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In the USA our insane Faux (p)resident & Fauci, CDC & FDA want to inject babies as young as 6 months old! I read somewhere that something like 18% are getting it. 🥺 I guess not enough word has gotten out.

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I suspect when the parents look on their dead 3 year old's face after they gave her the injection, their doctor having told them 3 year olds die of myocarditis all the time, they will thank their lucky stars they gave their child that injection, that without it, she would have died of Covid long before...

As John Wayne wisely said: "You can't fix stupid."

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I thought Berenson showed data about a week ago that only 1-2% of kids were getting it. 1-2

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I hope you are correct.

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This is somewhat dated data by now and there are probably slightly higher percentages now.


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