Dr. Paul, this outline sounds like a winning plan. The Dems are busy making Kamala a princess out of a fairy tale. If DJT and Vance stay on point….pick three main points each time and allot X amount of time for the American people victimized by Kamala and Walz and their failed policies to speak…that would be beyond huge. Even the hard left Democrats would be hard pressed to try to support their candidate’s failed policies after seeing and listening to the real life victims and/or families of deceased children attacked/murdered by illegal aliens. Seeing and hearing the victimized citizens will leave a lasting impression.

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There are lots of things that Trump **OUGHT** to do, yet never does. It's perplexing.

Why, for example, doesn't he name names of the filthiest, most noteworthy criminals during the past 7 years? Why doesn't Trump name the crimes? Why doesn't Trump call them out?

Doesn't he realize the value of doing such a thing? Is he afraid or is he protecting 'mob' members?

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Aug 15·edited Aug 15

It would help if you gave an example of one of more of these people. Who are they? Why are YOU not naming them?

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You're kidding, right? First of all, I *have* named names - many times! Second, anyone not living in a sealed cave for the past 7 years knows *exactly* what I'm talking about. Last, so you don't go away empty-handed, a few of the multiple-hundreds of names are: Fauci, Birx, Bourla, Powell, Mnuchin, Dimon, Pence, Barr, Bolton, Obama, Bush, and let''s not forget the Clinton Crime Duo. That last one (Clinton) was one that Trump had chanted thousands of times that he would "lock up" if he were elected. Then he was elected. Then he said, "I have a lot of respect for those two people!" (referring to the Clintons) after a standing round of applause. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hbWCggw2ss

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Agree. We don't hear or see The List of avoidable unaccountable tragedies. The List should be published, like the border chart from Butler County, or it's own website.(?)

These families are broken hearted, tortured for the rest of their lives, by the unbearable memory of their loved one, terrorized before they are brutally beaten, raped, tortured, then murdered, "ALONE"!

It's not a story or a statistic. Imagine that physical and emotional horror, fear, and pain- ALONE!

[MY 96yo mother was murdered (meth & fentynol) in a rest home- saw it coming weeks, begged me to visit that night before- died alone] *They would never have let me in the door. (fake covid test positive)

Yet nothing like the brutal terror from these evil monsters that belong behind bars or executed.

Incomprehensible- forever. No civil society should tolerate this evil. No one should ever die that way, or a family tortured for the rest of their lives.

All by design by "monsters".

Jesus please help us🙏

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I am sorry that your mother was tortured to death. I would like to see her given justice so she can be at peace. All should be held accountable, hang them high is my opinion. Please do not carry survivors guilt for generations beyond. It was beyond our physical control at the time not enough to get her out by storm of people. hypothetically

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God bless you.

Yes, mom saw it coming- like all those in rest homes. They ain't stupid- they talk!

Incarcerated- mental-emotional torture- die ALONE.

Happens all day- every day!

I actually tried to surrender my phone (3,000+ texts, Evidence- play by play 572 days) stink on shit- to my Globalist brother #2/4- (her Golden boy BankgsterPoA)- to the city PD where she was taken against her will, and the township PD just across the county line. They totally ignored me. The TPD said "you be careful getn' home". (Yea kiss my dego ass- you predators. The TPD is next door to the Cartel "rest home".)

I'm #4/4- I have 35yr Corrupt Lawfare experience - (19 in Chicago) I survived those demonz too. Jesus with me decades now. One of the 2 mafia law firms said-"yea, we contacted the fbi cuz you included God & Jesus in all your letters & faxes")

Let that inspire you*!

• It is impossible to offend Evil.

• It is impossible to offend a real Christian.

• I *need* to witness to you here, today, & inspire others.

• Jesus defeated Impossible *

(AND WARN YOU "Holiday Crowds- JIHAD*- election is irrelevant)

(Mom was an orphan at 6yo. Everybody knew, 90 years- she was going to die at "home" like her mother did at 32yo. At 94yo, Mom was still 100% independent- drving-shopping-cooking- etc.)

When you fight evil with all you gat, there is no regret or guilt. I exposed everybody who actually worshiped - supported the Bankgster-Satanist (my "brother") and both PDs. "I showed up"!

I love & pray for Bluebloods- but I'm not tolerating their evil ways. I don't have a police record- 71yo- I never threaten or hurt people- never.

2024- I expect to be murdered- NP.

I WILL DIE ON THE BATTLEFIELD, "FREE"! (born in war- war we didn't ask for)

I will meet you in Heaven at The Banquet with all we love and pray for, + the saints- prophets - deciples, and Jesus!♡

*JIHAD- go to Benjamin Faircloth YT- with Jamie Walden. "Islam"- The Plan: Crowded Holiday soon- •GRID DOWN Coast2coast - Attack airports-trains -concerts- celebrations- infrastructure.IEDs- RPGs, etc.

* AND all interstates coast to coast Block- Walk-Slaughter -rape- chop- burn- like Israel. Oct 7-2023.

Madd Maxx or Martial Law USA

"In One Hour"!

(Michael Yon, Matt Bracken- stevequayle.com, so many see it)

🇺🇸 Stay strong-stay safe- stay blessed. 🙏

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You have witnessed the love of God thank you for this. Rebuke it every time. Heck already have a load in solitude confinement, they don't like the Lords prayer. Not here to be liked by many do job against. Don't forget the colital silver or colital gold along with the zinc and copper gets depleted the fastest along with C D E A. If people don't like God & Jesus on letter head or faxes to fell with them. I didn't agree with the evil to sell my soul to the devil it only belongs to God only alone. They used to say slay the dragon that is the medical symbol the world health organization can be gone. May you and all your family pets be blessed by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all of time.

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Thank you for your witness! Priceless!

I lost everything to Injury & 35yrs corrupt Lawfare- including "my girls"- 1994.

*Impossible to live without my girls, so- I decided to "Trust Impossible" > Jesus!

Jesus defeated Impossible.

Since 1994: 24/7 commitment to Holy Father*

No Surrender!

Gratitude......to Heaven*

Eternity.......The Promise*

Still alive today, to witness The Lord & read your words of Kindness- Faith- and Truth♡


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Trump is not listening to anybody offering good advice. He’s not even listening to his most loyal acolytes who have bolstered his every breathing moment since he won the 2016 election. Instead, he continues ratcheting up his worst behavior and no longer making even a slight effort to think before blurting out extremely self defeating statements. Today, he lost the support of the largest American union .During his campaign appearance on X, Elon was talking about fiscal responsibility and streamlining his business expenses, including employees who were underperforming and undermining. That it was necessary. Elon was making the point that the federal government was way too large a runaway bureaucracy doing far more harm than good , bankrupting the country on the tax payer’s dime. Trump, instead of letting Musk finish and without knowing what he was talking about, made an unbelievably broadsweeping, wrongfully based statement.That if these union workers wanted to threaten a walkout for more pay, I say,” fire them all. Get the hell out!”. Thing is, Musk is not unionized and didn’t cave. Most of the Twitter employees quit when he purchased the company and he fired the rest who had attitude problems and were dead weight.It had nothing to do with belonging to a union. Trump, in one.fell swoop undid all he had gained with union workers AND the leader. It was the first time a Union leader spoke at the Republican Convention and more to the point, condemned the Democrat’s lack of engagement! Worse still, Trump has always worked with the steelworker’s union. Try building a skyscraper in NYC , Atlantic City, Las Vegas or Chicago otherwise. He had been wooing the unions, making all sorts of promises,and even marched with the UAW for their pay increase in Michigan. What the fuck is wrong with him? In just weeks, he has lost minorities, women, young voters , Independents and again, Home Depot co- founder Frank Langone. Langone was one of Trump’s first and staunchest supporters in 2016.He’d finally had enough of Trump’s rhetoric and despicable ad hominem attacks - switched to backing Nikki Haley. He was even more disgusted when Trump attacked her viciously. Calling her a loser, incompetent, “ Birdbrain”. mocking her heritage. He was DONE.When Trump appeared to shift gears, appearing conciliatory, Langone decided to give him another chance. And Trump reverted, doubling down on awful.

It’s not just himself that he’s harming. It’s America. Losing this election will end us and he doesn’t seem to care. It’s all about him. I’ve been out there for the past years trying to convince naysayers that he’s great. Not a racist or the terrible person the media and Dems paint him as. That he’s just blunt, but misunderstood. I was able to switch up a huge portion of Miami’s black community and I’m white! It took going into the community without being fearful or wussed out and bringing my phone, showing people old clips from his past, before he was called racist, misogynist and all the other erroneous crap. I worked with Trump for two years designing Derek Jeter’s penthouse and have photos with Derek, his parents, Mariah Carey, A-Rod,Derek’s homies, my daughters, my partner, my Afro-Latina best friend in Derek’s crib from the project’s barebones beginning to the finished product. They loved the personal connection. Trusted me. It took a lot of convincing. As of the past couple of weeks, it’s become,” Fuck you, Gail. You lied about him being down with it. Amber Rose had bigtime props.and they thought he would go with Byron Donalds or Tulsi. Then he picks Vance. Then his race crap re: Kamala. It wasn’t that they liked her,but hated what he said at the Black journalist event.It was very offensive. There are many biracial people in Miami. Including among their community. The biracial being black thing goes back to the days of slavery. Anybody with a black ancestor was considered black and not in a positive sense.Trump amped it up.

And continues re-amping it.He seems as though he’s trying to lose and bring down everybody who supported him down as well. I fear it’s already too late for a course correct.

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GREAT IDEA!! Let's hope he does it.

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All Trump has to do, is demand why no one on Epstine's client list is in prison.

That's it.

Why does he not do it?

Is he being Blackmailed ?

Lizards are pretty dangerous ya know.

🦎 🦎 🦎 🦎 🦎 🦎 🦎 🦎 🦎 🦎

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All Trump needs to do is expose how Epstein was a CIA asset working with Les Wexner, Ehud Barak,Ghislaine Maxwell,Noam Chomsky,Hillary,Soros,Biden,Powers,Mueller,Brennan,Rice,Obama,the Clintons,Haines,Bronfman,Bill Gates among them, whether or not using blackmail, and leftist traitors in the Israeli Intel,tech and court system to overthrow Bibi.

The common assumption is that Epstein was working “ for” Mossad. Wrong. He was working for the U.S. Leftist Deep State crime cartel with the same rot that nobody is watching destroy Europe ,Australia Canada,Latin America,Asia ( but for China),the Middle East Gulf alliance,Christian led African nations( no longer)and any remaining non-globalist nation states with sovereign borders and who refuse to cave. It’s all about the Great Reset/Agenda 2030.

The few nations who have not yet been overtaken are India,Hungary,El Salvador,Israel ( not for much longer)Slovakia , Argentina,Italy and a small handful of others.

Epstein has long been an asset ( what an ovymoron), but the Dems.. particularly the left of liberal admins and the already corrupt and captured and warmongers had a very symbiotic relationship with him.And the 5-Eyes/EU globalists. Epstein’s been used in Ukraine,Libya, the whole Arab Spring fraudulent US /France/UK Deep State debacle . The weapons that were used to arm the so called” Freedom Fighters”, ie Muslim Brotherhood/Al Qaeda , were trafficked through Ukraine and Africa to take out Qaddafi. Not because he was planning anything or abusing the Libyan people, but because Libya was completely self reliant and heavily bordered. The people , male and female, were the most highly educated and well off in Africa and Libya was a treasure trove of natural resources. Gold, rare earth, gems, oil and minerals. Benghazi was more than an embassy. It was a CIA outpost and Libya not only refused to take in migrants or refugees, but served as a stopper prevent the flow into the West.Ukraine is neither a “ democracy” nor a sabering entity. It’s a U.S./UK vassal state. Used to provoke Russia, not so much by the Ukrainians ( but for the Nazis), but by the U.S./EU /WEF/NATO to take out Putin and seize Russia’s resources , ending another nation state, closing in on the prize. The One World Government . The post-1984 Brave New World.

All this shit is connected. Biden picked fights with Putin, Bibi, MBS,UAE,Japan(Abe), Al-Sisi,Bolsinaro,Peru,Orban,Bukele, the minute he took office. Opened the borders, re-instituted funding to Gaza,Iran,UNWRA,Latin American failed, corrupt nations, Paris Climate Accords,WHO,ended the Keystone, Dakota pipelines,epically destroyed any civil society in Afghanistan and resumed funding, now being the Taliban, fucked up the peace treaty between Serbia and/Kosovo, destabilized the Abraham Accords resurrected NATO expansionism, got us involved in more U.S. provoked wars… and gave power and U.S. dollars to Qatar again, Iran’s proxy and the epicenter of Islamist terror.

Biden’s too incapacitated to have organized this . No. That would be his WEF/Jihadist/China owned Admin- They are BlackRock/Vanguard/StateStreet/Bloomberg/McKinsey/Rockefeller/Soros//JP Morgan Chase/Citibank/Tech/Pharma/Qatar/Military Industrial Complex/CCP… basically one and the same bad actors. They hate Jews,Christians,Hindus,Buddhists,Capitalism , Freedom,Small government , the Constitution, the West, the East. ,Humanity and all things living. But for themselves.Power ,greed and control

All one needs to do is look at the EU. And compare what has happened in the French, UK, Ireland, German elections. They weren’t elections. And the same is happening here. And NOBODY in the Senate, House, Oval, Deep State or campaigns has uttered a peep but for RFK Jr. And even he hasn’t gone far enough. Likely because they’ll kill him.

BUT, Javier Milei, Burkele and the President of the Heritage Foundation did. At DAVOS, while Klaus , Larry Fink, Gergen, Harari, Van Der Luyne , Georgy, Bloomberg and Co sat behind them, ready to have a collective coronary.

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All worthy ideas that would reflect Bill Clinton forced to face his victims that time. But doesn't go far enough.

Think if JFK had survived the Dallas Hit, engineered by Allen Dulles. ..Mad as Hell and now time for Rule Changes.


Trump should out Antifa/Feebs and Langley as the perps.

Begin talking about Black Rock and the like. Profiteer Vampires.

Demand an independent investigation. Pay for it himself. If he wants to replace Vance, put him in charge of investigation. Or Ben Carson. Or Senator Ron Johnson. Or Ron Paul.

Demand compensation for Corey Comperatore Killing. Along the lines of Alex Jones verdict.

Bankrupt and imprison for life or execute any/all responsible for state misdeeds. Distribute their assets equitably to victims

Refuse SS presence on any occasion. Hire his own. Put Eric Prince in charge.

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Dr Paul the good doctor reminds me of the 12 Apostles of healing people yet Jesus just touch the person and was good at healing every person can heal as Jesus did. They can communicate at the highest level spirit without typed or written words all can do this center grounding in nature let all know the Father's love and touch all. All that have not done so whatever done wrong admit to the creator and walk in love and beauty of the radiant being within all of you. For those with much pride with conceit humble approach for you are not above nature or creator. You will open a box that cannot be close.

I do highly recommend stay to the topics do not be distracted by enemy. Show the pain and suffering the victims families have fallen into survivors remorse just as in WWII the people who survived the camps remember to rejoice in life there is no guilt to carry into future generations. Always have laughter, dance and love always in your life. Show their weakness and failures what did you learn from it and how would do different. Heal the broken hearted victims families that were tortured to death. Unite all families and persons of all ages colors economics. Use Dr King We have a dream as a guide if it fits your style or adapt it. What befalls earth also happens in heaven forgiveness is of trespassers but do not keep break into home and business to destroy it.

The free speech has been granted not by human law but of nature and creator that no human shall deny. For those whom think the creator doesn't exist have another experience to go thru, wouldn't want to be in that person's shoes.

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He needs to harp on constantly what the Biden Administration has done:

1. Open borders

2. Coddling criminals

3. Forcing an ineffective, untested, dangerous and experimental "procedure" on every human being

4. Sexual deviancy with children

5. Lawfare of the DOJ and FBI

6. Inflation

Over and over again.

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When it's OK to hate your Givernment. #DefundTyranny #EndFreeTrade #ResumeIndependenceOrExpectToDieCommunist

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Dr. Paul, I agree with sticking with policies and not hashing over personal attacks so much - EXCEPT some of those are still ongoing or changing into new attacks when they are losing and have to propagandize it further to their sheeple. If you've seen some of his latest rallies, interviews, etc., he's been doing this as much as he can. As far as he MUST bring them up on stage - remember this has to be something they would agree to and be willing to put themselves on the hit list beyond what they've already been through. Also, remember he's a very busy man and can't connect with all the people you're asking him to.

I'm going to put something out here only because I really don't have time to go through all you put out every day. I watched this today and thought of you...I really think it's something you should take the time to watch and really maybe tune into this and other shows to see how well the MSM is being combatted as well as understand there's a huge number of people who have gotten it to the point we catch comms in Trumps speeches, etc., and we don't let MSM rule the roost. Liz Harrington is on his team, and often gives very good advice, so I really like when warroom or other shows have her on. There's a lot of opinions out there, and you can take it or leave it, but I really hope you reply to the affirmative...


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