Gee, that must be why Trump has always been doing so badly in all the polls, why his rallies in and visits to deep blue states draw only the same handfuls of people who show up at Hillary, Biden, and Kamala appearances in those same states, and why he’s never managed to make inroads into the captive minority populations of the Democrat Party in a way that would scare the shit out of them because of what that means for voter turnout. < /sarc >

Of course, the reason for the “out messaging” by the Dems could be what is the exact opposite of the above.

It could be because they are desperately trying to pour it on in an attempt to stop the hemorrhaging of support for their party.

Here’s the bottom line: it’s not what they are saying or how much they are saying it, it’s the context in which they are saying it.

An increasingly large number of people of all demographics are ever more fully aware of the bullshit that is the Democrat Party.

Increasing their number of ads only reinforces, it doesn’t change, that awareness.

Suddenly flip-flopping positions or trying to steal Trump’s ideas only increases the awareness of their fundamental duplicity.

It’s like this: People who have actually caught their significant other cheating on them will NOT be swayed by increased numbers of protests to the contrary.

Why? Because they know what they know.

They will not disregard what they know because the unfaithful one is telling them that their knowledge is unreliable.


Because they know the only ones who stand to benefit from their treating their own knowledge as unreliable are the ones who have already demonstrated themselves to be unreliable.

They will not be convinced by the increased volume of pledges of undying love and fidelity pouring out of the pie-hole of those who lied to them.


Because they’ve already seen them shit all over that love and fidelity.

So with the increased volume of “messaging,” what has changed? Not the past. Not the manipulation. Not the lies.

But what HAS changed is the reaction TO that messaging: Increased disgust. Increased certainty of the true depth of the unfaithfulness. Increased word to those near and dear to them to steer clear of the cheaters and not to believe a word they say.

And THAT is when the increased messaging of the Democrats actually benefits those opposing them.


Because they are actually demonstrating what those opposing them have been saying and their former supporters have been seeing.

When the Democrats crank up the volume of “We are the party of law and order.” Those hearing them will think, “Yeah, the corrupted law of Letitia James and Judge Engoran, of Alvin Bragg, the DOJ, and Judge Merchan, of Fani “Gorilla-grip Pussy” Willis, of unlawfully-appointed Jack Smith unlawfully using a DC grand jury to supply charges for a Florida jurisdiction, George Soros-bought state attorneys-general, DAs, and prosecutors letting hundreds of thousands of rioters and thieves in 2020 off the hook. The “order” of “the agenda of our party over all others,” especially the order of our communities getting disrupted and impoverished by the tens of millions your party has been bringing in by planes, trains, and automobiles.”

When the Democrats ramp up their claims that “our economy is strong,” those hearing them will think, “Your economy is strongly against our welfare. How do we know? Because your inflation is resulting in our poverty.”

When the Democrats loudly scream about Trump being an “existential threat to democracy” and that they have made democracy safe, those hearing them will think, “Trump won in 2020 and it wasn’t vote fairies in the middle of the night stealing the election from him. And you guys talking about “democracy” shit all over the votes of the Democrat primary voters who voted for Biden and you’re just handing the presidential candidacy for President and all the money donated to the candidate of their choice to the woman who dropped out before the first Democrat primary in 2020? That’s not “democracy.” That’s just more anti-voter Democrat theft.”

So, sure, there are some true believers who will accept whatever those oppressing them say, but as others have said when being told a rich but unpopular candidate is spending way more in advertising than they are, “Make them spend it all.”

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Trump needs to get precise and specific regarding how he is going to accomplish his goals.

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Trump won't save you all.

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While i agree with your sentiment - the “Convention “ was not heavily occupied, the people at home did not get the same 2.9 billion views that Musk and $% got -The Protestors outside made this event untenable- The snow jobs of Obama and =Shrilly Clinton were not great by any means”

what is important is how 45 now maneuvers with some new “ sharp angles” - as i said RFK offers a unique opportunity and his family name IS THE REAL HEART OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY


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The messages from both parties are all lies anyway. The globalists control the world while the prez and the politicians dance to its tune without question and without fail.

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in a way ka boom...

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we dont vote to elect the person we like the most, we vote for the person we hate the least

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True. But never before have ever I wanted a president as much as I want President Trump. He has done, and will do again, the things that we the people should be doing, while we still have the legal power to do them. But very few of us are hearing the call. If Trump could do only some of what I know he'd do, we'd give ourselves a little more time before the sky falls.

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bots on social media

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Dr. Paul, in my mind, if Mr. Trump ditches J.D.V, he shows himself most inconsistent, and not to be relied upon (leaving aside his precious, as-yet-unapologized-for WARP speed vaccines). However, with Nicole Shanahan in his troop (did not want "troupe" as that gives the wrong message), he has that female of minority background which you've been pleading for. And with RFK as Atty Gen, the files can be opened up on those murders from decades ago?

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Obsessing over the DNC Convention- It is YESTERDAY- W e have to focus on Tomorrow and make sure that we make sure that 45 gets our messages when they are important- Have any of you e-mailed him - ( or his son Eric)- an Michelle is hated by most black people has she had shown great indifference to them historically-I think 45 needs to change his messaging - he needs to be more “ Pictoral - A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS IE: Videos of Food prices at the locations during his term and then a Change into bidenomics --PEOPLE REACT



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I just cancelled my annual subscription over this crazy talk.

Trump should switch out his VP pick for a token, two months before the election? As if he's going to scoop up a few crazy liberal women? Don Lemon's man on the street interviews say otherwise, and Don Lemon is empty suit slime. Enough already, who the hell is writing this nonsense?

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She was the plan all along. Communism

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"Kamala Harris is running against herself." Well then they are BOTH going to lose!

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hhhmmm...you think 45 is running against himself? interesting...can you expand for we want to debate and learn...it may be very interesting.

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No, no. I mean that Kamala and herself are going to lose. I just meant that Trump will win.

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She is mandating vaccines in her campaign for the people working for her. Biden wanted to force an employer mandate. She cannot distance herself on THAT issue. And like I said, did Trumo himself take ALL the shots that Biden would have mandated if he had his way? 7 shots or more?

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very good input here...nice

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I believe the current rec is 9 for normal, healthy people and 12 for the unhealthy. I guess 3 more will be the proverbial nail in the coffin.

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I lost count but sounds about right. The stats show most Americans stopped taking these things, and Kamala is mandating today. It's a good issue to hit up the independent voters. He can play a middle ground angle and still win, as Kamala is not anywhere near the middle ground on this.

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August 22, 2024

"FDA OK's new COVID vaccine shots for fall 2024 from Pfizer and Moderna"


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Ridiculous, isn't it? Monoclonals would have been far more helpful.

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Yes. Ridiculous.

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Oh my salesmanship so great they may launch line of Kamala candy bars and xmas toys license plates etc. Yes alongside free abortion tools as bonus.

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Mike King's

RealNewsAndHistory.com For a different perspective about what is happening.

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Aug 21
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correct, he is the change

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You are the exception, not the rule. Harris' support is concentrated among women.en, and among younger voters. Biden had lost that support. Trump was the "anyone but Biden" candidate. With Biden gone Harris is the "anyone but Trump" candidate. However, she's an extinctionist. Calling her a communist is not winning votes. This is not the 1950s. Americans don't fear communism. In fact, Americans are, by and large, a bunch of commies. Harris should be called out for being an extinctionist.

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