I hope not again. The country can’t take another 4 years of corruption and feckless leadership.

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Only 4? It took Russia 74 … and not for long.

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First, they were brazen ... and when they faced no consequences for being so brazen, they must have concluded, "Hey, we can be even more brazen next time." So I think Tucker's absolutely right.

The problem is too many citizens comply or obey our superiors and rulers. Not enough citizens have "true grit."


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blind pols leading trusting blinded

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The US Government has already been conquered and Americans are waking up to it, slowly at first. Everything the US Government has promoted and supported and done recently, especially since the fall of 2019, has been a direct methodical assault on all that makes America strong and Americans strong and proud. They are actively busy making way for the globalists' fantasy hellscape great rugpull.

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Correct. Wee have been captured...

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Goes way back, as in MUCH further. A somewhat good starting point is research CFR history; airhead Wilson and his CFR aid, House, is a good start point.

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Yes....but it wasn't until recently that the government declared enmity against America's own white male citizenry.

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They are actively trying to start a civil war, so they have legal reasons to lock everyone up.

Don't fall for it, people. Focus on "Irish Democracy". Do nothing to help them imprison people. Follow the law carefully. Point out when they break the laws by using the laws against them.

Turn the tables!!

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There isn’t going to be one per Pascal Najadi (neutralswiss) on Rumble. His dad was one of the founders of WEF but left because he didn’t like the direction it was going. He was later assassinated.

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This begs history. :)

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You have the choice of watching his videos and see what he says.

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Garland and the other communist lackeys are traitors pure & simple.

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Merrick Garland seems to have gone off the rails after Senate Republicans refused to consider his appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court in the waning days of the Obama administration. It appears he is trying to destroy America as revenge for being thwarted in his lust for greater power.

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His character is way too dark to have ever been benign. He has a lust for defiling the US Constitution and the citizens who uphold it that sends chills down my spine every time I hear him speak. Chilling. Absolute sicko.

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Absolutely the NWO, Bilderbergs, UN will do possible to stop the rebirth of our American Culture. Enemies or both organized and UNORGANIZED. Latter is our VERY family members that have no personal time or initiative to study the factors presenting for our take down. THAT IS WHY I WANT YOU TO STOP JAMMING TRUMP ON THE FAKE mRNAs!

Consider: all my family members are vaxxed, including extended. All have deified Pharma depravity decades ago. The very MOMENT Trump would declare mRNAs are deadly: all will hold that concept AGAINST TRUMP.

Do you get the above? Trump knows what he's doing, He learned politics the hard way and continues to battle. SHUT UP about his mRNA points, as in linking his name as support. All about saving our American asses and politics, at this point, MUST BE PLAYED OUT.

Damn hard head. :)

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disagree 100%

Truth is out on the jabs. Trump sticking to the script paints him/outs him as controlled opposition. Period.

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Of course. The sad thing is you all are too afraid to do anything about it.

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What would you do to solve the problem?

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Tyrants can only rule if we let them... My end goal is to unite everyone, so we can work together to fix these issues.

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