While my mom had turbo cancer - no doctor would admit to the cause. They buried their head in the sand. Each of them was either corrupt or cowardly. Either way - they took home a paycheck while my mom was tortured.

On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.

I was her full-time caregiver.

In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience,and how her spirit refused to be broken.

I am currently in the process of editing and rewriting, on Substack.

My mom represents millions of people who were deceived, intimidated or forced into receiving an injection. Her story is all of our story.


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I am so sorry, and the truth is they killed your mother

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I am aware that my mother was murdered.

She was deceived. She was tortured. She was murdered.

That is the reason why I am telling her story. She is one of millions.

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I am so sorry your Mother was a victim in this vax mass extermination. I also have lost a family member to turbo cancer and have had several others develop cancers within 18 months of injections.

Trial and punishment for those involved in this hoax. I can only express my sorrow for your loss. Blessings to you.

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this is gut-wrenching, we are so sorry ad grieve with you...I promise you, as long as I live and there are some others like me, we will get you your justice...

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Hey Doc - Keep it coming because many unfortunately have Covid fatigue or they are electing to follow the latest “flavor.” I am the only tenured member of the faculty at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton California to say no the mandates. I was fired for not agreeing to take a PCR twice weekly while working remotely from home. The college was closed and I had an approved religious exemption…Judges are compromised out here in California. It’s expensive to sue and there are only a handful of attorneys willing to support freedom. Many people were fired in the 115 California Community College System and other collegiate systems. The unions are complicit and supported the narrative. The courts are kangaroo… real ruff out here for folks who are actually fighting the good fight.

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huge hugs and admiration...

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Godspeed Dr. Paul !

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Yes. Justice.

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Thank you. 🙏

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This is the old NAZI argument, Nuremberg Trials, we were just following orders, we were just being paid $100K USD cash to 'ventilate' healthy people

We were being paid $1,000 USD to inject an untested bio-weapon into human beings

There is no forgiveness, or these same assholes will do it again

They did it for MONEY, so its imperative their money & homes be clawed back

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now see, this is a good post Biblo, please write like this...always. and the content of this post is good, 100%

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may I ask you Biblo to not use this stack for hating Jews, anyone, please keep it clean and stay in the discourse, exchange of views, facts...please...we are here to learn, to share...I block no one...and you are smart but I am not into using disparaging remarks and hatred. even advertise your stack here so people can come see but do not disrespect folk here...when you write clean it is informative

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Bilbo is a Jew, an I never attack Jews; I never attack real Jews by blood, or Judaism;

Zionism is NOT judaism is that the argument your making P-alex?? Everybody in Israel by 70% calls zionism a "Satanic Cult"

This entire USA argument is that ZIONIST's are Jews, no they are not; Trump is a ZIONIST, and his Group are zionists; They be called ZOG, "Zionist occupied Governments"

First order of ZIONISM is pedophilia, and sodomy,

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BIDEN announces that Not allowing children to experience the pleasure of pedophilia with adults is a form of child-abuse and that the Government may take children from parents who refuse to allow pedophiles to share love with them.


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I agree with this to an extent

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Do you agree JRC that "Satanic Zionism" is JUDAISM?? Seriously Really??

Me thinks that your like the guy at the party that gets along with everybody, all depending upon situational ethics;

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Do you really agree? Even with Trudeau??

BIDEN announces that Not allowing children to experience the pleasure of pedophilia with adults is a form of child-abuse and that the Government may take children from parents who refuse to allow pedophiles to share love with them.


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I NEVER attack "Jews"

Sometimes I joke and call 'substack' as 'jew-stack' but that's just a joke

But most of the time I call substack as zog-stack, cuz its owned by SV inQtel BIG-ZIONISM, just like google, facefuck, or amazon, & twitter

Jews dr p-alex are people in the middle-east with direct blood-lines to classic Judaism

the ashkeNAZI have no blood-lines and they are NOT Jews;

Even in Israel the LIKUD has frequently called for holocaust 2.0, as the 'ashkeNAZI" hate the real jews

Even in OCT7 perpetuated by CIA-MOSSAD, it was 1500 KIBBUTZ-JEWS that were killed by ashkeNAZI satanists, and the kibbutz are real-jews;

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ZIONISM is NAZISM dr p-alex

As long as I say NAZI its all good with you, but as soon as I like NAZI-ZIONISM you go all willy-nilly

Even in UKRAINE they call them-selves "UKRO-NAZI"

The original ashkeNAZI tribe of Khazaria 500AD called themselves NAZI's

Today ashkeNAZI rule wash-dc they are ZOG

Your own RFK-jr said "AshkeNAZI are immune to covid per design by wuhan-cia labs, and urkaine bio-weapon labs'

So its ok to say nazi, and you didn't persona-non-grata RFK-jr for saying 'ashkeNAZI"

But as soon as anybody links ZIONISM with NAZISM you go all soft, why is this??

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Talking about MAGA, seems that Biden has beat Trump at his own game

"It takes a village of pedophiles to raise a child" - HRC

P-alex doesn't like to admit it, but the USA is PEDO-HOMO Nation and always has been.


BIDEN announces that Not allowing children to experience the pleasure of pedophilia with adults is a form of child-abuse and that the Government may take children from parents who refuse to allow pedophiles to share love with them.


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Yes, but I'm being 'historical' and everybody applauded; But lets put this in TODAYS context;

The new ZIO-NAZI argument, an so far there have been no "Nuremberg Trials", is that the MD's were just following "WHO/CDC" orders, when in fact the US-MIL was running the operation;

Yes the MD's were paid a fortune to kill their patients, and those that were not driven by cash were told they would lose their MD license if they didn't do as told;

The problem today with our ZOG NAZI-ZIONISM courts and the US-MIL being 'secretly activated' and COVID being ran by DEEP-STATE, aka "Secret Government" is that there nobody to arrest, and the courts are every bit as much as culpable as the MD's and the US-MIL (CIA) that enabled the COVID klusterfuck;

There is NO way in hell the problem can be rectified; It's quite clear that unless there is a revolution that removes this Satanic US-MIL from power and their Satanic courts that there is nobody to 'right the ship'; The MSM isn't going to tell the truth, because they are paid to lie;

The courts ain't going to do shit, because they are paid to stall;

The US-MIL isn't going to do shit because under Trump top-secret EO, they have the best of all worlds infinite budget and no public scrutiny, in fact they have it so good that there is NO light on the rats

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It is one of many new world order neo nazi holocausts that have continued since WW2 never really ended.

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This makes me very sad and very infuriated at the same time. I’m so sorry that your mom endured what should have never happened as well as for your loss and having to watch her go through it.

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thank you for this kind word for Kristi...we can never feel the pain

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I am so sorry about your Mothers pain & suffering, and for what you have gone thru. May you see justice done.

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Truth is they are corrupt cowards.

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So sorry to hear. Just today I heard that a friend's sister was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Neither my friend nor her sister are into integrative medicine, they don't even own a computer. So my guess is they all got the Clot Shots.

Thank you for taking good care of your mom. I was a caregiver to my elderly parents for many years, and I know how difficult it is.

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My heartfelt condolences, Kristi. How terrible! I pray you find comfort and peace.

The bastards who killed your mother will be held accountable, if not in this life, then the next.

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They should be treated the way RUSSIA treats their USA/Ukraine "Funded" Terrorists, cut off their ears and beat them to an inch of their life;

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IMO if shown via legal hearings, then we punish them harshly...no mercy...but we ensure we let courts work

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Paul, It is evident you do not grasp the totality of the situation.

This global takeover has been conceived since 1815 and trillions of dollars went into the planning and preparation. Since 1934, any doctor not prepared to follow the plan was deregistered, imprisoned, or murdered. More recently, every party politician, key bureaucrat, media worker, judge, or senior police or military has been blackmailed, bribed, and intimidated.

A turnaround along conventional lines is simply not possible. Some top politicians have cut and run because they were not blackmailed, merely bribed, and so they are keeping their heads down but even these are wondering if they will survive. They know that if freedom is ever reinstalled, they will attract the fury of thousands and that they cannot even hope for a quick death. So they will be investing some of their massive bribe money into eradication of any immediate threat. So please scuttle this nonsense about courts and justice. No such commodities are available.

Second, humanity will not be able to afford to create prisons big enough to lock up 20% of the population. Logistics reveal the only form of justice will be mass killing, and, yes, some innocents will die because the main killers will be workjing class mums and dads who had to watch their children die in agony. Trust me, they will be extracting the maximum pain from their former torturers and murderers of their children. It is not up to you or I to regulate their pain. So give over with the pious temperance. This is what it is, an act of democide with a response every bit as violent.

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YOUR MISSING the god damn POINT the civilian courts have no fucking power during a national emergency

TRUMP activated the EO and MIL-MED nationalized healthcare, that nut cannot be cracked without US-MIL COURTS publicly hanging those involved;

Your a mis-directional MORON in your talking about Bar-Attorney civilian UK Judges in USA rectifying a problem where they have NO Jurisidiction.

We are in a WAR, a secret un-declared war.

But what difference does it make? By the time any of you 'get it' you will all be long dead;


You ain't going to PUNISH shit; The citizens could have should have burned the hospitals down years ago, they failed, they fucked up; Now the MIL-MED is 100% owned by US-MIL Satanic assholes who employ you;

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Please consider sending a pic of the vaxx card to vaxxdatabaseproject@proton.me if you have it.

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What if John Lennon sung “Imagine”

- [Verse 1] Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us, only sky Imagine all the people Living for today I [Verse 2] Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace

Imagine USA wasn’t Ran by Satanic Zionism


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Just apologize? Many of them should have their license to practice taken. And there are a select few who knowingly participated in crimes against humanity.

Those people need to be tried and sentenced to the harshest possible sentence. This includes Fauci, Wallensky, Birx, and a lot more.

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boom, hang them

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If TUCKER were NOT a CIA CUCK, he would be talking first & foremost that COVID-19 was MIL operation and that in MARCH2020 the MIL entered the USA hospitals and told the MD's to kill their patients and call it "COVID"


Until this is publicly stated then its all a circle jerk;

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That COVID is/was a US-MIL CIA-DOD operation, that even P-ALEX tip-toes around and same for all ALT-COVID 'experts' on ZOG-STACK is telling;

Tucker is CIA, so his job is mis-direction and his talking point script is 100% RFK-Jr;

I would love to see dozens of these MD & PHD experts nail home this US-MIL ownership of the COVID Kill, then only then do you start nailing the real enablers to the 'cross'; Once the rats from high Level MIL down start ratting out then all will come out, until then its just 100% mis-direction and chasing your tail forever;

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we have said it is a US operation...many times...I have...several have.

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Now I didn't pick on you specifically merely suggested there needed to be dozens of you 'experts' hammering home on Tucker to tell some real truth;

Then maybe somebody can quit defending Trump

The COG-DISS is strong on ZOG-STACK on the one hand maybe 1 in 100 knows that all of COVID is/was 100% US-MIL OP and followup nationalization of MED, but Trump was the father of all of it; and nobody is willing to pin the tail on the donkey;

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I did not hear about Tucker being Cia can you tell us the how and why about that please?

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I have written 250 posts on this issue, read them and all 30,000 comments, until then I will assume you to be a bot without 'google' ability

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If not hang, how about an indictment, jury trial, sentencing, and maximum federal prison. I don't think parole should be on the table. These miscreants are a danger to the community at large; from the elderly to infants. This includes Dr Jeremy Farrar, the new Chief Scientist of the WHO. He was previously the director of The Wellcome Trust from 2013 to 2023. Also while we are at it, how about the morally compromised Andrew Hill who works at Imperial College London. He was the one early on who knew that people who took ivermectin had an 80 percent change of not getting hospitalized (according to the videos, and conversations with Tess Laurie PhD.) He listened to the unseen influencers not to approve it. He said it needed more study. Criminal. Tell Laurie wanted to know the names of these influencer, but he wouldn't say. It was soon after that, the college received many million dollars.

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hang after courts rule

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THANKS P-ALEX, yes apology NOT accepted

ONLY clawing back their billions and putting them prisons or hanging them will ever be even-steven

This is the RFK-JR argument being pushed by CIA TUCKER, that all should be forgiven and no vendetta,

Even though the cold blood murdered granny alone on their 'ventilators'

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cant be forgiven, must be hung, but we get judges involved...

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This is where your reality fails

Given it was MIL OP, the MILITARY COURTS must come into action the civilian courts be terminated until the MIL Courts have finished their business;

Civil Law is only operational when not in War, but given that Trump activated the WAR back in August-2019 under POMPEO, and that the war is 'secret' such that nobody can even admit there is a war, which just so happens to be on the USA public;

No civil court will even hear a trial involving a "National Security" issue, as it has to be done in Secret;


I think you should spend more time listening to your Gen Flynn, its way past time per decl of independence to abolish the rotten GOV, and restart the USA;

"Free men have at all times the right to abolish a rotten Government"

We have been there for decades;

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I agree that Flynn is on the right side, or they wouldn't have gone after him the way they did, trying to destroy his life. I expect him to be the one picked for VP running mate. We'll see.

I didn't know he said that about the bridge incident. It is highly suspicious that all those individual things occurred at the right time to collapse it, and that two of our eight specialized Navy carriers are now trapped in the harbor.

Since we are actually at war, then the logical conclusion is it was a deliberate incident.

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Gen Flynn has balls, and Trump has spent his entire life taking COCK in his ass,

I doubt that Flynn has ever once been sodomized, no fucking COMPARE

Which is why OBAMA hates Flynn, Obama trusts no Man in the CIA that will not take his cock in their ass;

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TRUMP the limp-dick cuck man would NEVER pick a Flynn, he will only pick a Johnson or a Pence, 100% zio-nazi cucks just like him

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Just like today, where Gen Flynn says the "BALTIMORE BRIDGE" attack is bigger than Pearl Harbor

Hell yes, but USA will not admit it was a terrorist attack, funny just yesterday on ZH they did a UN report on Terrorism showing that there is 4x more terrorist event in USA than Russia, why is that?? Cuz every time a critical infrastructure goes tits up in Russia, they blame Urkaine, but every time a train derails in USA they blame 'murphy'

[ The UN correctly treats all infrastructure damage as terrorist events, whether accident or not; More chicken processing plants and meat-packers have burnt to the ground in USA than anywhere else on earth in recent years; The US-GOV like destroying the Nordstream Pipeline has decided to 'cripple' its competition, rather than competing head on with a better & cheaper product; ]

The COVID bullshit at hand is just a Flea on the dog on the entire scale of BULLSHIT in the USA;

The USA has reached a post Orwell level of insanity, like V for Vendetta, V blows uip the Old-Bailey and within an hour Gov says "Planned Demolition", same here in an hour Biden said the 'power went out' on the ship and it hit the bridge;


The US-GOV is broke and the pension, trust obligations are 200x greater than assets , so their solution is to cull the population by 90%, they call it "Continuity of Government" and been in effect since 1986 Raygun EO signed off to the plan.


COVID is just one little rat-hair in the big picture of the coming culling;

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The JUDGE's are all compromised men, they are just bar attorneys that ZOG has on a leash ( Bar Attorneys are Loyal to London )

I laid it out six weeks ago, and find it redundant


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Maybe I shouldn't say this, and I'm not certain I'm right, but I think God believes in the death penalty. Why else would he have sent his only begotten Son to die and be sacrificed for us and our sins. We deserved to die, yet he made a way for us to escape the penalty that not knowing him already had us destined for: an eternity separated from God. In his mercy, he forgave us, washed us clean, and delivered us from the bondage of sin, death, hell, and the grave to life eternal with the Father, where he is in a kingdom belonging to Christ. Paul said that we are dead already in our sin and trespasses when we were born in the sinful fallen nature, when we were apart from Christ, who reconciled us to God by his sinless, spotless, holy sacrifice. The thing is, those who have done these things to humanity are dead already, at least in a spiritual sense, and apart from knowing Christ and accepting the free gift of salvation, they are going to spend an eternity in that fallen state separated from God. The Apostle Paul said that they are dead already. Will we send them onto that meeting early by advocating for the death penalty, or will we try to bring them to repentance so that their souls will not forever be lost and eternally damned? That's the question. They are deceived by the sinful inner man of self that is deceived by money. Jesus talks about money a lot, and it is because money has became their god and what they live for. It is in the nature of the sinful inner man to follow after it and be a slave to sin for it. The whole world is deceived by it. Paul said that for those things such were some of us, for those things that we were we are now ashamed, when we came to know the Lord Jesus Christ. I really don't know what to do with them, but for all of our sins, we deserved death and punishment, and the wrath of God, but in his mercy, he made a way for us to see the error of our ways and turn from them. I trust what the Lord plans to do, and he knows those who are his, but Christ died as much for them as he did for us, and it's available to them if they will repent. The damage is done, and if they will not accept Christ, they will pay an eternal penalty beyond what they have done in the body. I think a truly repentant person would accept the punishment of the court system, and try to do some good in the penal system however they could, but I don't think they should expect to get out knowing what they've done. God slays the wicked, and he will continue to do so until all of his enemies are under his feet. Look at Jezebel and Ahab, he made a promise of what would happen to them about the dogs, and it came to be. This is no laughing matter, we are treading on dangerous ground when it comes to people not having any remorse or acknowledgment of the Lord and his power. I'm afraid for them, because the Bible says that there is nothing worse than falling into the hands of an angry God, and it breaks his heart to be rejected and dismissive of him. I imagine that he's very angry for the spilling of innocent blood.

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Paul has the full list - the Horsemen of the Apocalypse

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yes...I am adding as we speak

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CIA NARRATIVES MUST BE DESTROYED, Assholes LIKE TUCKER should not be setting the debate

If TUCKER were NOT a CIA CUCK, he would be talking first & foremost that COVID-19 was MIL operation and that in MARCH2020 the MIL entered the USA hospitals and told the MD's to kill their patients and call it "COVID"


Until this is publicly stated then its all a circle jerk;

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Hangings are absolutely necessary.

Without hangings, they will do it again.

Without hangings, no sane person will trust any doctor or "health" official ever again.

Without hangings, mass murder goes unpunished.

Pfauci pfirst!

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Rockefeller medicine had always been dangerous as far as I’m concerned. Stay away unless you absolutely need them. Naturopathic is the best preventative care out there IMO

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There isn't enough rope.

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BTW Paul... have you seen my new article now in preprint: The Modified Messenger RNA Platform and the Creation of Unintended Proteins: A Genocidal Trojan Horse


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I will share it and read it shortly, thank you for all you do...tip of the spear

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agreed, I have read your paper, quite good, written technical yet lay...I will share in cue

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The doctors should at the very least be sentenced to GITMO for crimes against humanity.

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We need a modern version of the Nuremberg Trials. I am beginning to think no lessons will be learned--let alone admitted to--without something like that. Perhaps a series of People's Tribunals held across the country.

Right now they're furiously denying their past deeds like a dog covering up the product of its bathroom chores.

I think the image fits.

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Paul…I sat next to John Horgan, the Premier of BC at the time, in an outdoor seating area of a coffee shop. He was speaking with a friend about the vaccines. This was very end of July 2021. Our rollout happened later than most places. General access was early April 2021. So four months after rollout. He said to his friend ‘we can’t keep ignoring these injuries. i’ve heard Europe is up to 30,000 deaths. A doctor showed me a file. A healthy 50 year old, keeled over and died after his shot! This was a vax death.’ He said he had phoned Trudeau and spoke with him about it but he said ‘well you know Trudeau…’ and waved his hand and rolled his eyes.’ He went on for 10 minutes or more. After this I went home and wrote him a letter, not saying I heard you at a coffee shop, but I wrote exactly what he said. I parroted his words to him. I sent it registered to the Premier’s Office at the Legislature. No response. No ‘thank you for blah blah blah…’. Nothing. Two weeks later he held a press conference saying how proud they were they could now offer the vax to 5-12 year olds. He knew. Bonnie Henry knew. Adrian Dix, the Health Minister had to have known.

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bastard he is and was...

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Can you imagine being really upset, as he was, about the harm being done, then triumphantly telling 5 year old children to take it!? He knew some would die. He knew it!

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Thank you for sharing this eye-witness account, William. It confirms what many of us suspect of our compromised, deceitful, murderous "leaders."

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Sadly until people stop defending Trump as innocent and instead call him out for his constant shilling of the vax no progress will be made.

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he made decisions but he was misled...he is not part of any op or intent to harm...the others around him were. this much I know

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He's a WEFer.

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That excuse was gone the second he kept pushing it after Jan 20, 2020.

Trump was no longer president. People keep saying it was his advisors but, why 3 years plus later did he take credit for the clot shot again?

Why on Christmas 2022 did he call Warp speed a miracle?

Then you also have the simple truth that his cult knew the clot shot was hurting and killing people and have absolutely no problem with injecting it. That places Trump above the lives of billions. Even today with all that is known they are not saying it must be stopped.

Excuses for one man and allowing billions to die because he was lied to, is nothing more that a selfish lie to make those who worship Orange Jesus feel good.

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Paul how can you be so right concerning doctors who gave and recommended the death jab, and be so wrong and be head over heels for the father of the death jab, who is still telling the world how great it was, including the lockdowns, and what a great blessing it was that he gave it to the world. Paul he is many times more guilty, Trump is responsible for millions of deaths, where a doctor a fraction of that. Turning a blind eye and making weak excuses for a mass killer is getting really old.

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I am not head over heels, read my writing, we are working on 45 to stand up and craft the language and he has to and he will...he knows, I cannot say more, he knows 100% the vaccine is a problem

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If Trump say he made a mistake it would harm his reelection , I think he should stay silent and talk like he made the right decision.

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Not just "a problem," but does he know that it is a veritable bioweapon? These are two entirely different things.

I have somewhat greater emotional leeway for people who do not understand that we have been deliberately poisoned, although that is bad enough AT THIS POINT: it should be clear to at least medically trained members of our population who are gatekeepers and trusted experts.

But it takes it to stratospheric levels to be knowingly -- even if one is backed into a corner and mentally anguished about one's complicitness -- going along with intentional poisoning -- attacks on human beings. Hey, we used to get bombarded with the media telling us to be horrified over Assad's chemical weapon attacks on people. This is the very same thing, an attack on "our own people," but far, far worse in gaslighting and magnitude! Enough already!

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I am with you on being surprised at his error. Not the funding a massive vax campaign. No one could have suspected what we now know. No one did. But every time I thought ‘uh oh, that is a big mistake’ it wasn’t. He knew what he was doing. I suspect a massive massive crackdown on the death merchants if he wins. I know he will win, but can they stop the cheat? That I don’t know.

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I love Tucker but he is still having a hard time shaking off the mainstream media “aka state media” PRETENDING mandate.

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I sense what you mean

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I think Tucker is CIA. Putin outed him during the interview and was clearing sending the CIA a message.

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Tucker applied for CIA job and was rejected. If he be CIA he would not talk as he do

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Paul, go watch that Putin interview again. Pay close attention to Tucker's eyes and head movement when Putin drops the CIA comment on him. Putin is telling Tucker he knows and ticket is telling Putin he's right. All non verbally.

I believe Putin agreed to the interview specifically to send a message to the CIA and Tucker is the errand boy.

Oh and Paul, Tucker's father was well connected if you get my drift.

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His apologize statement sounds like ridiculous Steve Kirsch indoctrination.

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Apologize? For complicity to mass murder?

Yeah, that might not be quite enough to satisfy the need for justice.

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Can anyone trust any provider aka doctor that works in a typical large healthcare system?

How could you, knowing what we know? And they are not ever going to appologize.

Mayo and all previously "the best" medical facilities are in on it all.

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"Apologize"?!?! How about beg for mercy for the death and suffering they caused? It shocked me from the start that doctors actually recommended an experimental injection to their patients, without informed consent, having no idea what those shots contained, and no idea what short- or long-term effects might be. It was like watching a real-life horror movie.

A doctor at the Clinical Center at NIH, for whom I have worked remotely for decades (preparing research papers for submission to journals), was dismayed when I told him I may no longer be able to work for him because I did not intend to get that shot that was being mandated even for government contractors working remotely. (Which exposed the farce of "health concerns"). (Ultimately my request for accommodation of religious exemption was granted.) The doctor said to me (revealing the extent of his indoctrination and ignorance), "Why not get it?! It would protect you, protect others, and you'll lose that income! It's a no-brainer to get the 'vaccine'!"

I refrained from responding that, yes, it was indeed a no-brainer to get the shot, but I preferred to use my brain.

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I'm for hanging them after the apology.

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hhhmmm, my view is this, if shown in legal setting they knew and continued to be reckless and dangerous, apology does not matter.

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I think many did and still do not know, doctors today are Big Pharma programed simple mind zombies stay away from them America.

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Dr. Paul, God forgives all sins. Forgiveness doesn't preclude punishment though. After a swift and fair trial of course.

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I hate to say this as I am totally opposed to anyone who promotes the jab, but could there not be doctors out there who just haven’t done the research and are caught up in the lie and actually still believe it? Maybe we need to start making them accountable and asking them. I avoid having any discussion of this type with my doctors but maybe I need to start asking.

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impossible then they must give back their degrees...they knew.

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I only say this because a friend works for an older cardiologist who is on his eighth jab. She says though he is seeing problems in his office he still believes in the jab! I’d never go to him!

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Cognitive dissonance is the REAL epidemic! Any doctor who is not willing to ADMIT THE TRUTH, should LOSE THEIR ABILITY TO PRACTICE MEDICINE

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Yes absolutely. Cognitive dissonance.

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Huge number of American doctors are some of the dumbest on the globe.

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Tucker interview with Steve Kirsch explain why doctors, politicians do not want to touch vaccine opposing talk. But to Trump's credit he he did question in his first Fox TV election campaign, did question if the huge amount of vaccines American kids are getting if that is not the reason for the high autism. He attacked Big Pharma for shooting those multiple doses in to a small baby as big like for a horse. Only later he did not stick to it when he become a president.

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It is my understanding physician's take an oath to preserve life. Accountability!

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I thought so, too. Apparently only 57% have taken it. SMH

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The thing about those who commit such crimes is that they do NOT apologize.


We saw this in the First Nuremberg Trials.

Oh, Speer apologized, but i think the evidence is in that this was mere tactics on his part done only to save his skin.

So I would not mock the deaths of millions by asking for an apology from such monsters so depraved as typo consent to participating in this genocide.

And another thing,

back in the1940's men were a much tougher breed, When sentenced and executed they died with dignity. the were soldiers and expected it, were trained for it. They had fortitude

but what of today's mass murderers? They are as soft as butter. I can imagine little Dame Jacinda Ardern (yes she was knighted for her crimes) squealing like a stuck pig, whimpering and begging like a child if and or when they put the noose around her neck. But when she announced that it was what it is - ie an apartheid society due to her illegal mandates - she exalted in this.

Such spoiled children as this cannot pay the price with any kind of honour or courage.

but the time is coming when the price will be demanded of them, either in this life or the next. but preferably in this, for the price of not enforcing law is in this matter too much for all of us

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