They killed our parents & grand-parents with the deadly 'COVID protocol', don't forget, killed us so that we would hear of the deaths & it would JUSTIFY their fraud fake pandemic & lockdowns & vaccine
these fuckers killed our loved ones so let us investigate under Trump & if shown definitive, we ensure we HANG each doctor, each health official, each government official, each hospital CEO
for their COVID death protocol, it was not a virus that killed, yes, some died, some high-risk elderly died from whatever was put out there (and I/we still do not know for sure) and I argue some form of poison, toxin that provoked those extreme terrible symptoms in high-risk, the pulmonary respiratory ILI breathing difficulty symptoms…but 90% of deaths happened due to the COVID death protocol (and doctors and hospitals were incentivized for each stage they got you on, each stage of the death train, as to the death train) of isolation, fear, toxic drugs, do not resuscitate orders (DNR), denial of needed antibiotics for likely bacterial pneumonia, denial of any possible treatments, sedation using propofol, midazolam, lorazepam, diamorphine, fentanyl etc., deadly kidney and liver toxic Remdesivir (failed Fauci et a. Ebola drug), dehydration, malnourishment, deadly ventilator etc. This is what killed the vast majority, it was the medical management.
Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Azar, Bourla, Bancel, Marks etc. et al. must be examined.
Yes, some died due to something out there, but maybe time will show it was maybe even less but more the trauma of all the fear and dislocation from homes to deadly hospitals and back and forth, iatrogenic, the crushing isolation, the collateral damage from the deadly lockdowns and school closures, and the locking off of all beds as COVID beds only so no treatment for chronic type illnesses (thus progression along disease sequelae), and mostly, from the medical management, 90-95%.
Hang them, hang all involved who did this and made money and caused deaths by their specious unscientific unsound policies.
we hang them high, we spare none, all in the Task Force who misguided and deceived and undercut Trump, all who lied to him and conspired against him, we hang all linked to the mRNA (and DNA) COVID vaccines, the inventors of mRNA e.g. Weissman et al., Malone, Kariko et al., all the vaccine CEOs like Bourla and Bancel and Sahin and Moncef (Pfizer, Moderna etc.)…we go to proper courts and tribunals, of course, we let judges and juries decide, we take no matters into our hands, it is not for us, there is a legal process, and if we show they did no wrong, we love them, they tried, but if it is shown they costed lives by greed, recklessness, failure to safety test, did wrong things, and killed people, then we hang them all, we execute them and have no problem doing it…but wait for courts and juries…all who profited…we let courts and judges decide but we follow the ruling…
If you wish to give a donation to help me you can at:
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Or to my address at:
150 South 8th Street
Unit 170
Lewiston, New York
Please consider support of a good company that Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support, this being The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
they killed our parents, it is plain, simple...
Even worse; They kill the parents and will take their children for adrenochrome.