Or.. A well placed plant.. That will throw the case.

Trump's, Vince McMahon scripted, Hulk Hogan-esque victory tour is steaming along.

He can't be stopped. And will return a hero and martyr.

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Come on. You still believe in the age of coincidences?

The most impeachable witness duo ever constructed?

The previous prosecutor committing more crimes than she prosecuted?

And just the other day... It's confirmed that the hand recounts and machine recounts are illegitimate.

Next, that case will prove the election was stolen.. And he gets OP Legendary status.

Vince should have hired me.

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I've been calling Tulsi as his running mate for over 3 years, but that was before the Kennedy wildcard.

Could have been and independent ticket.

Kennedy made a bad choice, so I think it's even stronger that Trump picks Tulsi now.

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It would be a political master stroke. Many of his base here want him to pick a more "pure" conservative who would lose the election for him in a tight race. Trump is smarter than them so hopefully you are correct!

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You want him to pick a democrat who is also a wef memeber?

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Chris C - I take it you believe in the KayFabe theory. This has been promoted by one person in particular on Badlands Media - Kyle, aka Just Human. He's been saying this for at least two years.

I can buy that some of this is KayFabe, like Stormy and Cohen. But not things like DeSantis's run. I think he was perfectly willing to sell out to the deepstate Uniparty and take the big donor bucks, because they told him Trump would not be able to run. DeSantis is a RINO sellout, imo, not part of a KayFabe op.

And RFK Jr. may be part of "the plan", working with Trump to expose the evils of vaccines and Big Pharma, but Trump would never pick him as a running mate.

I believe Trump will pick Gen. Flynn. We know that at some point the military will have to be used to stop civilian riots, and protect the election process. Flynn is a military back up second in command, which will be needed.

Tulsi may get a position in Trump's admin.

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I could see Trump with General Flynn,Dave. If we have an election 45 will need to take apart the military from the top down.

And hopefully fire all the dudes with skirts.

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The (skirts) reveal a long occulted [Anomaly] Not limited to the armed services . .

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Thanks for the like !

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True! It's their religion.

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High on the list of priorities must be abolishing the Fed... And making sure it can never be reconstituted. If not, all is for not.

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That why Trump has Susie Wiles (the #Trump2024 campaign manager, PAC leader, gatekeeper to @realDonaldTrump & partner in Mercury LLC - a company representing Democrats, Pfizer, Gilead, GAVI the UN Foundation & tied to the WEF)?

This plan people keep speaking of is annoying. I am a Trump supporter, but Trump is a vaccine supporter. Trump has DEI policies in his company. Let's be realistic and honest about things.

Listen to the interview and how he feels about mRNA.


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wiles is an issue...agreed...not a good look...worrying

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Sometimes it seems he makes bad choices and sometimes a theme seems to be there. Mike Pompeo for example. I was happy when he chose him for the simple fact it got him out of my state legislature. I didn't understand why he chose him at all. The only legislation he ever tried pushing through was to not have GMO's on consumer products labels. Pat Roberts would push the same through in the Senate with him. Pat Roberts did nothing for the state during his time in the Senate. My opinion of Pompeo is his interest wasn't for the people or their safety or health. Then he chose a position for Sam Brownback. He was a governor that caused the state of Kansas to choose a democratic governor. His policies and what he did to the state were terrible. He wasn't a people first person. My point on the underlying theme is the push for all of these things with the people surrounding him. mRNA, GMO's, etc. I think the whole purpose of the pandemic was the EUA to get all these mRNA products on the market. FDA is already approving all the fake meat and other GMO's.

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Door opening for mrna in everything.

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You're right. Politics are just a psyop. I guarantee the next "residrnt" has already been chosen by rhe rothschilds, bilderberg group, etc.

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Both trump and rfk are fans of vaccines. Trump considers himself the "grandfather of vaccines" and says ,"they saved millions of lives. He also accepted 1/2 million dollars from pfizer. Rfk is ok with quackscenes too, just not covid because it's not safe.

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a dirty rat, that is all he is

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I'm sure he's known by other names too.

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Sycophant, traitor, perjurer, ex-con, disbarred attorney, and so much worse.

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Yes, all those. How does a prosecutor actually think Cohen's testimony can be believed? There was no "case" here in the first place, we all know this is pure malicious prosecution and election interference.

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Cohen is a slime, but more than anything he really comes across as downright low IQ. It's hard to believe there's a single person out there who takes him seriously.

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Quit insulting rats.

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To be a rat one must possess legitimately negative or criminal information about someone or some group and use it against that person or persons. This is not the case with Mr. Cohen. Mr. Cohen is clearly a compromised individual who will do it say whatever he's told by his master's. He's as big a whore as Ms. Daniels minus the vagina. Or maybe not😉

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PR spin wash rinse repeat. Anyone that supports mRNA technology along with CRISPR technology should be shot in every joint when weather changes so will the pain level go up might catch a wave of good days. If man talk garbage against former potus then not loyal will turn in nano second. Alot of the military joint chiefs are soft pansy annsy not concerned getting job done nor demand for proper equipment that actually works instead of falling apart engine room ships airplanes more parts falling off forgetting to put the right parts in from factory nothing but high priced junk we pay for. Sure wish Patton was here today to do his job and get rid of them terrorists in high places and pharma university that was allowed in. We would figured it out yet they had all the tech stuff we wanted and still paying the price for it. What is their credibility? At least HoHo donuts has better integrity.

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