Yes, boys and girls. The CIA played a huge role in the JFK assassination. Only weeks before his death, JFK announced that he would end the Federal Reserve and splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces. The globalist cabal could not let that happen. They would lose control of the most powerful country on Earth. Inconceivable! It should not surprise you. Andy Jackson suffered 13 attempts on his life after stating he would end the globalist controlled private central bank. He succeeded, and inflation was essentially gone for about 100 years. It returned with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

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Indeed, Western civilization is governed by a perilous group of narcissistic leaders who endanger not only our freedom but also our survival.

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It’s becoming more and more obvious by the hour.

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Very unsettling.

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It's been obvious.

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Perhaps the time has come to remove such leaches from public possessions and put them in jail .You would think the thought of limiting free speech would get the press all standing up in one voice against such evils.

Instead, the press has become the voice of whomever pays the most.

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The press is part of the machine. And whose is going to remove the leaches? The entire Federal gov are the leaches.

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The 15 stages of denial among recipients

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Nice article. Thanks 🙏🏼

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West Point Class of '86. Caution. Extreme Caution.

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I have long thought that someone let T know that there were lines he was not to cross and that if he did he would be killed and the threat was credible. Gen. Milley is known to have committed treasonous acts, making him one I suspected to be apart of this. Perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised that Pompeo is an active part of the deep state, but I am. I liked him. Thought he was very supportive of T and his policies.

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Agreed, very disappointing. I saw him speak live at an event in Hershey, PA, and was impressed. I had planned to come home and purchase his book but never did. And now I'm glad about that.

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I was thinking that he would be a good VP. Not now.

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