These mRNA 'inventor' fucke*s! mRNA technology by Malone, Bourla, Weissman et al.: mRNAs, miRNAs, rRNAs, tmRNAs, both single and double RNAs, enhanced and code RNAs, and a few more, if I recall,
hints how complicated and the level of the arrogance of pharma and DoD to commercialize a bioweapon vaccine under cover of faked pandemic lies. These little strands move protein (Scout, subscriber)
around and also degrade targeted organelles and a bunch of other stuff that vaccine makers have no clue or understanding of what is going on…
excellent post by my subscriber, see substack:
‘The only fact that we can count on is that masses of Americans and world cultures were attacked using two prongs: profit and nano self organizing metals that appear to link to mRNA vaccine strands. And the nanos slough off to infect the non-vaxxed.
Methylene blue and EDTA appears to cleanse bodies of both vaccinated and non-vaxxed; I SUSPECT that EDTA and the M. Blue INCREASES shredding, as that senses logical in terms of normal excretion via sweat and urine et al.
Remember that when Baric taught the Wuhan lab techs his very nice method of splicing about anything into genes, he was working with bacteria, if I recall. Point here is that I also suspect mRNAs were formulated to interact with loaded bacteria inside the jab and with whatever bacteria found in its host.
I mention the above just to alert another possibility, based upon Baric, who had nothing to do with vaccines, if I recall, but Baric was used like a tool in tuning Wuhan staff to create an ingredient used in one or more mRNAs in the past and projected future.
So, everyone must keep taking the M. Blue drops and EDTA stuff for the next few years, at least’
Just saw a story on The Epoch Times that in mid-2021 the VA reported heart problems from the covid shots to the CDC...and did not tell the veterans!
VA is still pushing covid shots on veterans giving them one more chance to die for their country.
Wonder what the effect is eating livestock that’s been injected with mRNA shots? Who TF knows what they’re doing to us.