Maybe now Trump will say something against the jabs.

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Doubt it!

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VP saying, “Apoorva Mandavilli is a terrible science reporter,” is no biggy. What do you expect with the NYT? They toot the dog whistle and the rest of the mainstream media follows in lockstep because that’s what progressives do.

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So Obvious Even A Caveman Could See It Coming😉

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Wait until people find out they were chipped with these shots. They are going to be furious because they never gave their consent to connect their bodies to the Internet of Humans...and it's also been announced that a company successfully connected with a Bluetooth device from a satellite, which should complete the picture in your mind.


I've seen active low energy bluetooth signals from vaxxed, in a remote place with no signals and verified this myself. If you have Android, you can use this software (warning...from a potentially janky Chinese company, seems OK in the testing I have done)

To see unregistered bluetooth devices, you'll need to go into "developer mode". That's easy to do but inconvenient enough to keep the public away.

Background and instructions here:


Software here (you will not find this in the Google Play Store!!!):


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Youtubevanced app is a modded Android app containing the latest features. This app has some extra features like the original youtube app. https://youtubevanced.tube/

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kinda like AstraZeneca just withdrawing the jabs worldwide due to "low demand" and "rare" side effects

will they just minimize everything until they no longer can and then dump it on Trump?

Hopefully he gets ahead of it.

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So where are the militants who savaged the German scientists who did lethal injections on Jewish people? Why did many Germans die for violating the Nuremburg Code while fake health experts, university deans, military generals and others who illegally imposed mandates now run free and with no consequences fo their murderous actions that killed people?

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3% death rate? She's a terrible reporter.

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