You are my absolute go-to guy for plausible hypotheses. Please keep opining! I hope you find my data useful to support your endeavours. https://metatron.substack.com/p/hugging-your-gran-didnt-kill-her

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The iceberg is emerging, we can now see its tip

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From: http://www.preearth.net/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1184


The fully-vaccinated are being infected at TWICE the rate of the un-vaccinated.

Statistics from the NHS (the British National Health System) tell us that the fully-vaccinated are being infected at (more than) twice the rate of the un-vaccinated. This has been reported to be the case in every NHS "Covid-19 vaccine surveillance report" since early September 2021. The relevant statistics are reported weekly, and cover the proceeding month.

For example, in the Covid-19 vaccine surveillance report – week 44 (Oct 4 to 1 Nov 2021) data supporting this conclusion can be found in Table 5 on page 20. The table is titled; "Unadjusted rates of COVID-19 infection, hospitalisation and death in vaccinated and unvaccinated populations." The first few columns of Table 5 are;

<18 346 2,891

18-29 614 710

30-39 1,221 893

40-49 2,125 933

50-59 1,409 656

60-69 999 460

70-79 741 373

≥80 480 375

column 1 = "age group"

column 2 = "cases of covid-19 per 100,000 fully-vaccinated"

column 3 = "cases of covid-19 per 100,000 unvaccinated"

Let me spell out what these numbers are saying;

If you are fully-vaccinated, and between 40 and 80 years old, you are about twice as likely to catch covid-19 as the un-vaccinated.

If you are fully-vaccinated, and between 30 and 40 years old, you are 1.4 times as likely to catch covid-19 as the un-vaccinated.

If you are fully-vaccinated, and older than 80, you are about 1.3 times as likely to catch covid-19 as the un-vaccinated.

But, how can a fully-vaccinated individual be more than twice as likely to catch covid-19 as an un-vaccinated individual? Even if the vaccine didn't work, at all, you would only expect about the same number of covid-19 cases in both the vaccinated, and un-vaccinated. But, we see twice the number of covid-19 cases in the fully-vaccinated.

So, what is happening?

Well, this is vaccine dependent enhancement (also called antibody dependent enhancement or ADE). Vaccine dependent enhancement has been observed in all the previously produced vaccines against coronaviruses. This is why no coronavirus vaccine has ever been offered to the public, previous to Covid-19. This is the vaccine dependent enhancement that so many scientific papers, and experts in the field, warned vaccine makers to watch for. But while claiming to be the science, the evil nutters refused to listen to the science. The nutters produced vaccines, and never bothered to check for vaccine dependent enhancement.

But, how can the exact same covid-19 virus be much more infectious after vaccination, than it was before vaccination?

In vaccine dependent enhancement, some antibodies, produced in response to the vaccine, open up a new way for the Covid-19 virus to get into (i.e., infect) your cells. If this new route into your cells is more easily negotiated than the original route, then the virus will be more infectious. If the new route is twice as easy to negotiate, then the virus will be twice as infectious as it was. Even if the vaccine is 100% effective in stopping entry by the original route, you can still be twice as likely to catch the disease due to this alternate, antibody dependent, route into your cells.

It is apparent that the people running the NHS website have noticed these figures, and are taking steps to hide them. From week 47 on, the Covid-19 vaccine surveillance reports actually present the offending numbers in grey, so that they will be less noticeable. They also appear to be manipulating/falsifying the data in the age group ≥80. There does not appear to be any rational explanation for the changes occurring in this age group. If you have an explanation, please let me know.

You can find the weekly Covid-19 vaccine surveillance reports here.

The relevent pages from the week 44 report can be found here.

It appears that the vaccine manufacturers, and their owners, only care about taking your money. They did not even care enough about your health to check for vaccine dependent enhancement, which they had to know was likely to occur.


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If only Dr. Alexander could speak to the Supreme Court! The misinformation spewed from justices was stunning. They did not even agree with Fauci/CDC regarding Omicron infectivity or morbidity. 100,000 kids hospitalized? Are the justices all affected with cerebral microemboli and prions?

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Thank you for your work.

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Thanks Dr Paul, all starting to make sense for this lay person, keep going 🙏🏻

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Tip from what I read:

Don't pose a question in your sub-heading, or prime-text. Readers are seeking info; they don't seek questions.

"...; can you see how infections explode across age-groups from prior weeks?"

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Nice work!

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