While the police is busy rounding up illegals to deport, our government can & must defund them. No more handouts, hand ups, nothing! And heavily fine any business that hires them. Outlaw the NGO’s flying them in on our dime! Close the border completely for at least 5 years. Build that wall, & fund our military to patrol it 24/7. Locate the tunnels & close them off. Make it illegal to sell land or any property to foreign nations, & take back the border ranch lands purchased by the Chinese. Make it very inhospitable for illegals to live here, & most will leave voluntarily. They come for the handouts. Many go back & forth across to collect that handout over & over. It’s a racket! That’s how you fix this. At least it’s a start.

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Radical Islamists, they figure at least 30K from Turkey.

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They are not just coming over for handouts. I saw an interview w a man who talked about the 3 camps along the trail ( Starts w a D) that's partly where they are giving phones, money cards , etc out. Funded by our CAPTURED DAMN GOV.

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He must get on with this.

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He? Being Donald Trump? If so than i have this to say. Trump is only one man. He can not do this alone. “WE MUST GET ON WITH THIS!!” Pray to GOD and be ready.

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He is a man of his word with common sense as demonRATS despise good government and laws. Read Book of Revelation and Book of Ester. God bless you. Bless America and pray to get rid of China canada with horrible deceiver pm in canada

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This illegal mass immigration is happening all over the world. Many people have be outspoken about this easily 20 years ago. Nothing is happening. Many countries in Europe and look at UK, they all have mass illegal immigration. I do not know how we can fix this. Does anyone remember during the Clinton era, the story about the little boy Elian Gonzales? The FBI guys with the guns pointed at the closet at poor little Elian ... at some house in Florida??. The left is messed up. they are being led by Satan

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Most certainly.

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Clintons are part of these Devil's

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The UN is actively involved in making International mass migration happen. The International Organization for Migration is a UN-related organization that also facilitates international mass migration. The UN and US fund NGOs to make it happen. Cut off money to the UN, IOM, and NGOs, and mass migration will wither.

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We have no control over any money. The Puppet Masters who run the world, think Larry at Black Rock, the 10 families, World Bank.

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I suggest that local sheriffs train, deputize and deploy 1,000-2,500 armed civilians to assist with the removal and deportation of illegals of ANY vintage. Each county in the US having such a force would provide a large (massive) body of people to prevent illegals resisting, countering ambushes, etc. The Posse Comitatus Act bars Military from performing policing actions within the US. The could assist in the training of deputized civilians without violating Posse Comitatus. Just spitballin'

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Trump has to surround himself with true I mean true Republicans this time and trust only a few. Clean house first then get to the other nasty

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Hes saying exactly what the vast majority of Americans want to hear. He'd say that there'd be 5 grand in the hand of everyone who votes for him if he thought it'd work. You can't believe he'll start Rounding up illegals as soon as he's in office. Police are just going to ride on horses, with a whip and rifle, like the old days of cattle moving, I can just see it now, yee haw! They'll all volunteer to go back ofcourse, there'll be no lawyers involved so it'll be a piece of cake. And the countries they came from will welcome them home with a ticca tape parade. Cmon, seriously

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WOW.....What happened to your Mother and Brother? My Brother was a casualty, too.

Died Suddenly on 9/5/23 while taking a nap in the afternoon when he called off sick from work. He took the JAB not by choice. It's a long family story. GOD BLESS our FAMILIES+

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"Died Suddenly" doc. film @ StewPeters.com

& "Watch the Water" # 1 & 2

with Awesome Dr Ardis !

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Thank YOU so much. I will watch them. I hope your Daughters and Son health improves. I'm sure they are taking the protocols to build up their immune systems.

Take Care :-)

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Everyone had a CHOICE. We are not going to rewrite history. I'm not going to sit and read that type thing.

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Exactly! Remember when he said he wanted to “lock her up” referring to Killary, then proceeded to praise her and Bill, as wonderful people, right after he was elected? When are people going to realize politicians are all sellouts, and in the big club we’re not part of? Politics are a big crap show! We don’t need governments who want to genocide us. We are sovereign citizens who can take care of ourselves.

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Genocide is? Why do y'all insist on using that word for every thing that comes along. Trans, Palestinians, Jewish ppl, now us. I tell you the only group of ppl that people have been trying to cast a genocide net over


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They are not going to allow a Trump presidency... no one's coming to save us.... I love your work but, you must have a contingency plan...these of course are clinically diagnosable psychopaths we are dealing with. I know you're schooled in abnormal psyche.... make the diagnosis... god bless the 9th & 10th amendment

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It's official and going out to the emails of the JAG, MPs, MPPs Et al. And many many more (ie us senators etc)....



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This is a way to wipe out the US. You can't have a nation without borders. Do you have a door on your home? What's the difference? Do you invite everyone into your home who needs a home?

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No I do not and I am not going to, EVERRRR

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2A ALL THE WAY. My goal is to survive. I have some more things left to do in life. FAAFO.


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So he can count. This travesty continues and will until the entire country says no more.

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If the police need help count me in to assist along with thousands of other trained 2A supporters!!

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Its more like 50 million..

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Like The new President in I think it was called San Salvador,or El Salvador (?) he used the military to Round-up & arrest all they could find M13 (or is it M16 ?) gang members & now they have peace! Lance Wallnu just recently shared the video of the criminals all walking together while surrounded by the military which out- numbered them; their bald headed tatooed heads bowed & tatoo all over!

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Sir, the Posse Comitatus Act says that you can't deploy the U.S. military against civilians. Would you override that?

Trump: Well, these aren’t civilians. These are people that aren't legally in our country. This is an invasion of our country. An invasion like probably

no country has ever seen before. They're coming in by the millions. I believe we have 15 million now. And I think you'll have 20 million by the time this

ends. And that's bigger than almost every state.

President Trump shouldn’t have accepted the premise of this question by TIME Magazine – the Posse Comitatus Act doesn’t mean what TIME Magazine thinks it


I should know. I co-authored an entire paper on this act. Let me quote the conclusion to this paper:

We also believe that the Posse Comitatus Act does not conflict with or restrict (the inherent presidential powers to secure the border) and the PCA

has, in fact, never barred the use of the military to secure the U.S. border…

But let’s start with the statute. 18 U.S. Code § 1385 - Use of Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force as posse comitatus states:

Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army,

the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, or the Space Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or

imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

As can be seen, the PCA has five elements. To violate the PCA, someone must: (1) willfully (2) use the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force,

or the Space Force (3) as a posse comitatus or otherwise (4) to execute the laws (5) in a way that is not expressly authorized by the Constitution or an

act of Congress.

Note that TIME Magazine’s definition is more restrictive. Their quote is that the “Posse Comitatus Act says that you can't deploy the U.S. military

against civilians.” In other words, they are defining the PCA as simply barring the use of the military to execute the law. This is not the actual

definition, however. They are missing some crucial elements – a) the willful element; b) the posse comitatus or otherwise element; and c) the two

exceptions. As anyone familiar with criminal law understands, to prove a criminal violation of the PCA statute, all five elements must be shown beyond a

reasonable doubt!

So, if Donald Trump uses the military to execute the law, for him to be violating the law, all five elements must be proven for him to be tossed in jail

(which I am sure TIME Magazine will be pushing for). He must have done so willfully, which is not always easy to show. He also must be using the military

as a “posse comitatus or otherwise.” Now, we know what “posse comitatus” means – a “posse” is what the sheriff rounds up to catch the criminal – and the

“comitatus” simply means that the sheriff had the right to call for assistance from all men in the county over 15 years old, including all military forces.

At the time of the PCA’s passage in 1878, the federal marshals and other officials were actually empowered to call upon the army to assist them in

rounding up criminals and enforcing the law. This was controversial for two reasons: The army didn’t like that outsiders could break their men’s chain of

command and have them enforce the criminal law, and Southern Democrats didn’t like that these federal officials in the South were using the military to

protect the rights of African Americans in the South. The “otherwise” portion of this element is not easy to define – it may “suggest a desire by Congress

to seal off attempts at circumvention via the expedient of simply using the military to enforce the law without formally labeling such a use the mustering

of the posse comitatus.” And finally, neither exception in the PCA must be available for Trump; and, without a doubt, one clearly is – the Constitution

clearly expressly authorizes the president to secure the border (see above).

So, to paraphrase Inigo Montoya, TIME Magazine is making a mistake, and they should not keep using that phrase, as it does not mean what they think it means.

This is very disappointing, TIME Magazine, from the guy who was once your biggest fan. (Check out this T-Shirt from the 1980’s – I am the guy reading the

TIME Magazine.)

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