I'm getting real tired of all media saying Trump should not seek retribution. Let bygones be bygones. We're not talking about a well fought campaign and the loser is graciously giving up the keys to the White House.

We're talking about a political machine that uses the Justice system to destroy its enemies.

In kind Trump has every right to seek real Justice because we are looking at a criminal act. We can't lay down because their specialty is exploiting weakness.

Hell, I'm waiting for someone to throw the act of treason in the ring but no one has the cohones to do it even though it's real.

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'We're talking about a political machine that uses the Justice system to destroy its enemies.'

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we the people want justice, when they go after him, they go after us the people

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Same vomit slime here. When you go to court and the damned persecutor is wearing six inch spikes, has purple dyed hair and the JP has serious conflicts of interest and refuses to recuse her corrupt self then one knows why the stench of hypocrisy gags the proverbial maggot in the mix. Canuckistan is ruled by turdo the worst slime minister ever who is an expert at using a spoon to scoop and swallow vomit slime lubrication from his political masters.

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The legal profession can be just as bad when they're in a blue pin striped suit and look like Adam Schiff. I didn't think anyone could be worse than Stephen "Moderna" Harper but your current PM is pretty bad.

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You are correct. I had two seasoned and focused criminal lawyers on my case and they both told me the reality is that the courts are "prejudicially biased" against politically incorrect people.

My four targeted liars and criminal OPP pigs were patsies that played along and were bag lickers of the corrupt CYSTEM. Of the four with one more to go, one has 14 CCC charges I am holding in case the slimeball slimes his way out. Two are detachment commanders and the one left who was stupid enough to send threats in writing to me is going down by the foolish words of his own filthy mouth.

The prejudicial bias by the CYSTem would include Conservatives, pro lifers, ANTI MAID people, etc (add all categories that are not wokist wankers.)

I have bad news for these CYSTem asswipe criminals. A lawyer several years ago who filed a successful lawsuit representing me told me that I had a lot of energy. The other side has no idea the massive hatred of injustice represents as a motivation.

Can anyone tell me why the law enforcement entities in the USA are far better than those up here. I never met any in the USA who were asswipes as the OPP and some city forces up here.

As to Stephen Harper he kept things in balanced and insanity reigns under the KGB rule of oligarch turdo who has the IQ of a candy cane. He is a bigot and liar, a legend in his own mind and a hoplophobic fool to boot.

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he must seek retribution

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Gaetz would have gone after Merchan, Chutkan, Engoron, Smith, Willis, James, Bragg, Biden, Garland, Schiff, Vindman, Pence, Cheney, Kinzinger and the rest of the J6 Unselect Committee. That's why Gaetz came under such fierce attack from the RINOS who are much happier with Pam Bondi. What Gaetz wanted to do is what the American people wanted. Gaetz should be made Deputy AG or a Special Counsel. A large reward and immunity needs to be offered to whistleblowers as an incentive to come forward with evidence of 2020 election fraud.

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Gaetz will work with Bondi & everyone else behind the scenes. He’s not going anywhere. 👍🏻

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What is with black idiots under the democrap banner in the CYSTem who utilize the corrupt CYSTem to persecute innocent people? MalcolmX hated democraps and considered them enemies of his people and rightfully so. The only creature worse than a black democrap is a cracker democrap.

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The same imbeciles exist here in Caniuckistan by way of leftist woke wankers in the court CYSTem prejudicially biased and corrupt bureaucraps in stalinist organizations like the CHRC. These are the real bigots and racists who use stooges like the OPP to be their lackies and resident KGB...ontario piss pots are hated and need to be defunded and replaced by RCMP.

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Absolutely true, they are Bolsheviks. Have you read Gulag Archipelago and other accounts. They operate unlawfully and gaslight all the way then claim

Innocence. The Rothschilds gang. Though it seems there are higher ups. Their patterns are predictable. I’m sure that things are even worse than this, worse than we can imagine. There are as evil as we are good.

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Everything is corrupt up here in Canuckistan.

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Are the ladies up there still going gaga about your leader, like they were back when the article at the link below was written?

'The Real Reason Women Are Going Gaga Over Justin Trudeau.

The whole Trudeau wave that is washing over social media isn't just about his looks. It is about so much more. The real reason that women are going on and on about him is simple. He is the epitome of the ideal man ...'


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In my profession my regular contacts are with women. All races, all ages, all economic statuses, all sizes, shapes and religions. How is it that I have not gotten into any trouble in all my years?

I am no different than I am here. I am open, bold and opinionated. Yet there is a danger and it is the current wokists. I tend to caution with the obvious reality that wokist women tend to be unpredictable.

They are triggered very easily. They are emotionally confused and unstable and any man with an ounce of common sense would not urinate on the best part of them. Crude huh? Yes. But lingering on the edge of confusion there have been some that come across as as being damsels in distress, held back in the strength of their existence and bound in the bondages of the "new theology" that states the exact opposite of what reality represents.

One will find what I have found and that is no Oriental woman is insane, black women can be difficult but not unpleasant in their disposition, and it is the white gals of the two new generations that court their own diminishments.

So the link ANW gave me above, details why women think turdo is great. If these were not so damned superficial and shallow they would see proof he is a compulsive liar, a bigot, a hater, a malicious and full of sh*t fake leader who as his cronies in the court CYSTem mimic, uses his position to impose his criminality and injustices, thus making him public enemy number one of all that is good.

I have done my own survey on him with women I serve in capacity as a contractor. I have found that most univerSHITty graduates of the fairer gender overwhelmingly confess to having voted for him for two reasons, the first is that he is univerSHITty educated as they are and the second is that he looks good.

They miss the reality of an ample and growing ass, as well as the bile that flows out of his mouth and his pie faced perfidity. I have hoped for him to step off a curb into the path of a runaway Mack truck while holding hands with that f'ed in the head guilbeault and that somalian know nothing hussen with Freeland hanging off on his left.

A more stunnedified ASSministration has never been found nor will be. Singh with his brains blown out would be a better leader and even Lizzy loon May usually deep in her cups squeaks out words of witless wisdom far beyond what turdie boy could ever imagine.

The liar is hanging on based on his belief all the moslems here legal or not will vote for him again.

I have heard words that if I typed them here would have the OPP pigs on my doorstep in a moment and you can surmise it is the death wishes I have heard against the turdo over the years.

BiDUMB is not much better but rates on a scale of one to ten with a minus fifty but turdo rates on the same scale a minus 500. Both are useful idiots and one wonders how such trash were ever elected. Alas, it is but a clear indicator that as Carlin said, "Stupid is forever and it cannot be fixed.

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have no judicial mercy on them, have them stripped of licenses, jailed even if shown to have engaged in prosecutorial misconduct.

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Totally agree. It's time to end the reign of Lawfare once and for all.

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Indeed, Trump *MUST* go after these degenerate psychos, all of them, with 'extreme prejudice'.

The question is, WILL HE?

Let us never forget the THOUSANDS of chants: "lock her up!!" and "drain the swamp!!".

What did Trump do when he sat in the Big Chair?

Yup, you got it, Trump did ***NOTHING!!!***

We know what Trump *MUST* do. Now we wait to see if he DOES IT.

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Russia & China are our friends.

A MILLION Americans were murdered /. killed by big PHARMA profiteers injecting BABIES with Clot Shot. Vaccines.

Fight the real enemy here in USSA.

The DemoKKKrat WAR party is the enemy of the Working Class.

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yes love it

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You mean the CIA… they also started the CCP in the 40s. The Khazarian Cabal I read, The Bushes.

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Ronda, from whence comest thou conservative woman? Do you recall the scandal that was poo poohed when male Mensan members identified by membership lists were offered thousands for their sperm? Probably long before your time.

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Agreed. Not retribution, but justice.

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Until all charges are dismissed and all the cases are COMPLETELY dead, all these runts are fair game.

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