Question everything & pray for discernment.

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Paul and all,

Posted at Sage substack and will be posted other places…

Sage and all,

HERO in my world will be used for those who actually…

STOP THE BIOTERRORISM ASAP after 4 shameful years and over 17 million continuing deaths, right?

AND For those who make ELECTION INTEGRITY their 2024 priority, right?

No visible heroes yet!

This project with serious citizens who clearly understand UNITY, SOLUTIONS and most importantly, consult with Leaders whose expertise is strategic planning should be a huge help to turn America back in the right direction instead of falling off a Cliff…

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Well said Doctor Alex..

Since the start of this madness you have been a voice..Truthful..honest(brutally so) which we needed to open our minds.🙏🏽

I have an opinion..the ‘insanity’ was an experiment..to see how much of humanity would ‘bow down’ to tyranny thru ‘fear’..also get rid of a lot of Christians ect..This was all for the ‘real Mark’ that has been presented by Evil Bill..on the table now..They probably believe it’s in the bag..another 5 billion will down and worship the ‘power brokers’ anti Christ system taking place now. This is my opinion..Prayers for our people..🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Pulling out a quote from THIS article above to amplify and hoping to prevent this information from being overlooked.

Quoting Dr. Alexander:

"3) FDA official called me in August 2020 while I was at HHS in DC asking me, demanding me to take down a paper I wrote at HHS critical of the OWS and the poor trials by Pfizer, Moderna, a document I had sent Fauci, Hahn, everyone and was already posted on internet, laying out how poor the trials were and that they would be wrong…FDA official told me para “we are not interested in the safety of the vaccine or safety data, we have moved the finish line, safety is not our concern….fuck safety data or assessing safety….we are focused ONLY on ensuring Trump did not get the EUA before the election, that is the core focus of FDA now….he must not get it, we are granting it for Moderna and Pfizer, we made that decision already…always baked in… but AFTER election, he will not get a win and we will ensure it”…


call shocked me, I told them I could not withdraw the paper, it stands…"

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Yes, that part is what stood out to me as well when I read it.

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Dr. Paul you are my fav i have been following a lot of people and you and a few others and i mean very few are the only ones i trust to tell the truth. I pray for you and your family every day and I thank God for the few truth tellers we have that we can go to and know we dont have to worry if what you are saying is true. I love your posts and if i ever get to where i can pay for subscriptions your will be the first one for me.

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<<If you were remotely serious about a movement, you would ask why in 2024, nobody is swinging from lamp posts for the murder of the World.>>


This only has a chance of happening once the paper scrip they call “money” ceases to retain value, a mathematical inevitability. This is why they are so desperate to track and trace the physical and force CBDCs in the virtual.

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