What more does any vaccinated person need to see ?? We can only hope they have come to their senses and will not line up for any more even though our Canadian ‘Health’ Minister has announced one for all of us every 9 months !!!

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In the USA our insane Faux (p)resident & Fauci, CDC & FDA want to inject babies as young as 6 months old! I read somewhere that something like 18% are getting it. 🥺 I guess not enough word has gotten out.

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I suspect when the parents look on their dead 3 year old's face after they gave her the injection, their doctor having told them 3 year olds die of myocarditis all the time, they will thank their lucky stars they gave their child that injection, that without it, she would have died of Covid long before...

As John Wayne wisely said: "You can't fix stupid."

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I thought Berenson showed data about a week ago that only 1-2% of kids were getting it. 1-2

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I hope you are correct.

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This is somewhat dated data by now and there are probably slightly higher percentages now.


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Any vaccinated person is going to have to be made to understand, that they have been sold a utter lie about a non-existent pandemic, and because of that lie based on a completely undeserved trust they have willingly taken an injection that has destroyed their humanity, has transformed them into genetic chimeras and which is guaranteed to kill them -- probably in less than 3 years... And that there is now, absolutely nothing that can be done, to heal them. This is the reality of our situation Wendy: Everyone who has taken that injection -- 5.2 billion souls on this planet have done so -- will die, of resulting complications, within 3 years. No matter how carefully and gently you explain this to them, do you really think any of them can accept it?

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Very well stated ! Powerful facts.

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Who said that or Where did you read within 3 years? I saw that Dr. McCullough said 30% have sub-clinical Myocarditis (which means not even showing there is a problem yet). Sub-clinical and myocarditis means a slower death (heart failure can live for 10+ Years with) from what I understand. Am wondering bc I only have a basic understanding of Myocarditis.

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It's stuff I've gathered from a whole bunch of commentators, most of whom I suppose can be dismissed out of hand as totally sketchy at best. Br. Alexis Bugnolo of all people, first alerted me to the real dangers of these injections (https://www.bitchute.com/video/XhE4aiYdXTef/ and https://www.bitchute.com/video/iYB2hnoz8S9c/). Supposedly Luc Montagnier gave recipients 2 years after injection. Charles Hoffe MD here in British Columbia, based on what he's seen, estimates all will die of right-sided heart failure, within 3 years. Delores Cahill PhD formerly of Trinity College in Ireland guesstimates 5 - 10 years at the most. And something you’ll have to dig to learn? 2.7% of recipients are dead, within the first two weeks... (I think I got that chestnut from Peter McCullough, MD.)

I keep a blog, "Sex Diary of an Oboist" (named in honor of Colin Wilson's peculiar novel "Sex Diary of a Metaphysician", there's no sex or indelicacies in it of any kind, I promise 😇); the last 3 posts I did, talk about the Covid crapccines and potential consequences, there are lots of links, and lots of names of various researchers you can follow up on. (https://sexdiaryofanoboist.wordpress.com/) I also strongly recommend you have a look at what Steve Kirsch has to to say: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/.

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Yes, I read some of the others have made “predictions” but didn’t think they were firm. I guess it was and is TOO DIFFICULT TO FULLY BELIEVE THIS COULD HAPPEN and many people I know will be gone. I also read last week 80% of jabbed gone in six years. One aspect I was thinking about yesterday is the lack of enough medical care that will occur due to all the sickness (prob Drs. With heart failure too). That alone could spell significantly more deaths😢 I fear.

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Steve Kirsch (https://stevekirsch.substack.com/) at the moment is probably your best source for this kind of information. There are also websites like:

The Covid Blog (https://thecovidblog.com/)

Vaccine Impact (https://vaccineimpact.com/)

Vaccine Choice Canada (https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/)

Global Research (https://www.globalresearch.ca/)

and more generally:

"Off Guardian" (https://off-guardian.org/) and

The Exposé (https://expose-news.com/)

BTW? I fully expect most of the people I know to be dead in the next 2 years.. 😮

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Roy, surprised to hear 2 years. What do you base that on?

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PS Vis-a-vis your comment about Dr. McCullough? You're aware that myocarditis mortality is something like 50% of cases in 5 years? That factoid alone indicates 15% of all recipients will be dead in less than 5 years...

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Absolutely not. They will stand firm on their belief “the government has your back”.

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The government has your back, and they've just slipped a knife in.

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Actually, what has been happening in Canada and the UK - and, not to be outdone, the USA as well! - should wake up EVERY sentient citizen in ALL countries!! We are in a world war for our very lives!!

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"And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care."

-- George Carlin


I'm afraid, Joy, probably 90% of the people around you, are beyond mortal aid. George's homily is apt, but the language is pretty salty. 🤔

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The vast majority will be oblivious of this data. I know lots of UK doctors and their ignorance, or arrogance, on all of this has been eye-opening. The average person consumes whatever the MSM tells them to think.

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My Board Certified 60 something year old long practicing primary care physician (who I used to respect) is still telling me to just get the darn shot.

He says all the hospitalized patients are unjabbed. I don’t believe him. He’s paid by many big Medicare companies. He’s either in denial or a sell out.

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We had a couple of top ICU Consultants in Wales claim, a few months back, that their ICUs were full of unjabbed. But a chap who used to work for the UK office of National Ststistics quickly looked at the actual data and found that what the consultants were saying was not true. One consultant quickly deleted his twitter and the second suddenly could not remember where she got her information from. What a surprise.

So why did they make such false claims? Because they had drunk the kool-aid? Or were they 'encouraged' to make such statements? Cannot trust them.

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Here in Canada, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario sent their members a broadcast letter, telling them to comply with the official "Covid" narrative or face disciplinary action. I'm going to consult with, never mind trust, a health care practitioner who has been ordered by their governing body to lie, on pain of losing his/her licence? I don't think so.

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Makes me so angry I just want to scream. These 'people' have blood on their hands. I never wished anything bad on anyone, but in this case I hope they go to hell.

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There's a third option - he's a moron.

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Professional training does seem to have a detrimental effect on common sense and critical thinking, at the very least..

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I read here about the nurse who said it often shows on page 3-4 of a medical record online (in an often crappy slow system) whether a person is jabbed so most docs assume they are not jabbed unless it shows on the first page. Also, unless they are jabbed at the same hospital system (most aren’t) it will not show up on the first page of the medical record.

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Jul 12, 2022
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"Withholding information or telling people they can’t talk about things outside of work" is indeed a lie: It's called "lying by omission." In my opinion, it's the worst kind of lie.

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Possibly resigning is preferable to being tried for Crimes Against Humanity.

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Them's the break!

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Most Canadian provinces stopped publishing data when things stopped looking "ok" for the vaxx despite the fact they were manipulating the data to begin with (I've written extensively on that). Such transparency.

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God bless you, Jestre! And keep shining the light of truth into ALL the dark crevices across the Canadian landscape, under the watchful eye of your modern-day dictator, Justine Trudope!!

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Let's not forget, most of those deaths could have been avoided if early treatment protocols were in place. Many people, particularly in politics, health bureaucracy, medical professions and media have a lot of blood on their hands.

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Dr. John Campbell released a presentation on YouTube.. "1,300 too many people per week in England and Wales are dying at the moment - we don't know why. It is NOT Covid-related" (?!?😳)(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f45S6vmQgA&t=1s)

How he could make a statement like that, I found absolutely stunning... Until I figured it out.. He has spent his lifetime involved in Orthodox Medicine. To come to grips with the depths of betrayal involved in the Covid-19 Fraudemic, to understand just exactly WHAT these mRNA so-called vaccines truly are, what they're intended to do, the true motivations of the incarnate demons behind this obscenity... He's just not capable of grasping it, because the evil involved is so monstrous, it can only be described as Satanic.. 🤔

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I have been tuning in to Dr. Campbell's videos for quite a while - less often, recently. He has been, seemingly, reluctant to veer too far from the 'narrative', and often DOES come across as much to supportive of the 'company line'.

Yet, I believe he sees quite a bit of the truth - and, IMO, what he suggests in this particular video is that these excess deaths are NOT due to becoming infected with covid - but rather "something else". WHAT could that "something else" be ? He has run several videos with a focus on adverse reactions - he is not unaware.

...... he is NOT free to state what he may feel. Key word? "MAY". I certainly do not know what's in his head.

But what I do know is this - He has almost 2.4 MILLION subscribers at YouTube.............. many of his videos garner close to 1 million views. The video you link to, has over 657,000 views at this moment.

Dr. Campbell makes quite a bit of money as a Youtube contributor - likely the majority of his income, at this point. IF he fails to follow their terms (and youtube LOVES to censor, as many of us are aware), and crosses youtube - they cut off his income stream.

He gets banned, the gravy train is off the rails.

Sounds much like many of the doctors and medical professionals out there, who suffer from cognitive dissonance. Censorship is a main driver, and difficult to overcome.

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One way of viewing him NOT TELLING THE COMPLETE TRUTH, is If he tries to tell the truth, they will not show the video anyhow. If he sorta hints, at least people get a chance to put together WHAT HE IS ATTEMPTING TO SAY (without saying it or be kicked off youtube). We know the censorship nowadays is off the charts.

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Whoever thought we would be living in a parallel North Korea 😣

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This isn't "North Korea": This is "Oceania" - You know? The megastate from George Orwell's "1984"? If you haven't read it, high time you did.

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I have read it Roy and was only yesterday telling my husband that the media today feels like when Orwell says, ' today Oceania is winning , and then next day , today Eurasia is winning '😣 But he hasn't read it and doesn't want to . Have you read Laura Dodsworth's A State of Fear ?

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Anyone foolish enough to post truth on YouTube not only deserves what they get, they also need their head examined. I dumped Facebook in disgust for similar reasons (abusive censorship), but truth be told, Facebook's censorship is NOTHING compared to YouTube's..

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Yes, I saw a video of John Campbell's several months ago and it really shocked me to see that he could not see what was really going on and had not caught on to the truth.

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He needs to stop claiming he's a doctor -- he's trying to pass of as an MD

Not that that gives him any credibility these days anyway

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I gather he holds a PhD in nursing. But yes, you're right..

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He has changed his stance.

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Ok, that's good.

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Or maybe he's grasped it but isn't brave enough to say it. Hoping that people will put 2 and 2 together?

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He sounded quite sincere. Watch the presentation, I provided the link.

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Oh, he is sincere all right, but he believes anything the health authorities say.

Pretty sure he believes that the treatment for diabetes 2 is sound too. And the lipid hypothesis. Doctors have to believe those lies or they get the boot.

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They won't put 2 and 2 together because they will not see this data - they only watch the BBC

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He did a video a while ago where he concluded and stated that his long faith in the system has been completely blown, as there was just no other explanation for what he was looking at. If I recall it was re. the efforts to seal the data for 75 years. So I'm guessing that, if he still sounds mild on these things these days, he's just taking a polite tone and letting the penny drop for his audience.

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Thanks Stefan. Good point!

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John never questions the propaganda statements in various garbage studies that he reads.

Like most medical people he only reads the headline conclusions. I doubt he even reads the abstract or looks at the data and method of the studies. Most medical papers don't even study the subject that they report on.

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Your comment is nothing less than astonishing. All those years spent to learn medicine, but they have no more integrity then that?

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I was a terminal patient for some years. The best doctor in my region, who nearly killed me once but also saved my life once sent me to a nutritionist who made me insulin resistant. They are completely ignorant on the subject. The standard of care is to treat the patient until he is dead.

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Doctors are not trained in science and most don't know how to read papers. In fairness, they are forced to memorize a lot of information and don't have the time. They are trained to follow the "standard of care". License is gone if they don't.

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Begs the question: "Then why waste your time and money on them?"

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I am re-evaluating my position will likely quit my use of the medical field now that I know more. As I was dying in the past I have learned a lot and also had the benefit of a lot of lab work and diagnostic testing. If you don't go to the doctor you can't get that in Canada very easily.. As I perfect my health, I need them not at all. For the most part they only do patch jobs.

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In my case, at 63, 40+ years of dead-end shit jobs and getting in life, precisely nowhere, I'm pretty much ready to go. The previous 2+ years of the Covid manufactured insanity has been merely the icing on the cake.

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Exactly Roy....unbelievable!

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Very good point! Yes, I'm afraid I'm no fan of John Campbell!

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He is not totally bad, but you have to see his limitations. He does report on treatment and adverse effects.

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Yes....good point!

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What he's suggesting in that statement is that it may be linked to vaccine harm.

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THAT is the unspoken reference, yes.

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We really need to cross reference this against age and to know the percentage of the population that is vaxxed. 75+ is the highest vaxxed group but also the highest risk group for Covid. Also, the higher vaxxed % the more valid the raw numbers.

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Yes the elderly are more vaccinated in Canada at least, but the numbers they publish are based on two sometimes three year old population estimates. I spent a lot of time cross referencing and proving the numbers were wrong. The true vaccination rate in those ages are less than the death rate by about 5% or so. That may be due to underlying characteristics but the vaccine appears to be doing nothing against "severe disease" yet the health officials claim it is highly effective. I know some health officials and they aren't the brightest bunch.

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The thing is, these are called covid deaths, so presumably that is what they died of . If they died of old age morbidity then they should not call them covid deaths.

They can't have it both ways. Is this a pandemic or not? If they are boosted they should not be dying of covid, according to their own BS. Yes, most of the people over 80 or 85 are going to die sometime soon.

The whole point of the jab and boost is protect the frail elderly. If it worked they would be dying of other causes. Not covid. Chronic disease is rampant in Canada. It failed. The fact that they are old is not an excuse. The greatest travesty is that Health Canada has been promoting chronic disease to kill off old people for half a century.

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Exactly. The shots were supposed to stop covid... oops I mean stop people from dying of covid... oops I mean ... oh forget it. My head hurts from the stupidity of it all.

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Yes, The Expose has got this wrong in the past. So nearly all deaths would be in 75 plus. If 98% of that age group is vaxxed then there is still some effectiveness.

But I don't even trust official statistics anymore.

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Some effectiveness, like almost none. Deaths have been double or triple the same date year before since July 2021, so you can't say it has saved lives. Also the most vulnerable died in the first and second wave. That makes the effectiveness look even worse. People under 50 never were in danger at any time. Like Paul says, we never get back to the 2020 base line.

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The most telling statistic in the entire pandemic was how many days it took for Ontario to move from 2020 population estimates to 2019 population estimates when omicron cut a hole in their narrative. This was in 2022 after the 2021 census data was released. The implications of that are enormous.

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That info is just infuriating!! The Canadian asshats are trying to play God!! Keep up the good work, Jestre! Truth-telling is sometimes in VERY short supply!

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Effectiveness? 😂🤪

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Yes. The very old with a lot of co morbidities will be the highest jabbed group in England and Wales. They are also a generation with a lot of trust in The Doctor, and they have to go to hospitals and clinics a lot, where they will be nagged to get jabbed and also exposed to more Covid.

None the less, Biden (or was it Fauci?) expected us unjabbed to be dead be now, didn't he, dead last winter. He and Dolores Cahill are at opposite extremes on the death predictions.

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Unfortunately, many will continue to take injections until they’re dead. The good news is, more and more are refusing. I can’t imagine what this will ultimately do to the gene pool of humanity. Many family lines will die off. Many already have. It’s a sad world right now, while continuing to offer grains of hope. I hold onto that.

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They'll be back to the injection centres when the next scary mutation arrives.

Rinse Repeat

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I often hear vaccinated people say, "Yes, I got covid anyway, after each shot. But it would have been so much worse if I hadn't been vaccinated." What do they say about the deceased? Perhaps "His death would have been much more painful without the vaccine."

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Yes, these are awful stats........who can do something about this...... we need FOIAs from Tam, Duclos and Trudeau.....we need serious action now.....no more talking...just doing....it's despicable...Trudeau is on a celebrity tour across Canada to sell these vaccines, failed policies and himself....this has to stop now..... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnINeLTzyzg

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What a world we live in. Hundreds of thousands die, millions have their livelihoods destroyed, tens of millions their liberty stolen, a nation driven to the brink of bankruptcy, and one of the main perpetrators goes into an extremely generous, taxpayer funded early retirement. Justice served?

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Trending that way in NZ, but they try to hide with their definitions of unvaccinated, or ineligible, undervaccinated. A corrupted doctor could put anything on a death certificate and as most families dont appreciate what a fake death certificate implies, they probably don't even question it. I had a 54 yo friend who died of a blood clot to the brain, 3 days after his booster. The family questioned nothing. A quick funeral, cremation and nothing announced in the cities Obituary. Talk about a cover up.

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That's why Canada et. al. around the world who poisoned their people are now hell bend to get a 4th shot into the arms of people. This would give at least some protection for a months or two and would hide the truth a little bit longer.

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These counts are not normed by group, right?

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I will be sending a copy of this to the Editor of the Uk Daily Telegraph today asking why no coverage? ( Obviously I won’t get a reply but I keep prodding away….)

The other aspect this again highlights is the effect of the third jab.

Here in the UK they were desperate to administer such last winter and the social

pressure was not insignificant.

I never had any doubt “they” knew the exponential problems the third dose created and this data, yet again, makes it very clear.

I have no doubt Boris Johnston is complicit.

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These charts aren't useful until they are calculated as deaths/100,000. Prevalence is essential!

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Same in New Zealand

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