has been a “bandit state” from its offing ! The World has been uncorked and alas expresses their exasperation with “the Worlds’Trouble Maker”

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TAKE NO SIDES---The people have to stand as one world wide and say no more---It is leaders/politicians/royals that start/create the conflicts an dthey make money whilst the people pay with BLOOD AND DEATH! If the BIG GOBS want to squabble and fight let them go and do it on their own!

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Bibi is a criminal, he knows that, everybody knows that.

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I’m so confused by what you have written here. You know the majority of perpetrators who have and are still unleashing the worst crimes against humanity have dual citizenship with Israel. The world knows this. The world also knows Israel has become a safe haven for pedophiles.

I believe the true Jewish people of Israel are being used as cannon fodder for the fake satanic elite Jews that have defiled what Judaism means. The Israeli people are divided because there are many evil players bent on destroying Israel and Iran. They will be put against each other. Used to further division against the Muslims and Jews around the world. War is not the answer. With the current leadership in Israel they are certainly not the answer either. It’s up to all of us in every nation to rise up against these tyrants and bring peace back to the world.

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Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9. “Those that call themselves Jews but are of the synagogue of Satan”, USA and Israel are the bad guys in this preplanned WW3 scenario

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Among other crimes against humanity, froze the stock of hydroxychloroquine. More on that, see Dr Zev Zelenko (a good Jew)

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You need have more knowledge on this very serious matter before you can spew off about this situation , we need diplomatic leadership not bullsh*t bullies telling nations what they should have & what they shouldn’t .

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Here's a thought. Israel has probably 200 or more nuclear weapons. They already used a few mini versions on the battlefield in Syria and Yemen, not to mention in the basements of WTC 1 and 2 (those were Davy Crockets, stolen from the US). The reason Iran and the other Mid-East powers want nukes is so they can't be blackmailed by Israel. Either take them away from everyone or give them to everyone. You might be surprised -- "an armed society is a polite society". Go to a local gun range and see how polite people are.

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Wow! Paul E. Alexander chomping at the bit for World War. Who woulda thunk it?

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They are good people.

It's the government that aspires to mass murder.

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Yes. I know good people there too who are just like us, who love their families and want to live a happy prosperous life.

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I'm unsubscribing, not because you put 'causalities' in your subheading, but because you're talking bollocks, as we British have been known to say. Byeeee xx

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Apr 17
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Goodbye, Mr Anonymous

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Apr 17
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Durrrh. You've chosen not to use your name 😁

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I'm unsubscribing, not because you put 'causalities' in your subheading, but because you're talking bollocks as we British have been known to say. Byeeee xx

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Israelis do not hate Iranians and Iranians do not hate Israelis. Its the leaders and those who control the leaders of each respective nation that promotes the hate. I don't hate any Russians and they don't hate me. Its always government propaganda along with the media that promote that kind of hate.

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On this score I agree....unfortunately, no one has the stones to go in and do the job. Furthermore, their nuke plants are almost impervious. It will take boots on the ground....something that won't happen. To this end a people's revolution within Iran is our best bet. Again, lots of luck with that. Pax

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There is only 1 aggressor in the Middle East, Paul.

And it is the USA's best buddy.

Said best buddy has been liberally bombing neighbors for as long as it has existed.

Just like a mini-USA.

As with C19, they are trying to trigger people, to scare them into insane policies and positions.

You are playing into it.

The enemy is in DC. And Tel Aviv. And Canberra.

Not in Isfahan or Tabriz. Or Tehran.

Hating whatever The Monster is pointing at is the worst of Pavlovian responses.

I expected better.


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🙃 And Iran is just going to wait for it…🙃 So will China do..🙃

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