Well has Trump really ever had any 'close-calls'?? Just a few, I think he had a few belligerents at his early rally's, but nothing ever causing the secret-service to pull out their guns;
In my experience post Raygun the secret-service has a about 100 yard rule, if your not vetted you don't come within that zone;
Well has Trump really ever had any 'close-calls'?? Just a few, I think he had a few belligerents at his early rally's, but nothing ever causing the secret-service to pull out their guns;
In my experience post Raygun the secret-service has a about 100 yard rule, if your not vetted you don't come within that zone;
I just say that given my experience going to few Clinton activity's when he was in town back in the day, in no case was I ever allowed to cross the street on the side-walk or come within 100 yards of any place he was at; You could stand across the street, that was as close as you could get, if you reached down to touch your toe on the street, you could look up and see snipers on all the buildings pointing in your direction; If you looked across the street, or down the street you would see guys with dark-glasses & wearing earphones with their shooting hand in their coat;
Back when McKinley was killed POTUS 1901 the public could wander into the white-house drunk & lost; Much has changed;
Trump is NO Hitler, Hitler was an artist, and many things; Trump best know for WWE faux wrestling announcement and reality-TV star in the Apprentice; All of his books were ghost-written;
Well has Trump really ever had any 'close-calls'?? Just a few, I think he had a few belligerents at his early rally's, but nothing ever causing the secret-service to pull out their guns;
In my experience post Raygun the secret-service has a about 100 yard rule, if your not vetted you don't come within that zone;
I just say that given my experience going to few Clinton activity's when he was in town back in the day, in no case was I ever allowed to cross the street on the side-walk or come within 100 yards of any place he was at; You could stand across the street, that was as close as you could get, if you reached down to touch your toe on the street, you could look up and see snipers on all the buildings pointing in your direction; If you looked across the street, or down the street you would see guys with dark-glasses & wearing earphones with their shooting hand in their coat;
Back when McKinley was killed POTUS 1901 the public could wander into the white-house drunk & lost; Much has changed;
Trump is NO Hitler, Hitler was an artist, and many things; Trump best know for WWE faux wrestling announcement and reality-TV star in the Apprentice; All of his books were ghost-written;