democrats, deepstate DC cabal, RINOs are inciting one of their whacko sick malfeasants, KAREN types, to go at him; I pray as you that his security is on tap; we must pray, they will seek to end him
There is a way of looking at things that says “do not put out anything negative but only positive”. You attract what you put out...I suggest we all surround 47 with light and protection and prayer if you you believe...Peace.
MUSK has on many occasions "The ONLY REASON Trump is running a 2nd term is to secure a life pardon for him&family" once he gets that he's gone;
Smart people would pledge him the deal already, and have him support their candidate; Trump doesn't want the fucking POTUS no rational person on earth wants that job, they have to own you like BIDEN tell you to show up or go to prison for life;
Also they're still talking about the Epstein client list getting formally MSM dumped, Trump will be on that list, then the shit really hits the fan, as BIDEN & assoc are their too; Which means that for now they might leave demoRat's off the list;
Trump could get so toxic in coming weeks that this is all irrelevant,
Even Trumps kids are done with Politics and don't want it anymore; Trump just stays in now for survival as yes, they want him dead, financially dead;
Dershowitz wrote a book in 2012 and it’s free download . The name is “ Guilt By Accusation “, Amazon. Both he and Wexner were victims of the Epstein shakedown bitches. Wild totally unsubstantiated crazy claims yet by law they were allowed get away with it. It showed me what I already deduced. There were no victims among those girls. They were hustling just like Epstein except instead of cooperation they wanted 💰.
It’s a short, but rather decent book, explaining how you can be wrecked by legal warfare, and have nothing to do with the crimes.
Yep those 14 year old girls forced old Dershowitz to fuck them
Every 14 year old girl I have ever met confided to me their secret desire is to be fucked by grand-pa jew in front of camera's
All those GIRLS were groomed NYC-Teen modeling owned by Epstein&TRUMP 1990-2004, in 2004 it got moved to Mar-a-Lago and 2007 a little girl ratted out the massage racket to parents who went to police, in agreement in 2007 Epstein was banned form mar-a-lago for life;
That's when they shifted all fuck-a-kid biz to Epstein Islands which were really british owned sex slavery ops already running;
Now to the NYC-Teen modeling that was 100% looking for nubile teen's who were agreeable to be fucked by old men, once found they were sent to work at the sheldon-adelson casinos, the richest man in Israel, and run's the world white-slavery whore-houses all over the world including MENA&ASIA, as well as Atlantic-CIty&Vegas;
Adelson personally gave Trump $150M million USD for POTUS in 2016 being Trumps #1 king-maker;
As to Trump his first action as POTUS was to appoint "ACOSTA" to a cabinet post, acosta best known as the DA in 2007 that had dropped all charges on Trump&Epstein for child-sex slavery;
Lately not only has MORE came out that dershowitz was fucking the kids, but also Noah-Chomsky another jewish angel, that likes child pussy
Regarding this notion that "All little girls are sluts" not true, TRUMP&EPSTEIN were promising "Modelling Careers" the argument was if they fucked the rich old guys, they would get a role in an upcoming movie, ... besides all 'stars' begin as whores, so said the pimps who found the little-girls for the whore-houses
If any of you think that any of this shit was 'good for the girls' then fuck you;
I agree… Actually I need an Independent living center but since they are Federally funded the
j a b is require….Trump said he will not give federal funding to any institution that mandates masks or vaccines etc….that to me is positive too….Peace and Happy Holidays…..
Move to Texas, perhaps? It's illegal there to mandate the bioweapon shots on employees. Hopefully they've given up pushing them on everybody else, too!
We all need to get stronger and healthier as we get older. The status quo systems are failing. The U.S. has NO "healthcare", only disease maintenance. I just ordered a book on Amazon titled "Forever Strong" that looks interesting. Haven't gotten it yet. Also "The Ancestral Diet Revolution". It discusses the fact that the VERY WORST thing we can eat, that causes ALL the "modern" diseases because of its inflammatory properties and damage to cell membranes, is high omega 6 "vegetable" oils (linoleic acid), such as from soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc.
Get stronger and healthier and maybe you won't need assisted living!
Thank you so very much…..Interesting….…..Dr. Mercola has been saying that the Linoleic acid is poison…I am vegan (and allergic to fish and fish oils) so I am trying to be careful….also there has been info that things like olive oil are not real….and we used to be able to trust Braggs but they sold out to Nestle….and you are right except that i have some deformities that can’t really be fixed so easily…..i have been eating organic and vegan since 1980…….God Bless….thank you..
You may have a point. There were multiple attempts to assassinate Hitler and those attempts all failed. According to Savitri Devi, a French born Greek woman with 2 PhDs, in philosophy and mathematics, who was both an original Nazi and a neoNazi and who was married to a high ranking Brahmin and studied the Bhagavad Gita, Hitler was Kalki, an incarnation of Vishnu (i.e., God Incarnate), one of the last avatars of the Kali Yuga, who came to earth to battle the world enemy. Savitri Devi considered that Hitler had been "too much sun and not enough lighning" during that last incarnation and that this problem will not recur in the next incarnation during "the second coming of Hitler." See the review below of one of her books, "The Lightning and the Sun." Of course Trump is nothing like Hitler except that assassination attempts against Hitler all failed. Could that have been due to the energy around Hitler, that it protected him just as positive energy will protect Trump?
"A classic philosophical work about the historical inevitability of cultural decay and rebirth, written by one of Adolf Hitler's most devoted admirers. Savitri Devi couches her arguments in metaphor, using "lightning" to refer to forces of destruction and "sun" to refer to building in accordance with nature's eternal laws. Both are necessary, says Devi, since to build the pure and new one must first sweep away the rotting debris of the corrupt old order. Violence, per se, has no moral assignment; it's either worth its while or not, depending on what it aims for. For illustration, the author examines in detail the lives of three figures from history: Akhnaton, Genghis Khan, and Adolf Hitler. She argues that we are at the end of a cycle of history in which corruption and lies prevail over honor and truth, and that the time is ripe for the storm of violence that will precede the next golden age."
Well has Trump really ever had any 'close-calls'?? Just a few, I think he had a few belligerents at his early rally's, but nothing ever causing the secret-service to pull out their guns;
In my experience post Raygun the secret-service has a about 100 yard rule, if your not vetted you don't come within that zone;
I just say that given my experience going to few Clinton activity's when he was in town back in the day, in no case was I ever allowed to cross the street on the side-walk or come within 100 yards of any place he was at; You could stand across the street, that was as close as you could get, if you reached down to touch your toe on the street, you could look up and see snipers on all the buildings pointing in your direction; If you looked across the street, or down the street you would see guys with dark-glasses & wearing earphones with their shooting hand in their coat;
Back when McKinley was killed POTUS 1901 the public could wander into the white-house drunk & lost; Much has changed;
Trump is NO Hitler, Hitler was an artist, and many things; Trump best know for WWE faux wrestling announcement and reality-TV star in the Apprentice; All of his books were ghost-written;
Oh for sure. She was a deep green ecologist and animal rights activist as well as an actual Nazi spy during WW2 and unrepentant Nazi for 60 years. She was a huge animal lover and supported the death penalty for mistreatment of animals. She died surrounded by cats.
With all due respect, could you PLEASE stop with the Karen’s not only overused beyond average juvenile insult lifespan, you’re clearly more intelligent than to need to use middle-school level name calling bully tactics. You have a lot of important information that you share, & it’s hard to get past the screamy insult rants to the heart of the message.
Anyone who watches the Epoch documentary on Jan 6th will “see” there was no insurrection order by Trump.. while he was addressing people at the Whitehouse grounds... the police were already firing rubbers bullets from rooftops at the white house... escalating the tensions amongst peaceful protestors.... Blaming Trump for inept policing from gung ho trigger happy cops is abit rich...but that’s what democrats the fireworks ... light the touch paper... then point the finger get of blame at the best kick them back out next time you vote... or leave them in and watch the worst shitshow of your lives.
TRUMP as an ex-POTUS him & family has the best secret-service protection on earth;
In all probability, RFK-jr will get shot and risk to Trump is a big zero; Unless by inside job like Hinckley but Trump is a lot like Putin, fairly freaked out by Germs
The real P-Alex twist will be "which of the little 4 indian shits will Trump pick to be his POTUS VEEP????"
By 'martyr' more likely Trump could do a "PEROT" and just op-out by saying the "Assassination plot on little Brandon was too much", and if back-scenes he's given a full life pardon for himself & family, then he's done; Well of course the $10's of Billion's of USD COVID 2020 relief funds placed in Qatar-UAE accounts could not be clawed back, but that's a deal all uni-party would sign up for;
All Trump wants is to avoid prison for himself & family, and the money; All the deep-state wants is one of the little Indians ruling the USA, like they have SUNAK Brahmin Indian 'gods chose' ruling over the UK today;
Trump's germ phobia was also shared by Bush Jr and Saddam, both of whom went through copious quantities of hand sanitizer many years before covid.
Haley is an as dumb as a rock neocon warmonger. I can't see Trump picking her for VP. He could pick Ramaswampy. Ramaswampy reminds me of Savitri Devi, the convert to Hinduism who believed that Hitler was an incarnation of Vishnu (God Incarnate) who will come again to earth before the end of the Kali Yuga.
Ever since Netanyahu reportedly became the first world leader to congratulate Biden after the disputed 2020 election Trump has been suspicious of him and has criticized him. It seems unlikely that Netanyahu will permit Trump to become president.
Unlikely scenario. He has Secret Service but also his own security. Unlike JFK RFK MLK etc, probably will not happen as ramifications worse. If he wins, he will be hampered by congress and news media for 4 years so a muted tenure.
Who is Netanyahu? He is someone who you are not allowed to criticize. If you do it triggers the hard-core ethno-nationalists and ethno-centrists like "Freedom Lover" who defend Zlonlsm and the right of Jews to do anything to have their own ethnostate even if it means killing thousands of children and other non-combatants. That's despite the fact that he's allowed to be criticized within Israel where he is credibly accused of corruption and a few months ago hundreds of thousands of people in Israel marched in the streets against his self-serving judicial so called reforms.
Hundreds of thousands march in Israel against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul
Netanyahu loves Trump! Trump gave Israel the Abraham Accords! Biden has put Israel in the crosshairs! That phone call is meaningless. Probably more to do with Israeli politics and pressure from Israel's leftists.
This is a competition. And we are the prize. Once an entity has all the money there’s only one thing left to achieve. Power.
The acquisition and ability to keep and grow money catapults the rich in status and feelings of superiority.
Us wee little folks feed into it by drooling over them. Handing them everything they want if only to touch the hem of their garment ($25,000 lunches with Warren Buffet) maybe some will rub off.
Meanwhile the poor get compartmentalized into drug addled fatherless neighborhoods with crap schools and no opportunities beyond death and prison that most of us good folks want nothing to do with.
But money only takes an ego only so far. I mean, if you’re winning at the toughest game in town after a while boredom inevitably sets in. That doesn’t seem right, does it? Gotta be more usefulness to someone that’s out-smarted the 99.9%.
Claiming superiority in every aspect of human existence becomes a birthright. Bill Gates isn’t an educated man in the sense they apply the standard to the rest of us. Yet, he’s not only a tech genius but an educational guru, a biologist, a doctor, a conservationist. Why, there’s nothing this man can’t do. Amazing!
If only these people could box us all into a corner the world would be a better place. So that’s the game. The internet makes it more achievable than ever before. Psychological manipulation of masses has never been easier! Total control is the objective. Because it’s for the best.
A dirty little secret though. Once achieved it’s never enough. We saw examples all over the pandemic. Abuse of power is intoxicating. So here we are. It’s a game of us vs them. They want every morsel of our decision making power. Normies continually underestimate the importance this is to those who desire to put their hands up our backsides and turn us into their sock puppets.
Any threat to the DC Swamp, the WEF, globalist turds, big pharma and big tech and the campaign to murder humanity and the undergoing agenda to enslave all who survive the depopulation expedition will be destroyed. These murdering megalomaniacs have been exposed and are backed against the wall. That makes them more dangerous to our survival.
There is a way of looking at things that says “do not put out anything negative but only positive”. You attract what you put out...I suggest we all surround 47 with light and protection and prayer if you you believe...Peace.
In a world of shit, everything smells like shit;
To the moron or fool-cuck over in the corner that smell 'roses', keep up the stiff upper lip, carry on;
We used to call this the "Emperors New Clothes" where everybody was terrified of saying he was naked;
Today we're in a world of shit, but the positivists demand that we think like fly's and demand more;
Bilbo's Bitch, a straight shooter, always the first to call to cut with the crap, tellin' it like it is.
MUSK is too most of the time;
MUSK has on many occasions "The ONLY REASON Trump is running a 2nd term is to secure a life pardon for him&family" once he gets that he's gone;
Smart people would pledge him the deal already, and have him support their candidate; Trump doesn't want the fucking POTUS no rational person on earth wants that job, they have to own you like BIDEN tell you to show up or go to prison for life;
Also they're still talking about the Epstein client list getting formally MSM dumped, Trump will be on that list, then the shit really hits the fan, as BIDEN & assoc are their too; Which means that for now they might leave demoRat's off the list;
Trump could get so toxic in coming weeks that this is all irrelevant,
Even Trumps kids are done with Politics and don't want it anymore; Trump just stays in now for survival as yes, they want him dead, financially dead;
And still, not much mention of Leslie Wexner's role in the whole Epstein blackmail enterprise.
he's right there in the photo with Moloch
Dershowitz wrote a book in 2012 and it’s free download . The name is “ Guilt By Accusation “, Amazon. Both he and Wexner were victims of the Epstein shakedown bitches. Wild totally unsubstantiated crazy claims yet by law they were allowed get away with it. It showed me what I already deduced. There were no victims among those girls. They were hustling just like Epstein except instead of cooperation they wanted 💰.
It’s a short, but rather decent book, explaining how you can be wrecked by legal warfare, and have nothing to do with the crimes.
Yep those 14 year old girls forced old Dershowitz to fuck them
Every 14 year old girl I have ever met confided to me their secret desire is to be fucked by grand-pa jew in front of camera's
All those GIRLS were groomed NYC-Teen modeling owned by Epstein&TRUMP 1990-2004, in 2004 it got moved to Mar-a-Lago and 2007 a little girl ratted out the massage racket to parents who went to police, in agreement in 2007 Epstein was banned form mar-a-lago for life;
That's when they shifted all fuck-a-kid biz to Epstein Islands which were really british owned sex slavery ops already running;
Now to the NYC-Teen modeling that was 100% looking for nubile teen's who were agreeable to be fucked by old men, once found they were sent to work at the sheldon-adelson casinos, the richest man in Israel, and run's the world white-slavery whore-houses all over the world including MENA&ASIA, as well as Atlantic-CIty&Vegas;
Adelson personally gave Trump $150M million USD for POTUS in 2016 being Trumps #1 king-maker;
As to Trump his first action as POTUS was to appoint "ACOSTA" to a cabinet post, acosta best known as the DA in 2007 that had dropped all charges on Trump&Epstein for child-sex slavery;
Lately not only has MORE came out that dershowitz was fucking the kids, but also Noah-Chomsky another jewish angel, that likes child pussy
Regarding this notion that "All little girls are sluts" not true, TRUMP&EPSTEIN were promising "Modelling Careers" the argument was if they fucked the rich old guys, they would get a role in an upcoming movie, ... besides all 'stars' begin as whores, so said the pimps who found the little-girls for the whore-houses
If any of you think that any of this shit was 'good for the girls' then fuck you;
I read he’s top dog. Seems there’s much more to this story few know.
That's not true. His sons, Don, Jr. and Eric and his wife Lara are highly involved in Politics.
Yes but Kushner & Ivanka are burnt out to shit
Sure as shit don-jr, eric, & lara don't want their billions clawed-back
IVanka&Kushner have been promised a seat at Chelseas THRONE
At least Trump is being very positive!
I agree… Actually I need an Independent living center but since they are Federally funded the
j a b is require….Trump said he will not give federal funding to any institution that mandates masks or vaccines etc….that to me is positive too….Peace and Happy Holidays…..
Move to Texas, perhaps? It's illegal there to mandate the bioweapon shots on employees. Hopefully they've given up pushing them on everybody else, too!
You have to stand your ground on this issue!
Thank you…..wish I could but for now it is not an option….but I so appreciate ….God Bless…
We all need to get stronger and healthier as we get older. The status quo systems are failing. The U.S. has NO "healthcare", only disease maintenance. I just ordered a book on Amazon titled "Forever Strong" that looks interesting. Haven't gotten it yet. Also "The Ancestral Diet Revolution". It discusses the fact that the VERY WORST thing we can eat, that causes ALL the "modern" diseases because of its inflammatory properties and damage to cell membranes, is high omega 6 "vegetable" oils (linoleic acid), such as from soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc.
Get stronger and healthier and maybe you won't need assisted living!
Thank you so very much…..Interesting….…..Dr. Mercola has been saying that the Linoleic acid is poison…I am vegan (and allergic to fish and fish oils) so I am trying to be careful….also there has been info that things like olive oil are not real….and we used to be able to trust Braggs but they sold out to Nestle….and you are right except that i have some deformities that can’t really be fixed so easily…..i have been eating organic and vegan since 1980…….God Bless….thank you..
Exactly. Dr. Alexander puts out too much bad karma when it comes to President Trump.
P-alex kisses Trump ring 24/7 on this site, always has;
You may have a point. There were multiple attempts to assassinate Hitler and those attempts all failed. According to Savitri Devi, a French born Greek woman with 2 PhDs, in philosophy and mathematics, who was both an original Nazi and a neoNazi and who was married to a high ranking Brahmin and studied the Bhagavad Gita, Hitler was Kalki, an incarnation of Vishnu (i.e., God Incarnate), one of the last avatars of the Kali Yuga, who came to earth to battle the world enemy. Savitri Devi considered that Hitler had been "too much sun and not enough lighning" during that last incarnation and that this problem will not recur in the next incarnation during "the second coming of Hitler." See the review below of one of her books, "The Lightning and the Sun." Of course Trump is nothing like Hitler except that assassination attempts against Hitler all failed. Could that have been due to the energy around Hitler, that it protected him just as positive energy will protect Trump?
"A classic philosophical work about the historical inevitability of cultural decay and rebirth, written by one of Adolf Hitler's most devoted admirers. Savitri Devi couches her arguments in metaphor, using "lightning" to refer to forces of destruction and "sun" to refer to building in accordance with nature's eternal laws. Both are necessary, says Devi, since to build the pure and new one must first sweep away the rotting debris of the corrupt old order. Violence, per se, has no moral assignment; it's either worth its while or not, depending on what it aims for. For illustration, the author examines in detail the lives of three figures from history: Akhnaton, Genghis Khan, and Adolf Hitler. She argues that we are at the end of a cycle of history in which corruption and lies prevail over honor and truth, and that the time is ripe for the storm of violence that will precede the next golden age."
The Lightning and the Sun
Well has Trump really ever had any 'close-calls'?? Just a few, I think he had a few belligerents at his early rally's, but nothing ever causing the secret-service to pull out their guns;
In my experience post Raygun the secret-service has a about 100 yard rule, if your not vetted you don't come within that zone;
I just say that given my experience going to few Clinton activity's when he was in town back in the day, in no case was I ever allowed to cross the street on the side-walk or come within 100 yards of any place he was at; You could stand across the street, that was as close as you could get, if you reached down to touch your toe on the street, you could look up and see snipers on all the buildings pointing in your direction; If you looked across the street, or down the street you would see guys with dark-glasses & wearing earphones with their shooting hand in their coat;
Back when McKinley was killed POTUS 1901 the public could wander into the white-house drunk & lost; Much has changed;
Trump is NO Hitler, Hitler was an artist, and many things; Trump best know for WWE faux wrestling announcement and reality-TV star in the Apprentice; All of his books were ghost-written;
Having 2 PHD’s doesn’t guarantee she’s not bat shit crazy.
Oh for sure. She was a deep green ecologist and animal rights activist as well as an actual Nazi spy during WW2 and unrepentant Nazi for 60 years. She was a huge animal lover and supported the death penalty for mistreatment of animals. She died surrounded by cats.
Zelensky recently said he loves dogs, and feels that humans make bad friends and companions;
That he has no loss at heart when the human dies but is heart broken when an animal dies;
The point is the UKRO-NAZI king himself is/was an animal lover;
Trump has VERY good, private security and takes extraordinary measures to be safe. And maybe God is looking out for him!
Hope! That's a good strategy!
Not trying to be overly negative but I’m actually amazed he’s got this far.
With all due respect, could you PLEASE stop with the Karen’s not only overused beyond average juvenile insult lifespan, you’re clearly more intelligent than to need to use middle-school level name calling bully tactics. You have a lot of important information that you share, & it’s hard to get past the screamy insult rants to the heart of the message.
Yes, can we please have some blonde jokes.
Yes...they are taking desperate measures now. Look at Colorado court BS. It’s evident.
Anyone who watches the Epoch documentary on Jan 6th will “see” there was no insurrection order by Trump.. while he was addressing people at the Whitehouse grounds... the police were already firing rubbers bullets from rooftops at the white house... escalating the tensions amongst peaceful protestors.... Blaming Trump for inept policing from gung ho trigger happy cops is abit rich...but that’s what democrats the fireworks ... light the touch paper... then point the finger get of blame at the best kick them back out next time you vote... or leave them in and watch the worst shitshow of your lives.
RFK-jr can't even get security
TRUMP as an ex-POTUS him & family has the best secret-service protection on earth;
In all probability, RFK-jr will get shot and risk to Trump is a big zero; Unless by inside job like Hinckley but Trump is a lot like Putin, fairly freaked out by Germs
The real P-Alex twist will be "which of the little 4 indian shits will Trump pick to be his POTUS VEEP????"
By 'martyr' more likely Trump could do a "PEROT" and just op-out by saying the "Assassination plot on little Brandon was too much", and if back-scenes he's given a full life pardon for himself & family, then he's done; Well of course the $10's of Billion's of USD COVID 2020 relief funds placed in Qatar-UAE accounts could not be clawed back, but that's a deal all uni-party would sign up for;
All Trump wants is to avoid prison for himself & family, and the money; All the deep-state wants is one of the little Indians ruling the USA, like they have SUNAK Brahmin Indian 'gods chose' ruling over the UK today;
HRC even call's it "THEIR TURN"
Trump's germ phobia was also shared by Bush Jr and Saddam, both of whom went through copious quantities of hand sanitizer many years before covid.
Haley is an as dumb as a rock neocon warmonger. I can't see Trump picking her for VP. He could pick Ramaswampy. Ramaswampy reminds me of Savitri Devi, the convert to Hinduism who believed that Hitler was an incarnation of Vishnu (God Incarnate) who will come again to earth before the end of the Kali Yuga.
No on Vivek. He's a globalist.
So is DeSantis.
DeSantis is one, too.
Ever since Netanyahu reportedly became the first world leader to congratulate Biden after the disputed 2020 election Trump has been suspicious of him and has criticized him. It seems unlikely that Netanyahu will permit Trump to become president.
Dr. Alexander, I am having a hard time to understand Why you are promoting this …. what I want to say I cannot in civilised collective.
Did WokeHardAsleep pay THIS much? 🤣😂
Unlikely scenario. He has Secret Service but also his own security. Unlike JFK RFK MLK etc, probably will not happen as ramifications worse. If he wins, he will be hampered by congress and news media for 4 years so a muted tenure.
I hope you are right that he will not get JFK'd.
So, who is Netanyahu anyway. He better watch his back. Trump is right on Netanyahu. That's what I remember, too, when he congratulated Fraudster JOE.
Who is Netanyahu? He is someone who you are not allowed to criticize. If you do it triggers the hard-core ethno-nationalists and ethno-centrists like "Freedom Lover" who defend Zlonlsm and the right of Jews to do anything to have their own ethnostate even if it means killing thousands of children and other non-combatants. That's despite the fact that he's allowed to be criticized within Israel where he is credibly accused of corruption and a few months ago hundreds of thousands of people in Israel marched in the streets against his self-serving judicial so called reforms.
Hundreds of thousands march in Israel against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul
Netanyahu corruption trial resumes in spite of Israel's ongoing war in Gaza
TBA.....I guess we'll see what happens. He's where he is for a reason.
Just proves AGAIN that Israel is Democratic law respecting society and WokeHardAsleep is a terrorist defending, Jew-hating troll on a payroll.
Moreover, in civilised societies, one is not considered guilty until the legal process is run out. Not even after conviction, if appeals available.
How many demonstrations and corruption trials can NPR, Haaretz, …, France24 have ever reported.
To promote this drivel NOW is to exhibit your true terrorist loving nature.
Keep it up, WokeHardAsleep.
Netanyahu loves Trump! Trump gave Israel the Abraham Accords! Biden has put Israel in the crosshairs! That phone call is meaningless. Probably more to do with Israeli politics and pressure from Israel's leftists.
I hope you are right. Trump did give Israel the Abraham Accords but reportedly feels used and betrayed by Netanyahu.
PEACE ALLways ...
We have to ask right here how has he and his family made it this far given the narratives. Stay in that inquiry.
This is a competition. And we are the prize. Once an entity has all the money there’s only one thing left to achieve. Power.
The acquisition and ability to keep and grow money catapults the rich in status and feelings of superiority.
Us wee little folks feed into it by drooling over them. Handing them everything they want if only to touch the hem of their garment ($25,000 lunches with Warren Buffet) maybe some will rub off.
Meanwhile the poor get compartmentalized into drug addled fatherless neighborhoods with crap schools and no opportunities beyond death and prison that most of us good folks want nothing to do with.
But money only takes an ego only so far. I mean, if you’re winning at the toughest game in town after a while boredom inevitably sets in. That doesn’t seem right, does it? Gotta be more usefulness to someone that’s out-smarted the 99.9%.
Claiming superiority in every aspect of human existence becomes a birthright. Bill Gates isn’t an educated man in the sense they apply the standard to the rest of us. Yet, he’s not only a tech genius but an educational guru, a biologist, a doctor, a conservationist. Why, there’s nothing this man can’t do. Amazing!
If only these people could box us all into a corner the world would be a better place. So that’s the game. The internet makes it more achievable than ever before. Psychological manipulation of masses has never been easier! Total control is the objective. Because it’s for the best.
A dirty little secret though. Once achieved it’s never enough. We saw examples all over the pandemic. Abuse of power is intoxicating. So here we are. It’s a game of us vs them. They want every morsel of our decision making power. Normies continually underestimate the importance this is to those who desire to put their hands up our backsides and turn us into their sock puppets.
For the greater good.
Any threat to the DC Swamp, the WEF, globalist turds, big pharma and big tech and the campaign to murder humanity and the undergoing agenda to enslave all who survive the depopulation expedition will be destroyed. These murdering megalomaniacs have been exposed and are backed against the wall. That makes them more dangerous to our survival.
Maybe it's not a good idea to talk about this and give some nut job the idea
If Trump is elected again, will he continue his involvement with Klaus Schwab's WEF?
Keep your friends close...
But your enemies even closer.
He'd be safer in Russia at this point.
I truly don’t want to see “dead man walking “!!!... we need a saviour in the western world!