Bannon was imprisoned to silence him...the warrior and truth speaker he is! Navarro too...

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By now we've all seen the words, "Joe Biden must resign!" many times. I totally disagree.

Joe Biden must be *prosecuted* and harshly *sentenced* for his plethora of treasonous crimes!

Criminals MUST pay for their crimes or they will NEVER stop. Why is that so hard to grasp?

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Bannon and Navarro. Two of the most ethical men in their fields. One, Bannon, Journalism and Political Analysis.

Dr. Navarro, Public Health and Scientific Analysis.

Are we kidding ourselves?

And these American Heroes are in jail ?

Keep Shouting Paul !!

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As more people start stepping forward- it is becoming more apparent the the authorities had the

gunman “pegged” on the roof minutes before the shooter began firing, if the=is is som then there is something very wrong here-\ , were they waiting for the gunman to take out the president before they killed him or were they totally fuckups-?

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The latter choice seems clear. Waiting was not an option but that is exactly what they did.

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Plus bomb making equipment in his car -Apparently no registration or insurance info in the car

How could the parents not know something was very wrong here-no doubt the ATF will do it’s

bombmaking investigation and we should know more in the near term

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Or "someone" placed bomb-making equipment in his car after his death.

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Why did it have an Arizona license plate?

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That is very interesting ms Karen indeed, why would a native of Pa have a vehicle with AZ liscense ?--the more i am hearing leads me to believe we have some “roaches” in the woodwork-we need to run all of these leads down- the media has not reported much of these newer allegations-we need to singe some media asses

to get them off their duffs!

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Don’t forget, the judge was supposed to sentence PDjT on July 11, and delayed it, and for what reason? Food for thought.

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Just musing - what if the kid was mk ultra'd and Buydem's bulls eye phrase was a trigger "it's time to do this"...

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This was a PLANNED ASSASSIN by DOJ, FBLie, CIA and Executive branch!!!! Planned! This illegitimate corrupt mafia occupying DC. Along with K Street! The media! I blame them all! Along with Obama in his basement scif! Obama running his corrupt partners in crime from his basement!

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sickening too how matter-of-factly the presstitutes have been talking about 'wHaT hApPeNs If TrUmP dIeS' for a couple years now... clearly predictive programming, and you can see how they would salivate over the prospect... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/are-they-preparing-to-assassinate

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Pease of stuff liberals! Disgusting and purposely destroying our county

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Right on target. MY Friend! 😘

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Jul 14Edited

Roger Stone had better be watching his back. That is a worrisome possibility.

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There is no greater hate in America today than for traitor joe. #Fjb #EndAPECnow #DefundTyranny #APECresultedInC19AndmRNABioweapons #FuckUdeepState

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