I like what 2nd Smartest said:

"Let us not harp too much on the “beautiful” DEATHVAX™ for now, and wait until after Trump gets into the White House again in order to hold him to account, but suffice to say there truly is only one vote that any rational person that does not hate themselves and their country can make this year; in fact, in the history of this Constitutional Republic (not “democracy”) the choice has never been clearer on who to vote for in 2024."

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2nd is correct, Trump is the only option.

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but 2nd knows it will be hell to pay if they fuck with us on this Malone et al. death vax...when our boy gets back on tap...we will savage them in media, Kennedy Jr. included...I have held my tongue and Bobby Jr. knows I can come out swinging but I like him and support Jr. I want him to succeed here, more than many.

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Seriously, Are you aware of the nano bots being found in everyone's blood?

Are you ignoring it on purpose like Trump ignores his death vax?


Humanity & all living things will be killed or changed forever.

There is enough proof that transhumism is happening now.

Surely, if I know, than you know too.

Why the silence?

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Something’s up.

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I hope that Trump is legit but I also like Dr. Shiva who doesn't hold anything back...I know I know it's a numbers game

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2nd Smartest has a good comment:

Let us not harp too much on the “beautiful” DEATHVAX™ for now, and wait until after Trump gets into the White House again in order to hold him to account, but suffice to say there truly is only one vote that any rational person that does not hate themselves and their country can make this year; in fact, in the history of this Constitutional Republic (not “democracy”) the choice has never been clearer on who to vote for in 2024.

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Trump knows OWS was a disaster in my opinion, this is why he stopped talking about it, he got the memo—and this is why RFK is onboard, he knows where the bodies are buried and who the bad faith actors are and can help straighten this mess out.

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fingers crossed but...

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of course he does, I sat (cannot say with whom out of confidentiality but all top folk in 45's world) with folk who watched me in the face as we were talking about me having a 4 minute at RNC, and they stopped me speaking and said para 'Paul, Trump knows the Malone etc. vaccine failed and killed people, do you think he does not know? he knows what you write, he reads other people too, he knows that it is deadly"...

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so if he knows and you Wolf said so, then what logic is it to stop talking about it?

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because he thinks he will be blamed? yes he will be but is it not the right thing to say the truth...??? so we can fix it? my God this is larger than life this is very high level, many will need to be hung for what happened here

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if you support something that results in killing millions of people, then why would you admit to it? why would you admit that it is unsafe? is it because he was conned to push it at warp speed? this is they, if you know it is unsafe, even if it is your doing, then why say the opposite that it is safe? this is the lynch pin, the rate limiting step for people like me...I just cant get there.

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who gave him the memo?

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did you watch the Rogan interview? Trump is not good at taking responsibility for mistakes, however, he definitely hinted at the fact that he was conned. I'm not sure but he might blow the whistle after elected, that's a big if, but he may be keeping his mouth shut for political reasons until after the election.

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I tried to convince people not to take it before it was ever approved, on the grounds that lessen the year was not enough time for any vaccine. The danger was already known and even posted online after the initial trials. Why that vaccine was ever approved is criminal and I hope people will be prosecuted. You can be sure Bill Gates will weasel his way out of it, but Anthony Fauci and any of those unelected bureaucrats who pushed it for kickbacks should definitely rot in jail

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That would be ideal. I think they can’t talk about the elephant in the room before 11/5 and maybe they never will. We can only hope and not be silent.

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I agree we can only hope and not be silent. I am not being silent.

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I know it! Love that thank you! Cuss words and all.

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I am praying now, my mom said to stop

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A lot of people probably took the shots because Trump encouraged them to and still believe him when he says the shots saved 100s of millions of lives. I'm not convinced they saved 100s of millions of lives but Trump can have the benefit of the doubt. OWS and the original shots will all be forgotten once the election is over anyway. New improved mRNA is coming.

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I won't forget. It killed forty of my friends and relatives.

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i'm sorry for your loss. I work in a doctors office, and keep hearing story from patients about family members who suddenly developed cancer and we're dead four weeks later... Or various other illnesses that cropped up out of the blue all of them on the list of side effects. I have to keep my mouth shut, but I don't want to!!

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Thank you. I was in shock and disbelief for about a year and a half because every few weeks I got another call. Several turbo cancers, out of nowhere, dead in one or two weeks. Lots of just dropped dead in the middle of doing ordinary things. And the rest died in their sleep. I pleaded with everyone I know to stop. But most wouldn't listen. You know...... I still do have hard feelings towards those pushing this.

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I need to be clear, I 100% want accountability for all those linked to the fraud of OWS and the mRNA LNP gene vaccine madness, all, for as of now, it has proven to be ineffective and unsafe and we need to know who knew and when and what and how did they benefit...who conspired with who. we always need any therapeutic or vaccine to be safe and effective FIRST

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I believe that will be Robert Kennedy's area of expertise. Trump stated he trusted wrong people - one being Fauci - big time. I believe Mr. Kennedy will be given free reign to go after Fauci and all involved. Plus be given free reign to clean up the contamination of the food supply, the corrupt FDA and to hold the pharmaceutical accountable for vaccine injuries and deaths. Kennedy will tackle the health/vaccines and food areas - where I believe Trump will focus on the economy, wars, military and national security (boarder/deportation). What a mess to clean up!! Just like Canada. Plus I am so excited to watch the USA withdraw from the WHO, UN, WEF crap!! Once the USA does - hopefully many other countries follow suit!! The oil wells have to start flowing again - resources like water have to be properly utilized - like in California. What a mess to tackle!!

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Paul, give it up; he’s not going to talk about the jab before the election. There are too many people who are convinced that the jab worked Miracles and are absolutely unpersuadable. I have recently gotten into extended SubStack discussions with people about it, and wasted a lot of my time. No matter how much you explain, there are too many (bad) published papers out there, too many lying biased fact checkers that labeled us anti vaxxers, misinformation spreaders. That work will have to be done after the election by Bobby.

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I agree, but he opens his mouth after election, he can be held complicit in a coverup...I like him and dont want his name or career tarnished. he is better than all of them.

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Compared to the whole deep state and bio pharmaceutical complex ?

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Bobby yes

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he is superior to the deepstate and pharma

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did Rogan say somewhere DeSantis would have been better to run in the election?

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I am glad Trump told us two of his bad picks for jobs was his National Security Advisor John Bolton and the White House Chief of Staff John 'back stabber' Kelly.

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I argue, most of Trump's appointments were devastating.

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glad Rogan allowed Trump on the show. Rogan was never a Trump support. He declared that. but he knows what we face and what we must do...

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I liked when Rogan reminded that there is election fraud both sides not just democrats

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Rogan talking election fraud was very promising and very happy they did this, I would say both did good but IMO short on substance in key areas...my opinion. you can have yours. and you can respect me and I can respect you.

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45 is only option...

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But you “like” Kamala that she’s not a communist like her father .. and think she’d be “fine” too? NO it would be the END OF AMERICA! Side-note…she probably has an IQ of 90 tops! Was your other post a joke that I misunderstood the punchline?

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The only one out of his cabinet appointments that did not stab him in the back is Ben Carson.

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Flynn great & still loyal too but of course they took him out first!! He was too great of a pick!

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Trump fired him.

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Peter Navarro too! Kash Patel loyal and stellar. Many more.. We just hear more about the stinkers.

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Yes they were both very good & loyal. I keep having flashbacks of Omaraosa, Scaramucci, Jared & Ivanka, Grissham, Fauci & scarf lady and all that drama. But I do believe that if he is elected again there are people in place to insure that this doesn't happen again. I feel that he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in his first term. Hopefully he will reverse that if elected for another term.

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this was a 2 year old statement I just verified.

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I just saw it was not a today clip but that always stuck in my head...

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Big Pharma is loosing their bowels over RFK in the Trump Administration. Trump can get him in the door under MAHA. We must be strategic and patient on the COVID issue. I believe we can get there. Gotta get the White House first. In the interim we all keep the pedal to the metal.

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yes, agree....and we hold feet to the fire, no games.

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Also let's not forget that Kamala mandates the covid poison death shot for her campaign workers. Voting for her is a crime against humanity.

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But apparently Dr. Paul likes Kamala & now thinks we will be “fine” with her if she “wins”. We all know now that she’s imploding that would be totally impossible. No way she can get enough votes legitimately— just not possible. She’s a traitor, liar, and puppet. Same people that run Biden will run her. We would be done. And never get to the truth of anything — all fake all lies always .. too late then got people to wake the heck up!

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IMHO, stirring controversy that CANNOT be addressed and certainly not resolved with 10 days before the election, BOTH men were WISE in sticking with winning…as you admit we MUST DO, or?

Here’s an “OR” for you. The “OR is a possible UN intervention and enforcement of Biden’s Sept. signing of the U.N. Pact for the Future.

Russia, Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Syria and Nicaragua introduced a an amendment to the draft resolution RE: national sovereignty and the role of external entities in domestic affairs.

Their added paragraph: the UN “shall be driven by intergovernmental decision-making process” and “its system shall not intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any State.”

This conforms with line with the organisation’s charter. In the new “Pact” of which the U.S. is now a member, there is NO MENTION OF HOW its goals are to be enforced. These goals “could” impinge on the Nov. 5 election, and yet…we DON’T know how the UN plans to enforce them.

UN overreach is detailed in their document here:


The whole world is left hanging in the breach of this election outcome based on these Global UN initiatives. This is a pivotal moment in history and the whole world knows it. Will “they” defeat or hamstring Trump by any means necessary” as they stated they WILL?

Here is a portion of the mandated UN manifesto: The document asserts that nations “will end hunger and eliminate food security”, address global financing and investment gaps, commit to a fair multilateral trading system, achieve gender equality, protect the environment and the climate, and protect people affected by humanitarian emergencies. They intend to be the arbiters of War and Peace INSIDE sovereign countries. But it is silent on how the UN and its members will do this.

RE: Needing Trump to address mRNA death shots RIGHT NOW(!)

You know the danger of stirring the Chamber Pot when it gets too full? it slops around when you try to take it out and dump it, it overflows, and people leave to avoid the stink.

Connect the dots of THAT with this very nice summary of DoD directive 5240.01 on X by 1Donna Sue:

The Posse Comitatus Act limits the Federal Government from using the military for domestic law enforcement. However, very quietly, on 9/27/24 within 6 weeks before the election, the DoD amended DoD directive 5240.01 to allow lethal force by the military against US citizens involving cases of riots and protests. This is the first time the DoD has created a directive allowing lethal force to be used by the military in support of civilian riots. Here is a link to the directive: shorturl.at/19fAS

For reference, here is a link to the 2020 directive which did not authorize lethal force against US Citizens in support of domestic law enforcement: shorturl.at/vfFJT

The military would have authority to shoot at US citizens protesting under this directive...

The Pentagon in an unprecedented move issued a statement saying (basically) the directive doesn’t mean what it says.

NOW. Having set the “connect the dots” stage, IMHO we do NOT want to stir the pot, rile up the bees, poke the bear, upset the apple cart, whatever cliche works, (and they all do).

We can’t risk uprisings from folks who are wildly upset by a Trump win or if the election is rigged, an uprising by folks who feel their country was stolen never to return. There IS NO election WIN during a country’s hot impulse in a fever for Civil War.

Please be assured Dr. Alexander.

The PROPER VENUE for vaccination genocide is now in RFK Jr.’s wheelhouse. It WILL be addressed by Trump’s MAHA Department…Make America Healthy Again.

PLEASE DON’T advocate for spilling the Chamber Pot all over us. Take it up with RFK, Jr. when he can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Thank you for considering this approach. It’s a bottom line urgent request. We know what you “need.” We all need it.

It’s within reach IF we don’t stumble, fumble, drop the ball,

go off the rails, loose focus, fail lift off, sail into a storm…or any other descriptive cliche. lol

This morning I’m trying to keep it light. Cliches kept coming to mind for fun. We have to remember who we are. We’re ACTUALLY, based on results, the Party that does live in Joy…now that we have a real leader. Please let him lead, at least until he’s in office (lol).

Blessings for you this morning, Dr. Alexander. Thank you for caring so much.

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I think you have to wait and see with Trump! He has major issues, that he has on his plate now, they need fixing first. I do believe he understands about Covid, he knows he was lied to, and I believe he will go after him in time. Do not give up yet, he did bring Kennedy on board so that might be who will handle that part.

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Good point. If they did not talk about the millions of deaths from the toxxine, it was a failed interview.

The top issue for everyone should be how to hang those who mandated that poison.

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My bosses son is slowly dying from warp speed jabs!

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I don't think that was the subject of the interview.

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There never was a genocidal virus, but there IS a genocidal vaxxine.

Why is Trump STILL LYING to the American people about a fake virus and telling them to take the genocidal vaxxine?!??

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No he is certainly not telling people to get the shot! Post a video clip with him urging people to get the shot within the last 3 years. You won’t be able to!

Also — He never did tell or order anyone to get the shots.. said from day 1 it was totally your choice. .. unlike Biden, Fauci, Harris, Madcow etc. who literally tried to force it on every 6 month & up baby to school kids to college kids and 90 year old alike & even threatened to send gov people door to door to give you your shot if you still haven’t gotten it.

Trump is the last person we should hold accountable for this horrific worldwide globalist scam to put the world in submission and depopulate the West.

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"No he is certainly not telling people to get the shot!"

Every time he brags about Warp Speed.

Why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus to take the genocidal vaxxine?!??

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To keep saying Trump is telling people to go get the shots is also a huge LIE!!

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But he isn’t!! He does not tell anyone to get the shot! Never has. OWS wasn’t just about the shots… and Trump tried and tried in real ways to get HCQ and other options early and the EVIL MACHINE already had a plan. And even WORSE had OWS not been announced until the Biden coup was complete!! The lockdowns for 2-3 years is what they wanted. Do you remember Fauci’s immediate reaction to Trump pushing out OWS with quick Vax? Trump said over &moved - the Vax will he 100% YOUR CHOICE YOUR OPTION. Fauci was 100% against it! Why? It was too early to get people to 100% submit. Sometimes Presidents have tough decisions to make… with all possible options not being the best. Had he been pushing against the Vax from the get go it still would have come out and after a 3x longer lockdown… certainly under Biden. In fact Trump could be dead by now & any hope of bringing back our country lost forever. If you don’t tie this issue to understanding the election fraud schemes that are REAL as everything & frankly more terrifying than OWS. American ending. Already ended other countries. Wake up.

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Jdt, every time Trump brags about Warp Speed he is LYING to the people about a fake virus and telling them the deadly vaxxines are SAFE.

People are DYING. Children are DYING.

Why is Donald Trump still LYING to the American people and telling them there's a deadly virus to take the genocidal vaxxine?!??

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That is just wrong .. you are missing my points! PLUS Kamala is even forcing her campaign staff to take the new 2024 vax and be up to date to even work for her. To think that there is any GOPe for anything if she wins is total lunacy!! Everyone in that regime has rejected RFK jr 100%.. Trump has embraced him so there is a lot of hope with Trump & ZERO with the rest.

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This is not about Kamala, or Biden, or Fauci.

Why is Donald Trump STILL LYING about a fake virus and telling people the deadly vaxxines are safe?


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Kennedy will straighten out reality with Trump. Kennedy knows the true facts and will educate Trump. There are also many others like Senator Ron Johnson.

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Sorry Victoria, but I worked for years against the aut!sm-causing children's vaxxines and I believed RFK Jr when he told us how together we could stop the poisoning of our children.

But that never happened.

What did happen is that in the years that RFK Jr has been promoted to us as 'The Champion Of Anti-Vaxx' the number of children's aut!sm-causting vaxxines has TRIPLED. And so has aut!sm in America.

And RFK Jr talks about how sick and sickly American children are, with a whole list of causes and reasons, EXCEPT the lobotomizing childrens vaxxines.

Sadly Victoria, I lost faith in RFK Jr years ago.

But the question is: People are DYING. Children are DYING. Why is Trump STILL LYING to the American people about a fake virus and telling them to take the genocidal vaxxine?

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You make it sound like Trump's the Rev. Jim Jones telling people to drink the Kool Aid. The situation is not remotely similar. And as for why it' the American people specifically who he's telling to take the pfizer or moderna shot, it's no secret that other people like the Chinese for example are not taking it so it would be pointless to tell them to.

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ANW, people are DYING.

Children are DYING.

Why is Trump STILL LYING about a fake virus and telling people to take the genocidal vaxxine???

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It's mainly Democrats and RINOS who are taking the shots. If you told them the truth and they believed you would they take the shots? How else would you get them to take the shots?

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"mainly Democrats and RINOS"


Why is Trump still LYING and telling them there's a deadly virus and to take the genocidal vaxxine?

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I hope to read a transcript.

Until then, this was inspiring:


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nice sharing

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