Just saw a story on The Epoch Times that in mid-2021 the VA reported heart problems from the covid shots to the CDC...and did not tell the veterans!

VA is still pushing covid shots on veterans giving them one more chance to die for their country.


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Thank you for your service and continued efforts for awareness Kathleen.

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I am just so angry about the intentional harm that has come to veterans.

Some of the most vulnerable...veterans with PTSD, depression, anxiety, traumatic brain injury, and survivors of military sexual trauma.

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Thank you for the info. I had never heard of that treatment before...and it looks promising.

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It does look promising but needs further research because of possible dangerous physical adverse effects. It's disgraceful that research did not begin in earnest in the West decades ago. The Czechs began investigating related substances in the 19th century. Related substances were used in treatment there from 1954 to 1974. Research and clinical use seems to have stopped there because of the influence of the US. Decades of potential scientific advances were halted because of a US neurosis.

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Notice how the timeframe of treatments in Czechoslovakia were while it was under Soviet control.

There was so much going on in the Warsaw Pact countries that we never heard about. I visited Warsaw a couple of years ago and was amazed at the rebuilding after the Old Town was obliterated by the Nazis. Street by street, house by house, was totally destroyed. Yet while Poland was under the Soviets, remarkable rebuilding of the destroyed cities were taking place. And it's not like they had monies from the Marshall Plan to rebuild.

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My husband was 22 years Army. We see that in the friends that manage the get out to our vfw .

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Everyone bought and paid for. Pharma is rich! Same with churches! Imagine… churches!?

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Wonder what the effect is eating livestock that’s been injected with mRNA shots? Who TF knows what they’re doing to us.

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Dr. Alexander, I don't understand why the mRNA technology is not banned outright. Other than our governments wanting to kill us ofcourse. Asbestoes was banned ... hopefully when the ship of our civilization is righted, mRNA technology will be banned.

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& the things allowed to be done to our food, largely unregulated & the graphine production industry is growing by leaps, vastly under regulated, all for money & none of it for our welfare.

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Clifford Carnicom has been looking into bacteria, (from the pollution, & recently from vaccinated blood, I believe) he found something he calls cross domain bacteria. And he has suffered greatly on a personal level, doing his research.

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Where would one get either of these products?

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(Do not use Methylene Blue if you have a G6PD deficiency!)

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I have no definitive proof, but I would think Wet Blood Cupping could be a useful adjunct to the therapies mentioned. It does not involve putting anything into the body, rather taking stuff (causative pathological substances) out. This must include spike, and inflammatory responses to spike. Even if it didn't, it has been proven to double the number of t-cells after 2 weeks:


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I feel the same anger and disgust at the same things that Dr. Alexander feels, but we should take the high ground and not fall into the trap of using foul language. I don't see any of the other doctors that I follow falling into this trap. Dr. Alexander loses credibility with his peers in continuing the use of foul language.


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Heinz, if you grasp an 🍎 in your hand and then stretch out your arm and release your fingers from the 🍎 it "should" fall downwards, under most conditions on this planet. Not only "should" it fall downwards but under most conditions, it "must." It "should and it must." The reason why is because of Newton's law of gravity. It's a law of nature. It's a law of the universe. What law of the universe proves that Dr. Alexander "should" not use foul language? None. You have plucked that law out of your a*s. Your statement is a "demand" which is the result of an irrational evaluation. You have conflated what you want with a law of the universe. What you want or would prefer and what Dr. Alexander "should" do are two entirely separate things. I can't say that you "should" refrain from trying to control Dr. Alexander. That would be as irrational as what you have done. You are free to attempt to be as controlling as you wish. However, I can say, rationally, that it would probably be better if you did not try to control him. I could be wrong but I think he is unlikely to accede to your demands. You will be lucky to not get the response that advertisers got from Elon Musk when they threatened to withdraw their advertising if he did not accede to their demands.

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I like your response --it's probably better than the one that immediately jumped into my mind: "Phuck off"

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Yours is good too. It was the first one that jumped into my mind too.

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Reading your response now after a good night's sleep: converted my self-defensive reaction into a very hardy belly laugh. So, thank you--much appreciated! Maybe one of the most useful spin-off benefits on a personal level of frequenting/participating in these threads. i.e., both types of reaction available. And in addition to the comradery and sanity-checking.

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Dr. Alexander, I find your language to be inappropriate for a public forum. I will have to unsubscribe if you can not clean it up. Thanks for your consideration.


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I always get f'ing mad when my government tries to kill me.

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Yes, F them all.

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It's time people stop being so nice.

"I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore."

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Yeah, and kinda have to wonder about those who don't.

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me too

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And some of your “friends” too support the cull.

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None of my friends.

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As Dr A is free to use the language he chooses to express his anger & disgust as to what has happened to the world (murder, poison, government atrocities against its people, etc etc etc) for the past four years, then so be it, on this free, open and public platform of Substack. You are free as well to unsubscribe. Thank god for Substack. I would have to unsubscribe if Dr A did “clean up his language” in rebuttal to your request.

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Somehow I'm not at all offended by it, although I might blush to hear it in person. It's language fitting to the circumstances, coming from someone unhesitatingly sharing appropriate moral outrage.

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Sometimes you have to let the anger out in anyway possible to keep in is not good . The stress of holding these emotions in makes one feel ill! The times we are living in right now... you have to get mad/ angry say and do things you normally wouldn't.. look what is happening.

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"Dr. Emma Byrne explores the science behind swearing and why bad language might actually be good for us. Swearing, it turns out, is socially and emotionally essential. Not only has some form of swearing been around since the earliest humans began to communicate, but it has been shown to reduce physical pain, prevent violence, help stroke victims recover their language, and help people work together as a team. Swearing Is Good For You is a fascinating and fun look at the new science of bad language."



Intelligent people are more likely to swear, study shows


Why Swearing Holds Surprising Benefits: A Window Into Intelligence, Pain Management, And More


Why swearing is a sign of intelligence, helps manage pain and more


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Gee, gonna really miss your informative commentary. Bu-bye.

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