recovery formulation 6) Healthy Heart Formula 7) Spike full DETOXIFICATION bundle; consider these for your medicine chest, I stand with Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, Victory, Wolf, Pinsky on these
Nice job in promoting products and kits which is part of the very fear-mongering which you are supposedly fighting! TWC is a for-profit making enterprise and not really promoting individual health and lifestyle choices; buy these products to ward off bird-flu, monkeypox and whatever else you might be in danger of acquiring which is what Big Pharma would also like you to do; hypocrisy and scam from the very ones we are to believe are the truth-seekers!
Paul, what's the story about Ivermectin? Mike Yeadon has come out strongly against it because of it's anti-reproduction issues, both male and female. Yet another very savvy Substacker states that the dosages in the studies Yeadon relied on were WAY ABOVE what is needed for Ivermectin efficacy for normal ailments.
He's such a "solid citizen", I don't want him to be wrong, but I also don't want to lose Ivermectin as a very helpful medication to have on hand. TWC needs to clarify. Noboby needs to "shame" Yeadon; just find the truth.
check out and read carefully a petition at and scroll through till you find it. break free from un control reject the international health regulations..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world it currently has over 228000 signatures
Nice job in promoting products and kits which is part of the very fear-mongering which you are supposedly fighting! TWC is a for-profit making enterprise and not really promoting individual health and lifestyle choices; buy these products to ward off bird-flu, monkeypox and whatever else you might be in danger of acquiring which is what Big Pharma would also like you to do; hypocrisy and scam from the very ones we are to believe are the truth-seekers!
Paul, what's the story about Ivermectin? Mike Yeadon has come out strongly against it because of it's anti-reproduction issues, both male and female. Yet another very savvy Substacker states that the dosages in the studies Yeadon relied on were WAY ABOVE what is needed for Ivermectin efficacy for normal ailments.
Here's a Yeadon link within the last few weeks:
He's such a "solid citizen", I don't want him to be wrong, but I also don't want to lose Ivermectin as a very helpful medication to have on hand. TWC needs to clarify. Noboby needs to "shame" Yeadon; just find the truth.
check out and read carefully a petition at and scroll through till you find it. break free from un control reject the international health regulations..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world it currently has over 228000 signatures