Living here in Australia, the only clue to this story is the number of “positions vacant “ signs empty shops & streets with only about 20 something days to Christmas. It’s not talked about, even between those closest to us. Whispers and echoes exist but I haven’t heard them.

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In Australia in the state of Victoria there was a general election on the weekend. After five lockdowns including the world's longest lockdown, the people voted for more of the same. Stockholm Syndrome to be sure but the government campaigned on the basis that lockdowns had "saved thousands of lives." If that’s true, which I don't believe, then something other than lockdowns must be causing the excess mortality. Gee, I wonder what it could be. It's baffling.

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Hark.... who cometh?


I come visiting disease and death upon the MORE-ONS who injected the rat juice.

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Thanks for all of the work that you do!

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Dr. Paul, if the sick officials are still using the corrupt PCR testing, then the estimate cases are just that = an estimate?

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Of course they are - have been for years

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According to the AEC - nothing to see here. Apparently Dan declared he’d won the seat with 50%conted. Another caller to the station claimed this happened every election, and that it’s normal. What else is normal?

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My guess - the vast majority. It’s not about blame or lack of interest. Most people are busy trying to survive pay mortgages raise kids. We’ve been socially engineered for years. Women’s lib was more about getting women into the workforce to pay tax. The bonus was they were then obliged to use childcare and “ early childhood learning”. This allows the state to raise you kids brainwashing them with the current woke ideologyies instead of the family values morals and ethics of families.It’s called cultural Marxism. And so much for women’s liberation, now they are trying to erase women.

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Ever since the UN started especially the Lima Agreement in 1975, and Agenda 2030, I believe signed in 1982. It hasn’t mattered who you vote for in a “democracy” we all have a shadow government. Try reading those agreements and watch videos on the Lucis Trust on YouTube. The UN was created by Masons .

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The tests don't have the ability to diagnose disease. Like masks, we'll continue to pretend they work.

South Africa shut down their testing centers in ca. Jun 2022.

Japan is an avid tester. Officials encourage their people to do rapid ones at home. Up until early Oct, they required international visitors to quarantine for 14 days and be tested every day. Removing this restriction greatly increased foreign visitors and may be the reason their case numbers have been rising. Hospitalizations have been under 300/day and deaths around 100/day for a population of ca. 124 million.

The UK has not had individual testing since ca. April 2022.

They shifted over to doing a random sampling. Australia is an avid tester and also reports at home ones. They had a nasty flu season during their fall/winter. More recently some residents have brought back respiratory illness picked up from abroad. A couple cruise ships docked with many having positive results. Both of these countries are in their fourth wave of COVID for this year.

Something respiratory has been going around. Some have been calling it or testing as the flu, some for cold, some for RSV, and others for COVID. Eye, ear, nasal, and throat infections have been going on. Some have said they or their kids have had multiple times. Any of these can be reactions from various shots or something else.

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" . . . the pandemic will never end once we keep these vaccines going?"

The pandemic may not end EVER because it is getting so good at "immune escape" in all of the "vaccinated". AND if it does end, it might not be until a large majority of all those who received active RNA or DNA genetic material in their shots die off! Which, unfortunately will most likely not be terribly long. It seems unlikely that those who actually got injected (some of the shots were probably inactivated or had no genetic material) will live a normal life span. Perhaps the injected children will die off within twenty or thirty years at most? And many of the adults even sooner? That's the problem: nobody has any idea!

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