She’s a wef darling…my spidey senses are tingling…

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so no go? remember we are just debating...

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Are you for the WEF now PA?

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Her connection to the WEF is peripheral and past. These commentators think they know better than Trump but he is not them. He is a winner and he has her on his short list for a reason.

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HE is the SWAMP, which is all he knows. Executive order to speed up quackscenes in 2019, banned bump stocks, violating the 2nd , operation warp speed, to turn over authority to the military kill machine, squashed investigation into quackscenes and accepted 500k from.pfizer="the father of quackscenes." Set up the people for j6 insurrection. And there's rumor he converted to judiasm to show allegiance to mossad overlords. Now partnering with a fellow w e f democrat, what could possibly go wrong?! Lol

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Even if all you say is correct he is still the best the US has ever produced. He was hated by McCain and is hated by Romney, Paul Ryan, the Bush crime family, both Cheneys, Pelosi, Schiff, ISIS and Nikki Haley. That's a pretty good endorsement.

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Hyenas hate jackals, too, but does that make jackals any less of predators? There’s always infighting at the top; that doesn’t change the basic nature of the players, though.

By dating Trump is the best president this country ever produced, are you putting him ahead of George Washington? Thomas Jefferson? James Madison, etc.? That seems like a bit of a stretch.

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Still with CFR, last I checked. WEF=CFR

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I imagine that some of the YGL graduates thought going to that 'school' would be a positive on their resumes. Tom Cotton and Dan Crenshaw have it on theirs. Some may later have rued the earlier decision, but cannot remake their history.

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True. But they have shown their true colors.

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Your wef = WEF ( World Economic Forum) or Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF)?

She is not Klaus Schwab & Co.'s darling...

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Reinforces my growing suspicion that Trump himself is covert WEF and his “persecution” as an “outsider” is just theater to fool us. His family name is Drumpf’s and they’re wealthy old stock from Bavaria. The Donald and his sidekicks like Mnuchin are ultra wealthy insiders, possibly Zionists (so I’ve heard, haven’t verified yet), and Trump’s decision to move the American embassy to Jerusalem is very suspicious to me. Is he an active member off the Zionist clan attempting to provoke some sort of “end times” crisis with the Red Heifer sacrifice coming up? I’m not one for Christian religion and iconography, but the whole thing with Trump so bamboozling the evangelicals and all that I can’t help but notice parallels with Christian admonitions that there will be false prophets at the end times, the war between Gog and Magog, blah, blah. Trump is seeming more and more like a false prophet antichrist to me, and I’m not prone to think about things in such a light. My guess at this time is that there are going to be a LOT of people taken in and extremely disappointed when they discover he’s not who he says he is.

He’s already given us four years of clues that he’s not to be trusted. I hope his followers wake up in time. Maybe there’s no actual “Armageddon” coming, and the Christians have no lock on truth. But he’s going to be a disappointing disaster nonetheless.

Same with our other “choices”, of course. I think I’m just going to sit this election out.

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It's ALL theater! Smart move. Elections are fake. Jist one hollow campaign slogan after another. "HOPE," Make Ameroca great again," "build, back, better," "safe & effective." It's always the opposite of what they say. They're all indtallrd. Unless you think it's coincidence...


The end times are near and the Bible, the ONLY truth trlls us not to put our faith in man.

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Yep. Fake, fake, fake, just like the Federal Reserve notes (which we erroneously call “money”) that funds their campaigns. Not one- not one - has a plan or commitment to strike down the central banks, which are the roots of our current problems. Our Founders warned us about the central banks. No candidate who refuses to take on the beating heart of the monster is serious.

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If four years of Trump at the helm and four more years of Trump martyrdom left you on the fence, you are not discerning.

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“Martyrdom”. You hit the key element right there. Think about the story being co-created by Trump/Drumpf and his “enemies”. Compare his fight over money with Jesus’s fight over your soul. Notice any deep resemblances?

I’m not religious, but I see the close mythic parallel. The unique ability to reinact that myth in the flesh is what makes Trump/Drumpf so powerful. It’s also what makes me say Trump/Drumpf is a false prophet. If calling out the fakery of a charismatic, narcissistic money and power grubber who wants you to believe he’s your savior makes me non-discerning, well, then, we’ll just have to disagree on what discernment is.

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Your nomenclature pegs you as having prejudged Trump. BumblingBee says, "I hate the man Drumpf; no crime is too outlandish for me to imagine he perpetrated." TDS has damaged your critical thinking. Good luck recovering from what has become a chronic injury.

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Translation: “ I have no counter argument based on facts, logic or evidence and I lack the courage to think beyond the box that’s been constructed for me. So I’ll just retreat into the comfort of known and familiar distress in order to avoid the risk of having to adapt to NEW distress (but possibly growth, as well). I resent having my box challenged so I’ll call names to the person who disturbs the band- aid covering my current fear and pretend that’s settled the issue”. There. Fixed it for you.

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You're the one pretending to consider if Trump is a plant, a false prophet. That fake thoughtfulness is just a facade on your part. Debate would be a waste of time, for both of us. Carry on.

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Sitting it out is not a decision. If you don't have an alternative, say nothing to begin. Not making a decision is making a decision.

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Yes, it IS a decision. A very clear decision to not give my assent to being tricked and abused by agreeing to support any candidate whom I have reason to think is bad or duplicitous.

Here’s how the game works from the elites’ perspective: they do whatever it takes - lies, pressure, hypnosis, deceit, torture or what have you - to get you to think in certain ways and perform certain acts of their pleasure and choosing. Once you’ve done the deed, well, they think you’ve now accepted the burden of karma and they can skip out of punishment because, well, YOU ecentually “chose” to do it! So whatever happens as a result isn’t THEIR fault!

Therefore, if I feel that if I knowingly assent to any of the candidates they have selected for me to vote for, or who are running “independently” but belong to their “big club that I ain’t in”, then I have participated in the deception. I have voluntarily allowed them to abuse me. Why would I do that? Why would I give them the satisfaction of thinking that they hurt me and got away with it scot free? If NONE of the candidates are honest and qualified, then why should I (or anyone else) voluntarily give my assent to be ruled by ANY of them?

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Biden will be very happy if others think like you because it makes you very useful to him. Your vote will not be against him. He is actually worse than Ramaswamy.

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ha ha ha

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If Biden and Trump are actually on the same team (big club) that rules from far above the White House, then what have any of us accomplished by voting for one team member over another?

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Silence is complicity.

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Trump has WEF ties. , but the rest of your screed is false and despicable!

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Oh, come ON! Put even just a BIT of effort into researching your candidate! And risk thinking outside the box that authority has constructed for you. I’m not asserting that my speculation is “TRUTH”, but where there’s smoke, a prudent person investigated for the possibility of fire.

Look at it this way: you want to not risk being a gravely disappointed person, right? So do some die diligence before wholeheartedly committing. If that’s a sun, maybe question who you worship.

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No one? Tucker Carlson, Lara Trump, Ron Paul, Laura Ingraham , Prager, Root, Horowitz, Rogan,

She turned RFK Jr down. I like him. Who do you propose? Both parties are awful. The Dems are a death cult and the GOP are the barely waking dead. Do you want another Pence? Tulsi attracts Gen Z, minorities, suburban women… the votes the GOP doesn’t attract, nor do they make any effort. 30% of Americans now identify as Independent and are disgusted with the choices given.

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I’ve learned to expect disappointment, sadly. The entire system is corrupt .

For the record, I don’t “ worship” any person. I’m trying to be pragmatic. I’m terrified of another Dem win. The Republicans are handing it to them.

Given my druthers, the closest to perfect president would withdraw from the UN/WHO/WEF/Bilderberg, ban NGOs, abolish the CIA/Fed/Dept of Education/FISA/FBI/DIH/ Patriot Act on Day One. But it ain’t gonna happen.

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1 party, 2 names. That's the game.

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Yep, I hear you! My candidate would be the same. But my candidate can’t be found among the current lineup.

My thought is that since the WEF, etc. knows that many people don’t like what they see, they’re offering us a fake refuge in Trump. (With his full cooperation, of course, because for him it’s a way to “get his”). The agreed-upon script is to make him look like the hero, the Jesus figure or at least the lesser of several evils, and those who needed an escape will drag that Trojan horse back inside the walls of the White House. The faithful will discover their error too late.

There’s nothing wrong with refusing to vote when the choices selected for you are all predators. If nobody qualifies, why would you give your assent to the unqualified? Then the elites can point their fingers at you and claim “Well, you AGREED to our plan! You VOTED for it!” In their minds, they then absolve themselves of karma, even though they used deception and trickery to get their way. You fell for it, after all. ISo, the burden is on your. I don’t think that’s the way it actually works, but who wants to give them the satisfaction of thinking they win? Not me!

Bottom line, I think Trump/Drumpf has shown enough questionable stuff to be suspected until proven innocent. So that is how I will treat him. And I don’t give my assent to suspects. At the top, there are no D’s or R’s, only parasites. So, I will focus not on helping any parasite land office, but rather on surviving whichever parasite gets elected by those who assent to be preyed upon. I invite others to do the same.

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I kinda doubt that.

Again, will you vote for Biden?

Trump gave us a strong economy and peace.

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gave more than that...hope for tomorrow...he gave black Americans ability to chose jobs and a chance...Biden put them back on the plantation...that Obama set in place.

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Four more years of the same and we don’t have a country. The choice is very easy.

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You’re assuming that Trump is a genuine alternative. Please say why, and present evidence.. I thought the wool would have fallen from peoples’ eyes when he completely dropped the”Lock Her Up” on his friend Killary once he was in office, but the faithful see exactly what they want to see.

Unfortunately, they often don’t get what they want to get.

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Trump’s “strong economy” was built entirely on expanding the national debt, just as Reagan’s was. And God knows what sort of accounting tricks the Clintons used to “balance” the budget. They’re ALL liars and thieves.

They’re also playing 3-D chess while the muppets are gawking, trying to wrap their heads around how to maneuver thru a game of checkers. They can’t even “see” the chess board for what it is because their minds function in only two dimensions.

Honestly, I can’t figure out how Drumpf supporters can be as dense as Biden sheeple, but I guess neither figurehead of the duality has a lock on lazy thinking or cult of personality. In your particular case, what was it about my mention that I’m probably going to sit this election out because I feel that nobody is worth voting for, that makes you wonder if I’m going to vote for Biden? Do you just stop listening and start making assumptions as soon as you hear that somebody doesn’t like Trump? Is that how you make up your mind on political matters?

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Bottom line. You vote for Biden, you waste a vote with RFK (assuming he doesn't drop out), you waste a vote writing-in, you lay out altogether, or it's Trump. Wasted vote, no vote, the party of psychopaths, or Trump. At this juncture, are you actually willing to make perfect the enemy of good?

Clear enough for you?

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I’m alleging that Trump (Drumpf) may be of the same elitist cabal as the rest. And possibly a Zionist, to boot. Remember the firestorm he created by moving America’s embassy to Jerusalem? Was it just to “be nice to Israel”? Or for other reasons? A case can be made for other reasons. His TS Steve Mnuchin has been alleged to be a Zionist. That makes me suspicious. Go look up the history of the Khazarian Jews and Zionism,l; the sinking of the Lusitania and the deal made with the British to steal Palestine and found Israel in its place; the upcoming Sacrifice of the Red Heifer (planned for this Passover), and the moving of the American consulate to Jerusalem. Then do some research on the 100 most wealthy and powerful families in the world (hint: search for the name Drumpf in there). Tell me what the picture begins to suggest to you.

Oh, and throw in the history of the Ben Gurion Canal, as well. It gets interesting, doesn’t it?

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so tell me, who would you put up? who can do the job?

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You wrote a novel - and didn't address my point, which was very succinct and simple. I won't be replying further.

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I can add sources to my comments but I'm not gonna waste my time on a child who doesn't have the decency to spell his fken name right. Grow the fk up!!!

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I like...and Ryan destroyed the first 2 years Trump had...and 4th was COVID...to judge Trump, we need to grasp he did the good in 1 year, year 3

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Thst actually is the family name, lol. Good Lord, csreful with your tongue, esp when you're wrong.

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OK, show your evidence! And while you’re at it, please also debunk all the photos of Drumpf and Killary schmoozing together at swanky social events, and the known social ties between them. I’ll wait.

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OK, for the THIRD time, his family’s actual name is Drumpf, and they’re old, powerful money from Bavaria. Among the world’s most influential people; elites. But he doesn’t want you to know that. Nor that his family and the Clintons are good friends who go way back, and that’s why he never “locked her up” and exposed her crimes.

I have yet to meet one Drumpf supporter who will admit that he completely and utterly failed to do what he clearly promised, ran his campaign on, and obviously curried the will of the people to do. Will you be the first?

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Is that so?

What the fk is a drumpf?

I can't debate seriously with an idiot.

So I have a question that I ask often, who are you going to vote for? Will you vote for traitor Joe?

Just to be clear, Trump built a strong economy while slowing the debt clock. Remember cupcake, congress really controls the purse strings.

In his first 3 years in office 2 trillion was added to the debt, mostly to appease the left wing traitors. In obanas first 2 years there was almost 6 trillion added to the debt. Now look at Biden he has added over 6 trillion to the debt. Please spare me your lame talking points.

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Ummmm…… better look more closely at how the numbers are calculated. Everything isn’t counted out in the open like you think it is. For example, the 200+ billion in the Exchange Stabilization Find that Drumpf (that is his family’s real name, they’re old wealth from Bavaria as I explained in my first post which you obviously read in great haste because you were so quick to take offense when you sensed I was challenging your idol), very quietly put his buddy T S Mnuchin in charge of just before he left office, disappeared. Just vanished. And nobody ever investigated. Why? That was your money as well as mine, are you so co-dependent that you don’t care about possibly being ripped off? Or do you think that such a maneuver was entirely legit? Would you have accepted Biden or Reagan orBush or Clinton doing that? If not, why excuse Trump?

There was an interesting article entitled “Congratulations, Mr. Trump”’ina little blog called www.economicswatchdog.com. It explained how Trump and his family figured out how to make the entire American economy their personal piggy bank using asset/liability management strategies. You should read it and learn something about how this guy operates instead of substituting your feelings for his thinking. And for mine, too. Where do you get off accusing me of wanting to vote for Biden? Oh, right, your two-dimensional mind contemplating checkers while I’m trying to teach you some rules about 3-D chess. I might as well beMr. Spock trying to teach a tribble.

Unfortunately, Drumpf is a modern PT Barnum and you’re one of his suckers. But you still have the opportunity to change and think things through and investigate in more depth so you can make a more informed decision. I wish you’d take it.

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From 2009 to 2012 we added $4,156,412,403,974 to our debt.

From 2017 to 2019 we added $2,474,501,737,380 to our debt.

From 2021 to 2023 we added $4,738,415,474,674 to our debt.

Trump slowed the debt clock compared to the dem admins that surrounded him.


2008 last year of bush's term $10,024,724,896,912.49 total term % increase 76%

2016 obama's last year $19,573,444,713,936.79 total term % increase 95.3%

Rising wages above inflation:



Lowest poverty rate on record:


The official poverty rate in 2019 was 10.5%, a decrease of 1.3 percentage points from 11.8% in 2018. The 2019 poverty rate

of 10.5% is the lowest rate observed since estimates were initially published for 1959. The number of people in poverty in

2019 was 34.0 million, 4.2 million fewer people than 2018.

This is what we got from obama:


A new study by economists from Harvard and Princeton indicates that 94% of the 10 million new jobs created during the Obama era were temporary

positions. The study shows that the jobs were temporary, contract positions, or part-time "gig" jobs in a variety of fields.

Female workers suffered most heavily in this economy, as work in traditionally feminine fields, like education and medicine, declined during the

era. The research by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University shows that the proportion of workers

throughout the U.S., during the Obama era, who were working in these kinds of temporary jobs, increased from 10.7% of the population to 15.8%.

Under Trump:


The black unemployment rate fell to 5.9% in May — the lowest since the government started keeping track in 1972.

It's a notoriously volatile number, but the trend is clear: This economy is strong, and everyone is reaping the rewards.

"The jobs market is firing on all pistons. It is benefiting all workers," said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens Bank. "There are more jobs to be had for all Americans."

Under Trump:


Under obama....Trump inherited this weak economy:


The November jobs report looked pretty good on the surface except for one number that popped off the page: 95 million.

That’s the number of Americans now counted as not in the labor force, a historic high that has confounded economists and policymakers.

The total — 95.06 million to be more exact — has been rising consistently but surged by a gaudy 446,000 last month.

The jump occurred as the U.S. economy added 178,000 jobs and the headline unemployment rate dropped sharply.

Explaining the consistent increase in those leaving the labor force is complicated, with factors divided between an aging and rapidly retiring workforce, a skills gap that leaves job openings unfilled, and the nettlesome problem of too many people who find it’s just easier to collect welfare and other transfer payments rather than go back to work.

I could do this for years.....

Meanwhile you hatred and ignorance is in plain sight for all to see...

Learn how to spell, It's Trump, not drumpf.... moron!!!

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Right on!! Imagine a WEF gal becoming president after Trump.

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Could be part of the script, install those two, fake assassination, then she's president and ee see her horns pop out and she's thr anti-christ.

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She's a Democrat. Still a Democrat. She still supported Obama as a Congressman, and she's still part of the One-Party System in Hawaii. Just because she's not current year mainstream Democrat doesn't mean she still another morally corrupt Marxist and WEF Young Global Leader alum.

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He needs to pick a Republican and clot shot lover as VP to broaden his appeal and provide balance. The jabbernator would be ideal. He's Republican and told the unjabbed to “go f*ck themselves.” He's vaxxed to the max and now has had 3 open heart surgeries and has just had a pacemaker fitted. Unfortunately he wasn't born in the US and isn't eligible.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Who Called the Unvaxxed ‘Schmucks,’ Has Pacemaker Installed After 3 Open Heart Surgeries.


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Speaking of VP picks, looks like the darling of so many here - RFK Jr - has picked a radical leftist, Shanahan, as his running mate. True colors, my friends .....true colors.

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yes, the issue is its a stupid pick, we need a VP that can lead the country...these people do not understand what a VP pick is...she bring none of what we need to the table...why did he chose her we may ask?

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He picked her to express his bonafides, IMO, since he can't overtly declare who he is; he lets his choice for VP say it for him.

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And for the huge cash infusion she can provide. She bought her selection as VP running mate by paying for RFK Jr's $4.5 million Super Bowl campaign ad.

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She's as hard left as they come, too. Saves him from exposing his own self, lets it come through her. He just blew any Republicans' support ( well except, for hard-core Never Trumpers)

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He needs the money. And he's marking time.

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SHE IS WEF, even graduated from their “ School “ . Pics were everywhere.

Come on. Do your homework. Check out she and her dad on HI with their Masonic Ministry and speeches !

Do you think there are conservatives from Hi ?


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She is for collecting all guns, she did not support him when the election was stolen, she is WEF. How many red flags do you need?

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PA trying to raise his comment numbers! Must be a contest going on for a $ 1.00/comment.

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No I can't go there at all. Not a fan and don't trust her.

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Bigtime Israel backer. How could anybody want the US to continue the "special alliance"? This term means "Under Israel's thumb". You want?

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She is a liberal.

She voted along party lines most of the time.

She wants power. Not to be trusted.

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And just FOUR years ago she gushed that Biden - a lying, grifting, corrupt empty suit for decades - would govern with the "spirit of aloha". I'm sure you recall that nauseating video.

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IMO Dr Alexander there isn’t any democrat or republican party’s anymore. All I see are “Communists” and “Patriots”! And certainly the right verses left BS won’t change anytime soon.

Simply look at what’s happening in America today and there isn’t anymore “Democrats or Republicans”. It’s become so obvious today. Take it for what it’s worth, IMO the “Patriots” in America should now start calling the other side for what they are, communists!


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good post...we need take back out land

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The republican party is no more what it should be , a pro vaccine big Pharma party, a little better than the woke democrats. I listened to the speech of the Kennedy's vice president, it makes me think, and many of you guys out there it makes you think as well. The world must change, and not just in America.

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“The world must change, and not just in America”.

I agree with your last statement Paul which is why I started my reply with it above.

Something I learned a couple of weeks ago was, how many western countries are all “protesting” nearly identical policies at nearly the same time. Whether it’s in Denmark or UK or Canada. What’s alarming is why? America is the target, take America out and the rest fall like dominos.

It doesn’t matter the protesters they’re all choreographed sort of speak and happen nearly every time within a week or less of each other. The list of asinine, insane changes such as medical disinformation or transgender indoctrination, the lists are seemingly endless. Why?

MSM outlets don’t report on the protests in Denmark while protesting is happening in America at the same time.

As your last statement said and I copied above, that’s exactly what’s happening. The globalist are working in unison with each western country to deliberately destroy from within. The changes aren’t for you or I or anyone else. Only the elite globalist, they’ll have filet mignon while we’ll be having crickets for breakfast lunch and dinner!

I’m not sure how we can change what’s be set in motion and so well funded and filled with “useful idiots” doing the street work. Same way BLM and Antifa ruined Seattle and Portland during the “summer of love” BS!

I do pray more people step up and literally into the fire. That’s what’s needed to try and counter this nonsensical, destructive and despicable behavior orchestrated and funded by the WEF, Soros BlackRock, etc.


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I grew up under communism, tell you this, what is happening in the last 4 years is more frightening than the communists I knew.

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Good God Paul, I’m no historian but I have been blessed with a great sense of right and wrong. My intuition you could say and i sense, as you’ve stated, what’s happening will be far worse than any communist state. I’m haven’t figured out to the exact level , but I feel it deeply.

“For the time is but short here on earth and we can only help to make it the best for everyone”!

Sadly, we have an overwhelming amount of people who believe “The End Justifies the Means”!

I don’t know to what end, thank you Paul for your post.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Living under the Czechoslovakian communists was not as bad like N. Korea which is far worse than America today. What is shocking is the cancer on America, the left wing woke. What is happening today and not just USA, but other western places , it borders with a mental illness of some kind. This is frightening.

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Amazingly Paul, 3 recently peer reviewed psychological studies have now confirmed the so called “Left Wing” political ideology is completely mentally deranged! The study includes personality disorder, narcissistic schizophrenia, etc! There’s an entire spectrum of mental disorders associated with the leftist political people and people who believe in the leftist ideology! Literally we can say that “these people are nuts”! It’s actually dangerous and very destructive when you realize how deranged the left side of the political spectrum is!


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Haven't posted in a while.

Tulsi would probably be the best choice to win additional support among moderate independents and somewhat conservative Dems.

Trump has been moving more to the center, as Gov DeSantis has repeatedly pointed out.

However, RFK and his liberal running mate will hope Republicans even more, as he takes support from minorities who normally vote Democrat but don't like Biden.

The problem would be after 4 yrs, I wouldn't want her to be POTUS.

Would Trump be able to abandon Gabbard in favor of DeSantis?

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very good post.

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He needs Gabbard. We need Gabbard!

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No Gail, we don't.


Just FOUR years ago, NOT 20 years ago, she stated that Biden - a lying, grifting, corrupt career politician - would govern "with the spirit of aloha". She's a political climbing snake, no different than Nikki Haley.

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Trump is leading Biden by a lot in all swing states but with Tulsi on the ticket his win would be even more substantial. Would he abandon her in 4 yes in favor of DeSantis. No way. He's not stupid. DeSantis is unelectable. DeSantis caused Trump to divert resources away from taking the fight upto Biden. Trump hasn't forgotten and neither have his supporters. DeSantis blew his chances for 2028.

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I think Trump should choose Gabbard, it would be a shocker for many as Kennedy did with his running mate for a vice president. I did not expected that. Why Kennedy did not choose Gabbard? Why? Because his vice president choice is not a globalist, is anti Big Pharma, oppose what is done to our foods , soil, oppose 5G , and freaking vaccines that caused her daughter autism.

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And could never handle the job if the deep state gets to RFK, jr.

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Absolutely Not qualified in any manner. Agree Dordas60 WEF bi….

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Did really Trump learn something from his first term? I don’t think so.

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Enough with the Tulsi/WEF crap. How many times does she have to repeat herself? For the record, Elise Stefanik, Tom Cotton, Nikki Haley , Nick Ayres , POS Kinzinger, Kadlec and Ivanka are REALLY WEF!

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And no one is seriously proposing them for VP, see how that works.

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Two democrat posers

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Democrats don't like her much, so not like we are going to get a huge defection for her. Democrats who are going to vote for Trump are already determined.

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