Exactly. The Irish people must take charge. Their "government" has abandoned them. The "government" is doing the bidding of the global regime that wants Ireland turned into a third world country.

The same thing is being tried here. In the USA, when you have a tyrannical government, like we have NOW, the people have the RIGHT to throw off that government. Let's see the people in Chicago, the black community, do this to the illegals invading Chicago. This needs to happen.

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Now, now! They're just a bit upset.

Just wait until they really get angry.

Nobody conducts an insurrection better than the Irish.

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like that

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Hey, you fcuks across the Channel, be like the Irish.

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It's about time!

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this is how we got to move here now...dont hurt anyone but put a stop now...eject these people...burn down whatever once we harm no one. get them out and then raze it...we want none of it.

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we must take charge now as you said Dave, our govn has abandoned us

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The Irish are absolutely morally right to burn down these invasion centers.

Irish politicians are NOT representing the Irish people in the least, but instead representing only foreigners like Soros.

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Patrick, thank you, thank you for the support and help here

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I'm half Irish by origin and still have relatives in Ireland. Last time I was in Dublin I was shocked by the number of people imported directly from the third world for no good reason and now loitering on the streets collecting welfare. The Irish never exploited anyone, so destroying Ireland as a kind of revenge makes no sense. It must be part of Soros' hatred for all countries with a sense of their own history.

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The Zionist Jews/ synagogues of Satan hate everyone else and are actively killing humanity with the government’s of the world assistance No governments answer to their citizens anymore it couldn’t be more obvious

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And thank you for writing about Ireland!

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“Burn them all! Let the fourth century pedophile’s deity sort them out!”

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The Americans need to learn to get back up and fight….take a tip from DJT…Get back up and Fight, Fight, Fight.

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boom boom boom love it

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Ireland is dead, illegals have taken over, I hope the Irish people can turn this around.

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I have been sp surprised with what the Irish have put up with. Didnt used to be their style

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I support the brave efforts of the Irish people.

Based on history, the King of England sadly always wins.

And now King Chucky has the globalists on his side too.

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The Irish have God on their side.

The devil King Chucky and demonic globalists don"t stand a chance

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“God helps those who help themselves.”

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Albuquerque needs to do this ! Route 66 is Dangerous !

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I have heard

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That won't happen in the US. Republicans are too weak and have no backbone.

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That's the older established Republicans..the larger part of the new active 'Republican's' are actually MAGA Patriots. Many of us were Democrats or just inactive politically. Trump has woken so many folks up to what's been really going on behind our backs and most that I have seen are more than a little ticked off. Evil is being exposed daily!!

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

This is a big misconception among people, especially among Republicans. Tyrants can only rule if people are compliant. Reps love to complain online but refuse to take any action. Without action, you won't solve anything.

Old Republicans had a backbone. You new republicans are cowards. Examples are J6 and covid. What else must the tyrants do before you all stand up for yourselves? They killed millions of innocent kids with the vaccine. They tried to destroy Trump, and they just recently mocked God. Reps are cowards.

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Very interesting reply..who do you identify with? I don't think you need to answer that. First of all..one must use emotional intelligence and second of all ..I guarantee you'd be the last to know.. : ) Incite elsewhere!

(So CHEW ....it seems you are so courageous you don't even use a real first name?)

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If you want to get upset. Do not get upset with the tyrants. Or people who call you out. Get upset with the people. Only the people can change it. Or better yet. Do not get upset at all. Just live your life in peace and meaning.

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I hate identity politics. Both parties are blinded by their ideology. I identify as a human with a conscious. Do not get upset over me speaking the truth. You all complain about Biden and the left, but do not take the proper steps to fix the situation.

And multiple people call me chew. So, yes that is my name. Ha.

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OK..I understand what you are saying...why do you think I differentiated the old from the new? The party's and what/who they stood for have completely flipped. Nothing is as it once was. This is just as much a spiritual battle as it is a battle between freedom lovers and commie's. I feel your frustration completely as I am from a family of military. First thing's first as they say...it's the great awakening and the more the merrier. Time to wake as many as possible...I hope you find a community to join because there's power in numbers!

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I was disputing your comment about old and new Republicans. When discussing a spiritual battle, we must examine who we are fighting. If so, it is not a rep. Vs. Dem fight.

Agreed. The best way to defend against tyranny is by using numbers. The tyrant cannot have power if no one supports him.

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Most of the alphabet generations in the former USA are too f…well fed and spineless to defend what gave them all this comfort.

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The 1/6 fiasco gave a preview of what happens to those that stand up for truth, how law-abiding citizens are murdered and destroyed by the multitudes having abandoned their oath, trashed our Constitution

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That's we are in the mess we're in now thisshit started a long time ago. as far as I'm concerned they never had any balls at akk

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Agreed. It did start a long time ago. But I believe our ancestors were more courageous.

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Fight fire with fire?

Other countries are shipping their criminals from their prisons & mental wards & dumping them at our border & other borders worldwide!

Now our neighborhoods, schools, parks, cities & some states are completely unsafe.

Our governors & mayors & president defund the police & the illegals now have more protection & rights & benefits than us tax paying citizens?!?

The NWO Cabal do not care about crime in America because they live in gated communities with 24/7 security at home & wherever they go?!

Sick of the elites laundering our tax dollars through their shell companies & fake charities & into then into their offshore accounts?!?

Snakes, Thieves, Evil Destroyers of everything Godly & good.

Praying for Massive Revival to happen worldwide because we are fighting a spiritual war & we need more Real Spirit-Filled Warriors to fight the satanic cult that is trying to take over all of our countries worldwide!


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we got to stand up and I fear that when Americans say enough, it will be bad...people need to grasp, dont push Americans

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As an American often disappointed by my own people

I have no expectation that they will do anything about it until total anarchy takes them down. They have come to expect that someone else will do the dirty work for them.

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Better be doing more than praying lest that become nothing more than yet another cowardly excuse for doing nothing yourself. So far that’s all praying is as far as I can tell. God helps those who help themselves so put on His full armor and get to work. May I suggest starting with the guards on those gated communities along with their other stooges who give them their actual power - some up close and personal correlations of the error of their ways perhaps? Those you can get to and have a meaningful exchange if you get my drift. (One must always compensate for drift and also drop). “Thank you for your service” indeed! Your turn.

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I curse you Spell Check / Auto Fuck! It’s ‘corrections’!

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How is all this migrant thing happening!? What scumbags are orchestrating it all!? People must know the scumbags at ground level etc!?

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Are you suggesting these poor people from Africa and the Middle East with no money, no food and no transportaion of their own, are unable to travel thousands of miles and cross treacherous oceans over a period of several months without help?

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No, I am saying it is all clearly organised! But by who?

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Smart people! Not brain washed like the liberals

In the USA!

Too bad these piles of dung that are invading

the USA couldn’t be BURNED OUT!⚡️🔥🔥🔥

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Australia needs to change it’s weak woke government !!!!

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You gave up your guns.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28

Great for the Irish and Hungarians for doing the same!

I've read majority of people in London are foreign born and Britian heading to be a majority Muslim country in 2 or 3 decades.

Austria, Sweden, Etc all have huge enclaves of Muslims who are destroying culture.

Malmo Sweden is called the rape capital of Europe. There was a u tube channel 4 or 5 yrs ago that showed the messes multiculturalism was causing. Muslim men were jerking in public pools and hot tubs, groping Swedish women and girls, gangs were beating up native Swede teens, fires were being set, etc. No Swede could complain without being called Islamophobes and getting fired from jobs.

Norwegian men have carried knives on their side for thousands of years. That was made illegal due to Muslims carrying knives and commiting so many crimes.

The "whitest" countries were targeted first with multiculturalism.

Multiculturalism with islam is always a failure and with most cultures if assimilation doesn't take place like earlier in America when immigrants were happy to assimilate and support their new country not hate, destroy.

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Muslims aren’t a threat by any means. If they were, the opening ceremony at the Olympic this past Friday would have mocked Islam.

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Is any news agency here reporting this in Ireland?

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Not that I have seen.

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