As I read this mornings posts I realized; if Trump signed “secretive documents” or if Trump has done anything so drastically wrong, why is Trump still standing? When I think about this I have to ask myself why, why hasn’t Trump been toppled?

Go back in time when Trump was the number one, requested guest on all the talk shows. He has also spent millions of his own money to rebuild / renovate multilevel buildings in NYC for low income neighborhoods, at his expense!

There’s a host of other examples of things Trump has done.

Fast forward to 2015, before Trump said he would be running for President, he hinted and from that moment on there was an all out attack on him! Why? When he won, beating all the pundits, all the so called “Russia Collusion”, everything was thrown at him and against all odds, he secured the Presidency, quite a feat, with a never give up attitude as well.

Call Trump what you want, have you ever put yourself in his shoes? No most likely not many people can or would want to based on media attacks. I can say this with certainty, Trump was slandered, badgered his family threatened, his young son made fun of! “Childish attacks from childish people”! How much could anyone out there honestly take? I’ll ask again, why?

Trump forged ahead again, against all the attacks coming from every single direction. What kind of man / woman would put up with this kind of nonsense? Which leads me to think, one; Trump truly loves America and two; Trump loves people.

I had to ask myself if I were in his shoes what would I do? Granted I’d have more than enough money, protection. Why would I want to help someone else? My answer is simple, “TRUMP LOVES AMERICA”! Nobody can tell me otherwise! if I were Trump I’d be doing the same thing! I have faulted, I have faults, I’ve sinned, haven’t we all? My point is, if you compare Trump’s first term to Obamas two terms and Biden’s first term, Trump WINS HANDS DOWN!! In every area benefiting America / and has been beneficial to all Americans! Black, White, Latino, Men, Woman, Rich and Poor! Facts!

Americans were safer, had rising income, lower unemployment, companies weee expanding, borders were secured and getting better, international adversaries were held at bay, how many more items need I list?

No matter which side you choose, everyone’s life was better. Oh except the literal “lunatic left”. They’re miserable no matter what! As long as life sucks for everyone, the “lunatic left” are miserable people! Another FACT!

Trump has his flaws big blanking deal, who doesn’t? Who cares? As long as the job at hand is being done in the best interests of America, who blanking cares? How can anyone tell me Biden is doing GREAT THINGS FOR AMERICANS? How can anybody tell me Obama did great things for America? Nobody can tell me that! Fact!

Look, Trump may be, I don’t know a “wolf in sheepskin” and if he is / was, then you would have to convince me that Trump is part of Americas demise and he needed 4 years off so the left could file lawsuits against him!

While the current illegitimate administration, gets away with murder! AYFKM?

Really think about it? Look, if I’m wrong then we all can kiss our sorry butts goodbye! The upcoming election may very well be the most important, as often as we hear that phrase, simply take a look at how bad Americas standing worldwide has fallen!

Look at how fast and how badly Americans have fallen domestically! Look at our dismantled Military, our education system, our medical system, our social system all have been destroyed!

Think about this, there’s been so much damage inflicted in less than 4 years, what do you really think America will look like in 4 more years of this BS? Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador? That’s if all the military age men walking in unvetted are here for coffee and donuts only! I think not!

America is being systematically destroyed, PERIOD! I’m if you really think that Trump is the “ENEMY”, then vote for the same person responsible for what I’ve listed above! I am not saying Trump is our salvation, I am saying, America and Americans need to get together and fight back the WEF and WHO BULLIES who have partnered with Political Hacks and foreign adversaries to ultimately collapse America!’

Will Trump stop the inevitable? I can only say, I would rather have a chance at stopping the inevitable than NO CHANCE AT ALL!

There’s very dark clouds coming, literally in April and again in November if Trump loses or should I say, if America and Trump have this election swindled again. There’s only one way to look at this, I don’t want 4 more years of complete darkness.

Trump will shine bright lights upon the evil’s darkness!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Trump is a very smart man so not sure why he would praise the vaccines. I do believe he is just as corrupt as the rest of them.

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Trump wasn’t duped, Paul. He willingly took part in the Covid scam. He fought states that wanted to reopen before he decided that they should.

And again…he signed the biggest transfer of wealth in history.

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But Trump said he saw all those bodies and refrigerated trucks , firsthand, at Elmhurst. So we know he lied and fed the COVID fear porn narrative. He’s not going to tell the truth now, and certainly not going to tell it about his “beautiful and wonderful vaccine).

We have no choice, only the illusion of choice. All candidates are owned by the Deep State. But I would pay money to watch a debate featuring Trump, RFK Jr, and even let braindead Biden in on it too. Remove Biden’s earpiece and let the clown show begin. It would be entertaining and worth the price of admission.

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I think you’re wrong Dr Alexander. Trump is right here. Think about it? There’s still millions of people who believe the shot “saved” “HUMPTY DUMPTY” and the world, right?

Say I’m right, Trump needs more votes than anyone has ever recorded. There’s absolutely no way the left is going to lose control.

They will pull out all the stops, ratcheting their shenanigan’s to retain power. (And of course if we do have an election and they do retain power, this will be the most “fair and free”, most secure election ever! EVER in the history of “Mork and Mindy”, Nanu, Nanu, right?

(Honestly, I don’t think there will be an election) I hope I’m wrong!

Trump must pull out all the stops, he can’t afford to “PLAY TRUTH” and go against the narrative!

Say you’re right and Trump walks out on stage and “spills his guts”. First, the MSM would tear him even further apart than they’ve been doing! Secondly, He’s running the risk of losing undecided / independent / left leaning voters who still believe the shots saved “HUMPTY DUMPTY”.

It’s a calculated risk Trump must take! There’s only ONE SENSIBLE choice this election, for sensible voters, Trump! But sensibility no longer matters, ask Klaus Schwab, he’ll tell you! And he’ll also tell you who the new president will be, AI made its decision! We already know what to expect with this current “Illegitimate Administration”!

Whether people like Trump or not, staying on the side of the “HUMPTY DUMPTY”gamble, provides him the opportunity to pull voters away to his side. It’s that simple! Trump hasn’t any other choice Dr Alexander.


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Now is not the time. The time is when he's back in office and is empowered TO DO SOMETHING THEN. As a private citizen, he can do nothing, say nothing that will not be turned into attacks. 'Bloodbath' incident, anyone? Wake up. The good doctor excluded because I believe his passion for righteousness is sincere, but most of the demands for *apology* for something he did not do, are transparently veiled attempts to peel away at his support, using this one sly tactic purported as one of ethics, as the tool. The net outcome of ceding to such demands, is free ammo for an already hostile politico-media complex. Most of the people demanding *apology* are not even going to vote for him, but are eager to see him drop enough support, to lose. Most of the voting public has larger fish to fry, in the form of economic survival and avoiding a WW3 and in restoration of our Constitutional rights so that our children and grandchildren are not left to live in totalitarianism and submission.

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Mar 20·edited Mar 20

You're wrong, his covid response did not effect the vote count, not one bit. The election was blatantly stolen.

OWS, no matter what anyone thinks, allowed us to open up in months instead of years.

You yourself said it best when you said out of 1,000 people at hhs you and 10 others would follow Trump's orders while the others would stale and outright refuse to.

Trump was up against a cabal of pure evil that has been building up for decades in our corrupt government. All Trump needs to do now is stand firm in defunding any agency that mandates the vaccine and appoint people like you to get to the truth and hold those responsible accountable.

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POTUS Trump singed the secret contracts, but he never had one himself. Trump calls himself The Father Of Vaccines, so he is also agreeing he is responsible for them the secret contracts last to 2027 - I've seen them, had one on my hard drive for the Pfizer one, but gone now.

We know now that there never was a Covid pandemic anything - all there was, was the common flu that one got, that time of the year, but WHO and your government pumped it up and scared the majority into getting their vaccines - well I won't go there, but why - what did they know which they did not tell you about, well quite a lot actually: ) Moderna wins Award for Deadly Covid Vaccine it was able to create in 2013 because “Moderna” is responsible for creating the Covid-19 Virus in a BioLab… #CTCCTCGGCGGGCACGTAG, The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing) and then there is this from the horse's mouth which ties it altogether: Dr. Yeadon’s Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK


If you have been vaccinated - I have not, refused outright and always will

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Trump would have been a terrible Head of State/Commander in Chief if he were that easily misled. Now that he has several years of data and is still hewing the same line about the DOD bioweapons, he is demonstrating that through complicity, sheer pig-headedness (aka "ego"), stupidity or something else equally unacceptable, he has, in the mind of anyone not so committed to their commitment to a political figure that they cannot see what is before them, made it clear that he is NOT someone you want in charge of the vast resources - and vital decision-making, of this country.

Sorry, Dr. Paul, but your hero's clay feet go all the way up to his armpits, well past his gonads and his wallet.

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From bad catitude and right on

"i know many of you are fans of trump for a variety of reasons (some of which i even agree with) but i think we all also need to be honest about people and past events and so please take this in the vein of “we all need to own our own goals” and remember that the strength of team toxo lies in calling it like it is and staying friends even when we disagree.

and consider the possibility that there are two forms of trump derangement syndrome: one that he can do no right and another that he can do no wrong. and neither one is helpful.

what an astonishingly tone deaf way for the guy who locked us down to commemorate lockdowns.

you can blame fauci and birx and the NIH and CDC if you like, but in the end, the buck stopped on one desk.

teflon don.

it was his watch and he cheer led for this. he was not reluctant. he was crowing.

nor did he support “leaving it to the states.”

he is not repentant. he still claims this was a success and plays “the hero” for having sold us down the river and upended our lives and livelihoods. he brags about it.

from georgia to texas to florida he tried to shout down the governors who opposed these dictatorial deviations from the right-thinking republic of free people.

where he lacked actual power, he threatened them and threatened their funding.

and contrary to later claims, this was neither subtle nor a gray area (press play)

i have not forgotten, nor will i."

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I hate to say I believe Trump knew what he was doing. I voted for him twice.

He was the catalyst to bring down right wingers. He fooled a lot of people. Too bad ALL these people who took the jabs did not have the innate sense to decline the jabs.

I’m wondering what is the next move in this chess game of depopulation.

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Don’t hold your breath. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with him

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It’s crazy to think . If he hadn’t canceled RFK Jr. From overseeing the vaccines, USA would have had the best response. Remember also that Trump got Covid, was treated , and healed. Those treatments he received should have been the Gold Standard for the country.

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He also needs to stop his backing of the Rogue murderous criminal state of Israel.

He has lost my vote. A shame.

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$100 says he won’t, he is in on it.

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Let me say without prejudice Trump is the only chance for America and while we are at it for the entire democratic world. Having said that lets look at reality. If he is our " savior" he will fight the cabal. To do this he must save America and the free world from the Federal reserve, World Bank, Central Bank or whatever the cabal hide their lies and perversion under. The covid lie and world wide murder from the " vax" has to be revealed 17 million just from VARS reporting alone, lets just think about that. More deaths than most wars and not even mentioned and that number could be as low as 1/10 of reality WTF. So Donald come clean and make this right as civil war world wide is close as the new generation deprived of the democratic process, no home no future is slowly waking up. The free world has "woke" up and will vote right wing however they are a joke and also so woke and corrupt that we need one guy to take the bull by the horns if you haven't been bought off get it back on track, world is running out of time!

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