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Whitey pushed the jabs. What do you expect? Weissman, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky, Hotaz etc. They've all got somthing in common. None of them are black!

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Unfortunately these people do not identify as white. Thay are members of God's chosen people.

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They are members of gods chosen people...meaning the god of this world, and they are satanists, criminals, mafia, pedophiles, cabal, murderers.

They will reap what they sow.

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He wished to be liked, when better to be feared. First term I would’ve surrounded dc in yellow crime tape, confiscated all electronics and packed Guantanamo, for starters, knowing there would be no second chances.

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"Whitey"? The marxists, regardless of color, pushed the jab. Just because the first line was white, don't think Obama and the rest of the Marxists didn't have control. Globalists are the problem, don't be filled by skin tone.

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Look at who died - broken down by race, ethnicity and geographic region.

The statistics speak for themselves.

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Do not worry. Your savior, Trump will save you.

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I smell a minion.

Which is lower than the onions and the garlic.

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He never claimed to be the savior but things were so much better when he was president.

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You all do.

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I don’t one of a single person that thinks he is a savior. Straw man argument.

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We all do what? I don't know anyone who calls him our savior. He's a man who did a good job under extraordinary circumstance. You can vote for Biden and watch the planet burn if you like, but realize Trump may be our only hope in fixing the poverty and war biden.has created.

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agree again

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I use the term savior because you all think he is your only option in stopping tyranny. This is the problem with you all: if I do not like a candidate, you assume I want the other. I have morals, and I am not a sheep.

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You don't know when to quit do you?

I spelled pretty well all the good Trump did under extreme circumstances. I don't expect any one person to end tyranny. Trump has exposed the corruption. It's up we the people to unite behind the guy who is standing up to their tyranny.

Please before you respond with your ignorance. Read some of what I posted. Like I said, I could post stuff like that forever. I use facts. You're using feelings void of facts.

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When I say you, i mean most Americans.

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I am not arguing that Trump did well or not. I am arguing that you think he will be your savior. He won't. If you all want to end tyranny and stop this madness, then you need to start with yourselves first. Once you all decide that you had enough, then you all need to take action.

I like to use facts, too. The facts speak for themselves. Facts are you do not want to end this tyranny. You all want someone else to do it.

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But what further price will White people - still the MAJORITY population- be forced to pay to achieve any improvement?

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Do you really think Trump is a black supremacist?

Trump's policies worked for all Americans. We didn't just have black wage growth, we had total wage growth. We didn't just have black world peace, we had total world peace. Too many people use race as a weapon. Try to look beyond color and look at what works for all races.

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45 did more for blacks that all POTUS combined, certainly more than Obama did in 8 years...MORE

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Those are your (bombastic and inflammatory) words. Not mine.

Trump was invited to the prom but didn’t “dance with the one who brung him.”

Instead he ignored and humiliated his date by openly flirting with others.

His date patiently waited all evening for a dance…in vain.

And now Trump is proposing to go to prom with the very same date, with ambitions to be crowned Prom King.

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Well, after getting elected, Trump ignored and betrayed his base, which was mostly White middle and working class people.

Instead, Trump pandered to the 13% of blacks and to foreigners like Indian nationals with fraudulent résumés on H-1B visas (another broken promise) stealing American tech jobs.

In appreciation for Trump’s special consideration and attention, blacks rioted in U.S. cities in summer of 2020 causing nearly $2 billion in damage, per insurance payouts. These cities will never be the same. Hardly any black people responsible were arrested for their crimes. Trump just sat back and allowed demonrat State governors to watch their cities burn.

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Why should White people believe anything Trump says now? He’s only briefly referencing rampant anti-White racism in this country. Is that supposed to placate White voters?

Trump has presented NO PLAN about what to do to combat anti-White racism, DEI hiring policies, growing POC-on-White incidents of unprovoked violence (especially black-on-White violence). Are we just supposed to trust that Trump will prioritize these issues once in office? Fat chance!

The latest provocation is POCs posing as communist revolutionaries staging demonstrations on U.S. university campuses. These individuals cannot articulate the reasons why they’re protesting and know almost nothing about the Middle East. That’s because these demonstrations aren’t really about Gaza for most of the protesters. Gaza is the pretext to invade university campuses.

These campus occupations are 💯% guaranteed to turn violent…and the targets of these depraved communists will no doubt be White students, professors and staff.

Trump hasn’t got the first clue that his pandering, narcissism and failed leadership during his 4 years in office has lead directly to these appalling outcomes we suffer today.

Bottom line: Trump doesn’t have the balls to do what must be done. We need new, strong, genuinely conservative leadership on the political right…leaders who cannot be bribed or blackmailed.

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He may have wanted the world to see how dangerous and destructive those woke people really were??

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Was that necessary?

Didn’t we already know this?

Was the violence and destruction worth it in the end?

Was the further degradation, impoverishment and discrimination against White people really the price that had to be paid for “the world to see”?

Or was it all part of a far more nefarious agenda???

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Thank you Paul.

Trump was not too nice, he was in plain language as stupid as a bag of hammers.

His appointments were the deepest of the deep state, his love affair with Pharma, the death jab and lockdowns was and is horrific. His insane murderous backing of the death jab, and refusal to take responsibiity for the millions killed and injured by his big pharma deep state policies.

He is a 100 percent ego fraud. An empty suit, when he ran his original campaign for president orchestrated the "Lock her Up call for the vampire monster Killary" once he got elected he went public and like a true fraud said " Lets leave the Clintons alone, they have suffered enough"

A Zebra does not change its stripes, this orange Zebra is just the flip side of the mummy criminal monster biden. We are told pick one of these monkeys, vote for president, it is your duty.

Wake up. Nothing has changed and nothing will change until the garbage is flushed down the toilet.

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we will flush the garbage and I will not be part of a Trump team that is corrupt or same as before. no...Trump will fix the wrongs...you have to trust and support. the choice is yours. but he is the only real option we have. sometimes you cant get what you want or the best but you can work with what you get and get it close to the desired aim...

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There are too many who refuse to see the big picture. Thankfully you do. It will be great having you back with Trump fixing this crap.

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Trump recently said that the vaxxxes helped save many people. Don't be naive. Of course, if he is re-elected take advantage of whatever truther help comes from his side.

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Trump's Zinoist Ball & Chain


Watch & learn.

... and no Paul, I was not suggesting I was going to 'hit/attack' you, or whatever silly suggestion it was you previously suggested. 'Face to face' means exactly that, as opposed internet technology comments. I don't carry a 'smart' phone.

Anti-Semitism is a label for bimbo brains.

Israelis are trans-Semites.

JJ Couey's doing some interesting work.

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I did not even mean you...see how sensitive we are...

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Sadly, he kissed the wall.

Yes, apparently I'm 'white'.

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Why is there so much hatred in this country? Many of your readers are antisemitic. What they miss is who benefits from the hatred and division and who funds it all. Traitors Obama and Biden are basically funding all the division. It's classic divide and conquer. I'm glad you post the things you do. Hopefully some of your readers will wake up.

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Not nuggets, darn auto crap. Buggers

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Dr. Paul, I love that you are Not afraid of sick nuggets.

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We knew he was too nice to the commucrats. He thought they were going to be reasonable humans. He just better have learned.

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Yes, I am white and also anti-white. I am sick of these apartment walls being painted white and don't care for white cars. White lightening, white cats and white meat are fine though.

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He won’t. He’s going to be assassinated. It’s in Ezra’s eagle from the Apocrypha.

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TWC is suspect because they could not get Yeadon.

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