Their plan holding their noses, was to steal this 2024 election to install Kamala-Obama team (Obama's 4th term) & they thought they could slip in an EARLY debate (while no one was really looking),
Biden not necessarily to win that early June debate, no no, just hold his own & draw & then the democrats would have said no more debates & then gotten Biden to the finish line; even with us bitching
So that they could get Biden to the finish line and then one day after election and Biden sworn in, he would step down…and hand it to Kamala…you see Kamala cannot win shit, never won shit, not her primary, nothing, got zero votes….a violation of voting, for they moved to install Kamala as VP having this script set to get her to POTUS the very way they are doing it now…never to face the ballot box for she CANNOT win….
Kamal Harris was chosen by Obama to be POTUS but they knew she could never ever be elected, via fair elections, among democrats or anyone and her electoral history shows it so the decision as per Willie Brown, was to use all and any means necessary to get her into slots, positions to become POTUS and it is playing out now…
but they just held their noses for Biden-Trump’s first 2024 debate and did not think he Biden, would crater this much in June debate…they prayed he could just slip through…but he crashed and the reality is that he cannot form sentences on his own and needs to read from a script or teleprompter…PERIOD….there was none at the debate so he was on his own and you saw what happened….
reality is that everything, the script was decided way before now on how to get Kamala Harris as POTUS yet not via the ballot box…you are seeing it now. now they are trying to steal the election again, trying to enshrine her, impose her…yet unelected…
reality is that some people need to read off teleprompters and phone screens and scripts in front of them due to them being inept on the topic at hand and an inability to tell the truth constantly and for legal reasons need to ensure they do not get trapped….this is someone like a Malone…did you notice that and I raise it because so many fell for the bullshit horseshit crap….and all you who gave him money were fleeced…these are people who sucked off your tax money with bogus corrupted research grants for decades and have nothing to show for it…NOTHING…just enriched themselves in their special club…
Malone as an aside, attacked and hurt good people in the COVID Freedom Fight and he attacked and smeared many, took them to court, lost all his legal bullshit, attacked me for defending McCullough and Breggin against his fraud attacks, and I will not forget and I will take him into court anytime he wants just he got to remember the nice little word called ‘discovery’ and I have said many times, if courts, if judges and juries, proper legal tribunals, not you or I, but proper established courts and judges, take Malone (mRNA technology inventor), Bourla (Pfizer CEO), Bancel (Moderna CEO), Weissman (mRNA technology inventor expert), Sahin (BioNTech CEO), Kariko (mRNA technology inventor expert) et al. into courts under oath, and examine, investigate them, and it is shown their work, their mRNA inventions, their mRNA vaccine caused deaths directly, then each and all of these people must face the death penalty (be hung or executed) if the courts and judges say so…if judges, courts, juries say death penalty from these fraud ineffective and deadly mRNA vaccine, then we impose the death penalty…we allow the courts to handle its business…people died, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and people must face legal justice…proper.
I did not fall for the bullshit…for the fraud of it all. many of you here did not. thank God. Malone as an example pushed the mRNA vaccine and shilled for it and people took it and died on his advice…only until deaths and harms started in full then he ran to hide inside the Freedom Movement. To pretend it was not of his doing when mRNA technology belongs to him (and his colleagues who are equally culpable) …the record is there and clear.
back to my distinction with a focus on Biden…
some though on the other hand, need a teleprompter like Biden because he cannot neurologically form sentences on his own…his brain does not work…big difference…his brain is not working…so in that debate in June with Trump, the emperor was shown to have no clothes…Biden had no teleprompter and it could not be covered up and he has to step out now for he cannot debate not only Trump again, but NOBODY…Biden is unfit mentally…non compos mentis….I hope you understand the difference between why someone like a Malone needs a teleprompter so that he can keep the bullshit and nonsense he talks ‘constant’…for IMO he is always in legal jeopardy and lies and misleads openly…his record is there and he needs to read ONLY written script….Biden needs it because his brain does not allow him to form sentences…
key difference…
Kamala Harris is and was the border Czar and each rape and murder of an American woman or young girl (often white) based on the illegal madness is on her hands…she bears full responsibility with Biden and Obama and Mayorkas…we need justice for each death as our female American blood is on their hands. Kamala Harris is responsible with Obama and Biden.
Unfortunately for Dr. Malone, misinformation researcher Raphael Lataster PhD has demonstrated that:
" ... even a vaccine with -200% effectiveness, meaning that it makes symptomatic COVID-19 infection three times as likely, can be perceived as being 36% effective (Table 3). Repeated calculations will show that moderate vaccine effectiveness is still perceived even with actual vaccine effectiveness figures of - 1000% and lower."
Go to the link and scroll down to access Lataster's COVID-19 vaccination papers
Is Joe Biden DEAD? What are they hiding? I wouldn't put it past them to kill him as part of their wicked plans to install Hillary and Obama, and steal the election.