
they killed our parents, it is plain, simple...

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They killed informed Conservative Voting Seniors and cut the cost of Medicare, medicaid and Social Security while ridding the US of DJT. Traitor joe's last debate performance all but guarantees Trump's Reelection. MAGA.

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I will ensure we go after them

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Exactly right. Including, tragically, my beautiful and wonderful mother, the best person I ever knew. She had just switched her voter registration to R, after realizing how evil the Ds are. She was trying to discourage her "liberal" children from taking the injections and giving them to her grandchildren, to no avail. Instead, my sisters were screaming all over FB that we (my brother and I) were "putting her at risk" by her not taking the injections, although she rightly made her own decision. She literally said "if they got the boosters it will be the death of me" which may have gotten us targeted to support the "safe & effective" propaganda. Our whole family was completely destroyed by this evil agenda.

I suspect poison of some sort, perhaps graphene oxide or other nanotechnology. This would explain why elders were much more susceptible...low levels of glutathione, the master antioxidant. If we had known this, we may have been able to survive it. Now I don't even want to live anymore.

There is a SS - https://covidproject.substack.com/archive - that goes through the whole graphene oxide timeline and it makes a lot of sense to me. La Quinta Columna apparently started talking about graphene in the jabs in the summer of 2021, but it did not register with me at the time. Apparently, the whole thing kicked off with graphene in the flu shots in 2018/2019 to prime the elderly population. EMF/5G is also involved to activate the graphene. We all know this was a long-planned depopulation agenda, not just some "virus" that suddenly appeared. They literally carved it in granite on the Georgia Guidestones. If only we had believed them...

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BTW, just because I don't want to live anymore doesn't mean I'm suicidal...just in case anyone was wondering. The devil killed my loved one, the most important person in my life, and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of killing myself, which is likely exactly what he wants.

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I'm all for that, but when has a nation ever voted their way out of tyranny? I'm hopeful but extremely wary.

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hold on this time...its our only shot

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No argument there, Doc.

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I just read that last week was the two-year anniversary of Zev Zelenko's passing...hard to believe it's been two years already. RIP, Zev.

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It is unbelievable...I had to look it up myself. Of course then I also saw all the horrible FAKE NEWS that the media put out about him and his protocol. Obviously, the media must be held to account for the COVID Genocide as well. Their lies probably killed millions.

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Yup, I would put every lib editor, publisher, columnist, talking heads, CEO & their lackeys and minions that made employees take the jabs, every college administrator, school superintendent, principal, teacher’s union president on that list. They were all accomplices, before, during or after the fact. There are penalties for accomplices to murder as well up to the ultimate punishment depending upon the circumstances and complicity.

Good thing that industrial hemp is now a big agricultural product, because we are going to need a lot more rope.

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Not to state the obvious, but DOCTORS are complicit, either by blind-eyed ignorance or outright raking-in-the-dough compliance with THE AMA, which is ALSO HIGHLY CULPABLE in enforcement of censorship and the rescinding of medical licenses from those who ask questions. Hospitals? Mercenary KILLING FIELDS, netting almost $1 MIL per body.

IMHO, we can’t hang all these people. What we can do … will hurt these ghouls just as much or MORE than death. A WISE decision would be to FINE all these human-body-vultures to REPAY every cent

of blood money they extracted.

We can LITERALLY say, OVER OUR DEAD BODIES …YOU WILL NOT PROFIT from our deaths and maiming. I believe the American people will have the stomach for prosecuting perps over a longer and more complete period of time if we make the REPAYMENT of ill gotten gains a ubiquitous punishment and shun them publicly.

If we FINE them, that income can be EARMARKED for reforms. If we just hang them, that won’t make many inroads into the corrupt, tyrannical medical industry because hanging the first group will drain off the emotionally charged anger…and chances are, just like the Nuremberg Trials, an appetite for revenge is satiated. One and done.

If we FINE them, that action can be ongoing and that $$ dedicated fund can initiate REFORM of the AMA, for example. Of hospitals’ relationship to the CDC. Of the FDA’s failed safety responsibilities. Of Big Pharma’s hostile use of formularies and pricing. Of requiring honesty in media reporting. Of stopping politician in-trading. Of outing trafficking and pedo lists, I.e. Epstein’s Lolita Express flight logs to Little St. James island. Of looking into Disney and other possible involvement. It CAN start here.

But if hangin’ is what we hunger for… hanging, IMHO, will BLOW the steam off our opportunity.

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That is a wise and better alternative; fine or sue them as someone wiser than I said. It would put them into bankruptcy and allow them to be sold to more responsible owners.

That might keep them honest until the inevitable corruption of regulatory capture sets in.

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AND set up a PLAN. To do that, there must be a UNIFIED effort, which WE do not have due to “their” divisive info…but also( …oh what a shock…Sarc), there are GRIFTERS in high places, who whether from greed, fear, or ignorance are spreading harmful info…their “dots” do not connect with evidence

(1. In the patents: See Dr. David Martin

(2. Under microscopy, vials contain what some say they do not

(3. Per autopsy, some say there are no calimari-like, rubbery, length-of-your-leg blood vessel “castings” (misnamed “clots”), yet they are being identified worldwide. See embalmers: Richard Hirschmann, Alabama & John O’Leary, UK.

4). As an example of dis-info via possible ignorance, Nattokinase IS a good blood thinner to dissolve normal clots, but EVEN BATTERY ACID does NOT work to dissolve the polymer-like rubbery white clots. See experiments by Dr. Ana Marie Mihalcea on multiple acids and solvents. NONE dissolves the white blood-vessel castings… Once formed NOTHING lessens them. However, methylene blue PREVENTS formation.

5). As to “time-frames” for spike protein production to stop, there ARE none. Spike production is not known to stop without remediation. Vit. C plus EDTA intravenous chelation removes both spike and graphene oxide.

6). Oh, and some on “this team” claim there is no graphene or graphene oxide in the vials. See La Quinta Columna, Spain; Andreas Noack, Germany; Dr. Robert Young, U.S. https://typeset.io/pdf/scanning-and-transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-qzxx2mpu.pdf)

AND SO MUCH MORE DISINFO. Whether it has yet dawned on all of us, there IS NO AGREEMENT on remediation going forward BECAUSE of ONGOING disinfo within the troops regarding EMPIRICAL DATA.

I have been had at this in depth research since I began listening to China Global Television Network the last week of 2019 at 8:30 a.m. every morning. They were fairly open in discussion until about the 2nd week of Jan. I knew the patent history from Dr. David Martin THREE YEARS ago.

Why do I mention this. IMHO, we’re stuck on finger-pointing. We are past time to be figuring how to REFORM MILITARIZED, weaponized, DOD-AMA tyrannical control of the medical industry. All we DO, though, is COMPLAIN. And we think it’s only more public education that will magically remove responsibility directly from our hands.

The question now is: What Organizational Initiatives can we enlist in order to actually DO something other than rely on hostile Courts and friendly attorneys. You DO see, we HAVE to CHANGE THE INFRASTRUCTURE, right?

All say, yeah, BUT. Yeah, but we need free time. Yeah, but, we need money. Etc.

IF we can excite the idea of REPAYMENT of every penny of ill gotten funds into a pool to reform American medical tyrannies, we have what you need. Money.

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And...killed us with the 'wonderful' warp speeded vaccine that POTUS Trump still promotes. And, he has failed to apologize.

Add him to the horsemen list!

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Even worse; They kill the parents and will take their children for adrenochrome.

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yes, thanks for this sharing

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the fuckers

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we must hang them all, once courts decide, do not be afraid, we teach these beasts a lesson

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Ok! Don’t forget us Brits. Midazolam ( keeps the oldies quiet )and starvation plus no water,

with a DNR notice ( Do not resuscitate) slung round their necks killed thousands of old folks. Taken out of hospital very quickly, slung into Old Folks homes, many of them very ill and frail. Do not allow loved ones to see them. Then when they have been murdered the final indignity. No post Morton allowed. On the Death Certificate COVID DEATH.

Ex Health Secretary Matt Hancock did this. He needs trying & hanging.

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yes, he is on my Horsman list, Matt is a killer

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Give him the Tyburn Tree Pathway of Care.

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Hanging IMHO is too good for the like of him: the rack, or burning at the stake.

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And they will keep doing so until we act

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we will get accountability

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We need blood. Like they take from children, They are Demonic and of Satan.

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I agree but we only deal with them after we exercise legal approaches, we put that on judges and juries and we act based on the results...they want you to act a fool...dont, use the legal process

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If you had a relative killed by the COVID JAB, you would be talking different.

Do you actually think the Leftists care one bit about us? NO

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I understand. But, tell me since many judges and juries are compromised how will that be done? Look at Trump's ridiculous trial. What a joke. You can't even trust ABA anymore. They practically all have gone rogue on the Left. Some

Conservative judges, too.

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Im wondering if they putting out some new poioson my granddaughter suffering with bad cough for week subsided for 2 days now back again..Im weary. What is goin on with our world ....Pray hard.n shut down pigfarma

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if your grand daughter is young, healthy, no grave medical issues, no fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea...plays, smiles...then her innate immune system will handle basically anything approaching it...trust your instinct...once she has healthy diet, eating well, good nutrition...holding it down...she will be fine...if this is a healthy child, it will take a nuclear bomb to take down a healthy child or teen...no covid vaccine, defend that hill be prepared to die on that hill homie

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if you concerned, run a blood panel, and if all levels within reference, relax, check white blood cells, any of the infection parameters...ensure within range

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keep nasal oral nasal passages nice and clean, periodic clean out with natural saline water soln...just common sense decision...reasonable....moderation and common sense rules

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Shut down and kill the poison manufacturers and shut down the Death Towers: the 5G and 6G Cell towers.. See Operation Lockstep phase 2

Their weapon is in our hands.. Mobile phones=cell damage

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yes yes

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Here is one thing we need to be aware of... they have installed 5G towers right next to schools, and if they turncthem on, they can stretch the immune system. The frequencies emitted can send out mimicking signatures of different diseases and cause the immune system to start fighting maybe even a few disesaes at one time...as told by Tom Bearden


This is a pdf. Go ahead and download it as we don't need this important information to be lost, as Tom Bearden is no longer with us, he passed in February 2022.. he talks about biological warfare also in these docs. ( Its completely safe)

I went to the post office and they had a huge 5G tower on the property. I was talking to one of the managers about a postal issue and I started coughing... then I couldn't even talk, my throat was so dry, I had to leave and go to my car and drink some water.

I KNOW that was from the 5G tower.

It's smart to keep a bottle of Cl O2 chlorine dioxide on hand and put 1-2 drops in 8oz. Of water and drink it when any kind of fungus, virus or bacteria is fighting the body as it will kick ANYTHING out. You can always increase amount of drops a little, but no more than 30 drops per quart if you're fighting something bad. It's best to go slow so you don't create a healing crisis in your body by too quick of a bacterial die off, as your body needs to process the bacterial dead stuff out of your body through kidneys, urine, feces, etc.

I am not a doctor. I study and use natural products so always do your own research. That is something that pharma Never wants you to know about so AI will probably tell you its not good for you, can harm, etc... perhaps try non AI duckduckgo

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Has she been around children? Do you go where there are large crowds? I don't go to church

anymore. I watch it on TV. I don't want to be sitting next to people breathing on me for over

an hour.

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very key questions but kids, healthy kids are fine.

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Exactly. Seems all my in laws (that are still living) keep getting long Covid. 🙏

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Did they take the JAB?

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good question

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My immediate family is unjabbed...antivaxers.My grandchildren gets religious exemption against all vaxs for school.

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they have best immune systems in the world

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Good for you. I told my Brother not to get the JAB. But, his son wouldn't let him see his grandson. He had co-workers helping him lift boxes at work. He was out of breath. My Brother had some health issues, but nothing terminal.

He passed on 9/5/23 of cardiac arrest, age 65. We believe he died of myocarditis.

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God rest his soul.

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Yes they did! They killed my healthy 61yr old husband. We went for a simple chest X-ray and they gave him Remdesivir in the ER and used all the drugs you spoke about and vented him until they killed him. I am his voice and will never stop fighting!

We will get Justice!!!

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dont give up., stay with us...you know where we are and we will get you your justice and yes, these bitches killed him...but revenge is a dish as they say best served cold...your will come

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I’m right beside you!

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If they let him back in, Trump better not waiver when it comes to executing justice. The enemies of this country aren't fucking around. They're at the stage of show trials jailing political dissidents. What comes after that isn't pretty.

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we shall ensure Grumpy, I love all you do here, you are stellar, huge thanks

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Than you Dr. Paul. I really appreciate that. And I really appreciate all you do and your letting us have a venue to discuss these topics and interaction with you.

I'm meeting with State Senator Pete Durant on July 15th. Do you have any questions in you'd like me to ask? Anything I might use to probe and learn his real intentions?

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Yes, we are witnessing a nazi style global mass murder. Yet, no one is arrested. My Mom died shortly after the 2nd mRNA injection. Because of dictator Trudeau's lockdowns and travel restrictions, I couldn't go to visit her in the hospital and couldn't attend her funeral. I will never forgive this to this nazi dictator.

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we will get them...see how far we came...you held the line for us...keep at it...folk like me not going away...I want to fuck them up bad, real bad for what they did...I came from the streets, I am a purist scientist et al. and all that jazz and then maybe I am nothing...but one things drives me and it is right vs wrong and no among of money can shift my line of integrity and I am fighting to help us all get justice and 45 will listen...

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It has astounded me to see the number of people who were so easily deceived through fear and lies. What's most astounding is that anyone can miss the EVIL force driving it all!

Even in March 2020, I sensed something demonic was going on. The word "demonic" stayed with me, but the response to my speaking it aloud was bewildering to most. But it only became increasingly clear to me that evil was attacking humanity.

The gospel of John (10:10) tells us "the thief" comes only "to steal, kill, and destroy." That "thief" can be legion, and they wildly succeeded. They have stolen, killed and destroyed, perhaps even beyond their expectations.

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Jul 6·edited Jul 7

It is a Spiritual War and there is absolutely a demonic aspect to the whole "COVID" agenda. COVID backwards is DIVOC or DYBBUK in Hebrew which means possession by an evil spirit. I know there were evil spirits involved when my loved one and I fell ill with "COVID" in 2021. I had no clue that was even possible but it definitely happened. I knew it was an evil agenda but never thought demons were literally involved. I found out the hard way.

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Your information about the Hebrew word DYBBUK is very interesting... and no surprise at all to learn! Thank you.

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Nooses free for those found guilty @ www.iviewit.tv

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The “shot transmission” or shedding or multiple unknown delivery mechanisms have INFECTED THE ENTIRE BIOSPHERE. (See Dr. Ana Marie Mihalcea’s microscopy of squirrel and deer blood samples.)

She also says “it’s” in ALL of us based on random human blood samples

I don’t think it’s possible to hang the hundreds of thousands of people involved…who knew or should have known, certainly COULD have known as I did at the end of 2020 even as the injections were rolled out. I’m NOBODY….just someone who cares enough about my body enough to know what I put in it.

But I DO THINK they can be forced to return ALL the blood money pay-offs, and in addition pay large FINES on top of that. The pleasure of RUINING them is a VERY attractive option and maybe even more fitting in actual punishment.

And those whose profession requires licenses…STRIP THEM.

I believe making them moral untouchables at the bottom rung of society…ripping them down iff their top-shelf, “better than us” tyrannical, medical control.

That seems to me to be appropriate Justice for PHYSICIAN GHOULS.

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US Killitary.

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I understand your point. While reviewing Meryl Nass' 92 slides on the upcoming bird flu pandemic, I noticed that Bill Gates' name appeared on almost every slide. Another prominent name I frequently encountered was Jeremy Farrar's. Additionally, I discovered that every Western university is, in some way, financially supported by Bill Gates, which influences these institutions. It's no wonder my academic freedom was denied for criticizing my government's handling of the lockdowns and was subsequently canceled.






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Is Trump still promoting the COVID-19 "vaccine's"?

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He sure is.

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not promotting...

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When and where? I have not heard anything of this sort lately...

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correct, that is not a correct statement, he does not promote

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Then you’re not paying attention

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can you show us please

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You're making the accusation. Provide the evidence. I'm paying plenty of attention and I have not heard him "promote" the jab at all of late. Show us the evidence. I have heard him say recently that he will not give one penny to any school that has a mask or vax mandate. That's it.

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PCR Dangers

Fail to Understand PCR testing at your peril




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great sharing

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What happened to the people in this sample of 24 patients referred to below to cause this horror story? Were they jabbed? If so why didn't the jab protect them?

"When 24 patients who had recovered from COVID-19 had their whole bodies scanned by a PET (positron emission tomography) imaging test, their insides lit up like Christmas trees. .

A radioactive drug called a tracer revealed abnormal T cell activity in the brain stem, spinal cord, bone marrow, nose, throat, some lymph nodes, heart and lung tissue, and the wall of the gut, compared to whole-body scans from before the pandemic.

This widespread effect was apparent in the ... participants who had fully recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19 ... even those who recovered fully from COVID-19 still showed persistent changes to their T cell activity in numerous organs ... '

'Together, these observations suggest that even clinically mild infection could have long-term consequences on tissue-based immune homeostasis and potentially result in an active viral reservoir in deeper tissues' ...

'Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute infection, building on recent observations in blood,' the team from UCSF concludes."

COVID's Hidden Toll: Full-Body Scans Reveal Long-Term Immune Effects

HEALTH 04 July 2024



Tissue-based T cell activation and viral RNA persist for up to 2 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection


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