Paul, you are suffering from a severe case of TAS Trump Apologizing Syndrome. No matter what happens bad about the Killer Shots, it’s not Trump’s fault. To think it makes a rats ass difference whether the worthless shots were authorized before or after the election as some form of mea culpa for Trump is delusional. OWS is Trump’s baby and the fact he has not denounced the shots after three years is all you need to know.

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The fact that you are more focused on besmirching Trump & Dr. Paul than the fact that the lying treasonous corruptocrats were indifferent to the harms caused by the jabs, were totally unethical in violating research protocols and were singularly focused on destroying and defeating Trump, not on doing their jobs of assuring both safety and Efficacy of the jabs tells me all I need to know about you, your dark, twisted and evil heart and your motivations. You are a person (as are the bastards in the FDA) never to be trusted, and whose malice goes way beyond TDS to hatred of your countrymen and indeed to hatred of the whole world (as these poisons were rolled out to the world). There is no crime to charge you with, but your soul will burn in hell for eternity.

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That’s quite a mouthful. I wish I could see into people souls like you claim to be able to do. How do you do that? Voodoo? Bones? You have no idea what’s in my soul. What hubris! Like your entire answer. Whether the entire Medical Mafia is totally corrupt or not is irrelevant to Trump’s actions today. He still lauds the shots as modern miracles. I am sorry if you agree with Trump on that. If you don’t, you’re trying to tear Trump down. I’ve got a description of your soul you can have.

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Wasn’t hard to see into your sick soul, as you went straight to TDS in spite of the rampant corruption evident in the FDA outlined in the article.

Not to mention the lake of fire that is the clown car of perverts and traitors that is the Biden Administration.

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Amazing work Dr Alexander! Thankyou many times over!

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Paul, are we really supposed to believe that an "FDA official" actually confided in YOU, as - 1.) a complete stranger, or 2.) a Trump staff appointee - via a RECORDABLE phone conversation, that the FDA was willfully and callously disregarding safety issues in a deliberate attempt to damage Trump?! 😱

Yeah, that's plausible... 🤣

Get real!! 😡

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Now, having read all of the other comments, it saddens and astounds me that no commenter has noted this crucial absurdity in your post. 😔

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Out the fda officials……let’s go

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Didn't we talk about, many months ago, that Trump was assured all efficacy and safety studies would be carried out on the vaxx, but it didn't happen? Of course, what efficacy and safety studies would be worthwhile in such a short period of time, anyway? Long-term studies are needed.

Trump needs to be as fearless as he usually is and talk about the vaxx harms. I understand why he isn't, given everything the left is throwing on him.

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What Paul described with the FDA is business as usual. Health care became the Medical Industry beginning over 100 yrs ago with Rockefeller/Carnegie money heavily invested. What is described here is an old political tactic for economic gain--always economic gain with the power to effect it. Remember how Nixon & Co got Iran to hold American hostages till after the election to beat Carter and elect Nixon. The GOP has a long history of devious shenanigans so let's be clear that this is all business as usual. So the message needs to be Stop the Divisiveness and look at the whole system and how it works. If it is honesty and truth then the system needs to be changed and neither the GOP nor the Dems have any other interest than to protect it. Power to the People was the adage used in progressive politics for years and it is still the most valid one and that means ALL the people in this pluralist society, all the people undivided and focused on the real issues of who has the power and it is not the people. That is what needs to change and fighting right v left just defeats this goal

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Link to paper?

No vaccine in sight . . .

Who's gonna take the shot?

Not if Trump is involved. . .

This was always politics and never health.

Remember when the next fake emergency arrives do not comply, freedom is essential. Costanza rule the public health apparatus. Be aware of Hypochlorus Acid production and uses. Vit D, sunlight, exercise and healthy natural eating.

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Dr. Paul, you provide a really helpful insight in this post (and you didn't even need foul language!)--the real insider's view. Thank you for writing this, for giving us this.

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I Like How Costly It Is

To Take Over The United States.

The Vaccine Deaths Are Part Of That Cost.

That’s To Our Advantage.

They Didn’t Kill Enough.

That’s Also To Our Advantage.


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I muse on how many Democrats are still alive, and how many will be still alive in November (illegal aliens replacing them notwithstanding). This is not , however, schadenfreude.I got over that a long time ago.

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Huge blessings to you Dr Alexander!

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My gut feeling is someone blocked the steal in 2016 and let it happen in 2020. Remember the Clintons in 2016 jumping like chimps happy they won, only to find they lost? Why did they think they won and why were they surprised? I dunno....Just asking da questions.

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Was it Time magazine which had a "Hilary won" full-cover photo already printed? that must have been a hugely expensive error

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Yes, God smiled on us all, in His not so mysterious way. Maybe we get another chance to repent of our sins.

‘As I live!’ declares the Lord GOD,

‘I take no pleasure at all, in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back

Turn back from your evil ways. Why then should you die, house of Israel?’

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Ezekiel 33:11 NASB

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Thanks. I just began Ezekiel an hour ago. I had already typed out this from Lamentations: Jeremiah, having bewailed the Lord's refusal to hear his prayers, turns back to say, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. 'The Lord is my portion,' says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.' The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him." Lamentations 3:22-26

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This is very important news! Thank you Dr, this can make a big difference, now if Trump can benefit that would change his stance.

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