How far has Canadia slumped since WW2!

During that war, my mother and both her brothers worked for the RCAF, two as civilians and one as a pilot. Sadly the pilot died when his plane crashed. Early in WW2 the survival rate for RCAF airmen was brutally low. Now the character of Canadiaian politicians is brutally low.

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Being a true ally requires reciprocal respect and cooperation. President Trump has demonstrated that he knows how to deal with NATO freeloaders.

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We need to broadcast 24/7 Trudeau’s lies and insults on a Jumbotron-for everyone to see and to fit his swelled head. People need to wake-up and realize how sick he and Chrystia Freeland are

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I used to be a Canadian Patriot. Not any more. At this point the sooner this country breaks up and the Western (except of course for basket-case "British California" ) and Maritime Provinces join the Red States of America to form a new and better union, the better...

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Once again, his name is spelled Turdeau, Castreau, or Brandeau.

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

Ok I am going to blaspheme here. As I have discovered that my government hates me and wants me dead, that the Deep State has been in controll of this country since they assisinated JFK, did the 9/11 shit and all the stupid wars they got us into ...I hate my government and I hate what this country has become. THE WASTE...especially of our militiary - the boots on the ground - you can take MILLEY and all the rest of the NEOCON generals and dump them under a drone. But the people of this country...the ordinary the working poor the regular military guys....the constitution....I love them. And if we have to let Canada freeload to save the ordinary Canadian boots on the ground, then I am proud we at least know they are pretty miuch the same as we...ORDINARY DECENT MEN.

Both our governments have to go. This is enough. I pray every night the fourth turning will restore our country to us, that we will be WORTHY and not close our eyes this time...and the entire lot of the 1 percenters and the elites and the bankers instead of getting their great reset, I hope they get their great ground casket.

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Almost all wars are from self serving elites issuing orders to pawns.

War....generally speaking is about business...not humanity.

Trudeau is a despicable, arrogant prick on a good day....and certainly a freeloader.

War seldom solves anything...it is a game played by mongers and experienced by peons. We need to quit celebrating this nonsense.

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That pos Trudeau makes me embarrassed to be a Canadian.

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Canada helped save the asses of 6 US diplomats who escaped from the US embassy in Tehran in 1979. So I guess we can call it even now. :)

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The dictator of Canada only cares about thieving for personal gain WEF and open borders. Votes from those who enter illegally. He doesn't care about the people of his own or any other country.

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Canada is a joke but so is the United States of Bullies. Fuck Nato and fuck Justin Castro. In fact, fuck all the lying, self-serving piece of shits that are politicians. The lie that is democracy is dead. Deservedly so. We allowed war mongers and liars to proliferate. When the truth is gone what have you got??

We shall soon see.

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Why is Canada in these regime change operations in the first place?

NATO is no longer relevant, the USSR and communism is over.

NATO has become the puppet of the USA, as we see with the current war that screws over Europeans with ridiculous energy costs and the risk of nuclear war.

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Wow that's pathetic.

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a bit over a week ago at church, a very stressed elderly mother mentionned that her son, a missionnary, was asked to leave Sudan in a van, having to cross a dangerous border. I hope she heard news from her son, she had been waiting for a sign for a few days. Nothing said about military help from Canada.

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Get out of NATO period. Before the idiots blow up the world

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What a piece of shit that piece of scum is!

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