Before 2021 my Christmas dinners has a table of 14. This Christmas our group was down to 5 surviving members. Heart is broken. Pitchfork is sharpened.

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can I be any clearer? I hope you now understand my position. I can run and eat at the same time. I can love POTUS Trump but call out his clear failures and he made several and seems we are headed again with 2nd generation mRNA vaccine. I will not stand down. I support Trump but he is wrong and some of his picks are catastrophic. David, my heart breaks for you for many of us felt the burden too and you have had an unfair hit. we mourn with you.

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Thank you Paul and Eileen. We remaining five are not v-jayed though we all have been victims of shedding with the tell-tale slight red tint around our eyes under UV light. I suspect we all are. Those v-jayed had bright orange foreheads and same on bridge of nose to cheek areas. My sig other was on dialysis with DeVita (what a name as they are the opposite) insisted those with kidneys needing dialysis had to be double vaxed and at least once boosted. This killed her as all organs failed. Anecdotally Paul, I'm sure you are aware the breakeven point is reached in dialysis when a client hits the five and one-half years mark. Many are lost shortly thereafter as a bubble is magically appears in the tube.

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My wife was on dialysis last month on hospital did not work .Nephrololgy tubes were then inserted into each kidney, flushes well from right side but more slowly left kidney. There was no requirement for v@x. Im hope was not done clandestinely even told hospital we were anti V. We survive by grace of God and many prayers for complete healing via doctors at Columbia Presbyterian hospital, NY

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Good luck Dr. Alexander.

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Sorry, Dr. Paul, but I just can't "support" someone who allowed such catastrophic disasters to happen under his watch. Someone who has NEVER APOLOGIZED OR TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY FOR THAT!!!

He should NOT be in the WH, and he needs to be held accountable.

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And who would you wish to be POTUS?

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I've said it many times. Stop with this shallow minded nonsense. Two evils are STILL EVIL!!!

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Condolences to you for your losses.

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David, I offer my deepest condolences on your beloved loss. It is horrible to miss the other half of you—prayers and in remembrance of those not with us today.

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I get it David. ~ Prayers ~ Pamilla

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Thank you!

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UHG ~ Your welcome. So much infighting. Hope you have a blessed evening

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None of them perished from the Covid vaccination. What an empty headed, mouth breathing fool you are.

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Keep believing Pharmboy. You are a fool and a clown bot.

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🤣😂🤣 says the account is 10 four pieces of activity in two years and it doesn't show any picture.🖕

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so is the intent just to fool the public?

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It had been proven perfectly safe for its intended use in molecular biological research where it’s been used innumerable times for over 40 years.

No one had to prove anything for its use in the human body for exactly the same reason that no one had to do tests to make sure soldering irons are safe for rectal use.

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intended us is the key phrase, thank you, Merry Christmas

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Yep, and Post-Merry Christmas and Pre-Happy New Year to you, too, Paul.

The reason no one even had reason to do that, in addition to the rectal use of soldering irons, is because everyone who had expertise in the use of cell transfection reagents and molecular cloning would have known that the reason all that could be easily done in monocultures of cells was that no monoculture of cells has an innate or adaptive immune system. Sure, the individual cells in a monoculture could still probably detect the internal presence of viral mRNA and viral protein (because that appears to be a constitutive ability of cells) and they could probably still generate a signal for the non-existent innate immune system. But that would be sort of like that “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, did it make any sound?” situation. Sure, in both cases there are physical consequences of causes that lead to actual effects, but, also, in both cases, there is the absence of other things that can be acted on by those effects, A. Something with ears that hear a sound, B. Something in the innate immune system with chemical receptors that can be triggered by the “hey, I’ve been compromised by a frigging virus; come kill me” message from the cell.

Still, people familiar with all this stuff know that, even in the absence of an innate immune system, foreign gene products or even overproduction of self-gene products can be harmful to the individual cells for a variety of reasons (among them being A. Too many cellular resources being diverted to overproduction of a protein, B. Steric hindrance to other cell processes caused by just too much junk present, C. Perhaps functions of the protein that are toxic to the cell or that interfere with things, D. The lysosome being so jam-packed with proteins faster than they can break it down, E. Perhaps internal signaling due to any of the above to the cellular self-destruct mechanism mediated by the mitochondria.

So in light of all the above, anyone who knew all that also knew right from the start that the claim that, “Hey, we can cheaply and easily get people to produce their own spike proteins and get an adaptive immune response so that’ll merely make our product a vaccine” was completely bogus.

They would have said, and I’m sure some did (as I did, as soon as I heard about their plans to use viral mRNA), even people in the companies, “Yeah, but whereas the cost of generating these protein antigens OUTSIDE the body, either in chicken eggs or by recombinant means is WAY greater than using people as cheap, liability-free bioreactors; the cost to the people in everything that will inevitably take place as a result of infecting their healthy cells in multiple organ systems that will inevitably trigger innate immune inflammatory attacks and other immunological consequences before you EVER get specific antibodies and T cells against that single viral protein antigen of a relatively innocuous common cold virus are just WAY too great.”

Even Robt Malone alluded to that long ago when he said these two things: 1. no one should be using viral mRNA as a vaccine, and 2. especially in the manner they were using.

What he said was not at all extraordinary. It was as obvious to anyone with run-of-the-mill experience in molecular biology as “you shouldn’t stick a hot soldering iron or hair curler or skyrocket pyrotechnic device up your ass” was obvious to the general public.

Of course, there’s always some nutcase or someone wanting to be part of a Jackass video that will do it with all the easily predictable results.

In this case, those nutcases, whether for fame or fortune or for some darker motive, were higher-ups at Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson, and AstraZeneca who told everyone else who knew better to go ahead and do it anyway--with all the easily predictable results.

And we know several things:

1. They knew all this stuff from before they ever produced the first product for trials,

2. They concealed (from the general public) by misleading labels (It’s only a vaccine) and descriptions (“Our product only provides your body the information it needs to build immunity”--so does any pathogen) the primary mechanism of action used,

3. They knew the inevitable consequences, a priori, of injecting people with what is the functional equivalent of a one-gene, undetectable, indiscriminate, multi-systemic, artificial virus,

4. They knew from their test populations what they already knew in theory from 3 and from animal experimentation and they tried to conceal it.

And, finally, we know that NONE of that was sufficient to stop them from proceeding, or to stop them once they started, or to stop them from trying to expand their absolutely fucking stupid and insane off-label use of cell transfection reagents to infect people with pathogenic genes to replace existing viral protein vaccines and to whip up new products for disease against which it has so far not been possible to get a workable viral protein vaccine.

That shows that what they’re doing is far beyond the bounds of medical science or even rationality. It is profoundly evil and insane behavior.

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lol, not only are you one truly informed person, you're able to channel comedy gold!

I fear however, just as when I first read your comment here back in the spring, and predicted it would go right over the heads of the local 'geniuses'... that backside 'jab' is gonna fly right by their 'open windows!'

Now back to biz-ness. When you say "intended use," you are forgetting - or leaving out - the fact that the original research... which you rightly claim goes back four decades plus, had left the province of research where it was originally used, and fell into the hands of those parties who would later lead Malone et al to 'the promised land' of commercial application. You probably realize I'm talking about Felgner & Holm.

"All of the DNA was recovered on the top with the lipid. So it was interacting with the lipid. The interaction was occurring in a way that didn't produce particles of a larger size. If they were of a larger size we would have seen a change in the turbidity. So it self-assembled into a virus-like particle is what the bottom line here is. Pretty much you're encapsulating all these different plasmids, one plasmid at a time in each little vesicle.

Today, they're called lipid nanoparticles because at a certain point you could get more funding when you are working with something that is nano. But we had scientific reasons to call it a lipoplex."

So Malone, the grad student was lucky enough to hook up with Felgner - and as a result got credit for their "Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection" ROBERT W. MALONE*tt, PHILIP L. FELGNER*, AND INDER M. VERMA* 1989 joint publication because HE was interested in the marketing of the discovery, and took it to those who were similarly motivated.

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great sharing. I guess all involved really wanted to help mankind

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there is zero about any of this that can ever be safe. the very nature of the exosome liposome extracellular vehicle complex delivery

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They are putting mRNA in our food supply both vegetables and meats. I never got vaxxed. If this crap gets in my body from eating then I will encourage the purge of anyone involved. What else am I going to do? Ask some congressman to please investigate as I’m slowly killed? Call talk radio and whine about what people did ?

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good post

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Oh my fucking God. You're obviously not a real person or you would be ate by a cougar and shit off a cliff before puberty with that level of stupidity.

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Thank you! Keep the pressure on them.

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I, we have no choice. Please share this one stack if any.

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Thank you Dr. PAUL for staying the course!

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wont deviate

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Dr. Alexander, I agree that Trump was misled and once realizing it, rather than throw the book at Fauci & Birx, I believe he kept them close, front & center for all the world to see them lie. How do you catch corrupt criminals? Set them up.

Moving forward, I believe RFK will serve with honor once he’s confirmed. At that point he has the freedom to appoint those best qualified to serve in the various capacities under the HHS. That being said, if you haven’t yet connected with Dr. Judy Mikovits, I believe it would be highly worth your while to do so. She has some interesting perspectives on several of those names you mentioned in your article. Having worked with her for the past year, it would definitely be a conversation not to be missed. I sincerely hope you take the time to connect.

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hi Lee, I know her, strong, sure will...point is we an't cupping balls, we just cant, this is life and death and we simply want the best for people...and for the nation to no longer be screwed. I too support RFK Jr. his silence was and is wrong, no way you can defend that. nor he. he was silenced and all the while people are taking the shots and dying. he will need explain that.

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The information is out there, stated a zillion times by RFKJr. Anyone stupid enough to take vaccines now, is doing it of their own free will. Very few people are willing to take any vaccines anymore. What scares me now are these "self-replicating" vaccines or in food, which don't allow free choice. RFKJr concentrating on the nuts and bolts of dismantling the HHS which enabled all this right now. But thank you for your vigilance and staying strong!

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we will wait to see what RFK Jr. is all about...his silence was wrong and is wrong...but I like the guy, I think legit and will give slack. not interested in nuts and exercise and that crap, we know all that crap...we are interested in mRNA death shots and 2nd generation mRNA

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I can't see Trump starting a shitfight with Big Pharma or tolerating any dissent from RFK Jr. "You were wrong" are not words that Trump is likely to take kindly to. Trump is never going to agree to carry the can for the failures of OWS and the vaccines.

For RFK Jr to speak out now would give Trump an excuse to get rid of him or let the Senate do it for him.

The FDA will probably in the near future quietly pull the EUAs for the vaccines, or persuade Pfizer and Moderna to do so, on some pretext such as they are no longer needed because better stuff is coming, while the public and media are distracted by something else.

That will stop new research on recent effects of the injections and analysis of the contents of the vials.

They can continue to cremate or let the bodies decay, without prior autopsies and get rid of the evidence.

Assuming that there will still be any interest in looking into the injections, RFK Jr will need to have people in place under him who can present the evidence for the lack of efficacy of, and harm caused by, the mRNA and AVV injections in such a way that it is persuasive to the public and can survive the attacks on it that will come from the vaccine promoters.

Then, if there is no way Trump can shrug off what has happened with exhortations to look to the future (of new, improved shots) and not to the past, and if he is smart, Trump will let Pence carry the can.

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so the key here from you is that Pence must carry the water, I agree for Pence is culpable, but you are saying then which is alarming that those chosen now to head these corrupt agencies are specifically chosen to bullshit us, tamp us down, get us to go away and also to bullshit and hit back at pharma...?

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so at some point soon Trump will make the FDA pull the Malone vaccine not because they are unsafe and not because he thinks they are unsafe, but to appease the public and give the manufacturers a chance to come up with the '2nd generation' formula which I might add is just as harmful...

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by pulling it there will be no investigations done, no autopsies, no digging into the past...? so thus this is all a sham, a con on the American people.

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is this what you mean?

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Trump is silent too, Dr. Paul. Why do you still support him? RFK is not even as complicit as Trump is.

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I completely agree and while it’s difficult to understand, I can only hope our Good Lord puts the right people in these critical positions.

We have had a flurry of parents coming to us with their children being threatened to be removed from school if their ‘vaccine’ records aren’t brought up to date. Aka: take the kill shot kids.

Dr. Mikovits refuses to let these kids get injured and is immunizing with botanicals, HCQ, IVM, et al, explaining to parents ’vaccination’ is not immunization. She’s definitely a fighter for the greater good here in corrupt CA and I’m honored (as a worker bee) to work with her.

PS. Would like to send that photo to Gov. Newscum and Dr. Robert Levin here in CA.

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the Good Lord won't or can't, and as you see not the right ones are being nominated. maybe the Good Lord may have a laughter at the sheer stupidity at the American people allowing this.

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are we stupid Lee? I dont think so.

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No, we aren’t stupid Dr. Alexander. And neither is Trump. We’re either being played as a nation by #47, or Trump is setting some of these players up to be identified and exposed. I’ll go with the latter.

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thank you

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Love your explanation, sane person on an ocean of tsunamis

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Is it not yet time to state that killing was the PURPOSE of the shots and the PURPOSE of the Remdesivir/ventilator protocols .. still in service (so to speak)? The hospital fatalities were called “COVID” to gaslight the public .. to scare the public

Into accepting the shots.

Here is Bryan Ardis’s point: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck … what is it? Who claims there is any effective difference between the “spike proteins” and an animal venom? Who insists that the plasmids and mRNA in the shots do not carry a “venom” protein whether it comes from a snake or bat or gerbil? Did not the FDA claim the spike proteins were “biologically inert?” Who has the quote?

Let us note two facts (1) there was effectively NO QA in manufacture and (2) the plasmids used in manufacture were supplied by Cobratech Biologics. Their webpage announcing clinical trials of COVID vaccines made with THEIR plasmids is shown in Ardis’s book (page 153). Did that change? There are some errors in the book but the main point is not lost. If someone has different information on the plasmids … let’s hear it.

DOD management in manufacture did not include inspection … that means measurements that assure adherence to specifications. Correct? Is that the reason the batches are all different? Some have metal particulates. How would you like THOSE clogging youR capillaries? And the Brooks Jackson judges found no “wrongdoing?”

If Cobratech had substituted synthetic snake venom … a mature process developed in partnership between Charles River and Venomtech … tell me who would know? Who in the DOD would even care? Or was that the specification passed under the table? They do whatever they want. And what is it exactly they wanted?

Has anyone isolated a thimble full of spike proteins from each of the following (a) unvaccinated SARS-2 patients and (b) deceased vaccinated? For genomic comparison. Is the answer “no?” Could such an operation be done? Is the answer “no?” Do we have a comparison of the spike protein genetic. sequence … from samples gathered as above?

The snake enzyme protein diagram in Ophirex’s ad has a lovely “cleavage” or “active” site they plugged up with a clever molecule which disables the venom (page 121). Ardis managed to exhume the Ophirex announcement of their COVID-19 trial from the archives of redacted web material. The trial was success with Ophirex snake anti-venom per Bryan’s reading of the bulletin (not reproduced fully on page 122). Why was the bulletin scrubbed?

So, what are we supposed to think about all this?

>A successful remedy for snake poisoning prepared well in advance of the mRNA shots.

>The shots supposedly use a spike protein whose properties in the human body are effectively the same as snake poisoning.

>DNA plasmids for manufacture of the “vaccine” produced by a company with expertise in synthetic venoms

>Loose plasmids in the shots well in excess of specifications .. but carrying the spike protein, whatever it is, ready to transfect bacteria in the host (was that not the concern?).

Will the plasmid concentration, in principle, be amplified by infected bacteria in the gut? Is that not the concern? Correct? Or not?

>And no manufacturing QA. Correct?

These are questions. No one should be “offended.” Don’t call Ardis a quack because the questions are uncomfortable.

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Yes, Mr Rodgers would have said and demonstrated with hands. Love it!

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Good Lord there is a lot of hate in this room. All you are doing is playing into satans camp ~ he fuels on hate. Chill out!

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These evil folks are very smart in their planning. For those who were smart and brave enough to avoid the CV19 jab, there’s shedding, aerosol vaccines by drone, jabs that move from person, much like a virus and Bill Gates using mosquitos as vaccine and disease vectors. President Trump must let Bobby Kennedy stop all this and Geoengineering or we will all be enslaved in a medical tyranny. ..https://substack.com/@jonfleetwood/note/p-153723078?r=izmz3&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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I live in southern New Mexico where today the chentrails were thick and covered the whole sky. I don't know what they are putting into the bugs, but early last spring the big black carpenter ants bit me on the neck while ai was in my garden and the bites were red and painfully swollen -- fortunately DMSO took away the swelling and pain. One of my puppys also got bit on the foot and was in terrible pain Also, the early mosquitoes left bites the size of silver dollars that became very hard and red. Not normal.I am unvaxxed and not thrilled about being a guinea pig. I have to be very careful who I come in contact with.

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It looks like we need to be taking a closer look at OUR FOOD!!

They are going to get his crap in us one way or the other.

"PRION-CONTAMINATED PORK ALERT: All Across the United States, Pigs Can Be “Vaccinated” With Millions of Deadly Prions via mRNA Clot Shots – UNLABELED

Pork producers in America have been administering mRNA-based gene therapy to pigs secretly, contaminating pork with self-assembling nanoparticles."


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Fuck is it like like that's some credible source holy shit shut the fuck up and go play in traffic

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Do ya have a name Big Guy? Or is PharmBoy your prostitute stage name? Do a little dance for your money? I usually don't waste my time with trollers paid by BigPharma to piss people off. PLEASE don't forget to take your boosters. Anywhere I can sign up to attend your funeral? I'm sure it'll be the party of the year. I think I'm about to find out if substack has a block function, which I am about to use on you. Stupidity shedding is dangerous.

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PharmBoy is gone. Known troller? I shouldn't have taken the bait. More coffee needed. Nonetheless, great post Paul! :)!

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thank you

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He/she/it commented today on a post I made elsewhere. :/

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NO new science has EVER been proven safe. Dummy.

The first polio vaccine killed 400,000 people.

mRNA is/was a huge blessing. To manufacture the number of doses needed the horse and chicken egg method would take at least 5 years. STFU

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As long as it's not mandated, I truly hope YOU take it. I certainly won't be taking it. Let's cull the stupid, and find out who that is in death. And make sure the liability for being harming people is back on the Pharma Boys and not on the backs of people. Don't U even care about the liability issues? Obviously, you have no real name so you avoid any liability in your idiotic statements. Speaking of, you still thinkin you saved Grandma? Or did U actually help kill her? The Gov never intended on paying for Social Security and Medicare for the Boomers. Retirement was a lie. They intend to kill the workers after use, not put them out to pasture as promised.

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I'm sorry Marjorie, I don't engage with the genetically deficient, proudly stupid or butt ugly.

Strike 3!

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Nah, see Steve Kirsch's stack. The Russian Sputnik jabs which they produced just as quickly outperformed the mRNA jabs. Actually, so did the Chinese Sinopharm and Sinovac.

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I didn't think so, Ivan. Get out of that basement in St. Petersburg occasionally and lay off the bootleg, rotgut supposed vodka. Give my regards to Mrs Ivanovich.

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What you think doesn't matter, given that you're deluded.

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🤣😂🤣 no one's ever told you you suck at this agitprop gig?

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Credible source?

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Total BS!

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One more thing.

"The science of mRNA TRANSFECTION is decades old process where CRISPR clones are grown in E.coli typically for vaccine development including egg based flu shots."

Crisper technology is not decades old. None of your citations are credible. The first being anecdotal, the second and opinion piece, and the last one from a very non-incredible source.

Jesus Christ, you're not offering plausibility.

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The Russians eschewed the idea of using mRNA tech for dud prophylactic vaccines for respiratory viruses entirely and quickly produced a more traditional vaccine against covid that proved more effective.

Instead of dud mRNA vaccines for respiratory infections the Russians focused on developing therapeutic mRNA anti-cancer vaccines that are personalized to the individual patient in les than one hour using AI and a database of 30,000 to 40,000 tumors and in pre-trials with one of their new vaccines were successfully able to suppress tumor progression and prevent metastases where the US has been unable to and will be rolling it out to their cancer patients within weeks to months from now.

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Again, source?

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Look for it online in non-US press. There's been extensive coverage.

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That's not how this works. You made the claim you have to lend it credibility.

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FFS i'm not going to unpack that entire train load of gibberish.

I will point out one thing to prove the entire rant, nothing but agitprop bullshit.

Let's say you are correct in your claims about polio. You failed to mention the likelihood of polio is less than .01% from the vaccine than from the virus.

Take your disingenuous intentionally out of context nonsense elsewhere.

Shut the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

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"NO new science has EVER been proven safe. Dummy."

Most absurd claim ever as if all science is measured by human health effects.

"The first polio vaccine killed 400,000 people."

Current cases of polio are all from vaccine strains... check CDC polio vaccines do not stop infection or transmission but myth of immunization persists.

"mRNA is/was a huge blessing. To manufacture the number of doses needed the horse and chicken egg method would take at least 5 years. STFU"

This has so many incorrect assumptions it has to be Pharma mythology in practice. The science of mRNA TRANSFECTION is decades old process where CRISPR clones are grown in E.coli typically for vaccine development including egg based flu shots.

The process of producing RNA clones is called Gain of Function but really is gain of purity making a concentration that can never exist in Nature. What's more the injected material can NEVER successfully augment the immune system against T-cell mediated airborne pathogens the biology does not exist to support any mechanism of action.

Doctors have known since 1999 Jesse Gelsinger gene therapy experiment that human immune systems NEVER tolerate foreign proteins. This idea was always flawed and only propaganda makes the notion of TRANSFECTING humans as an immunization. Flaws in LNP distribution alone should have been enough to stop this crime in its tracks.



oops forgot NIH GoF review https://web.archive.org/web/20161206155142/http://www.gryphonscientific.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Risk-and-Benefit-Analysis-of-Gain-of-Function-Research-Final-Report.pdf

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Let's go with the "measured human health effects"

As of December 20, you were 14 times more likely to end up in the ICU or dead if you did not receive two original immunizations and at least two boosters.

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pfft... by what mechanism can mRNA TRANSFECTION create immunity to an airborne RNA molecule that would need mucosal T-cell defense if we assume your pharma cartoon model of immunization?

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You lost all credibility with the polio comment. Loser. Lying loser

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Take your nebulous gibberish elsewhere. As if you understand virology. Nice word salad though....

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