Trump must say NOW! "You bitches Fauci, Azar, Birx et al., you advised me to do lockdowns & bring this deadly Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA vaccine! I gonna to jail all you sons of bitches bitches, I
putting all you bitches in Sing Sing, I putting you on Alcatraz, all of you in COVID fraud pandemic & the vaccine, you people FUCKED me, I trusted you so now I coming for you bitches! Spandau for you;
You told me ‘safe and effective’ but I hearing from a lot of people it is deadly. If what is being said now, being shown now is true, then I am going to investigate all of you bitches when I get back to power.”
Can't you personally get in contact with him and ask him why he's not calling out this mass murder?
He is still bragging about the f'in DEATHVAX Paul.
We have to come to terms with the backroom deal Trump made with BigPharma because his RE empire was on shaky ground in 2020.