Can't you personally get in contact with him and ask him why he's not calling out this mass murder?

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He said in an interview the other day "the job must be finished" in relation to the Gaza murders..

He's just another fucking zionist puppet.

You have two shit choices, both are controlled by the same group. You all need to zoom out. It's the same here in Scotland, people obsessed with the SNP and independence. Absolutely psychologically manipulated brain dead morons most of them.

Focusing on a tiny uncontrollable microcosm when they need to zoom out and see the big global picture.

It'll not happen. As they "wake" they just get stomped on harder. I know it sounds pessimistic but there's NO way out of this shit show I'm afraid.

They'll wipe most of us out before they "surrender". I know which will come first.

Diegel predictions... 👇


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"He said in an interview the other day "the job must be finished" in relation to the Gaza murders.. "

Here's Senator Ron Johnson's position:

Israel should gain full administrative authority over Gaza, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said in an interview with WPR’s “Central Time,” with Arab states absorbing more Palestinian refugees.

“I think at some point in time, Israel is just going to have to basically dictate and have jurisdiction over these lands, if they ever expect to have peace,” the Republican senator said.

“(Israel is) going to have to enforce laws, they’re going to have to weed out terrorists, and (if) Palestinians don’t like it, they ought to be open to go to other Arab states that hopefully would accept them,” he added.


So much for saviours.

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He is still bragging about the f'in DEATHVAX Paul.

We have to come to terms with the backroom deal Trump made with BigPharma because his RE empire was on shaky ground in 2020.

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Sorry man...Trump just doubled down on these shots yesterday. Give it up. He’s not your guy.

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Many such cases!


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Trump didn't mandate that shit. Traitor joe did that.

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Limited hangout psyop bullshit!!

Get it into your thick skulls, Trumpet is NOT your saviour. 🤨

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Trump exposed the corruption of the federal government. The fact that they stole an election to keep him out and persecute him with fraudulent law fare attacks demonstrates that he can do something about it and they know it.

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But who will expose his corruption?

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How did that coolaid taste?

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No words…

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Shut up, ass. Paul ban this Jack Twitter Bot

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Just take the criticism and stop advocating for censorship. F'wit.. 🤨

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Sorry, just read his recent response post to Biden and it is so transparent. He is proud of what he warpsped. When are we going to stop being caught in the game of the lesser of two evils. Instead of looking for our white knight maybe we should get to work on electing an independent who really sees why the American life expectancy is going down...Dr. Shiva. No more of these big money corporate beholden cronies.

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I'm voting for RFK JR

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Shiva/Ramaswamy would be a great ticket! Problem is we have a uniparty that won’t even allow booby f-ing Kennedy to have a security detail.

You had better believe if they thought for one second that Trump could get one delegate, he would’ve never been allowed on the ballot in 2016 to begin with. They thought he was going to be a laughingstock and were laughing at him all the way through the nomination. Not till the primary rallies did they realize that he was resonating and then came the insurance policy Russia gate dossier! He still managed to overcome the irregularities in 2016. Mail in ballots were not to be overcome tho in 2020!

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Quoting from this source:

"This post reveals the secret reason why Trump had no choice but to release the covid vaccines 1.5 years sooner than the cabal had planned, in order to save America and the world from total destruction.

Trump was asked to run for president by high level military intelligence services who are fighting against world tyranny. Trump's background in the inner circles of the cabal, and his decision to not go along with their evil plans, gave him insider knowledge needed to take them down.

He was informed that the pandemic was coming, and learned that the cabal's plan was to have two full years of ongoing lockdowns.

This would wipe out the economies of the world and pave the way for a Great Reset, resulting in permanent worldwide tyranny. The agenda was to suppress all treatments for the pandemic disease - because the world must stay in lockdown for two years. After those two years, a vaccine would be released.

The pandemic agenda

✔︎ Release the pandemic

✔︎ Suppress all treatments

✔︎ Two years of lockdowns

✔︎ Devastate the nations

✔︎ Wipe out the middle class

✔︎ Impoverish all people

✔︎ Transfer all resources to the cabal

✔︎ Make humanity dependent on them

✔︎ Release vaccines after two years of lockdowns

✔︎ Be praised as the “saviors” of the world

✔︎ Establish permanent worldwide tyranny

Trump and his allies were aware of this agenda, yet had no way of stopping it. The cabal had prepared their plan for decades, and had everything in place: government agencies, health organizations, news media, mind-controlled population, every little detail…

The heart of the agenda was the two years of lockdowns to destroy the world. This had to be prevented by all means. There was only one way to end the lockdowns: a vaccine. 150 years of non-stop mind control of humanity had convinced virtually every single soul on earth that a vaccine is the one and only thing that protects them from illness.

Mankind demanded a vaccine. They would not accept anything else.

Trump could not change the minds of billions of brainwashed people. Stating publicly that vaccines are bad would destroy his credibility, and he would thereby waste all chances of saving America and the world. So Trump actually gave orders to work on vaccines prior to the pandemic. His goal was to cut the lockdowns short by releasing the vaccine far ahead of the cabal timeline. This would accomplish two objectives:

1) Save America and the world from destruction

2) Force the cabal to rush their agenda, which causes critical errors as they expose themselves

It was the only option. Nothing could prevent the vaccines. Mankind demanded them. They would have been released anyway. All Trump could do was pull them forward to thwart the plans of the cabal. Meanwhile, he fiercely opposed vaccine mandates, defended personal choice, and supported his allies who warned humanity about the dangers of the injections.

Trump promoted treatments

for months on end..."

Go to link above to continue reading.

See also:


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This is speculative narrative with no proof. If he knows the vax is bad there’s absolutely no reason not to say so now, to keep people from taking that poison. THAT would be the momentum we need.

But no, not even a tiny bit of acknowledgment of what we know: the shots are killing people.

Stop living in ‘high military intelligence’ dreamworld.

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Very realistic and plausible scenario that explains a lot!

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Trump has got to be in on it, why else would he say the things he says. There are at least 30 million dead and billions injured but he keeps saying the shots saved lives and ended the pandemic. Like WT actual F is wrong with that man.

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I think all these lies are written by his 'staff' that aren't very well vetted it seems. That statement I posted WILL come to haunt him. While I will still vote for him; mainly because there really is no other choice, I will not support him unless he corrects this IDIOTIC STATEMENT!

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I am hearing from people that if President Trump admitted the vax was bad then the courts would go after him first since he was president & authorized the EUA?

Even if he didn’t know they were bad.

I mean look at all the fake corrupt political Lawfare the Deep State is already doing to him?

Im not a lawyer & don’t know how it all works but we know that the WEF owned Deep State Uniparty will go after Trump for anything & everything?

Im just a Grandma trying to keep up & happy to hear your thoughts?

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See my comment from 1 minute before yours on this page...

No one knows for sure what's going on right now unless they are insiders. Also remember that 4 African presidents were apparently killed for trying to decline to jab their citizens. THEY don't play around. Question really is, why would he even want to be POTUS? He certainly didn't need the job.

My latest research suggests that "it" is not a virus, and it's certainly not a vaxxine. Read this substack for evidence that all of this involves graphene poisoning. Graphene apparently causes "COVID" and graphene is evidently what is in the injections. Why am I not surprised? Just the fact that the media kept calling it "the virus" over and over should have been enough to tell us it was something else. https://covidproject.substack.com/archive

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Thank you for info & I agree with you.

I will definitely check out this info when I get home, I was in doc office with bad service & didn’t see your comment.

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"Question really is, why would he even want to be POTUS? He certainly didn't need the job."

My theory is that he was just trying to build his brand, which was flagging at the time, and that he was as surprised as anyone else when he won. He took that as a sign of his popularity, as any narcissist would, rather than a sign of voter disgust with Hillary.

Once in office, he was totally out of his depth and relied on the people around him to make appointments and decisions. Running a campaign and running a country are two different things, especially when it's a country with an entrenched bureaucracy and a congress who owe their loyalty to whoever writes the checks for their campaign.

He was wealthy, but never part of the club. They treated him like an outsider, a usurper, so he never had a chance, no matter how much he tried to curry favour with the elite, including Hillary's camp. Remember how he was going to throw her in jail? How did that work out?

Trump's a narcissist, and thus very easy to control. You just appeal to their vanity. Simple as that. People who placed their hope in the guy were misled, but much like the people who took the vaxx, they won't admit their mistake because it undermines their self-confidence. When you point any of this out they get offended because it reflects back on themselves, so instead they make excuses or just shoot the messenger, like you can see right here in the comments.

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Then why would he run again? We don't know the whole story about HC or a lot of other people. IMO, we are watching an elaborate theatrical production, I just don't know who is directing it. Things are not what they seem. Did you watch the SOTU? That was essentially the insane ravings of a madman. It can't possibly be real...and if it is, we're all f-ed. Best thing to do might be to repent and pray...

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"Then why would he run again?" Pride perhaps? He is a narcissist after all, so that would be in keeping. I guess you'd have to ask him, but would you get a straight answer?

"Did you watch the SOTU? That was essentially the insane ravings of a madman."

I kind of figured it would be so I gave it a miss.

Theatrical production? Yeah, I can see that. As for who the producers are, I would guess the international banking families clustered around the Rothschilds, but there's probably a power struggle going on in their ranks that we're not aware of. That usually happens when empires collapse, which is clearly what's happening with the USA, just like with Britain a century before, and Spain before them.

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You may be right, in which case I guess we're doomed. I'm already depressed to the brink, so I choose to keep some hope alive no matter how remote it may be. If this clown show we're watching is being orchestrated by THEM, only the "repent and pray" option will help us. Godspeed!

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I think the best response to our situation is to get involved locally and make your voice heard at that level, which is probably the only place it will be heard. This means turning up for town council and school board meetings, supporting your local sheriff's dept. (many sheriffs are elected and will respond to input) and organizing through your church if possible. Also, try to connect with people of other faiths if they're in your area. We all have the same goals, which is a safe and prosperous community where everyone's rights are respected. Once you have that foundation you can connect with other like-minded communities and start lobbying at the state or provincial level. It's a slow process, but it will keep you spirits up because you'll be working with others who feel as you do. The worst thing is to become isolated and feeling helpless. Even if it's something as simple as volunteering at the food bank or animal shelter, whatever you can do to be useful. God works through even the most humble of His people, and often they are the most blessed for that.

Reading this might also help:


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At this point who cares about the EUA and short federal shutdown. At least he told the world there was alternatives out there in the beginning! No one else did. RFKJr is still almost silent on ivermectin.

Trump was long gone. Biden came in and mandated a vax with fraud data that they told Trump. Obama/Biden swamp censored the truth. Biden/Obama/Trudeau conspiracy did this to us.

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There's something called presidential immunity. You can't convict a sitting president for making a mistake, however egregious it might be, and how would you prove malicious intent? He was listening to his advisors, which is what presidents do. He got bad advice, but he's not going to admit it because admitting a mistake is not in character for narcissists, which he clearly is. Hell, they're all narcissists at that level. Psychopaths too, although I don't think Trump is.

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Trump is not going to do this. It's not in his DNA. He speaks like a walking advertisement. And he moves on. He said that his inauguration was the biggest event ever. He's said similar superlative things about his show "The Apprentice." If you can find one video anywhere he said the words "I'm sorry, I was wrong." I will be amazed.

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He won't go to jail if he's president. Otherwise, he's goin' behind barz.

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not sure how this tracks with my comments. All I know is, that I was disappointed with Trump when he succumbed to the restrictions back in 2020. We never needed Operation Warp Speed, Operation Lockdown, and we definitely didn't need mask mandates and lockdowns.

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We knew by Oct. 2020 what the correct response was. It was laid out right here by top people in the field of epidemiology and virology:


Of course anyone paying attention in March 2020 knew something fishy was going on when they trashed Didier Raoult over his success using HCQ and John Ioannidis with his early calculation of the IFR which turned out to be fairly accurate.

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-made Jerusalem Israels capital and continues to support genocide in Palestine

-printed $8 trillion

-approved lock ups during scamdemic

-allowed the genetic vax to be pushed

-did not pardon Snowdan or Assange

-Signed off on the CISA destroying the first amendment

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You got it!! Now, get Paul to realize these facts.......

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shut up, idiot. Ban this tool, Paul

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@scour You’re worse than the Dems trying to censor people 😂. You’re weak

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He can tell you the truth, that he willingly participated and still approves of the OWS democide, to your face and you still support him Paul. Why?

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Trump on Truth Social: "“The Pandemic no longer controls our lives. The Vaccines that saved us from COVID are now being used to help beat Cancer – Turning setback into comeback!” YOU’RE WELCOME, JOE, NINE MONTH APPROVAL TIME VS. 12 YEARS THAT IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU!"

This idiotic statement made just yesterday will come back to haunt Trump. He is taking ownership of the Bio-Weapon that has killed/maimed and is continuing to kill/maim millions. More and MORE Evidence is making this Death-Jab a Worldwide MURDER by the evil Deep State. He is now complicit and will have to face the World Tribunal when it convenes. Whoever wrote this crap for him to post, is part of the Deep State Cabal of EVIL and he MUST Correct this or suffer the deadly consequences; and THEY WILL BE FORTHCOMING.

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I don't think this thing will work!

Not with Donald Trump...

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Every president of the US is a minion of all the big money and big players.

They're all the same.

Red or blue.

Trump will hurt Paul most.

He already did.

Paul's the fool for that.

Unless he's also full of shit?

Trump will do nothing about the covid shit-show.

No leader ever will.

Waiting for Trump is like waiting for an ex wife whom you hate, who says she'll change.

You give her one final chance.

Within one week she hurts you more than all the 25 god forsaken previous years cumulatively.

There's nobody to depend on.

Not on Paul either.

Not one of these substackers is authentic.

They're all just looking to get your $5 p/m by cutting and pasting other substackers crap.

How much do they make anyway?

Paying subscribers are minimal.

I wouldn't hang a feather on any of them.


All of it.

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Patience grasshopper, Trump can NOT fall into that Trilateral trap at this point, so he will not. Our problem is that we have a HUGE group of CFR fake-liar-omission of truth-mainstream news with millions of followers, all ignorant, at the present time. The reaction to Trump, if he spoke in support of that policy, would hand over the psyche needed by Bilderbergs to rig '24 digitally, same as 2020, probably using the same criminal chain of evidence: DoD, leonardo Defense (Italy, we have about EIGHT military bases in Italy defending the Vatican, link that to about 30 Jesuit colleges in the USA, link that to the hundred of Vatican colleges and schools in the USA, link that to the Vatican Border Invasion of over 100,000,000, link that to Masaons controlled by Vatican, Pedo, Bill, Reagan, all Vatican Knights of Malta, so on).

Simply can NOT happen now. To do so would sink the entire USA forever.

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I don't think he's going to

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