Unfortunately for Dr. Malone, misinformation researcher Raphael Lataster PhD has demonstrated that:

" ... even a vaccine with -200% effectiveness, meaning that it makes symptomatic COVID-19 infection three times as likely, can be perceived as being 36% effective (Table 3). Repeated calculations will show that moderate vaccine effectiveness is still perceived even with actual vaccine effectiveness figures of - 1000% and lower."

Go to the link and scroll down to access Lataster's COVID-19 vaccination papers


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Is Joe Biden DEAD? What are they hiding? I wouldn't put it past them to kill him as part of their wicked plans to install Hillary and Obama, and steal the election.

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I can hardly wait to see whether he makes the planned address to the nation Wednesday night or if they have to make excuses for him and cancel again as they did in Las Vegas. (Still suffering from "covid" though said to have been vaxed and boosted how many times?...)

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23

Malone ain't the only one.... most everyone he goes in public with is a meddler. They imply the futility and struggles in going after this deep state behemoth, while wasting and diverting attention from real and helpful and wildly important information and remedies against the deep state. Example: why haven't any of them, TO THIS DAY, discussed the deadly, intentional, protocols : nonspecific PCR tests to get the ball rolling, midazolam, decadron ( Malone did mention that) 10-60 liters of forced supplemental O2 /min. which causes ARDS then the death spiral, no antibiotics, DNR orders, ventilators, remdesivir.....

And most of all, they are f'ing virologists for Christ sake. Every virologist knows that a respiratory RNA cannot pandemic. They mutate waaay too quickly. Period.

Seems to me Malone, et al, are just running out the clock. FCK Them!

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Delusional post; but then I looked at your bio blurb & I understood it is what likely passes for rationality from you.

Put down the bong.

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Apparently you haven’t read enough to know Dr. Paul is a distinguished researcher and scientist. Malone has attempted to damage several doctors who stood against his vaccine technology. The mRNA technology has been responsible for worldwide deaths. Dr. Paul was one of the first to fight for health freedom and against vaccine mandates. I think you owe him a sincere apology. He is loved by many and especially when he “goes island,” and writes with passion against those who damaged so many lives.

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I think that your post is misplaced. Or mine. I know Dr. Paul’s writings and views and passion well. I am not knowingly posting against him.

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The plan is to make Peter Thiel's mentee J.D. Vance Vice President Dick Cheney and the Donald can golf. Which, from a particular point of view, is technocracy in action as Big Machine can work wonders unknown to Nature with savvy programming and well hired human interfaces able to really listen to the software instead of Prozac - not that it din't help git 'em there for sure -but now obey Big Data and Utopia will follow. Ellul's most important work, The Technological Society (1964), was originally published in French as La Technique: L'enjeu du siècle (literally, "The Stake of the Century"). In it, Ellul set forth seven characteristics of modern technology that make efficiency a necessity: rationality, artificiality, automatism of technical choice, self-augmentation, monism, universalism, and autonomy. The rationality of technique enforces logical and mechanical organization through division of labor, the setting of production standards, etc. And it creates an artificial system which "eliminates or subordinates the natural world."

Regarding technology, instead of it being subservient to humanity, "human beings have to adapt to it, and accept total change." As an example, Ellul offered the diminished value of the humanities to a technological society. As people begin to question the value of learning ancient languages and history, they question those things which, on the surface, do little to advance their financial and technical state. According to Ellul, this misplaced emphasis is one of the problems with modern education, as it produces a situation in which immense stress is placed on information in our schools. The focus in those schools is to prepare young people to enter the world of information, to be able to work with computers but knowing only their reasoning, their language, their combinations, and the connections between them. This movement is invading the whole intellectual domain and also that of conscience. https://youtu.be/izQB2-Kmiic?t=4

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Netanyahu coming and Biden got scared. Lol. He was coming with the kompromat proving Joe/democrats links to attempted trump assassination. lol.

Who knows. The whole thing is crazy.

I swear sometimes Netanyahu/israel is behind rfk jr to split the democrat vote to take back the White House from Obama/marxists.

Edit. Of course it could be coincidence but no one talks about ….Netanyahu sudden illness then 10 days later Obama’s cook mysteriously drowns acting confused and couldn’t hang on to a dang board. Neuro technology?

Anyways… I think there has been some secret shenanigans between obama’s White House and Netanyahu for the last couple of years. It seems Netanyahu has the better kompromat on them all. Lol. The only good thing is maybe the Marxists are booted out of the White House for awhile hopefully.

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It bears repeating:

Malone will always be remembered for what he didn’t do. He will always be remembered for what he didn’t do for his fellow man. Of that, we will always know. He is not an impressive person. But by God, he could’ve been.

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There was also a company in Vancouver that made a very toxic componant of the vaccine. Trudeau was heavily invested and made most of his fortune from it. The name started with an A.

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A reminder to America from 2020 Prophecy!

As much as I’m trying to be sceptical of this Prophecy (originally 2020) I can’t help to believe that this is now being unfolded!

Kamala Harris will be the next cruel President! She is part of the Beast System!

Watch the prophecy here:


America has been involved in crime against humanity ! You will need a leader that will bring back this nation to God and bend knees for Gods forgiveness! Trump is not helping, he played a big part on pushing and marketing the deadly and gene editing injections to the whole world! And he has Not even backdown yet from this narrative! He has not done anything to correct his errors! There are massive implications of this actions! America will have to brace Kamala cruelty!

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Kamala Harris, border czar allowed illegal drugs especially fentanyl in very small amounts highly lethal and many other drugs, murders, and rapists thru the border should also be charged with all the crimes. All the corporates of industries to buy her too. Strange Malone being supported by Mr. Z when he says it was his mRNA technology that the others that won the Nobel Peace Prize for the Cov vax they hold the patents on this technology. It is hazardous to put that into function as vax not genetic therapy especially with Crispr it's a disaster just waiting to happen. Co-defendant in it all prior, during, and after the commission. Why are the Dems fighting amongst themselves and as if fighting for a divorce or feud? Virologist found the peptide like venom in many body locations in living people and some in postmortem. With each facility having a recipe at different locations so tracing down the exact ingredients, we may never know every ingredient. When big pharmakia buys whole country.

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The deep state is still in control of counting the votes. Until we fix it then the election is rigged.

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But people are not voting FOR Kamala. They are voting AGAINST Trump. It doesn't matter who they put up, their base will vote for their candidate enthusiastically. They won't go to the rally's and it won't matter when their candidate loses the debate. The Left's base WILL go to the polls. Fear is a powerful motivator, and the Left has become the master of fear-mongering particularly since the base honestly views Trump as a Nazi. They will do literally anything to keep him from becoming president. And who wouldn't if he really were a Nazi? This is what Conservatives are up against.

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Dr. Alexander, please listen to Laura Lumer. I think the situation is grave.

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Watch to see if Joe lasts much longer. If he doesn't make it to the Dem convention and Kacklin' Kamala gets installed, then a VP is picked. Kacklin' then gets a few months to 'look Presidential' with a huge amount of media lying "Gee, She is so much better than anyone thought, so America should honor Joe's memory and vote for Kacklin'". Then they say Trump is mean to bring up Biden policies. So now we are on "Grim Reaper watch".

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Kamala is not a natural born citizen, IIRC, so can’t be a legitimate candidate or sitting POTUS (not that the Democrats give a rats ass about that, they have not gifted the nation with a legitimate leader since Willie Clinton).

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She was born here and mostly raised in Canada.

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She needs to keep up with her boosters:

" ... even a vaccine with -200% effectiveness, meaning that it makes symptomatic COVID-19 infection three times as likely, can be perceived as being 36% effective (Table 3). Repeated calculations will show that moderate vaccine effectiveness is still perceived even with actual vaccine effectiveness figures of - 1000% and lower."

Lataster further argues that the safety data are methodologically and statistically flawed and that the COVID-19 vaccines are extremely dangerous.


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