You are spot on Dr. Alexander!! It is a disgrace what Alvin & his chipmunks are doing. The Liberals have destroyed NYC and AG Leticia James as well is vile & full of hate. The Judge should recuse himself, his hubris is disgusting. Wonder how much his pockets were lined. As per usual the Dems are folllowing the orders from the DOJ & the WHouse.

Yes the feds wouldn’t try the case either. In addition the statute of limitations is up…So now Alvin wants to trump up charges to a felony, and most importantly put Trump’s life in danger everyday and keep him off the campaign trail…

Look what they are doing to RFK,Jr. by denying him Secret Service protection. That is horrific considering that his dad & his uncle were assassinated here in America. I think we’re all aware now who was involved in that… the deep state was alive and well then and it still is ….we have been lied to for many many years and it’s time the truth comes out. We are sick of this BS. We want all of the truth and the behavior of the Administration now is just a continuance of who is really ruling the country… who is behind it all… we want to know all the players because we can’t be fooled anymore. Once your eyes are opened they can’t go back. It goes way back before the bio weapon long ago… The American people are not going to take it anymore.

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Where's the Republican party? Needs to shut down this BS now.

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What don't people understand is....the Left are EVIL.... no ands ifs or buts. There will come a day very soon where people will have to decide if they're going to be sheep or lions. Personally, I think most are sheep and will deserve what they get. Sad but true. Things will devolve relatively quickly to where people will have nothing. When people lose everything and there is nothing left to lose .... they lose it. Only then will the Left be dealt with in a manner in which they can understand. Again, sad to say but true. Pax

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thank you, excellent post

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Trump was/is a great president but he is not our savior.

The power to fix all of this lies with 'WE THE PEOPLE.'

We have to educate ourselves on the issues.

Where were we before covid? We had a great economy, lowest poverty rate on record, lowest minority unemployment on record, wage growth above inflation and PEACE!

Where are we now? Poverty on the rise, real wages sinking like a rock, inflation, chaos, crime, border invasion and wars breaking out all over the world.

I wake up every morning and find another reason to cry.

We need an awakening in the country and in the world.

Thankfully I believe we are witnessing that awakening. Just check out Trump's visit to Harlem.

The people, WE THE PEOPLE, the ones that have built and maintain our society through hard work are what is going to save us by learning the facts, by turning off the fake news and doing research.

What our corrupt government fears more than anything else is a united electorate.

After 9/11 we were united as a nation, but just a few short years later the great divider was installed as president, his name was barack hussein obama.

obama proved that one man can destroy a country by dividing it against itself.

It will take all of us to defeat that evil...

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