Some effectiveness, like almost none. Deaths have been double or triple the same date year before since July 2021, so you can't say it has saved lives. Also the most vulnerable died in the first and second wave. That makes the effectiveness look even worse. People under 50 never were in danger at any time. Like Paul says, we never get back to the 2020 base line.
Some effectiveness, like almost none. Deaths have been double or triple the same date year before since July 2021, so you can't say it has saved lives. Also the most vulnerable died in the first and second wave. That makes the effectiveness look even worse. People under 50 never were in danger at any time. Like Paul says, we never get back to the 2020 base line.
Some effectiveness, like almost none. Deaths have been double or triple the same date year before since July 2021, so you can't say it has saved lives. Also the most vulnerable died in the first and second wave. That makes the effectiveness look even worse. People under 50 never were in danger at any time. Like Paul says, we never get back to the 2020 base line.