Kamala is a Communist. Don't forget it! Don't whine about - Vote!

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ensure you tell your peoples

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YES....Comrade Kamala obamala Harris.....

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Comrade Cami want open borders how about their homes too open them up to house and sponsor out of their own money and homes too, not tax payers money. They have no rights, get out UN

#Silence UN #NO UN

The UN needs to be dismantled not on US soil

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This is what they do in Communist countries.

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Specifically their own homes anyone want to promote them you live with the millions of them the migrants. They want sanctuary places let them live all together their own toilets and sleeping quarters they all sleep together gonna need alot of bunk beds 4 high at least to cram them in their own homes. they will come out of their own pockets for not federal or state dollars. it may break the country apart tired of paying for them tax payers pay for the school buses already and are being told that is just for immigrants not for citizens. It is time to stand up tell them HELL NO

They cannot use tax payers money for any of the migrants period. They cannot have our own homes and business.

They can fuc^ off.




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Absolutely agree. I'm with YOU. HELL NO!

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You won’t believe this! 🤯 The right to bear arms is a right of illegal aliens! This is the Dems little game of protecting drug runners and cartel members. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cl_BIYZkLa8

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It's the same way in Arizona.

The plan is to let them get guns with the free money they get, so when Purge day comes, they will have a better chance.

Free guns for bad guys while we pay retail prices for ours.

Thanks for the post, Mr Anderson.

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I agree 100%. I also think that Harris' desire to make these illegals citizens and giving them all kinds of services and benefits citizens can't get must be repeated..

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excellent post

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For sure but do not forget criminals have guns anyway with no regard for the law.

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Well, Kamala's ugly step-daughter doesn't have to worry about being a victim of these animals.

She has Secret Service protection.

The rest of us...are targets.

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Isn't that something, she is so nasty looking! Look at that family dynamic compared to Trumps kids and family! Uuugggee difference!

Trump 2024!!

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An abomination that pairs of people would spawn garbage like ovomit, turdo, biDUMB, their ASSministrations, hellery, schumer, garland, etc

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