Glad to hear that. The deep state criminal regime plan to continue to falsely charge Trump, with the intention of preventing him from running for President.
Why? Because the criminal regime know that Trump stands with and for the people, and for the Rule of Law and for the Constitution. They do not.
The deep state know that they rigged and stole the election in 2020, and committed treason. They have no qualms about killing Americans to maintain their illegal power. They WANT a nuclear war. They WANT the country invaded by millions of illegal alien criminals. They WANT to destroy America.
Trump is the only man standing between freedom and tyranny.
Jesus Christ there are a lot of idiots in this thread. And pretty sure Dr. Paul is drunk off his ass right now, and that is why he is sending off oodles of stupid bullshit. Trump is the devil. Trump is the anti christ. Trump is a LIAR. Trump skips out on his debts. Trump has declared bankruptcy multiple times. Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about the average person, he just makes you BELIEVE he does. I will never understand why the MAGA crowd thinks this master con man and snake oil salesman will save them, but he WON'T! (I hate Biden too, so don't try and call me a Biden lover. He is a piece of shit, too.) Trump LOST. GET THE F OVER IT. The election wasn't rigged. He isn't gonna save you from the Deep State, because he is part of the Deep State. You said "Trump stands for the rule of law." No, he doesn't. If that were true, he wouldn't stiff people which he is notorious for. God you people are fucking morons.
LOL, none of what you wrote is factual or true. Period. The majority of Americans, over 60%, believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. That includes Democrats.
This isn't about Democrat and Republicans. This is about good versus evil. It is obvious to most normal thinking Americans that the illegitimate Biden regime is being run by the evil globalists whose goal is the destruction of America.
Trump has been RIGHT about everything. He has told the people the truth all along, even when the truth was not the "accepted" spin by the MSM.
No one can honestly say or prove that Biden got 81 million real actual votes from actual voters. He got millions of "ballots" voted illegally. All proven. Trump was far more popular when he ran the second time, that's why he got 12 million more votes than he did in 2016. Fact. But Biden had more? Nonsense.
You sound vaxxed. You also sound like a close female relative of mine who is totally brainwashed like you. I hope both of you will wake up.
Everything I wrote is true and can be verified. You are even dumber than I originally thought. (Like most Trumpers.) I don't suffer fools, so BYE BYE MORON. God, he really is a snake oil salesman! He has conned you so badly you can't even see it. Have fun living in your mommy's basement! I only read the first line of your lame ass reply and I will not read anything you further reply, so save your time and go fuck yourself.
Elections have been stolen. Sure. Funny business going on. Sure. I was a Ron Paul delegate to the state convention. Got to see how sausage is made. The trouble is no one seems give a shit as long as their candidate "wins". I believe in the integrity of RFK if RFK "wins" the more power to him.
Then I turned into a Bernie supporter. One of the poorest US Senators after being in the senate many years. Again a man of Integrity that understands it is the oligarchs we little people should be fighting. Republican trickle down theory just ain't so. Trump is probusiness just not pro American business he talks out of both sides of his mouth. After 50 or more years of technology improving productivity 90 % benefits go to the owners of capitol not the workers. The owners of capital have been farming out their labor to other countries leaving the capitalists with fat dividend checks and higher stock prices. Open borders mean cheap disparate laborers. What is not to love about open borders?
Oh yeah, and here is your orange god, aka king of bankruptcy, saying how much he likes to grab pussies. I just proved you wrong, imbecile. YOU are the one who needs to wake up. Take off your rose colored glasses. Trump doesn't give a fuck about you, or me, or America. All Trump cares about is making money, feeding his disgustingly large ego, and grabbing women by the pussies. He admits it right here. (I was going to tell you to google it, but I think that is over your head, so I am attaching the video here for you.) WAKE THE FUCK UP, you Trump loving loser.
Trump LOST money. He gave his salary to the Veteran. He spent hundreds of millions of dollar defending himself against multiple bogus lawsuits filed against him every day by the leftards. The more these psycho democrats persecute him, the more he becomes a hero. Not one allegation against Trump has been proven - because they can't, and know they can't, prove anything. They're just a circus of fools leaving false impressions in the minds of those who haven't the knowledge or intelligence to know any better.
So you're just "pretty sure" Dr. A is drunk off his ass?
And what exactly do you imagine YOU sound like? You have a crude, 8th grade command of the language. You make no reasoned points, only ridiculous proclamations - and all with gratuitous profanity for punctuation. The hallmark of the left. And drunk freshmen.
FINALLY! Someone who gets it! You are right, sir! Both Biden and Trump are two sides of the same coin! They are no different. They are both evil, lying, pieces of shit. Thank you for speaking the truth!
I may have posted this a few days ago, but Dr. John Coleman exposes the world’s stage from an intelligence point of view, naming the 300 families who have ruled the earth for thousands of years. Everyone of our “leaders” are installed by these beast families and work for the same old order. Every. Single. One!
I am in the process of unsubscribing to your ridiculous site. At least I can admit to my mistakes. You, on the other hand, take things out of context in order to make a point that, with diligent research, is always proven wrong.
I just read the 29 comments and cannot help but notice that the clearly stated, level-headed, factual statements were posted by supporters of President Trump.
Taylor.Kathleen, I thought about responding to the comment made about Biden winning with facts like the testimony of a seasoned poll worker testifying that she held and saw fraudulent ballots, which she estimated to be in the thousands, and other poll workers (I think in PA?) testifying that several of the same batches of ballots were run through the machines multiple times WITHOUT resetting the machine as well as the video that demonstrated that happening in a GA, but I stopped myself because you can't reason with unreasonable people. Of course there is so much more in regards to facts about the stolen election, but some aren't willing to believe what ordinary citizens reported under penalty of perjury. They are just conditioned to believe what they heard repeated by the mockingbird media: "The big lie". Regardless of which candidate someone supports, they should be looking for truth if they want to live in a free country. Now, having said all of that, I honestly don't know who I will vote for in the primary. I am still concerned about President Trump not speaking out against the vaccines.
You and 100 million of us. Trump, or death of our nation. I knew the 2024 election would be flooded with candidates, dems & RINO, in order to steal some votes from Trump. But the irony is that they're all stealing from each other. Have to wait to see what GOP does in the primaries. Let's hope the vets and other conservative Republicans get their game on.
I voted for Trump twice and will do so again. Trump's economic, immigration and international relations policies were sound, rational and successful. The US was stronger, safer and more prosperous under Trump.
I want Trump as our next President. And Ron DeSantis as president the following 8 years.
Trump can be a total a-hole at times, makes some stupid remarks publicly, and is his own worst enemy. But paradoxically, he was an excellent president - infinitely better than ANY Democrat, and far and away the best candidate today.
His fatal errors re covid resulted from listening to the wrong people - Fauci and Birx in particular. His initial thinking was correct. Then he deferred to the "medical experts" who were corrupt, wrong and steered the nation off the cliff. He allowed political pressures to cause him to doubt himself, and so he allowed the wrong people to set covid policy - to disastrous results.
Trump cannot be corrupted, bought or subverted - as most politician are one way or another. Trump cares about the U.S. and wants it to be as great as it should be.
The only people who vilify Trump are (1) those who are corrupt traitors who view Trump as an obstacle to their corruption and criminal activities, or (2) those who allow these corrupt traitors and the media to blind them to Trump’s true value to the US.
Trump is still claiming success for his “Operation Warp speed” so, no one should be claiming that he just listened to the wrong people, as in past tense. He still believes he was/is right and he’s wrong... and it’s a deadly position to take.
Fool! Trump isn't gonna pardon anyone. He had his chance and he didn't do it! He also unleashed the poison covid shots on the world. Wake the F up. How can you, as a woman, worship a man who BRAGS about grabbing pussies?!? You are f'ing disgusting. And clearly an idiot. Trump won't be President and he lost the last election. Good god, MAGA people are thickkkkk in the head.
Not only did he not pardon the Jan 6 psycho's, he NEVER will. He unleashed the death jabs on us all and still brags about it! Trump is done! He will NEVER be re-elected. And Biden is a piece of shit, too.
Paul, for your sake, I urge you not to formally join the Trump Team.
Trump is NOT going to beat DeSantis, who is gearing up big time in all states up to Super Tuesday.
DeSantis has gobs of money left over from his Gov run.
If I am running the DeSantis campaign,, after he wins the nomination and of course the presidency, I probably would not hire you to be part of the administration. If you didn't have the foresight to know that DeSantis NEVER BACKS DOWN and he BY FAR would fare better vs Biden than Trump, then why should I hire you? Take a lesson from Dr McCullough. He will stay neutral and hope for a DeSantis victory. If Trump had any good judgement, he would have selected PMC to replace Fauci around early September 2020. Trump would have won re-election in that case.
So far you've been OK, as you haven't repeated any of the lies spread by MAGA about DeSantis., But it would be embarrassing for you if you start saying stuff like DeSantis should wait his turn.
That would show poor judgement.
I will leave you with a few links to reconsider going bonkers over Trump, who is only running for REVENGE.
Trump is a "wrecking ball". That is the thinking of people like Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly and many more. Some actually think that is good thing. Why do MAGA people love Tucker when Tucker himself despises their King?
It took 4 minutes for DeSantis to list his accomplishments for FL over the past 6 months:
I think that the leftists will never allow Trump to step foot in their precious DC Swamp ever again. Nor will RFK survive the leftists, who hate everything on the planet, including themselves.
RFK Junior is himself a (now closeted) leftist. Which is why the left will turn on him mercilessly, as they did with Alan Dershowitz who also departed from their party line.
Yes. I think RFK will not actually lose support because under scrutiny, he's been exposed as being a lot less than the politician some people thought he was.
Glad to hear that. The deep state criminal regime plan to continue to falsely charge Trump, with the intention of preventing him from running for President.
Why? Because the criminal regime know that Trump stands with and for the people, and for the Rule of Law and for the Constitution. They do not.
The deep state know that they rigged and stole the election in 2020, and committed treason. They have no qualms about killing Americans to maintain their illegal power. They WANT a nuclear war. They WANT the country invaded by millions of illegal alien criminals. They WANT to destroy America.
Trump is the only man standing between freedom and tyranny.
America First is the title now. Ultra Mega MAGA.
Jesus Christ there are a lot of idiots in this thread. And pretty sure Dr. Paul is drunk off his ass right now, and that is why he is sending off oodles of stupid bullshit. Trump is the devil. Trump is the anti christ. Trump is a LIAR. Trump skips out on his debts. Trump has declared bankruptcy multiple times. Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about the average person, he just makes you BELIEVE he does. I will never understand why the MAGA crowd thinks this master con man and snake oil salesman will save them, but he WON'T! (I hate Biden too, so don't try and call me a Biden lover. He is a piece of shit, too.) Trump LOST. GET THE F OVER IT. The election wasn't rigged. He isn't gonna save you from the Deep State, because he is part of the Deep State. You said "Trump stands for the rule of law." No, he doesn't. If that were true, he wouldn't stiff people which he is notorious for. God you people are fucking morons.
LOL, none of what you wrote is factual or true. Period. The majority of Americans, over 60%, believe the 2020 election was stolen from Trump. That includes Democrats.
This isn't about Democrat and Republicans. This is about good versus evil. It is obvious to most normal thinking Americans that the illegitimate Biden regime is being run by the evil globalists whose goal is the destruction of America.
Trump has been RIGHT about everything. He has told the people the truth all along, even when the truth was not the "accepted" spin by the MSM.
No one can honestly say or prove that Biden got 81 million real actual votes from actual voters. He got millions of "ballots" voted illegally. All proven. Trump was far more popular when he ran the second time, that's why he got 12 million more votes than he did in 2016. Fact. But Biden had more? Nonsense.
You sound vaxxed. You also sound like a close female relative of mine who is totally brainwashed like you. I hope both of you will wake up.
Everything I wrote is true and can be verified. You are even dumber than I originally thought. (Like most Trumpers.) I don't suffer fools, so BYE BYE MORON. God, he really is a snake oil salesman! He has conned you so badly you can't even see it. Have fun living in your mommy's basement! I only read the first line of your lame ass reply and I will not read anything you further reply, so save your time and go fuck yourself.
Elections have been stolen. Sure. Funny business going on. Sure. I was a Ron Paul delegate to the state convention. Got to see how sausage is made. The trouble is no one seems give a shit as long as their candidate "wins". I believe in the integrity of RFK if RFK "wins" the more power to him.
Then I turned into a Bernie supporter. One of the poorest US Senators after being in the senate many years. Again a man of Integrity that understands it is the oligarchs we little people should be fighting. Republican trickle down theory just ain't so. Trump is probusiness just not pro American business he talks out of both sides of his mouth. After 50 or more years of technology improving productivity 90 % benefits go to the owners of capitol not the workers. The owners of capital have been farming out their labor to other countries leaving the capitalists with fat dividend checks and higher stock prices. Open borders mean cheap disparate laborers. What is not to love about open borders?
Oh yeah, and here is your orange god, aka king of bankruptcy, saying how much he likes to grab pussies. I just proved you wrong, imbecile. YOU are the one who needs to wake up. Take off your rose colored glasses. Trump doesn't give a fuck about you, or me, or America. All Trump cares about is making money, feeding his disgustingly large ego, and grabbing women by the pussies. He admits it right here. (I was going to tell you to google it, but I think that is over your head, so I am attaching the video here for you.) WAKE THE FUCK UP, you Trump loving loser.
TDS much? It's your blue hero Biden who grabs non-consenting women by the pussy.
It's your hero who mandated the clot shots. Trump won in a landslide. You've been conned by propagandists.
Trump LOST money. He gave his salary to the Veteran. He spent hundreds of millions of dollar defending himself against multiple bogus lawsuits filed against him every day by the leftards. The more these psycho democrats persecute him, the more he becomes a hero. Not one allegation against Trump has been proven - because they can't, and know they can't, prove anything. They're just a circus of fools leaving false impressions in the minds of those who haven't the knowledge or intelligence to know any better.
So you're just "pretty sure" Dr. A is drunk off his ass?
And what exactly do you imagine YOU sound like? You have a crude, 8th grade command of the language. You make no reasoned points, only ridiculous proclamations - and all with gratuitous profanity for punctuation. The hallmark of the left. And drunk freshmen.
FINALLY! Someone who gets it! You are right, sir! Both Biden and Trump are two sides of the same coin! They are no different. They are both evil, lying, pieces of shit. Thank you for speaking the truth!
I may have posted this a few days ago, but Dr. John Coleman exposes the world’s stage from an intelligence point of view, naming the 300 families who have ruled the earth for thousands of years. Everyone of our “leaders” are installed by these beast families and work for the same old order. Every. Single. One!
I am in the process of unsubscribing to your ridiculous site. At least I can admit to my mistakes. You, on the other hand, take things out of context in order to make a point that, with diligent research, is always proven wrong.
Biden is finished.
Yes, he is, but so is TRUMP.
I just read the 29 comments and cannot help but notice that the clearly stated, level-headed, factual statements were posted by supporters of President Trump.
Taylor.Kathleen, I thought about responding to the comment made about Biden winning with facts like the testimony of a seasoned poll worker testifying that she held and saw fraudulent ballots, which she estimated to be in the thousands, and other poll workers (I think in PA?) testifying that several of the same batches of ballots were run through the machines multiple times WITHOUT resetting the machine as well as the video that demonstrated that happening in a GA, but I stopped myself because you can't reason with unreasonable people. Of course there is so much more in regards to facts about the stolen election, but some aren't willing to believe what ordinary citizens reported under penalty of perjury. They are just conditioned to believe what they heard repeated by the mockingbird media: "The big lie". Regardless of which candidate someone supports, they should be looking for truth if they want to live in a free country. Now, having said all of that, I honestly don't know who I will vote for in the primary. I am still concerned about President Trump not speaking out against the vaccines.
That's because people are running out of good things to say about every other candidate.
"Melania Trump endorsed her husband's presidential campaign on Tuesday, saying she supports his bid for another term in the White House.
'He has my support, and we look forward to restoring hope for the future and leading America with love and strength,' Melania Trump told Fox News.
'My husband achieved tremendous success in his first administration, and he can lead us toward greatness and prosperity once again,' Melania said."
Me too and I live in the UK but what happens in the USA affects us all.
You and 100 million of us. Trump, or death of our nation. I knew the 2024 election would be flooded with candidates, dems & RINO, in order to steal some votes from Trump. But the irony is that they're all stealing from each other. Have to wait to see what GOP does in the primaries. Let's hope the vets and other conservative Republicans get their game on.
I voted for Trump twice and will do so again. Trump's economic, immigration and international relations policies were sound, rational and successful. The US was stronger, safer and more prosperous under Trump.
I want Trump as our next President. And Ron DeSantis as president the following 8 years.
Trump can be a total a-hole at times, makes some stupid remarks publicly, and is his own worst enemy. But paradoxically, he was an excellent president - infinitely better than ANY Democrat, and far and away the best candidate today.
His fatal errors re covid resulted from listening to the wrong people - Fauci and Birx in particular. His initial thinking was correct. Then he deferred to the "medical experts" who were corrupt, wrong and steered the nation off the cliff. He allowed political pressures to cause him to doubt himself, and so he allowed the wrong people to set covid policy - to disastrous results.
Trump cannot be corrupted, bought or subverted - as most politician are one way or another. Trump cares about the U.S. and wants it to be as great as it should be.
The only people who vilify Trump are (1) those who are corrupt traitors who view Trump as an obstacle to their corruption and criminal activities, or (2) those who allow these corrupt traitors and the media to blind them to Trump’s true value to the US.
Trump is still claiming success for his “Operation Warp speed” so, no one should be claiming that he just listened to the wrong people, as in past tense. He still believes he was/is right and he’s wrong... and it’s a deadly position to take.
You are a great American!
If your do big on mags / trump then answer this :
Why has trump abandoned the January 6 defendants ?
He has said that he will Pardon them. Don’t you listen to anything that he says?
Leslie, any chance you have a link to him saying that? There is someone that I would really love to share that with.
No, sorry, he has said it many times. But I don't save everything he says.
Fool! Trump isn't gonna pardon anyone. He had his chance and he didn't do it! He also unleashed the poison covid shots on the world. Wake the F up. How can you, as a woman, worship a man who BRAGS about grabbing pussies?!? You are f'ing disgusting. And clearly an idiot. Trump won't be President and he lost the last election. Good god, MAGA people are thickkkkk in the head.
Not only did he not pardon the Jan 6 psycho's, he NEVER will. He unleashed the death jabs on us all and still brags about it! Trump is done! He will NEVER be re-elected. And Biden is a piece of shit, too.
RFKJr/TC2024 to victory!
Why didn't Biden? HE was the one who stole the election.
kUCK Fing charlie
Paul, for your sake, I urge you not to formally join the Trump Team.
Trump is NOT going to beat DeSantis, who is gearing up big time in all states up to Super Tuesday.
DeSantis has gobs of money left over from his Gov run.
If I am running the DeSantis campaign,, after he wins the nomination and of course the presidency, I probably would not hire you to be part of the administration. If you didn't have the foresight to know that DeSantis NEVER BACKS DOWN and he BY FAR would fare better vs Biden than Trump, then why should I hire you? Take a lesson from Dr McCullough. He will stay neutral and hope for a DeSantis victory. If Trump had any good judgement, he would have selected PMC to replace Fauci around early September 2020. Trump would have won re-election in that case.
So far you've been OK, as you haven't repeated any of the lies spread by MAGA about DeSantis., But it would be embarrassing for you if you start saying stuff like DeSantis should wait his turn.
That would show poor judgement.
I will leave you with a few links to reconsider going bonkers over Trump, who is only running for REVENGE.
Trump is a "wrecking ball". That is the thinking of people like Tucker Carlson and Megyn Kelly and many more. Some actually think that is good thing. Why do MAGA people love Tucker when Tucker himself despises their King?
It took 4 minutes for DeSantis to list his accomplishments for FL over the past 6 months:
Okay Paul...can you explain what the hell Hatfill was doing in Trumps WH with Navarro?? Cause Peter won't acknowledge it.
Gerald Celente ( Trends forecaster) called the '24 election for RFK, jr.
Is this a surprise to your readers! Too bad as you seem to have some good intelligence regarding health but not much else.
I think that the leftists will never allow Trump to step foot in their precious DC Swamp ever again. Nor will RFK survive the leftists, who hate everything on the planet, including themselves.
RFK Junior is himself a (now closeted) leftist. Which is why the left will turn on him mercilessly, as they did with Alan Dershowitz who also departed from their party line.
Yes. I think RFK will not actually lose support because under scrutiny, he's been exposed as being a lot less than the politician some people thought he was.