Paul, Mayorkas is a traitor, a treasonous scum bag, an evil vulture, an prime enemy of this country.

His job is to destroy this country, he is what he does, and what he does is destroy the fabric of life in this country.

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boom, thats why I wrote that, he is a central figure in the destruction of USA

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I don't think he's incompetent. I think he's very competent at destroying things like borders and and protection agencies.... in other words intentionally incompetent

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In other words, he's a traitor

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100% bulls-eye. Word association: Whenever i hear someone say the name "Majorkas," the first word that i think of is "traitor."

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Me too!

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Yes! I’ve heard even though he is evil- he is a very intelligent Jewish/Cuban. Our entire government is controlled by Israel and it’s astonishing to witness in America 🇺🇸 God Speed everyone

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Incompetent is the shield they hide behind. He knows exactly what he is doing, few of the current administrations 'goons' are as effective as Mayorkas, and the RepubliCONS just let him keep doing it! Disgusting lack of respect for the American Citizen, who is being eliminated very effectively. War, by who against who, when the government itself is doing such a good job of forcing Americans into poverty.

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And getting raped and killed by illegals, dieing from fentanyl, etc ...

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Democrats are a mob of misfits.

They each need to cover for one another

For the lies that they need others

To believe to be true about them.

That’s the pact:

“I’ll provide cover for your lie, if, and as long as, you cover for my lie.”

Every breath is lived in fear that any of the foundational lies, if exposed, would bring the entire playhouse tumbling down.

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So true!

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US House announced they are starting, Vacation early. We can't rely on our elected officials.

Many in Washington DC are traitors.

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Trump ahead of Kamala by 49-46 in latest CNN poll nationally.

Also read that a Biden source has admitted that the reason Obama hasn't endorsed Kamala is that he doesn't think she has a chance to win. However, on August 1, it will be too late to do anything about it, short of having her assassinated.

Finally, Newsmax has done studies of Dem contributions to Biden/Harris and has shown many obvious illegal donations. There are retired old people donating hundreds of time over a short time, which are not possible. Some donors are using names of retired people.

Besides being illegal, it was designed to create momentum for Kamala.

We know that seniors are not enthusiastic for Kamala.

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The more I see what this evil regime continues to do and how silly shitlib fools in cities and suburbs keep supporting it, the more hopeless, the more black pilled I grow. Daddy Trump ain't saving shit. They will rig the elections yet again, all in the name of "reinforcing democracy."

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hold on...hold on...have hope...I do trust Trump will do good

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I second that! Are we the only 2?

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Even if Trump wins, the leftist deep state and its libtard supporters and RINOS will make sure none of his policies get through.

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“X” account Sean Davis:

I cut and pasted this “X” post for one simple reason, why?

Everything we’ve been witnessing since this

“Illegitimate administration” was placed, NOT ELECTED, placed in power, had been a complete failure and coverup! Below is another example and is why I’m convinced “America is FUZKED”!


Here’s an abbreviated list of extremely basic factual questions about the Trump assassination attempt that for some reason haven’t been definitively answered (anonymous leaks don’t count):

1) What make, model, and caliber of firearm was used, and when/where/by whom was it purchased?

2) What make and model of ammo was used (including the weight of the bullet used)?

3) Did the rifle used have any type of magnified optic or red dot sight on it, and if so, what make/model, and what exact setting was the optic on when the shooter used it?

4) Have authorities put identical rounds through the rifle with the identical optics settings and confirmed both the zero and the result of shots fired at the range at which they were fired on Saturday?

5) How many shell casings were recovered from the crime scene? How many remaining rounds were in the magazine that was found in the rifle?

6) How many rounds were fired by the shooter on the warehouse rooftop? Has each round been accounted for (i.e., do investigators know where each round landed, and does the number of bullets found or accounted for match the number of shell casings found?

7) Have investigators confirmed, via the recovered bullets and the known trajectory of the bullets, that the shooter on the rooftop fired each one?

8) Have investigators reconstructed the shooter’s precise movements over the past days, weeks, and months? If so, have they put together a list of every person with whom he interacted over that time period, but in person and virtually or online?

9) Have investigators reviewed video surveillance of the shooter at all various locations he recently visited (e.g., gun range, gun dealer, restaurants, traffic cameras, etc.)? If so, have they canvassed and interviewed each person seen with the shooter?

These aren’t difficult questions to answer. These are usually the types of details promptly provided by authorities in the days following shocking, violent events of national importance.

Yet we do not have a single one of these questions definitely answered on the record by an official authority. Not one.

Why the heck not?

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Mayorkas is probably the biggest traitor the USA has ever encountered even worse than Cheney, and despite what he has done in plain sight, he remains running the USA into the ground. I now probably played a role in the failed murder of Trump... yet he just keeps on going till he finishes the job as Biden would say.

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Dangerous? Yes!

Absolutely very dangerous!

For the simple fact, he’s allowing anyone and everyone to enter into America, “UNCHECKED”!

Oh and by the way,

download our new and improved,

“how to get into America app”!

Paid for by: you, me and all American taxpayers of these United States!

Incompetent? No! Not at all!

Not at all Dr Alexander, not at all! In fact, Mayorkas knows exactly what he’s doing! This makes him “extremely dangerous”!

Including his evil, intentionally designed, well executed

“Marxist Agenda”!

State and local governments have been inundated, financially kneecapped, while allowing and encouraging, this same “Marxist Agenda” to spread across America! Why?

Why hasn’t there been a single conservative billionaire, stepping up and countering such devastation? Why?

There’s seemingly an endless supply of “George / Alex Soros” money available, dedicated to America’s destruction! Along with a never ending supply of protesters! Hmmm? Why?

Without any counter measures being taken! Nobody is remotely trying to stop this attack! Yes, IMO this is absolutely an attack! Attack on everything American!

Maybe I’m blind or maybe I’m missing something here?

Or maybe, just maybe the same money Soros invests, is the same repackaged money from unknown conservative sources, for the simple purpose of collapsing America!

Yes, I do believe this is why!

Has anyone ever asked themselves this question? If Soros can do it why can’t / why hasn’t ________? Why?

I’m beginning understand why, why one team is allowed to

“pitch & hit”

and the other team, shows up picking their noses, sidelined and

“Adjusting Their JockStrap’s? Is this not “Game Over”?

This is exactly why Mayorkas, Obama, Clinton’s, the entire “WRECKING BALL CREW” has been “Slowly Boiling America”

without any repercussions whatsoever!

Basically I’m convinced, “America is FUZKED”!

Think about it?

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Jul 24·edited Jul 24


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The rot always starts at the head.

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Is it true that Trump is appointing Black Rock, Larry Fink, and Chase guy to head up economic policy? If so, that is concerning?

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no...dont know that...lots of talk and lots of folk talk crap...only 45 knows right now and lots he is playing clos to chest and he should...lets see

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Trump considered Jamie Dimon for Sec'y of Treasury, then denied it. Vance 's senate run was bankrolled by Peter Thiel. As soon as Trump appears unstoppable, watch the oligarchy pile in with major contributions and that will be the end of MAGA. Be very clear, we can't have both.

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Are these appointments a smokescreen or trap to get to top guys to take them out? Put them in place to hang themselves? Maybe Trump had a long list of traitors who will talk about every crime to save their own hide? There’s no loyalty among thieves?

These near the top think riches and prestige will be their rewards in the NWO. They don’t realize they will be lambs to the slaughter .

Right now there are lots in the SS who might be suiciding themselves to prevent them from talking?

Just wondering ?

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deletedJul 24
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Donald mentions it, but at this point, what's the use??

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