Oh look father. Foolish sheeple welcoming the religion of pieces to their nation who show gratitude by raping and murdering.

Meanwhile police, the injustice CYSTem and delusional dupes defend terrorists and scapegoat responsible citizens, right tavarres?

<Read this. I know exactly what happened here.


This article has two words in it that exposes the two responsible for the deaths of officers,. Those words are ALCOHOL AND DRUGS.

In a country where fake leaders like turdo and his ASSministration that declares liquor and beer stores essential services and legalizes what every crime squad officer I talked to is the worst gateway drug ever, (weed) it is no wonder the state of moral decline all western nations suffer.

I have talked to many who agree with me that the real problem is fake leaders like turdo, biDUMB, ovomit, macron, merkel, etc.

Two officers were killed because a man was influenced by drugs and alcohol. Turdo is a f*cking fool and enemy of all that is good as are biDUMB, ovomit and the others I have mentioned. The best thing for all western nations would be for its wokist wanker leaders to join the lemmings and throw themselves off a high cliff to their demise. Many are enemies of all that is good.

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I need my cup of coffee and to read this...

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there is much sage in this

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You should read about Gladio. Most terror attacks are false flag to justify police and intelligence agencies getting more power and money.

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I can agree with that too...

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Complete with its "no-go" zones for the Belgian authorities much like in Malmö, Sweden, as I understand it.

The collective West is committing economic, cultural, societal, and political suicide with every passing day.

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I have been to Malmö, Sweden, in 2008 when I was posted to Europe Denmark as a regional epidemiologist for WHO Geneva...I had gotten a post with WHO (to work in Poland, Ukraine, Turkey, Russia country nations of WHO) stationed in Copenhagen...during my time there I travelled to the surrounding nations...when I went to Sweden and arrived by train to Malmö, Sweden, I thought as I came off the train that I was in Yemen...it was in 2008, go check now and it was scary...the jihadi islamist medieval feral animal raped and stabbed their way across Europe...while I was there in Denmark was when there were the bombings if you recall...you got to understand that the islamist terrorists got scared of COVID too and locked down...he is now agitating and coming back out and meeting his brothers and sisters, new arrivals due to Obama and Biden..we have lots of pain and death ahead of us due to these 2...

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Heart Wrenching that there can EVEN be "locations" of terror like this on this planet in this day and age!!!!!!

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the who is who go there to 'finish'

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The cause are corrupt leaders who have sh*t for brains and ASSministrations with the same malady.

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WHO is a terrorist training school in the European Viking regions Iceland Greenland Sweeden Belgium have a breeding ground of parasites. Enough get ride of the parasites yesterday yet euro union will tell them to keep adding them to their countries. The countries way of life language are being stripped away lets impose jihad to them they don't comply with host country take them over. This is a hostile takeover of the european countries declare war against them they are not refugees why don't they fight against those who have harmed them. War is declared against the countries that they went to; send them back right now. Take those whom harm the innocent they declared war upon us when people whom never worked here a day in their life keep speaking their native language draining our state country dry further and further in debt. They do not migrate legally or respect anything of our country remove them. Please migrate legally or go home and come back in the right manner. Stop the free border secure it. No criminals, mentally insane, or jihist whom kill because they don't conform to your belief system. No murder in changing people to your religion.

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I recall reading several years ago Muslims have planned (for quite some time) to dominate every nation.

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the debate is complicated by the fact that we want immigrants, but only those who benefit us...it makes sense...what we are getting does not benefit us, they drain the social system and make their own enclaves within our nations...and do damage...I am an immigrant originally...many I know...we are the types who came to educate ourselves, develop, and find ways to give back and live peacefully and give to our homes and protect it...have families etc. many who come today come to rape, kill, steal, take, destroy...make here their own shit hole and hell hole...period....

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