Karoline Leavitt was named as Press Secretary and she broke the MSM already, so we're keeping her!! I'm sure she'd love to have Alex Jones added to the press core for alt media/podcasters :)
Holly came from Miami, FLA - drifted her way across the USA - shaved her eyebrows on the way - shaved her legs and then he was a she - She said 'hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side - Lou Reed
USA been doing this walk on the wild side shit for decades now. I's become part of the national character, being a trans
First thing I would say to a 'woman' when I was dating: "And how long have you been a woman for?"
Got a few slaps in the face but it was good to find out early.
I was going to take this down and post another time in cue given the crash but left it up...see my question on motive now...where I ask as some people asked me...is it impossible that this was due to the mRNA vaccine? either helicopter pilot or plane pilot...another said is it possible that someone on the plane was to be taken out? headed into DC? using the helicopter to do it, sacrificing the entire plane? in this world now, is that impossible? to do with politics????
No, Dr. Paul, it's not impossible. We are, after all, in a war and our opposition lives in the delusion that they hold the higher moral ground. They use this delusion to justify every crime against liberty/freedom that they commit. Consequently, because of their lies and bogus philosophy (primarily Marxism, which based entirely on false premises), they (unknowingly) become increasingly irrational and stupid, which is why people with genuine integrity feel such incredulity upon hearing their stupid irrational arguments (the Covid hoax, the "climate change" hoax. We're incredulous that they could actually believe and promote that nonsense.) The deluded bubble in which they live cuts them off from reality and Life (as it really is) because their corrupted philosophy simply doesn't align with Life, but rather is destructive to It. Thus, their lies/false premises are merely illusions having no genuine substance. Whereas, the principles of TRUE science and liberty rest on a grounded foundation, are entirely self-evident, and therefore do not fear exposure, has no need to censor free speech and requires no justification for its existence. It simply "is."
Those at the top positions of drug companies and government have no honor and will do whatever they feel is necessary to gain power, not to serve people, but to utterly control them. They are psychopaths with no conscience on duty to moderate their destructive impulses and that's why they're dangerous and why it takes someone with real integrity that knows that psychopaths can't be reasoned with to tell them that they are seen for what they are and that justice WILL be served on them. (Because no one gets away with anything. Karma (or Cosmic Law) will have its way with them and sooner or later they'll have to pay their karmic debts (for their crimes), whether in their current lifetime or one to come. Karma is built right into Life and is a certainty. In the meantime, however, sensible and EFFECTIVE actions need to be taken to prevent them from taking us and our progeny into their dream of a dystopian future.
Somehow enough of us must rise above the divisive machinations of the globalists and their puppets still running our government and move foward as a UNITED front. UNITED, we must NOT COMPLY with their unconstitutional edicts and continue to put them on notice that we're wise to them and their true underlying agenda of enslavement and death, currently by way of fake viruses/pandemics and the unconstitutional enforcement of a medical tyranny.
There are those of us that think Trump is just another globalist puppet in patriots clothing and others that think he's the real thing. For my part, the jury is still out on Trump. I think we'll know who he really is by his fruits within the next year.
thank you for this reply: "No, Dr. Paul, it's not impossible. We are, after all, in a war and our opposition lives in the delusion that they hold the higher moral ground."
'Somehow enough of us must rise above the divisive machinations of the globalists and their puppets still running our government and move foward as a UNITED front. UNITED, we must NOT COMPLY with their unconstitutional edicts and continue to put them on notice that we're wise to them and their true underlying agenda of enslavement and death, currently by way of fake viruses/pandemics and the unconstitutional enforcement of a medical tyranny.
There are those of us that think Trump is just another globalist puppet in patriots clothing and others that think he's the real thing. For my part, the jury is still out on Trump. I think we'll know who he really is by his fruits within the next year.
excellent remark "Those at the top positions of drug companies and government have no honor and will do whatever they feel is necessary to gain power, not to serve people, but to utterly control them. They are psychopaths with no conscience on duty to moderate their destructive impulses and that's why they're dangerous and why it takes someone with real integrity that knows that psychopaths can't be reasoned with to tell them that they are seen for what they are and that justice WILL be served on them."
Well, someone needs to step up & be the martyr & save us from the likes of Billy Gates. Just sayin. He’s now drafting a bill, supposedly, to make it a crime to be vaccine hesitant. Yeah, good luck with that! But they’ll be waiting with this shit in 2028! So we have to remain vigilant folks.
I like your post, mostly, but you are again simply misinformed about the nature of reality. Karma does not exist, believe me, I have interrogated this subject in great detail, read books in depth, you're just another bandwagon peddling misinformed views without grasping the gravity of the situation. By suggesting scales balance itself, you are morally justifying what criminals do, and is an endorsement of inaction to combat some injustices by saying something when we see something. Since you're not aware of the mechanisms and how we can combat such forces, you suggest and are resigned to defeat through non-action, but again is a moral failing in your being, a character flaw born our of fear of acceptance of reality. There are no gods to save anyone, we have to take charge and responsibility for ourselves and hopefully for others by empowering them to do the same.
If that's what you believe, then fine. You're entitled to believe whatever you want. However, you do NOT have the right to tell us who believe otherwise that we are "misinformed".
WE DO BELIEVE IN GOD!! And your lack of belief won't change that.
I just read an article this morning that stated that the tower tried to reach the pilots in the helicopter to ask if they saw the plane coming in for a landing. The article states there was no response from the helicopter. So, that pretty much lays the blame on the helicopter if that was true.
However, they must retrieve that helicopter and try to figure out what the hell was going on in that helicopter. There were THREE pilots in that chopper. Something fishy must have been going on there. My imagination is going wild with potential ideas, but we must wait. We need to learn the facts as they come out.
I do this ALL the time with my women clients. It is called "being an ass." The sound of a woman's laughter is the prettiest sweetest sound ever. I love it. Bonus? Puts them in a relaxed happy mood and wanting to hug me. That of course, I hate, but I tolerate it since I am a kind man who refuses to hurt their feelings. So I just soldier on, sacrificing myself for the greater good.
Of course if you believe that, have I got a bridge to sell you.
Yes. But these posts lead to serious scenarios I encounter continually in my dealings with women in my profession. Where there is laughter there will be tears and where there are tears there will be sorrow and where there is sorrow there will always be holy ground.
Damn, how did God ever know how to create the most beautiful sight in the world.? I often wonder at that but then am amazed that the soft smooth face in its sublimity and the curvaceous sculpted leg is rejected by some males in favor of the hairy leg and the whiskered cheek.
So here we go! Al Martino in 1967 recorded this and in my youth the words settled in my mind to lay the foundation of the feelings of the fulfilling ideal all consuming real love between a man and wife that the sensory sexual silent expression softly alone can be as the ONLY FULL way to communicate to each the other a love twixt two that words could never and cannot describe. That love transcendent is epitomized by this song and I dare to dedicate it to those women here whose "all" I recognize in their soft gentle manner towards their husbands in the totality of their marital union with same.
To those, I celebrate you and your dedication to you and each the other as you understand the dynamic that exists and the resulting anger, wrath and sorrow that compelled God to condemn adultery and the betrayal of that sacred affection present in consummate marital unions.
I also reach out emotionally in my understanding to those men but more empathetically to women betrayed and hurt by infidelity. I want to again mention one case of others where I talked to a young woman client all alone, noting her expressions and the deep sorrow therein on her face but also I knew on her gentle soul. I felt it but held back the urge to embarrass myself by breaking as I searched her eyes and saw that sorrow there.
My son quietly left us alone and went to the front to pack the saws in the chip truck and then wait for me. I have often wondered if he was ever similarly affected as I was.
When I heard the gate shut, I reached out to take her hand, gently held and drew it to my mouth, and kissed it. That did not comfort her, it made her cry but kept her hand in mine until I slowly released it. I looked into her eyes again and knew she saw it, in my own eyes...the deep understanding of her hurt. I almost broke again but resisted, knowing if I did she would end up in my arms crying her eyes out.
I knew the answer to the question I posed, because they are all the same...she still loved her husband who had abandoned her. I had asked her, if she knew what kissing her hand meant. She was silent. I told her it was a symbol that I understood her and respected her and cared about her. She cried harder but I resisted the urge to step forward, and hold her. That has happened to me before, and I recall the time I sat with another overlooking a lake crying with and for her and talking about her husband who had died tragically in a mishap weeks ago. Her name was Corilee and Duncan was his.
That was 16 years ago but the memories remain. But I digress. I refocused on the young woman, so sweet, pretty, and gentle in front of me when she said to me through her tears, " nobody has ever done that to me before." I wanted to say, "I know" but dared not to.
Our conversation to me was sacred, it was a meeting of two minds and two souls, but she finally stopped crying. I had never before seen such melding of the indescribable sorrow with affection strong in her eyes for her X. It was a peaceful easy feeling I felt and hoped she did as well,,,a relief, an unburdening that also tore chunks out of her precious heart...and mine.
I said again, I care about you, goodbye XXXXXXX and if there are any problems call me.
I will never forget her...blond shoulder length hair, pretty blue eyes, gentle, dainty and fragile. It is now common because I have clients over 30 years now retired and it seems men die before their wives, but the same hurt is there, the same loneliness is there, the same pain is there too.
These women are vulnerable, and hate the loneliness and settle for not the best choices to at least have company. I have seen same.
I just spilled my guts here. Many of you know I have several women in my life but in NON romantic friendships. Most are younger and these ALL have been hurt and abandoned and abused. Reading this, especially women, you will understand why I have not crossed any lines nor do I touch these women. They do touch me, but seriously, I do not violate boundaries because I know women are sensory and communicate in that way feeling full in the doing whether it is touching my arm, shoulder, hugging me etc it is all in their desirable comfort zone. Yes, I might as well say it, I have been propositioned, held in ways much too intimate, and even watched as we worked.
What do I say in awkward situations? I do NOT pull away!!! I fear hurting their feelings!!! The first time years ago when it happened the right words came out..." I think more of you than that" as I slowly separate GENTLY. I only had one continue, and had a witness because it was not the first time.
I do not violate my creed and the reason I do not is because if I did, I know I would lose them all not just as clients but as friends. What would anyone think, but especially I if of myself, if I took advantage of vulnerable women? To be true, these women think the world of me because THEY know they are vulnerable and cherish me more than if I did surrender my "mores."
But a confession. I am selfish. Not noble. One who is super intelligent told me, "you are not a stupid man Edward." She is closest to me but knows, (as a woman always does) that as a divorced man, my emotional needs are met by these women and they do more for me than I do for them. I actually confessed that to the one closest to me. I had no choice. It is true. Her reaction? She cherishes me more. Nuff said.
"So there you have it. The rest of the story." (Paul Harvey)
Bruce was a gorgeous young man. I went to school with his first wife-to-be, Christy Crownover. Bruce would come to our high school and was so handsome, charming and masculine....not a shred of femininity whatsoever. What happened to him to make him transition - so sad.
Agree - perhaps all the attention those crazy females were getting, rubbed off on him. He needed the spotlight and adoration that he once received. Living in the whackadoodle Hollywood environment simply does change people, and almost always for the worst! Look at all the Hollywood actors/actresses' kids - all the girls are boys and the boys are girls - sick sick world.
That environment would destroy almost any man who has not a stout heart! Evidently Bruce did not and was not properly grounded in his masculinity. The fat-butted sicko women he was surrounded by saw his shaky gender and took advantage of. Bottom line is no one will do something they don't want to. Bruce apparently always wanted to be a faux woman.
I remember Bruce being that I was born in 66. He was super popular, yes was on cereal box front for a long time, "Eat your Wheaties" I think.
Another plan crash? Sad . Supposedly important people related to Korea govt mess were on that flight that crashed.
Hillary could probably bring down most any plane or get any one whacked. Or like in the movies, a scratch on your skin by passerby and your dead in seconds.
It's all very simple really, as The Donald now states it..... It's just about calling a spade a spade, as humanity did for decades, until of course the 'woke sickness' pandemic arrived. Fortunately the people's natural immunity has finally kicked in and just like bullshit covid, the bullshit woke virus is on the wane.
Can you imagine his eyes POPPING 👀 out with his intensity while asking questions? I believe he’d pop a vessel because he would not be the boss and would have to work REEEEEALLY hard to keep his composure in the Briefing Room. Go Alex! What a shake up is coming to the way the Press is operated in America.
Cannot wait until it is mandated by the administration that media is no longer permitted to extend delusional pronouns and begin to call Bruce "Bruce."
I have been around long enough to have interacted in capacity as a student to good men and women back two generations from mine. At that time these elderly men and women of Faith were beginning to tell me "We are living in perilous times" which resonated with what I have seen come to fruition...unborn baby murders by aborticide, woke sh*t, homosexuality accepted in mainline churches that have largely become redundant, the trannie insanity, the mass importation and open border boondoggle allowing terrorists, criminals, gangs, and unskilled unemployable peoples from strange and foreign backgrounds to enter once safe nations.
These abominations have been added to by sex traffickers of children in most western nations.
My studies of scripture aided and abetted by a few real and good men and the insights of real women, tend to communicate to me that several signs are and have come to pass, not the least of which is the "waxing more and more" of evil. CORRUPTION IS EVERYWHERE INCLUDING RELIGION, THE PREJUDICIALLY BIASED COURTS, POLITICS, EDUCATION, YOU NAME IT! IT IS UNDENIABLE.
There is a portion of scripture a man named Geoffrey Radcliffe pointed out to me, as one who was schooled in scriptures and who I visited to gain some knowledge. He pointed out some verses to me almost 50 years ago that took the bull by the horns when we discussed the end times and which I will post here shortly. I never forget them as they were and are the most illuminating for the current times we live in now.
Paul explained that before the day of the Lord, there will be a rebellion and the appearance of the man of sin, who will oppose and exalt himself above God. I have it on good authority of a man well schooled and honest that the "Son of Perdition" already is here BUT that will be but the beginning. I also have a minister who is low key and not sensationalist in saying he believes the same. I am looking into the views of more scholars on this and specifically those who have credibility far more than I .
3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things?
6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.
7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.
8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,
10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Bruce/Kaytlyn no longer has male genitalia. Anyone that completes the transition is in a proverbial no-man's land, that fateful and deadly area between two opposing armies.
I always wondered why William Colby ended up in a creek by his property back in the 90's? But it was more than likely due to do his knowledge of the Lame Stream CIA media connections.
Alex Jones word is applying for a White House press pass, this will drive the left and DC batshit crazy
how about Jones as WH Press Secretary
I'm happy with Carolyn Leavitt. Her first briefing was stunning.
Karoline Leavitt was named as Press Secretary and she broke the MSM already, so we're keeping her!! I'm sure she'd love to have Alex Jones added to the press core for alt media/podcasters :)
Open seat .... FRONT ROW !
Holly came from Miami, FLA - drifted her way across the USA - shaved her eyebrows on the way - shaved her legs and then he was a she - She said 'hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side - Lou Reed
USA been doing this walk on the wild side shit for decades now. I's become part of the national character, being a trans
First thing I would say to a 'woman' when I was dating: "And how long have you been a woman for?"
Got a few slaps in the face but it was good to find out early.
I was going to take this down and post another time in cue given the crash but left it up...see my question on motive now...where I ask as some people asked me...is it impossible that this was due to the mRNA vaccine? either helicopter pilot or plane pilot...another said is it possible that someone on the plane was to be taken out? headed into DC? using the helicopter to do it, sacrificing the entire plane? in this world now, is that impossible? to do with politics????
No, Dr. Paul, it's not impossible. We are, after all, in a war and our opposition lives in the delusion that they hold the higher moral ground. They use this delusion to justify every crime against liberty/freedom that they commit. Consequently, because of their lies and bogus philosophy (primarily Marxism, which based entirely on false premises), they (unknowingly) become increasingly irrational and stupid, which is why people with genuine integrity feel such incredulity upon hearing their stupid irrational arguments (the Covid hoax, the "climate change" hoax. We're incredulous that they could actually believe and promote that nonsense.) The deluded bubble in which they live cuts them off from reality and Life (as it really is) because their corrupted philosophy simply doesn't align with Life, but rather is destructive to It. Thus, their lies/false premises are merely illusions having no genuine substance. Whereas, the principles of TRUE science and liberty rest on a grounded foundation, are entirely self-evident, and therefore do not fear exposure, has no need to censor free speech and requires no justification for its existence. It simply "is."
Those at the top positions of drug companies and government have no honor and will do whatever they feel is necessary to gain power, not to serve people, but to utterly control them. They are psychopaths with no conscience on duty to moderate their destructive impulses and that's why they're dangerous and why it takes someone with real integrity that knows that psychopaths can't be reasoned with to tell them that they are seen for what they are and that justice WILL be served on them. (Because no one gets away with anything. Karma (or Cosmic Law) will have its way with them and sooner or later they'll have to pay their karmic debts (for their crimes), whether in their current lifetime or one to come. Karma is built right into Life and is a certainty. In the meantime, however, sensible and EFFECTIVE actions need to be taken to prevent them from taking us and our progeny into their dream of a dystopian future.
Somehow enough of us must rise above the divisive machinations of the globalists and their puppets still running our government and move foward as a UNITED front. UNITED, we must NOT COMPLY with their unconstitutional edicts and continue to put them on notice that we're wise to them and their true underlying agenda of enslavement and death, currently by way of fake viruses/pandemics and the unconstitutional enforcement of a medical tyranny.
There are those of us that think Trump is just another globalist puppet in patriots clothing and others that think he's the real thing. For my part, the jury is still out on Trump. I think we'll know who he really is by his fruits within the next year.
God's speed to us.
thank you for this reply: "No, Dr. Paul, it's not impossible. We are, after all, in a war and our opposition lives in the delusion that they hold the higher moral ground."
'Somehow enough of us must rise above the divisive machinations of the globalists and their puppets still running our government and move foward as a UNITED front. UNITED, we must NOT COMPLY with their unconstitutional edicts and continue to put them on notice that we're wise to them and their true underlying agenda of enslavement and death, currently by way of fake viruses/pandemics and the unconstitutional enforcement of a medical tyranny.
There are those of us that think Trump is just another globalist puppet in patriots clothing and others that think he's the real thing. For my part, the jury is still out on Trump. I think we'll know who he really is by his fruits within the next year.
God's speed to us.'
excellent remark "Those at the top positions of drug companies and government have no honor and will do whatever they feel is necessary to gain power, not to serve people, but to utterly control them. They are psychopaths with no conscience on duty to moderate their destructive impulses and that's why they're dangerous and why it takes someone with real integrity that knows that psychopaths can't be reasoned with to tell them that they are seen for what they are and that justice WILL be served on them."
Well, someone needs to step up & be the martyr & save us from the likes of Billy Gates. Just sayin. He’s now drafting a bill, supposedly, to make it a crime to be vaccine hesitant. Yeah, good luck with that! But they’ll be waiting with this shit in 2028! So we have to remain vigilant folks.
yes, and we need to get back to polls in 2 years and vote them out...we must get this right
I like your post, mostly, but you are again simply misinformed about the nature of reality. Karma does not exist, believe me, I have interrogated this subject in great detail, read books in depth, you're just another bandwagon peddling misinformed views without grasping the gravity of the situation. By suggesting scales balance itself, you are morally justifying what criminals do, and is an endorsement of inaction to combat some injustices by saying something when we see something. Since you're not aware of the mechanisms and how we can combat such forces, you suggest and are resigned to defeat through non-action, but again is a moral failing in your being, a character flaw born our of fear of acceptance of reality. There are no gods to save anyone, we have to take charge and responsibility for ourselves and hopefully for others by empowering them to do the same.
Sigh, why do I bother? 🤦♂️
thank you for sharing, very fascinating...thank you
If that's what you believe, then fine. You're entitled to believe whatever you want. However, you do NOT have the right to tell us who believe otherwise that we are "misinformed".
WE DO BELIEVE IN GOD!! And your lack of belief won't change that.
There have definitely been pilot sudden deaths from the mRNA jabs:
I am adding this to the stack
yes, thank you for this
First thing that came to my mind- the video looked intentional
I just read an article this morning that stated that the tower tried to reach the pilots in the helicopter to ask if they saw the plane coming in for a landing. The article states there was no response from the helicopter. So, that pretty much lays the blame on the helicopter if that was true.
However, they must retrieve that helicopter and try to figure out what the hell was going on in that helicopter. There were THREE pilots in that chopper. Something fishy must have been going on there. My imagination is going wild with potential ideas, but we must wait. We need to learn the facts as they come out.
Asked myself the same questions.
♫ "... She walked up to me and she asked me to dance
I asked her her name and in a dark brown voice she said Lola ♫
♫ L-O-L-A, Lola
La-la-la-la Lola ..." ♫
Where’s Waldo?
In the closet wiping his sweaty ass with his shirt.
Yes I have to agree edward, it’s that sickening and quite disturbing.
Thank you for the early, east coast morning laugh.
I do this ALL the time with my women clients. It is called "being an ass." The sound of a woman's laughter is the prettiest sweetest sound ever. I love it. Bonus? Puts them in a relaxed happy mood and wanting to hug me. That of course, I hate, but I tolerate it since I am a kind man who refuses to hurt their feelings. So I just soldier on, sacrificing myself for the greater good.
Of course if you believe that, have I got a bridge to sell you.
Nope, I already have 4 bridges I’m trying to sell myself, thanks anyway.
On a lighter note, your style makes perfect sense. Laughter is, as the old Readers Digest you to say, the best medicine.
Yes. But these posts lead to serious scenarios I encounter continually in my dealings with women in my profession. Where there is laughter there will be tears and where there are tears there will be sorrow and where there is sorrow there will always be holy ground.
Damn, how did God ever know how to create the most beautiful sight in the world.? I often wonder at that but then am amazed that the soft smooth face in its sublimity and the curvaceous sculpted leg is rejected by some males in favor of the hairy leg and the whiskered cheek.
So here we go! Al Martino in 1967 recorded this and in my youth the words settled in my mind to lay the foundation of the feelings of the fulfilling ideal all consuming real love between a man and wife that the sensory sexual silent expression softly alone can be as the ONLY FULL way to communicate to each the other a love twixt two that words could never and cannot describe. That love transcendent is epitomized by this song and I dare to dedicate it to those women here whose "all" I recognize in their soft gentle manner towards their husbands in the totality of their marital union with same.
To those, I celebrate you and your dedication to you and each the other as you understand the dynamic that exists and the resulting anger, wrath and sorrow that compelled God to condemn adultery and the betrayal of that sacred affection present in consummate marital unions.
I also reach out emotionally in my understanding to those men but more empathetically to women betrayed and hurt by infidelity. I want to again mention one case of others where I talked to a young woman client all alone, noting her expressions and the deep sorrow therein on her face but also I knew on her gentle soul. I felt it but held back the urge to embarrass myself by breaking as I searched her eyes and saw that sorrow there.
My son quietly left us alone and went to the front to pack the saws in the chip truck and then wait for me. I have often wondered if he was ever similarly affected as I was.
When I heard the gate shut, I reached out to take her hand, gently held and drew it to my mouth, and kissed it. That did not comfort her, it made her cry but kept her hand in mine until I slowly released it. I looked into her eyes again and knew she saw it, in my own eyes...the deep understanding of her hurt. I almost broke again but resisted, knowing if I did she would end up in my arms crying her eyes out.
I knew the answer to the question I posed, because they are all the same...she still loved her husband who had abandoned her. I had asked her, if she knew what kissing her hand meant. She was silent. I told her it was a symbol that I understood her and respected her and cared about her. She cried harder but I resisted the urge to step forward, and hold her. That has happened to me before, and I recall the time I sat with another overlooking a lake crying with and for her and talking about her husband who had died tragically in a mishap weeks ago. Her name was Corilee and Duncan was his.
That was 16 years ago but the memories remain. But I digress. I refocused on the young woman, so sweet, pretty, and gentle in front of me when she said to me through her tears, " nobody has ever done that to me before." I wanted to say, "I know" but dared not to.
Our conversation to me was sacred, it was a meeting of two minds and two souls, but she finally stopped crying. I had never before seen such melding of the indescribable sorrow with affection strong in her eyes for her X. It was a peaceful easy feeling I felt and hoped she did as well,,,a relief, an unburdening that also tore chunks out of her precious heart...and mine.
I said again, I care about you, goodbye XXXXXXX and if there are any problems call me.
I will never forget her...blond shoulder length hair, pretty blue eyes, gentle, dainty and fragile. It is now common because I have clients over 30 years now retired and it seems men die before their wives, but the same hurt is there, the same loneliness is there, the same pain is there too.
These women are vulnerable, and hate the loneliness and settle for not the best choices to at least have company. I have seen same.
I just spilled my guts here. Many of you know I have several women in my life but in NON romantic friendships. Most are younger and these ALL have been hurt and abandoned and abused. Reading this, especially women, you will understand why I have not crossed any lines nor do I touch these women. They do touch me, but seriously, I do not violate boundaries because I know women are sensory and communicate in that way feeling full in the doing whether it is touching my arm, shoulder, hugging me etc it is all in their desirable comfort zone. Yes, I might as well say it, I have been propositioned, held in ways much too intimate, and even watched as we worked.
What do I say in awkward situations? I do NOT pull away!!! I fear hurting their feelings!!! The first time years ago when it happened the right words came out..." I think more of you than that" as I slowly separate GENTLY. I only had one continue, and had a witness because it was not the first time.
I do not violate my creed and the reason I do not is because if I did, I know I would lose them all not just as clients but as friends. What would anyone think, but especially I if of myself, if I took advantage of vulnerable women? To be true, these women think the world of me because THEY know they are vulnerable and cherish me more than if I did surrender my "mores."
But a confession. I am selfish. Not noble. One who is super intelligent told me, "you are not a stupid man Edward." She is closest to me but knows, (as a woman always does) that as a divorced man, my emotional needs are met by these women and they do more for me than I do for them. I actually confessed that to the one closest to me. I had no choice. It is true. Her reaction? She cherishes me more. Nuff said.
"So there you have it. The rest of the story." (Paul Harvey)
Bruce was a gorgeous young man. I went to school with his first wife-to-be, Christy Crownover. Bruce would come to our high school and was so handsome, charming and masculine....not a shred of femininity whatsoever. What happened to him to make him transition - so sad.
he was always so, you just did not know...he is a gay man who is and was ashamed to say that or live that.
Extremely competitive person, surrounded for years by the Kardashian girls.
Agree - perhaps all the attention those crazy females were getting, rubbed off on him. He needed the spotlight and adoration that he once received. Living in the whackadoodle Hollywood environment simply does change people, and almost always for the worst! Look at all the Hollywood actors/actresses' kids - all the girls are boys and the boys are girls - sick sick world.
That environment would destroy almost any man who has not a stout heart! Evidently Bruce did not and was not properly grounded in his masculinity. The fat-butted sicko women he was surrounded by saw his shaky gender and took advantage of. Bottom line is no one will do something they don't want to. Bruce apparently always wanted to be a faux woman.
Perhaps he’s been MKUltra’d?
I remember Bruce being that I was born in 66. He was super popular, yes was on cereal box front for a long time, "Eat your Wheaties" I think.
Another plan crash? Sad . Supposedly important people related to Korea govt mess were on that flight that crashed.
Hillary could probably bring down most any plane or get any one whacked. Or like in the movies, a scratch on your skin by passerby and your dead in seconds.
It's all very simple really, as The Donald now states it..... It's just about calling a spade a spade, as humanity did for decades, until of course the 'woke sickness' pandemic arrived. Fortunately the people's natural immunity has finally kicked in and just like bullshit covid, the bullshit woke virus is on the wane.
Can you imagine his eyes POPPING 👀 out with his intensity while asking questions? I believe he’d pop a vessel because he would not be the boss and would have to work REEEEEALLY hard to keep his composure in the Briefing Room. Go Alex! What a shake up is coming to the way the Press is operated in America.
Those people need a psychiatric treatment or something. And politicians who are OK with this as well.
He, Jenner, a Freak Show.
Gold medalist, Decathlon, 1976. MEN'S Gold Medalist.
Bruce Jender (sp.?)
Cannot wait until it is mandated by the administration that media is no longer permitted to extend delusional pronouns and begin to call Bruce "Bruce."
Never happen. Media is FITH.
...they are.
I have been around long enough to have interacted in capacity as a student to good men and women back two generations from mine. At that time these elderly men and women of Faith were beginning to tell me "We are living in perilous times" which resonated with what I have seen come to fruition...unborn baby murders by aborticide, woke sh*t, homosexuality accepted in mainline churches that have largely become redundant, the trannie insanity, the mass importation and open border boondoggle allowing terrorists, criminals, gangs, and unskilled unemployable peoples from strange and foreign backgrounds to enter once safe nations.
These abominations have been added to by sex traffickers of children in most western nations.
My studies of scripture aided and abetted by a few real and good men and the insights of real women, tend to communicate to me that several signs are and have come to pass, not the least of which is the "waxing more and more" of evil. CORRUPTION IS EVERYWHERE INCLUDING RELIGION, THE PREJUDICIALLY BIASED COURTS, POLITICS, EDUCATION, YOU NAME IT! IT IS UNDENIABLE.
There is a portion of scripture a man named Geoffrey Radcliffe pointed out to me, as one who was schooled in scriptures and who I visited to gain some knowledge. He pointed out some verses to me almost 50 years ago that took the bull by the horns when we discussed the end times and which I will post here shortly. I never forget them as they were and are the most illuminating for the current times we live in now.
Paul explained that before the day of the Lord, there will be a rebellion and the appearance of the man of sin, who will oppose and exalt himself above God. I have it on good authority of a man well schooled and honest that the "Son of Perdition" already is here BUT that will be but the beginning. I also have a minister who is low key and not sensationalist in saying he believes the same. I am looking into the views of more scholars on this and specifically those who have credibility far more than I .
So here is the closest we can come in scriptures to define not the day and hour but the surest indication of the advent of the Apocalypse.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12
3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things?
6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time.
7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way.
8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,
10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.
11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie
12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Alex jones talked on his show with Ivan raiklin on how wonderful it would be if djt was assassinated. He laughed about go find it and watch it.
Bruce/Kaytlyn no longer has male genitalia. Anyone that completes the transition is in a proverbial no-man's land, that fateful and deadly area between two opposing armies.
Stay away from Wheaties.
Phreak Show. XY will never equal XX.
I do not support transgenderism
But, this person is courteous, minds his business, transfer as an adult, and does not support the trans lunacy
I always wondered why William Colby ended up in a creek by his property back in the 90's? But it was more than likely due to do his knowledge of the Lame Stream CIA media connections.
Good choice